bool MultiTower::init() { if (!Sprite::init()) //如果忘记了这句话则会在runApplication报错 { return false; } instance = GameManager::getInstance(); setScope(300); setAttack(1); setRate(5);//2.5秒钟开火一次 setTowerType(4); setIsSelected(false); setGrade(0);//开始没有等级 setPower(40);//塔消耗电力 setMove(false);//开始不处于移动状态 setIsPowerEnough(true);//开始状态电力足够 setIsPowerConsumption(true);//该塔耗电 towerSprite = Sprite::create("towerItem/Item5.png"); towerSprite->setScale(1); addChild(towerSprite, 5); gradeSprite = Sprite::create("level1.png"); gradeSprite->setAnchorPoint(Point(0, 0)); gradeSprite->setPosition(this->getPosition().x + 10, -towerSprite->getBoundingBox().size.height / 2); gradeSprite->setOpacity(0);//开始让其不可见 addChild(gradeSprite, 6); noPowerSprite = Sprite::create("noPower.png"); noPowerSprite->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5, 0)); noPowerSprite->setScale(1); noPowerSprite->setPosition(towerSprite->getBoundingBox().size.width / 2 - 50, towerSprite->getBoundingBox().size.height - 30); noPowerSprite->setVisible(false); addChild(noPowerSprite, 7); //沉默图片 noAttackSprite = Sprite::create("noSpeak.png"); noAttackSprite->setScale(0.7); noAttackSprite->setAnchorPoint(Point(0.5, 0)); noAttackSprite->setPosition(towerSprite->getBoundingBox().size.width / 2 - 58, towerSprite->getBoundingBox().size.height - 60); addChild(noAttackSprite, 8); noAttackSprite->setVisible(false); //血量条背景图片 towerHpSprite = Sprite::create("manaBarBg.png"); towerHpSprite->setPosition(noPowerSprite->getPosition()-Point(10,20)); towerHpSprite->setScale(0.6); addChild(towerHpSprite, 10); //炮塔血量 hp = 4; //炮塔血量进度条 towerHp = ProgressTimer::create(Sprite::create("soldierProduceTimeBar.png")); //参数是一个图片sprite towerHp->setScaleX(2); towerHp->setScaleY(5.2); towerHp->setType(ProgressTimer::Type::BAR); towerHp->setMidpoint(Point(0, 0.5f)); towerHp->setBarChangeRate(Point(1, 0)); towerHp->setPercentage(100); towerHp->setPosition(Point(towerHpSprite->getContentSize().width / 2, towerHpSprite->getContentSize().height / 3 * 2 - 10)); towerHpSprite->addChild(towerHp, 5); //初始化不可见 towerHp->setVisible(false); towerHpSprite->setVisible(false); schedule(schedule_selector(MultiTower::checkNearestEnemy, this), 0.2); schedule(schedule_selector(MultiTower::shoot,this), rate); addTouch();//添加触摸事件 return true; }
void schedule_exists (Ob ob) { schedule(ExistsTask(ob)); }
void schedule_nless (Ob lhs, Ob rhs) { schedule(NegativeOrderTask(lhs, rhs)); }
static s32 amvdec_loadmc(const u32 *p) { ulong timeout; s32 ret = 0; #ifdef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY if (mc_addr == NULL) { #else { #endif mc_addr = kmalloc(MC_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); } if (!mc_addr) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(mc_addr, p, MC_SIZE); mc_addr_map = dma_map_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); WRITE_VREG(MPSR, 0); WRITE_VREG(CPSR, 0); /* Read CBUS register for timing */ timeout = READ_VREG(MPSR); timeout = READ_VREG(MPSR); timeout = jiffies + HZ; WRITE_VREG(IMEM_DMA_ADR, mc_addr_map); WRITE_VREG(IMEM_DMA_COUNT, 0x1000); WRITE_VREG(IMEM_DMA_CTRL, (0x8000 | (7 << 16))); while (READ_VREG(IMEM_DMA_CTRL) & 0x8000) { if (time_before(jiffies, timeout)) schedule(); else { pr_err("vdec load mc error\n"); ret = -EBUSY; break; } } dma_unmap_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr_map, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); #ifndef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY kfree(mc_addr); mc_addr = NULL; #endif return ret; } s32 amvdec_loadmc_ex(enum vformat_e type, const char *name, char *def) { return am_loadmc_ex(type, name, def, &amvdec_loadmc); } static s32 amvdec2_loadmc(const u32 *p) { if (has_vdec2()) { ulong timeout; s32 ret = 0; #ifdef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY if (mc_addr == NULL) { #else { #endif mc_addr = kmalloc(MC_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); } if (!mc_addr) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(mc_addr, p, MC_SIZE); mc_addr_map = dma_map_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_MPSR, 0); WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_CPSR, 0); /* Read CBUS register for timing */ timeout = READ_VREG(VDEC2_MPSR); timeout = READ_VREG(VDEC2_MPSR); timeout = jiffies + HZ; WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_IMEM_DMA_ADR, mc_addr_map); WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_IMEM_DMA_COUNT, 0x1000); WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_IMEM_DMA_CTRL, (0x8000 | (7 << 16))); while (READ_VREG(VDEC2_IMEM_DMA_CTRL) & 0x8000) { if (time_before(jiffies, timeout)) schedule(); else { pr_err("vdec2 load mc error\n"); ret = -EBUSY; break; } } dma_unmap_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr_map, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); #ifndef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY kfree(mc_addr); mc_addr = NULL; #endif return ret; } else return 0; } s32 amvdec2_loadmc_ex(enum vformat_e type, const char *name, char *def) { if (has_vdec2()) return am_loadmc_ex(type, name, def, &amvdec2_loadmc); else return 0; } s32 amhcodec_loadmc(const u32 *p) { #ifdef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY if (mc_addr == NULL) { #else { #endif mc_addr = kmalloc(MC_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); } if (!mc_addr) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(mc_addr, p, MC_SIZE); mc_addr_map = dma_map_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); WRITE_VREG(HCODEC_IMEM_DMA_ADR, mc_addr_map); WRITE_VREG(HCODEC_IMEM_DMA_COUNT, 0x100); WRITE_VREG(HCODEC_IMEM_DMA_CTRL, (0x8000 | (7 << 16))); while (READ_VREG(HCODEC_IMEM_DMA_CTRL) & 0x8000) udelay(1000); dma_unmap_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr_map, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); #ifndef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY kfree(mc_addr); #endif return 0; } s32 amhcodec_loadmc_ex(enum vformat_e type, const char *name, char *def) { return am_loadmc_ex(type, name, def, &amhcodec_loadmc); } static s32 amhevc_loadmc(const u32 *p) { ulong timeout; s32 ret = 0; if (has_hevc_vdec()) { #ifdef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY if (mc_addr == NULL) { #else { #endif mc_addr = kmalloc(MC_SIZE, GFP_KERNEL); } if (!mc_addr) return -ENOMEM; memcpy(mc_addr, p, MC_SIZE); mc_addr_map = dma_map_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); WRITE_VREG(HEVC_MPSR, 0); WRITE_VREG(HEVC_CPSR, 0); /* Read CBUS register for timing */ timeout = READ_VREG(HEVC_MPSR); timeout = READ_VREG(HEVC_MPSR); timeout = jiffies + HZ; WRITE_VREG(HEVC_IMEM_DMA_ADR, mc_addr_map); WRITE_VREG(HEVC_IMEM_DMA_COUNT, 0x1000); WRITE_VREG(HEVC_IMEM_DMA_CTRL, (0x8000 | (7 << 16))); while (READ_VREG(HEVC_IMEM_DMA_CTRL) & 0x8000) { if (time_before(jiffies, timeout)) schedule(); else { pr_err("vdec2 load mc error\n"); ret = -EBUSY; break; } } dma_unmap_single(amports_get_dma_device(), mc_addr_map, MC_SIZE, DMA_TO_DEVICE); #ifndef AMVDEC_USE_STATIC_MEMORY kfree(mc_addr); mc_addr = NULL; #endif } return ret; } s32 amhevc_loadmc_ex(enum vformat_e type, const char *name, char *def) { if (has_hevc_vdec()) return am_loadmc_ex(type, name, def, &amhevc_loadmc); else return 0; } void amvdec_start(void) { #ifdef CONFIG_WAKELOCK amvdec_wake_lock(); #endif /* #if MESON_CPU_TYPE >= MESON_CPU_TYPE_MESON6 */ if (get_cpu_type() >= MESON_CPU_MAJOR_ID_M6) { READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0, (1 << 12) | (1 << 11)); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0, 0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); } else { /* #else */ /* additional cbus dummy register reading for timing control */ READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); WRITE_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER, RESET_VCPU | RESET_CCPU); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); } /* #endif */ WRITE_VREG(MPSR, 0x0001); } void amvdec2_start(void) { if (has_vdec2()) { #ifdef CONFIG_WAKELOCK amvdec_wake_lock(); #endif READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2, (1 << 12) | (1 << 11)); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2, 0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET2); WRITE_VREG(VDEC2_MPSR, 0x0001); } } void amhcodec_start(void) { WRITE_VREG(HCODEC_MPSR, 0x0001); } void amhevc_start(void) { if (has_hevc_vdec()) { #ifdef CONFIG_WAKELOCK amvdec_wake_lock(); #endif READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3, (1 << 12) | (1 << 11)); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3, 0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET3); WRITE_VREG(HEVC_MPSR, 0x0001); } } void amvdec_stop(void) { ulong timeout = jiffies + HZ; WRITE_VREG(MPSR, 0); WRITE_VREG(CPSR, 0); while (READ_VREG(IMEM_DMA_CTRL) & 0x8000) { if (time_after(jiffies, timeout)) break; } /* #if MESON_CPU_TYPE >= MESON_CPU_TYPE_MESON6 */ if (get_cpu_type() >= MESON_CPU_MAJOR_ID_M6) { READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0, (1 << 12) | (1 << 11)); WRITE_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0, 0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); READ_VREG(DOS_SW_RESET0); } else { /* #else */ WRITE_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER, RESET_VCPU | RESET_CCPU); /* additional cbus dummy register reading for timing control */ READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); READ_MPEG_REG(RESET0_REGISTER); } /* #endif */ #ifdef CONFIG_WAKELOCK amvdec_wake_unlock(); #endif }
/* * Lock a mutex (possibly interruptible), slowpath: */ static inline int __mutex_lock_common(struct mutex *lock, long state) { struct task_struct *task = current; struct mutex_waiter waiter; unsigned int old_val; unsigned long flags; spin_lock_mutex(&lock->wait_lock, flags); /* add waiting tasks to the end of the waitqueue (FIFO): */ list_add_tail(&waiter.list, &lock->wait_list); waiter.task = task; old_val = atomic_xchg(&lock->count, -1); if (old_val == 1) goto done; for (;;) { /* * Lets try to take the lock again - this is needed even if * we get here for the first time (shortly after failing to * acquire the lock), to make sure that we get a wakeup once * it's unlocked. Later on, if we sleep, this is the * operation that gives us the lock. We xchg it to -1, so * that when we release the lock, we properly wake up the * other waiters: */ old_val = atomic_xchg(&lock->count, -1); if (old_val == 1) break; /* * got a signal? (This code gets eliminated in the * TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE case.) */ #if 0 if (unlikely((state == TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE && signal_pending(task)) || (state == TASK_KILLABLE && fatal_signal_pending(task)))) { mutex_remove_waiter(lock, &waiter, task_thread_info(task)); spin_unlock_mutex(&lock->wait_lock, flags); return -EINTR; } #endif set_task_state(task, state); /* didnt get the lock, go to sleep: */ spin_unlock_mutex(&lock->wait_lock, flags); schedule(); spin_lock_mutex(&lock->wait_lock, flags); } done: /* got the lock - rejoice! */ mutex_remove_waiter(lock, &waiter, task_thread_info(task)); /* set it to 0 if there are no waiters left: */ if (likely(list_empty(&lock->wait_list))) atomic_set(&lock->count, 0); spin_unlock_mutex(&lock->wait_lock, flags); return 0; }
/* * wait_on_bit() sleep function for interruptible waiting */ int fscache_wait_bit_interruptible(void *flags) { schedule(); return signal_pending(current); }
int ocfbench_init(void) { int i; unsigned long mbps; unsigned long flags; printk("Crypto Speed tests\n"); requests = kmalloc(sizeof(request_t) * request_q_len, GFP_KERNEL); if (!requests) { printk("malloc failed\n"); return -EINVAL; } for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { /* +64 for return data */ #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ocf_request_wq); #else INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ocf_request, &requests[i]); #endif requests[i].buffer = kmalloc(request_size + 128, GFP_DMA); if (!requests[i].buffer) { printk("malloc failed\n"); return -EINVAL; } memset(requests[i].buffer, '0' + i, request_size + 128); } /* * OCF benchmark */ printk("OCF: testing ...\n"); if (ocf_init() == -1) return -EINVAL; spin_lock_init(&ocfbench_counter_lock); total = outstanding = 0; jstart = jiffies; for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding++; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); ocf_request(&requests[i]); } while (outstanding > 0) schedule(); jstop = jiffies; mbps = 0; if (jstop > jstart) { mbps = (unsigned long) total * (unsigned long) request_size * 8; mbps /= ((jstop - jstart) * 1000) / HZ; } printk("OCF: %d requests of %d bytes in %d jiffies (%d.%03d Mbps)\n", total, request_size, (int)(jstop - jstart), ((int)mbps) / 1000, ((int)mbps) % 1000); ocf_done(); #ifdef BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB /* * IXP benchmark */ printk("IXP: testing ...\n"); ixp_init(); total = outstanding = 0; jstart = jiffies; for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) { #if LINUX_VERSION_CODE >= KERNEL_VERSION(2,6,20) INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ixp_request_wq); #else INIT_WORK(&requests[i].work, ixp_request, &requests[i]); #endif spin_lock_irqsave(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); outstanding++; spin_unlock_irqrestore(&ocfbench_counter_lock, flags); ixp_request(&requests[i]); } while (outstanding > 0) schedule(); jstop = jiffies; mbps = 0; if (jstop > jstart) { mbps = (unsigned long) total * (unsigned long) request_size * 8; mbps /= ((jstop - jstart) * 1000) / HZ; } printk("IXP: %d requests of %d bytes in %d jiffies (%d.%03d Mbps)\n", total, request_size, jstop - jstart, ((int)mbps) / 1000, ((int)mbps) % 1000); ixp_done(); #endif /* BENCH_IXP_ACCESS_LIB */ for (i = 0; i < request_q_len; i++) kfree(requests[i].buffer); kfree(requests); return -EINVAL; /* always fail to load so it can be re-run quickly ;-) */ }
static ssize_t pp_write (struct file * file, const char * buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos) { unsigned int minor = MINOR (file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev); struct pp_struct *pp = file->private_data; char * kbuffer; ssize_t bytes_written = 0; ssize_t wrote; int mode; struct parport *pport; if (!(pp->flags & PP_CLAIMED)) { /* Don't have the port claimed */ printk (KERN_DEBUG CHRDEV "%x: claim the port first\n", minor); return -EINVAL; } kbuffer = kmalloc(min_t(size_t, count, PP_BUFFER_SIZE), GFP_KERNEL); if (!kbuffer) { return -ENOMEM; } pport = pp->pdev->port; mode = pport->ieee1284.mode & ~(IEEE1284_DEVICEID | IEEE1284_ADDR); parport_set_timeout (pp->pdev, (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) ? PARPORT_INACTIVITY_O_NONBLOCK : pp->default_inactivity); while (bytes_written < count) { ssize_t n = min_t(unsigned long, count - bytes_written, PP_BUFFER_SIZE); if (copy_from_user (kbuffer, buf + bytes_written, n)) { bytes_written = -EFAULT; break; } if ((pp->flags & PP_FASTWRITE) && (mode == IEEE1284_MODE_EPP)) { /* do a fast EPP write */ if (pport->ieee1284.mode & IEEE1284_ADDR) { wrote = pport->ops->epp_write_addr (pport, kbuffer, n, PARPORT_EPP_FAST); } else { wrote = pport->ops->epp_write_data (pport, kbuffer, n, PARPORT_EPP_FAST); } } else { wrote = parport_write (pp->pdev->port, kbuffer, n); } if (wrote <= 0) { if (!bytes_written) { bytes_written = wrote; } break; } bytes_written += wrote; if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) { if (!bytes_written) bytes_written = -EAGAIN; break; } if (signal_pending (current)) { if (!bytes_written) { bytes_written = -EINTR; } break; } if (current->need_resched) { schedule (); } } parport_set_timeout (pp->pdev, pp->default_inactivity); kfree (kbuffer); pp_enable_irq (pp); return bytes_written; }
static ssize_t ac_write(struct file *file, const char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos) { unsigned int NumCard; /* Board number 1 -> 8 */ unsigned int IndexCard; /* Index board number 0 -> 7 */ unsigned char TicCard; /* Board TIC to send */ unsigned long flags; /* Current priority */ struct st_ram_io st_loc; struct mailbox tmpmailbox; #ifdef DEBUG int c; #endif DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); if (count != sizeof(struct st_ram_io) + sizeof(struct mailbox)) { static int warncount = 5; if (warncount) { printk(KERN_INFO "Hmmm. write() of Applicom card, length %zd != expected %zd\n", count, sizeof(struct st_ram_io) + sizeof(struct mailbox)); warncount--; } return -EINVAL; } if(copy_from_user(&st_loc, buf, sizeof(struct st_ram_io))) return -EFAULT; if(copy_from_user(&tmpmailbox, &buf[sizeof(struct st_ram_io)], sizeof(struct mailbox))) return -EFAULT; NumCard = st_loc.num_card; /* board number to send */ TicCard = st_loc.tic_des_from_pc; /* tic number to send */ IndexCard = NumCard - 1; if((NumCard < 1) || (NumCard > MAX_BOARD) || !apbs[IndexCard].RamIO) return -EINVAL; #ifdef DEBUG printk("Write to applicom card #%d. struct st_ram_io follows:", IndexCard+1); for (c = 0; c < sizeof(struct st_ram_io);) { printk("\n%5.5X: %2.2X", c, ((unsigned char *) &st_loc)[c]); for (c++; c % 8 && c < sizeof(struct st_ram_io); c++) { printk(" %2.2X", ((unsigned char *) &st_loc)[c]); } } printk("\nstruct mailbox follows:"); for (c = 0; c < sizeof(struct mailbox);) { printk("\n%5.5X: %2.2X", c, ((unsigned char *) &tmpmailbox)[c]); for (c++; c % 8 && c < sizeof(struct mailbox); c++) { printk(" %2.2X", ((unsigned char *) &tmpmailbox)[c]); } } printk("\n"); #endif spin_lock_irqsave(&apbs[IndexCard].mutex, flags); /* Test octet ready correct */ if(readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + DATA_FROM_PC_READY) > 2) { Dummy = readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + VERS); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[IndexCard].mutex, flags); printk(KERN_WARNING "APPLICOM driver write error board %d, DataFromPcReady = %d\n", IndexCard,(int)readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + DATA_FROM_PC_READY)); DeviceErrorCount++; return -EIO; } /* Place ourselves on the wait queue */ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); add_wait_queue(&apbs[IndexCard].FlagSleepSend, &wait); /* Check whether the card is ready for us */ while (readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + DATA_FROM_PC_READY) != 0) { Dummy = readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + VERS); /* It's busy. Sleep. */ spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[IndexCard].mutex, flags); schedule(); if (signal_pending(current)) { remove_wait_queue(&apbs[IndexCard].FlagSleepSend, &wait); return -EINTR; } spin_lock_irqsave(&apbs[IndexCard].mutex, flags); set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); } /* We may not have actually slept */ set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); remove_wait_queue(&apbs[IndexCard].FlagSleepSend, &wait); writeb(1, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + DATA_FROM_PC_READY); /* Which is best - lock down the pages with rawio and then copy directly, or use bounce buffers? For now we do the latter because it works with 2.2 still */ { unsigned char *from = (unsigned char *) &tmpmailbox; void __iomem *to = apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + RAM_FROM_PC; int c; for (c = 0; c < sizeof(struct mailbox); c++) writeb(*(from++), to++); } writeb(0x20, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + TIC_OWNER_FROM_PC); writeb(0xff, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + NUMCARD_OWNER_FROM_PC); writeb(TicCard, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + TIC_DES_FROM_PC); writeb(NumCard, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + NUMCARD_DES_FROM_PC); writeb(2, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + DATA_FROM_PC_READY); writeb(1, apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + RAM_IT_FROM_PC); Dummy = readb(apbs[IndexCard].RamIO + VERS); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[IndexCard].mutex, flags); return 0; }
struct net_device * __init ltpc_probe(void) { struct net_device *dev; int err = -ENOMEM; int x=0,y=0; int autoirq; unsigned long f; unsigned long timeout; dev = alloc_ltalkdev(sizeof(struct ltpc_private)); if (!dev) goto out; /* probe for the I/O port address */ if (io != 0x240 && request_region(0x220,8,"ltpc")) { x = inb_p(0x220+6); if ( (x!=0xff) && (x>=0xf0) ) { io = 0x220; goto got_port; } release_region(0x220,8); } if (io != 0x220 && request_region(0x240,8,"ltpc")) { y = inb_p(0x240+6); if ( (y!=0xff) && (y>=0xf0) ){ io = 0x240; goto got_port; } release_region(0x240,8); } /* give up in despair */ printk(KERN_ERR "LocalTalk card not found; 220 = %02x, 240 = %02x.\n", x,y); err = -ENODEV; goto out1; got_port: /* probe for the IRQ line */ if (irq < 2) { unsigned long irq_mask; irq_mask = probe_irq_on(); /* reset the interrupt line */ inb_p(io+7); inb_p(io+7); /* trigger an interrupt (I hope) */ inb_p(io+6); mdelay(2); autoirq = probe_irq_off(irq_mask); if (autoirq == 0) { printk(KERN_ERR "ltpc: probe at %#x failed to detect IRQ line.\n", io); } else { irq = autoirq; } } /* allocate a DMA buffer */ ltdmabuf = (unsigned char *) dma_mem_alloc(1000); if (!ltdmabuf) { printk(KERN_ERR "ltpc: mem alloc failed\n"); err = -ENOMEM; goto out2; } ltdmacbuf = <dmabuf[800]; if(debug & DEBUG_VERBOSE) { printk("ltdmabuf pointer %08lx\n",(unsigned long) ltdmabuf); } /* reset the card */ inb_p(io+1); inb_p(io+3); msleep(20); inb_p(io+0); inb_p(io+2); inb_p(io+7); /* clear reset */ inb_p(io+4); inb_p(io+5); inb_p(io+5); /* enable dma */ inb_p(io+6); /* tri-state interrupt line */ ssleep(1); /* now, figure out which dma channel we're using, unless it's already been specified */ /* well, 0 is a legal DMA channel, but the LTPC card doesn't use it... */ dma = ltpc_probe_dma(io, dma); if (!dma) { /* no dma channel */ printk(KERN_ERR "No DMA channel found on ltpc card.\n"); err = -ENODEV; goto out3; } /* print out friendly message */ if(irq) printk(KERN_INFO "Apple/Farallon LocalTalk-PC card at %03x, IR%d, DMA%d.\n",io,irq,dma); else printk(KERN_INFO "Apple/Farallon LocalTalk-PC card at %03x, DMA%d. Using polled mode.\n",io,dma); dev->netdev_ops = <pc_netdev; dev->base_addr = io; dev->irq = irq; dev->dma = dma; /* the card will want to send a result at this point */ /* (I think... leaving out this part makes the kernel crash, so I put it back in...) */ f=claim_dma_lock(); disable_dma(dma); clear_dma_ff(dma); set_dma_mode(dma,DMA_MODE_READ); set_dma_addr(dma,virt_to_bus(ltdmabuf)); set_dma_count(dma,0x100); enable_dma(dma); release_dma_lock(f); (void) inb_p(io+3); (void) inb_p(io+2); timeout = jiffies+100*HZ/100; while(time_before(jiffies, timeout)) { if( 0xf9 == inb_p(io+6)) break; schedule(); } if(debug & DEBUG_VERBOSE) { printk("setting up timer and irq\n"); } /* grab it and don't let go :-) */ if (irq && request_irq( irq, ltpc_interrupt, 0, "ltpc", dev) >= 0) { (void) inb_p(io+7); /* enable interrupts from board */ (void) inb_p(io+7); /* and reset irq line */ } else { if( irq ) printk(KERN_ERR "ltpc: IRQ already in use, using polled mode.\n"); dev->irq = 0; /* polled mode -- 20 times per second */ /* this is really, really slow... should it poll more often? */ init_timer(<pc_timer); ltpc_timer.function=ltpc_poll; = (unsigned long) dev; ltpc_timer.expires = jiffies + HZ/20; add_timer(<pc_timer); } err = register_netdev(dev); if (err) goto out4; return NULL; out4: del_timer_sync(<pc_timer); if (dev->irq) free_irq(dev->irq, dev); out3: free_pages((unsigned long)ltdmabuf, get_order(1000)); out2: release_region(io, 8); out1: free_netdev(dev); out: return ERR_PTR(err); }
static ssize_t pp_read (struct file * file, char * buf, size_t count, loff_t * ppos) { unsigned int minor = MINOR (file->f_dentry->d_inode->i_rdev); struct pp_struct *pp = file->private_data; char * kbuffer; ssize_t bytes_read = 0; struct parport *pport; int mode; if (!(pp->flags & PP_CLAIMED)) { /* Don't have the port claimed */ printk (KERN_DEBUG CHRDEV "%x: claim the port first\n", minor); return -EINVAL; } /* Trivial case. */ if (count == 0) return 0; kbuffer = kmalloc(min_t(size_t, count, PP_BUFFER_SIZE), GFP_KERNEL); if (!kbuffer) { return -ENOMEM; } pport = pp->pdev->port; mode = pport->ieee1284.mode & ~(IEEE1284_DEVICEID | IEEE1284_ADDR); parport_set_timeout (pp->pdev, (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) ? PARPORT_INACTIVITY_O_NONBLOCK : pp->default_inactivity); while (bytes_read == 0) { ssize_t need = min_t(unsigned long, count, PP_BUFFER_SIZE); if (mode == IEEE1284_MODE_EPP) { /* various specials for EPP mode */ int flags = 0; size_t (*fn)(struct parport *, void *, size_t, int); if (pp->flags & PP_W91284PIC) { flags |= PARPORT_W91284PIC; } if (pp->flags & PP_FASTREAD) { flags |= PARPORT_EPP_FAST; } if (pport->ieee1284.mode & IEEE1284_ADDR) { fn = pport->ops->epp_read_addr; } else { fn = pport->ops->epp_read_data; } bytes_read = (*fn)(pport, kbuffer, need, flags); } else { bytes_read = parport_read (pport, kbuffer, need); } if (bytes_read != 0) break; if (file->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK) { bytes_read = -EAGAIN; break; } if (signal_pending (current)) { bytes_read = -ERESTARTSYS; break; } if (current->need_resched) schedule (); } parport_set_timeout (pp->pdev, pp->default_inactivity); if (bytes_read > 0 && copy_to_user (buf, kbuffer, bytes_read)) bytes_read = -EFAULT; kfree (kbuffer); pp_enable_irq (pp); return bytes_read; }
int xbuf_wait(void *word) { schedule(); return 0; }
asmlinkage long sys_msgrcv (int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz, long msgtyp, int msgflg) { struct msg_queue *msq; struct msg_receiver msr_d; struct list_head* tmp; struct msg_msg* msg, *found_msg; int err; int mode; if (msqid < 0 || (long) msgsz < 0) return -EINVAL; mode = convert_mode(&msgtyp,msgflg); msq = msg_lock(msqid); if(msq==NULL) return -EINVAL; retry: err = -EIDRM; if (msg_checkid(msq,msqid)) goto out_unlock; err=-EACCES; if (ipcperms (&msq->q_perm, S_IRUGO)) goto out_unlock; tmp = msq->; found_msg=NULL; while (tmp != &msq->q_messages) { msg = list_entry(tmp,struct msg_msg,m_list); if(testmsg(msg,msgtyp,mode) && !security_msg_queue_msgrcv(msq, msg, current, msgtyp, mode)) { found_msg = msg; if(mode == SEARCH_LESSEQUAL && msg->m_type != 1) { found_msg=msg; msgtyp=msg->m_type-1; } else { found_msg=msg; break; } } tmp = tmp->next; } if(found_msg) { msg=found_msg; if ((msgsz < msg->m_ts) && !(msgflg & MSG_NOERROR)) { err=-E2BIG; goto out_unlock; } list_del(&msg->m_list); msq->q_qnum--; msq->q_rtime = get_seconds(); msq->q_lrpid = current->tgid; msq->q_cbytes -= msg->m_ts; atomic_sub(msg->m_ts,&msg_bytes); atomic_dec(&msg_hdrs); ss_wakeup(&msq->q_senders,0); msg_unlock(msq); out_success: msgsz = (msgsz > msg->m_ts) ? msg->m_ts : msgsz; if (put_user (msg->m_type, &msgp->mtype) || store_msg(msgp->mtext, msg, msgsz)) { msgsz = -EFAULT; } free_msg(msg); return msgsz; } else { /* no message waiting. Prepare for pipelined * receive. */ if (msgflg & IPC_NOWAIT) { err=-ENOMSG; goto out_unlock; } list_add_tail(&msr_d.r_list,&msq->q_receivers); msr_d.r_tsk = current; msr_d.r_msgtype = msgtyp; msr_d.r_mode = mode; if(msgflg & MSG_NOERROR) msr_d.r_maxsize = INT_MAX; else msr_d.r_maxsize = msgsz; msr_d.r_msg = ERR_PTR(-EAGAIN); current->state = TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE; msg_unlock(msq); schedule(); /* * The below optimisation is buggy. A sleeping thread that is * woken up checks if it got a message and if so, copies it to * userspace and just returns without taking any locks. * But this return to user space can be faster than the message * send, and if the receiver immediately exits the * wake_up_process performed by the sender will oops. */ #if 0 msg = (struct msg_msg*) msr_d.r_msg; if(!IS_ERR(msg)) goto out_success; #endif msq = msg_lock(msqid); msg = (struct msg_msg*)msr_d.r_msg; if(!IS_ERR(msg)) { /* our message arived while we waited for * the spinlock. Process it. */ if(msq) msg_unlock(msq); goto out_success; } err = PTR_ERR(msg); if(err == -EAGAIN) { if(!msq) BUG(); list_del(&msr_d.r_list); if (signal_pending(current)) err=-EINTR; else goto retry; } } out_unlock: if(msq) msg_unlock(msq); return err; }
asmlinkage long sys_msgsnd (int msqid, struct msgbuf *msgp, size_t msgsz, int msgflg) { struct msg_queue *msq; struct msg_msg *msg; long mtype; int err; if (msgsz > msg_ctlmax || (long) msgsz < 0 || msqid < 0) return -EINVAL; if (get_user(mtype, &msgp->mtype)) return -EFAULT; if (mtype < 1) return -EINVAL; msg = load_msg(msgp->mtext, msgsz); if(IS_ERR(msg)) return PTR_ERR(msg); msg->m_type = mtype; msg->m_ts = msgsz; msq = msg_lock(msqid); err=-EINVAL; if(msq==NULL) goto out_free; retry: err= -EIDRM; if (msg_checkid(msq,msqid)) goto out_unlock_free; err=-EACCES; if (ipcperms(&msq->q_perm, S_IWUGO)) goto out_unlock_free; err = security_msg_queue_msgsnd(msq, msg, msgflg); if (err) goto out_unlock_free; if(msgsz + msq->q_cbytes > msq->q_qbytes || 1 + msq->q_qnum > msq->q_qbytes) { struct msg_sender s; if(msgflg&IPC_NOWAIT) { err=-EAGAIN; goto out_unlock_free; } ss_add(msq, &s); msg_unlock(msq); schedule(); current->state= TASK_RUNNING; msq = msg_lock(msqid); err = -EIDRM; if(msq==NULL) goto out_free; ss_del(&s); if (signal_pending(current)) { err=-EINTR; goto out_unlock_free; } goto retry; } msq->q_lspid = current->tgid; msq->q_stime = get_seconds(); if(!pipelined_send(msq,msg)) { /* noone is waiting for this message, enqueue it */ list_add_tail(&msg->m_list,&msq->q_messages); msq->q_cbytes += msgsz; msq->q_qnum++; atomic_add(msgsz,&msg_bytes); atomic_inc(&msg_hdrs); } err = 0; msg = NULL; out_unlock_free: msg_unlock(msq); out_free: if(msg!=NULL) free_msg(msg); return err; }
// __do_exit - cause a thread exit (use do_exit, do_exit_thread instead) // 1. call exit_mmap & put_pgdir & mm_destroy to free the almost all memory space of process // 2. set process' state as PROC_ZOMBIE, then call wakeup_proc(parent) to ask parent reclaim itself. // 3. call scheduler to switch to other process static int __do_exit(void) { if (current == idleproc) { panic("idleproc exit.\n"); } if (current == initproc) { panic("initproc exit.\n"); } struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm; if (mm != NULL) { mp_set_mm_pagetable(NULL); if (mm_count_dec(mm) == 0) { exit_mmap(mm); put_pgdir(mm); bool intr_flag; local_intr_save(intr_flag); { list_del(&(mm->proc_mm_link)); } local_intr_restore(intr_flag); mm_destroy(mm); } current->mm = NULL; } put_sighand(current); put_signal(current); put_fs(current); put_sem_queue(current); current->state = PROC_ZOMBIE; bool intr_flag; struct proc_struct *proc, *parent; local_intr_save(intr_flag); { proc = parent = current->parent; do { if (proc->wait_state == WT_CHILD) { wakeup_proc(proc); } proc = next_thread(proc); } while (proc != parent); if ((parent = next_thread(current)) == current) { parent = initproc; } de_thread(current); while (current->cptr != NULL) { proc = current->cptr; current->cptr = proc->optr; proc->yptr = NULL; if ((proc->optr = parent->cptr) != NULL) { parent->cptr->yptr = proc; } proc->parent = parent; parent->cptr = proc; if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) { if (parent->wait_state == WT_CHILD) { wakeup_proc(parent); } } } } wakeup_queue(&(current->event_box.wait_queue), WT_INTERRUPTED, 1); local_intr_restore(intr_flag); schedule(); panic("__do_exit will not return!! %d %d.\n", current->pid, current->exit_code); }
static ssize_t ac_read (struct file *filp, char __user *buf, size_t count, loff_t *ptr) { unsigned long flags; unsigned int i; unsigned char tmp; int ret = 0; DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); #ifdef DEBUG int loopcount=0; #endif /* No need to ratelimit this. Only root can trigger it anyway */ if (count != sizeof(struct st_ram_io) + sizeof(struct mailbox)) { printk( KERN_WARNING "Hmmm. read() of Applicom card, length %zd != expected %zd\n", count,sizeof(struct st_ram_io) + sizeof(struct mailbox)); return -EINVAL; } while(1) { /* Stick ourself on the wait queue */ set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); add_wait_queue(&FlagSleepRec, &wait); /* Scan each board, looking for one which has a packet for us */ for (i=0; i < MAX_BOARD; i++) { if (!apbs[i].RamIO) continue; spin_lock_irqsave(&apbs[i].mutex, flags); tmp = readb(apbs[i].RamIO + DATA_TO_PC_READY); if (tmp == 2) { struct st_ram_io st_loc; struct mailbox mailbox; /* Got a packet for us */ ret = do_ac_read(i, buf, &st_loc, &mailbox); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[i].mutex, flags); set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); remove_wait_queue(&FlagSleepRec, &wait); if (copy_to_user(buf, &st_loc, sizeof(st_loc))) return -EFAULT; if (copy_to_user(buf + sizeof(st_loc), &mailbox, sizeof(mailbox))) return -EFAULT; return tmp; } if (tmp > 2) { /* Got an error */ Dummy = readb(apbs[i].RamIO + VERS); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[i].mutex, flags); set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); remove_wait_queue(&FlagSleepRec, &wait); printk(KERN_WARNING "APPLICOM driver read error board %d, DataToPcReady = %d\n", i,(int)readb(apbs[i].RamIO + DATA_TO_PC_READY)); DeviceErrorCount++; return -EIO; } /* Nothing for us. Try the next board */ Dummy = readb(apbs[i].RamIO + VERS); spin_unlock_irqrestore(&apbs[i].mutex, flags); } /* per board */ /* OK - No boards had data for us. Sleep now */ schedule(); remove_wait_queue(&FlagSleepRec, &wait); if (signal_pending(current)) return -EINTR; #ifdef DEBUG if (loopcount++ > 2) { printk(KERN_DEBUG "Looping in ac_read. loopcount %d\n", loopcount); } #endif } }
/* * wait_on_bit() sleep function for uninterruptible waiting */ int fscache_wait_bit(void *flags) { schedule(); return 0; }
void IOManagerEPoll::idle() { epoll_event events[64]; while (true) { unsigned long long nextTimeout; if (stopping(nextTimeout)) return; int rc = -1; errno = EINTR; while (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR) { int timeout = -1; if (nextTimeout != ~0ull) timeout = (int)(nextTimeout / 1000) + 1; rc = epoll_wait(m_epfd, events, 64, timeout); if (rc < 0 && errno == EINTR) nextTimeout = nextTimer(); } MORDOR_LOG_LEVEL(g_log, rc < 0 ? Log::ERROR : Log::VERBOSE) << this << " epoll_wait(" << m_epfd << "): " << rc << " (" << errno << ")"; if (rc < 0) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION_FROM_LAST_ERROR_API("epoll_wait"); std::vector<boost::function<void ()> > expired = processTimers(); schedule(expired.begin(), expired.end()); for(int i = 0; i < rc; ++i) { epoll_event &event = events[i]; if ( == m_tickleFds[0]) { unsigned char dummy; int rc2 = read(m_tickleFds[0], &dummy, 1); MORDOR_VERIFY(rc2 == 1); MORDOR_LOG_VERBOSE(g_log) << this << " received tickle"; continue; } bool err = & (EPOLLERR | EPOLLHUP); boost::mutex::scoped_lock lock(m_mutex); std::map<int, AsyncEvent>::iterator it = m_pendingEvents.find(; if (it == m_pendingEvents.end()) continue; AsyncEvent &e = it->second; MORDOR_LOG_TRACE(g_log) << " epoll_event {" << (epoll_events_t) << ", " << << "}, registered for " << (epoll_events_t); if (( & EPOLLERR) && ( & EPOLLERR)) { if (e.m_dgError) e.m_schedulerError->schedule(e.m_dgError); else e.m_schedulerError->schedule(e.m_fiberError); // Block other events from firing e.m_dgError = NULL; e.m_fiberError.reset(); e.m_dgIn = NULL; e.m_fiberIn.reset(); e.m_dgOut = NULL; e.m_fiberOut.reset(); = 0; = 0; } if (( & EPOLLHUP) && ( & EPOLLHUP)) { if (e.m_dgClose) e.m_schedulerError->schedule(e.m_dgClose); else e.m_schedulerError->schedule(e.m_fiberClose); // Block write event from firing e.m_dgOut = NULL; e.m_fiberOut.reset(); e.m_dgClose = NULL; e.m_fiberClose.reset(); &= EPOLLOUT; &= EPOLLOUT; err = false; } if ((( & EPOLLIN) || err) && ( & EPOLLIN)) { if (e.m_dgIn) e.m_schedulerIn->schedule(e.m_dgIn); else e.m_schedulerIn->schedule(e.m_fiberIn); e.m_dgIn = NULL; e.m_fiberIn.reset(); |= EPOLLIN; } if ((( & EPOLLOUT) || err) && ( & EPOLLOUT)) { if (e.m_dgOut) e.m_schedulerOut->schedule(e.m_dgOut); else e.m_schedulerOut->schedule(e.m_fiberOut); e.m_dgOut = NULL; e.m_fiberOut.reset(); |= EPOLLOUT; } &=; int op = == 0 ? EPOLL_CTL_DEL : EPOLL_CTL_MOD; int rc2 = epoll_ctl(m_epfd, op,, &e.event); MORDOR_LOG_LEVEL(g_log, rc2 ? Log::ERROR : Log::VERBOSE) << this << " epoll_ctl(" << m_epfd << ", " << (epoll_ctl_op_t)op << ", " << << ", " << (epoll_events_t) << "): " << rc2 << " (" << errno << ")"; if (rc2) MORDOR_THROW_EXCEPTION_FROM_LAST_ERROR_API("epoll_ctl"); if (op == EPOLL_CTL_DEL) m_pendingEvents.erase(it); } Fiber::yield(); } }
int main( int argc, char *argv[]) { char *id = "main"; struct hostent *hp; int go, c, errflg = 0; int lockfds; int t = 1; pid_t pid; char host[100]; char *homedir = PBS_SERVER_HOME; unsigned int port; char *dbfile = "sched_out"; struct sigaction act; sigset_t oldsigs; caddr_t curr_brk = 0; caddr_t next_brk; extern char *optarg; extern int optind, opterr; extern int rpp_fd; fd_set fdset; int schedinit(int argc, char **argv); int schedule(int com, int connector); glob_argv = argv; alarm_time = 180; /* The following is code to reduce security risks */ /* move this to a place where nss_ldap doesn't hold a socket yet */ c = sysconf(_SC_OPEN_MAX); while (--c > 2) (void)close(c); /* close any file desc left open by parent */ port = get_svrport(PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_NAME, "tcp", PBS_SCHEDULER_SERVICE_PORT); pbs_rm_port = get_svrport(PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_NAME, "tcp", PBS_MANAGER_SERVICE_PORT); strcpy(pbs_current_user, "Scheduler"); msg_daemonname = strdup("pbs_sched"); opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt(argc, argv, "L:S:R:d:p:c:a:-:")) != EOF) { switch (c) { case '-': if ((optarg == NULL) || (optarg[0] == '\0')) { errflg = 1; } if (!strcmp(optarg, "version")) { fprintf(stderr, "version: %s\n", PACKAGE_VERSION); exit(0); } else { errflg = 1; } break; case 'L': logfile = optarg; break; case 'S': port = atoi(optarg); if (port == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: illegal port\n", optarg); errflg = 1; } break; case 'R': if ((pbs_rm_port = atoi(optarg)) == 0) { (void)fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad -R %s\n", argv[0], optarg); return 1; } break; case 'd': homedir = optarg; break; case 'p': dbfile = optarg; break; case 'c': configfile = optarg; break; case 'a': alarm_time = atoi(optarg); if (alarm_time == 0) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: bad alarm time\n", optarg); errflg = 1; } break; case '?': errflg = 1; break; } } if (errflg) { fprintf(stderr, "usage: %s %s\n", argv[0], usage); exit(1); } #ifndef DEBUG if (IamRoot() == 0) { return (1); } #endif /* DEBUG */ /* Save the original working directory for "restart" */ if ((oldpath = getcwd((char *)NULL, MAXPATHLEN)) == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "cannot get current working directory\n"); exit(1); } (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "%s/sched_priv", homedir); #if !defined(DEBUG) && !defined(NO_SECURITY_CHECK) c = chk_file_sec(log_buffer, 1, 0, S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH, 1, NULL); c |= chk_file_sec(PBS_ENVIRON, 0, 0, S_IWGRP | S_IWOTH, 0, NULL); if (c != 0) exit(1); #endif /* not DEBUG and not NO_SECURITY_CHECK */ if (chdir(log_buffer) == -1) { perror("chdir"); exit(1); } (void)sprintf(path_log, "%s/sched_logs", homedir); (void)sprintf(path_acct, "%s/%s", log_buffer, PBS_ACCT); /* The following is code to reduce security risks */ /* start out with standard umask, system resource limit infinite */ umask(022); if (setup_env(PBS_ENVIRON) == -1) exit(1); c = getgid(); (void)setgroups(1, (gid_t *)&c); /* secure suppl. groups */ #ifndef DEBUG #ifdef _CRAY (void)limit(C_JOB, 0, L_CPROC, 0); (void)limit(C_JOB, 0, L_CPU, 0); (void)limit(C_JOBPROCS, 0, L_CPU, 0); (void)limit(C_PROC, 0, L_FD, 255); (void)limit(C_JOB, 0, L_FSBLK, 0); (void)limit(C_JOBPROCS, 0, L_FSBLK, 0); (void)limit(C_JOB, 0, L_MEM , 0); (void)limit(C_JOBPROCS, 0, L_MEM , 0); #else /* not _CRAY */ { struct rlimit rlimit; rlimit.rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY; rlimit.rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY; (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_CPU, &rlimit); (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_FSIZE, &rlimit); (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_DATA, &rlimit); (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_STACK, &rlimit); #ifdef RLIMIT_RSS (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_RSS , &rlimit); #endif /* RLIMIT_RSS */ #ifdef RLIMIT_VMEM (void)setrlimit(RLIMIT_VMEM , &rlimit); #endif /* RLIMIT_VMEM */ } #endif /* not _CRAY */ #endif /* DEBUG */ if (log_open(logfile, path_log) == -1) { fprintf(stderr, "%s: logfile could not be opened\n", argv[0]); exit(1); } if (gethostname(host, sizeof(host)) == -1) { log_err(errno, id, "gethostname"); die(0); } if ((hp = gethostbyname(host)) == NULL) { log_err(errno, id, "gethostbyname"); die(0); } if ((server_sock = socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, 0)) < 0) { log_err(errno, id, "socket"); die(0); } if (setsockopt(server_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&t, sizeof(t)) == -1) { log_err(errno, id, "setsockopt"); die(0); } saddr.sin_family = AF_INET; saddr.sin_port = htons(port); memcpy(&saddr.sin_addr, hp->h_addr, hp->h_length); if (bind(server_sock, (struct sockaddr *)&saddr, sizeof(saddr)) < 0) { log_err(errno, id, "bind"); die(0); } if (listen(server_sock, 5) < 0) { log_err(errno, id, "listen"); die(0); } okclients = (pbs_net_t *)calloc(START_CLIENTS, sizeof(pbs_net_t)); addclient("localhost"); /* who has permission to call MOM */ addclient(host); if (configfile) { if (read_config(configfile) != 0) die(0); } lockfds = open("sched.lock", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_WRONLY, 0644); if (lockfds < 0) { log_err(errno, id, "open lock file"); exit(1); } lock_out(lockfds, F_WRLCK); fullresp(0); if (sigemptyset(&allsigs) == -1) { perror("sigemptyset"); exit(1); } if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &allsigs, NULL) == -1) /* unblock */ { perror("sigprocmask"); exit(1); } act.sa_flags = 0; sigaddset(&allsigs, SIGHUP); /* remember to block these */ sigaddset(&allsigs, SIGINT); /* during critical sections */ sigaddset(&allsigs, SIGTERM); /* so we don't get confused */ act.sa_mask = allsigs; act.sa_handler = restart; /* do a restart on SIGHUP */ sigaction(SIGHUP, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = toolong; /* handle an alarm call */ sigaction(SIGALRM, &act, NULL); act.sa_handler = die; /* bite the biscuit for all following */ sigaction(SIGINT, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTERM, &act, NULL); /* * Catch these signals to ensure we core dump even if * our rlimit for core dumps is set to 0 initially. * * Chris Samuel - VPAC * [email protected] - 29th July 2003 * * Now conditional on the PBSCOREDUMP environment variable */ if (getenv("PBSCOREDUMP")) { act.sa_handler = catch_abort; /* make sure we core dump */ sigaction(SIGSEGV, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGBUS, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGILL, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGTRAP, &act, NULL); sigaction(SIGSYS, &act, NULL); } /* * Local initialization stuff */ if (schedinit(argc, argv)) { (void) sprintf(log_buffer, "local initialization failed, terminating"); log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer); exit(1); } if (getenv("PBSDEBUG") == NULL) { lock_out(lockfds, F_UNLCK); #ifdef DISABLE_DAEMONS pid = getpid(); #else if ((pid = fork()) == -1) { /* error on fork */ perror("fork"); exit(1); } else if (pid > 0) /* parent exits */ { exit(0); } if ((pid = setsid()) == -1) { perror("setsid"); exit(1); } #endif /* DISABLE_DAEMONS */ lock_out(lockfds, F_WRLCK); if (freopen(dbfile, "a", stdout) == NULL) { perror("opening lockfile"); exit(1); } setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); dup2(fileno(stdout), fileno(stderr)); } else { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IOLBF, 0); pid = getpid(); } if (freopen("/dev/null", "r", stdin) == NULL) { perror("opening /dev/null"); exit(1); } /* write scheduler's pid into lockfile */ (void)sprintf(log_buffer, "%ld\n", (long)pid); if (write(lockfds, log_buffer, strlen(log_buffer) + 1) != (ssize_t)(strlen(log_buffer) + 1)) { perror("writing to lockfile"); exit(1); } #if (PLOCK_DAEMONS & 2) (void)plock(PROCLOCK); /* lock daemon into memory */ #endif sprintf(log_buffer, "%s startup pid %ld", argv[0], (long)pid); log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer); FD_ZERO(&fdset); for (go = 1;go;) { int cmd; if (rpp_fd != -1) FD_SET(rpp_fd, &fdset); FD_SET(server_sock, &fdset); if (select(FD_SETSIZE, &fdset, NULL, NULL, NULL) == -1) { if (errno != EINTR) { log_err(errno, id, "select"); die(0); } continue; } if (rpp_fd != -1 && FD_ISSET(rpp_fd, &fdset)) { if (rpp_io() == -1) log_err(errno, id, "rpp_io"); } if (!FD_ISSET(server_sock, &fdset)) continue; cmd = server_command(); if (sigprocmask(SIG_BLOCK, &allsigs, &oldsigs) == -1) log_err(errno, id, "sigprocmaskSIG_BLOCK)"); alarm(alarm_time); if (schedule(cmd, connector)) /* magic happens here */ go = 0; alarm(0); if (connector >= 0 && server_disconnect(connector)) { log_err(errno, id, "server_disconnect"); die(0); } next_brk = (caddr_t)sbrk(0); if (next_brk > curr_brk) { sprintf(log_buffer, "brk point %ld", (long)next_brk); log_record(PBSEVENT_DEBUG, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer); curr_brk = next_brk; } if (sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK, &oldsigs, NULL) == -1) log_err(errno, id, "sigprocmask(SIG_SETMASK)"); } sprintf(log_buffer, "%s normal finish pid %ld", argv[0], (long)pid); log_record(PBSEVENT_SYSTEM, PBS_EVENTCLASS_SERVER, id, log_buffer); close(server_sock); exit(0); } /* END main() */
static int splat_condvar_test1(struct file *file, void *arg) { int i, count = 0, rc = 0; condvar_thr_t ct[SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_COUNT]; condvar_priv_t cv; cv.cv_magic = SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_MAGIC; cv.cv_file = file; mutex_init(&cv.cv_mtx, SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_NAME, MUTEX_DEFAULT, NULL); cv_init(&cv.cv_condvar, NULL, CV_DEFAULT, NULL); /* Create some threads, the exact number isn't important just as * long as we know how many we managed to create and should expect. */ for (i = 0; i < SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_COUNT; i++) { ct[i].ct_cvp = &cv; ct[i].ct_name = SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST1_NAME; ct[i].ct_rc = 0; ct[i].ct_thread = spl_kthread_create(splat_condvar_test12_thread, &ct[i], "%s/%d", SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_NAME, i); if (!IS_ERR(ct[i].ct_thread)) { wake_up_process(ct[i].ct_thread); count++; } } /* Wait until all threads are waiting on the condition variable */ while (atomic_read(&cv.cv_condvar.cv_waiters) != count) schedule(); /* Wake a single thread at a time, wait until it exits */ for (i = 1; i <= count; i++) { cv_signal(&cv.cv_condvar); while (atomic_read(&cv.cv_condvar.cv_waiters) > (count - i)) schedule(); /* Correct behavior 1 thread woken */ if (atomic_read(&cv.cv_condvar.cv_waiters) == (count - i)) continue; splat_vprint(file, SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST1_NAME, "Attempted to " "wake %d thread but work %d threads woke\n", 1, count - atomic_read(&cv.cv_condvar.cv_waiters)); rc = -EINVAL; break; } if (!rc) splat_vprint(file, SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST1_NAME, "Correctly woke " "%d sleeping threads %d at a time\n", count, 1); /* Wait until that last nutex is dropped */ while (mutex_owner(&cv.cv_mtx)) schedule(); /* Wake everything for the failure case */ cv_broadcast(&cv.cv_condvar); cv_destroy(&cv.cv_condvar); /* wait for threads to exit */ for (i = 0; i < SPLAT_CONDVAR_TEST_COUNT; i++) { if (!IS_ERR(ct[i].ct_thread)) kthread_stop(ct[i].ct_thread); } mutex_destroy(&cv.cv_mtx); return rc; }
int timod_getmsg(unsigned int fd, char *ctl_buf, int ctl_maxlen, s32 *ctl_len, char *data_buf, int data_maxlen, s32 *data_len, int *flags_p) { int error; int oldflags; struct file *filp; struct inode *ino; struct sol_socket_struct *sock; struct T_unitdata_ind udi; mm_segment_t old_fs = get_fs(); long args[6]; char *tmpbuf; int tmplen; int (*sys_socketcall)(int, unsigned long *) = (int (*)(int, unsigned long *))SYS(socketcall); int (*sys_recvfrom)(int, void *, size_t, unsigned, struct sockaddr *, int *); SOLD("entry"); SOLDD(("%u %p %d %p %p %d %p %d\n", fd, ctl_buf, ctl_maxlen, ctl_len, data_buf, data_maxlen, data_len, *flags_p)); read_lock(¤t->files->file_lock); filp = fcheck(fd); read_unlock(¤t->files->file_lock); if (!filp) return -EBADF; ino = filp->f_dentry->d_inode; sock = (struct sol_socket_struct *)filp->private_data; SOLDD(("%p %p\n", sock->pfirst, sock->pfirst ? sock->pfirst->next : NULL)); if ( ctl_maxlen > 0 && !sock->pfirst && ino->u.socket_i.type == SOCK_STREAM && sock->state == TS_IDLE) { SOLD("calling LISTEN"); args[0] = fd; args[1] = -1; set_fs(KERNEL_DS); sys_socketcall(SYS_LISTEN, args); set_fs(old_fs); SOLD("LISTEN done"); } if (!(filp->f_flags & O_NONBLOCK)) { poll_table wait_table, *wait; poll_initwait(&wait_table); wait = &wait_table; for(;;) { SOLD("loop"); set_current_state(TASK_INTERRUPTIBLE); /* ! ( l<0 || ( l>=0 && ( ! pfirst || (flags == HIPRI && pri != HIPRI) ) ) ) */ /* ( ! l<0 && ! ( l>=0 && ( ! pfirst || (flags == HIPRI && pri != HIPRI) ) ) ) */ /* ( l>=0 && ( ! l>=0 || ! ( ! pfirst || (flags == HIPRI && pri != HIPRI) ) ) ) */ /* ( l>=0 && ( l<0 || ( pfirst && ! (flags == HIPRI && pri != HIPRI) ) ) ) */ /* ( l>=0 && ( l<0 || ( pfirst && (flags != HIPRI || pri == HIPRI) ) ) ) */ /* ( l>=0 && ( pfirst && (flags != HIPRI || pri == HIPRI) ) ) */ if (ctl_maxlen >= 0 && sock->pfirst && (*flags_p != MSG_HIPRI || sock->pfirst->pri == MSG_HIPRI)) break; SOLD("cond 1 passed"); if ( #if 1 *flags_p != MSG_HIPRI && #endif ((filp->f_op->poll(filp, wait) & POLLIN) || (filp->f_op->poll(filp, NULL) & POLLIN) || signal_pending(current)) ) { break; } if( *flags_p == MSG_HIPRI ) { SOLD("avoiding lockup"); break ; } if(wait_table.error) { SOLD("wait-table error"); poll_freewait(&wait_table); return wait_table.error; } SOLD("scheduling"); schedule(); } SOLD("loop done"); current->state = TASK_RUNNING; poll_freewait(&wait_table); if (signal_pending(current)) { SOLD("signal pending"); return -EINTR; } } if (ctl_maxlen >= 0 && sock->pfirst) { struct T_primsg *it = sock->pfirst; int l = min_t(int, ctl_maxlen, it->length); SCHECK_MAGIC((char*)((u64)(((char *)&it->type)+sock->offset+it->length+7)&~7),MKCTL_MAGIC); SOLD("purting ctl data"); if(copy_to_user(ctl_buf, (char*)&it->type + sock->offset, l)) return -EFAULT; SOLD("pur it"); if(put_user(l, ctl_len)) return -EFAULT; SOLD("set ctl_len"); *flags_p = it->pri; it->length -= l; if (it->length) { SOLD("more ctl"); sock->offset += l; return MORECTL; } else { SOLD("removing message"); sock->pfirst = it->next; if (!sock->pfirst) sock->plast = NULL; SOLDD(("getmsg kfree %016lx->%016lx\n", it, sock->pfirst)); mykfree(it); sock->offset = 0; SOLD("ctl done"); return 0; } } *flags_p = 0; if (ctl_maxlen >= 0) { SOLD("ACCEPT perhaps?"); if (ino->u.socket_i.type == SOCK_STREAM && sock->state == TS_IDLE) { struct T_conn_ind ind; char *buf = getpage(); int len = BUF_SIZE; SOLD("trying ACCEPT"); if (put_user(ctl_maxlen - sizeof(ind), ctl_len)) return -EFAULT; args[0] = fd; args[1] = (long)buf; args[2] = (long)&len; oldflags = filp->f_flags; filp->f_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; SOLD("calling ACCEPT"); set_fs(KERNEL_DS); error = sys_socketcall(SYS_ACCEPT, args); set_fs(old_fs); filp->f_flags = oldflags; if (error < 0) { SOLD("some error"); putpage(buf); return error; } if (error) { SOLD("connect"); putpage(buf); if (sizeof(ind) > ctl_maxlen) { SOLD("generating CONN_IND"); ind.PRIM_type = T_CONN_IND; ind.SRC_length = len; ind.SRC_offset = sizeof(ind); ind.OPT_length = ind.OPT_offset = 0; ind.SEQ_number = error; if(copy_to_user(ctl_buf, &ind, sizeof(ind))|| put_user(sizeof(ind)+ind.SRC_length,ctl_len)) return -EFAULT; SOLD("CONN_IND created"); } if (data_maxlen >= 0) put_user(0, data_len); SOLD("CONN_IND done"); return 0; } if (len>ctl_maxlen) { SOLD("data don't fit"); putpage(buf); return -EFAULT; /* XXX - is this ok ? */ } if(copy_to_user(ctl_buf,buf,len) || put_user(len,ctl_len)){ SOLD("can't copy data"); putpage(buf); return -EFAULT; } SOLD("ACCEPT done"); putpage(buf); } } SOLD("checking data req"); if (data_maxlen <= 0) { if (data_maxlen == 0) put_user(0, data_len); if (ctl_maxlen >= 0) put_user(0, ctl_len); return -EAGAIN; } SOLD("wants data"); if (ctl_maxlen > sizeof(udi) && sock->state == TS_IDLE) { SOLD("udi fits"); tmpbuf = ctl_buf + sizeof(udi); tmplen = ctl_maxlen - sizeof(udi); } else { SOLD("udi does not fit"); tmpbuf = NULL; tmplen = 0; } if (put_user(tmplen, ctl_len)) return -EFAULT; SOLD("set ctl_len"); oldflags = filp->f_flags; filp->f_flags |= O_NONBLOCK; SOLD("calling recvfrom"); sys_recvfrom = (int (*)(int, void *, size_t, unsigned, struct sockaddr *, int *))SYS(recvfrom); error = sys_recvfrom(fd, data_buf, data_maxlen, 0, (struct sockaddr*)tmpbuf, ctl_len); filp->f_flags = oldflags; if (error < 0) return error; SOLD("error >= 0" ) ; if (error && ctl_maxlen > sizeof(udi) && sock->state == TS_IDLE) { SOLD("generating udi"); udi.PRIM_type = T_UNITDATA_IND; get_user(udi.SRC_length, ctl_len); udi.SRC_offset = sizeof(udi); udi.OPT_length = udi.OPT_offset = 0; copy_to_user(ctl_buf, &udi, sizeof(udi)); put_user(sizeof(udi)+udi.SRC_length, ctl_len); SOLD("udi done"); } else put_user(0, ctl_len); put_user(error, data_len); SOLD("done"); return 0; }
static int mtd_ioctl(struct inode *inode, struct file *file, u_int cmd, u_long arg) { struct mtd_file_info *mfi = file->private_data; struct mtd_info *mtd = mfi->mtd; void __user *argp = (void __user *)arg; int ret = 0; u_long size; struct mtd_info_user info; struct mtd_info_user64 info64; DEBUG(MTD_DEBUG_LEVEL0, "MTD_ioctl\n"); size = (cmd & IOCSIZE_MASK) >> IOCSIZE_SHIFT; if (cmd & IOC_IN) { if (!access_ok(VERIFY_READ, argp, size)) return -EFAULT; } if (cmd & IOC_OUT) { if (!access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, argp, size)) return -EFAULT; } switch (cmd) { case MEMGETREGIONCOUNT: if (copy_to_user(argp, &(mtd->numeraseregions), sizeof(int))) return -EFAULT; break; case MEMGETREGIONINFO: { struct region_info_user ur; struct mtd_erase_region_info32 mer; if (copy_from_user(&ur, argp, sizeof(struct region_info_user))) return -EFAULT; if (ur.regionindex >= mtd->numeraseregions) return -EINVAL; mer.offset = (u_int32_t) mtd->eraseregions[ur.regionindex].offset; mer.erasesize = mtd->eraseregions[ur.regionindex].erasesize; mer.numblocks = mtd->eraseregions[ur.regionindex].numblocks; if (copy_to_user(argp, &mer, sizeof(struct mtd_erase_region_info32))) return -EFAULT; /* if (copy_to_user(argp, &(mtd->eraseregions[ur.regionindex]), sizeof(struct mtd_erase_region_info))) return -EFAULT; */ break; } case MEMGETREGIONINFO64: { struct region_info_user64 ur; if(copy_from_user(&ur, argp, sizeof(struct region_info_user64))) return -EFAULT; if (ur.regionindex >= mtd->numeraseregions) return -EINVAL; if (copy_to_user(argp, &(mtd->eraseregions[ur.regionindex]), sizeof(struct mtd_erase_region_info))) return -EINVAL; break; } case MEMGETINFO: info.type = mtd->type; info.flags = mtd->flags; info.size = device_size(mtd); info.erasesize = mtd->erasesize; info.writesize = mtd->writesize; info.oobsize = mtd->oobsize; info.ecctype = mtd->ecctype; info.eccsize = mtd->eccsize; if (copy_to_user(argp, &info, sizeof(struct mtd_info_user))) return -EFAULT; break; case MEMGETINFO64: info64.type = mtd->type; info64.flags = mtd->flags; info64.size = device_size(mtd); info64.erasesize = mtd->erasesize; info64.writesize = mtd->writesize; info64.oobsize = mtd->oobsize; info64.ecctype = mtd->ecctype; info64.eccsize = mtd->eccsize; if (copy_to_user(argp, &info64, sizeof(struct mtd_info_user64))) return -EFAULT; break; case MEMERASE: { struct erase_info32 *erase; /* Backward compatible older struct */ struct erase_info *erase64; /* Actual struct sent to kernel */ if(!(file->f_mode & 2)) return -EPERM; erase=kmalloc(sizeof(struct erase_info32),GFP_KERNEL); erase64 = kmalloc(sizeof(struct erase_info), GFP_KERNEL); if (!erase || !erase64) ret = -ENOMEM; else { wait_queue_head_t waitq; DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); init_waitqueue_head(&waitq); memset (erase,0,sizeof(struct erase_info32)); if (copy_from_user(&erase->addr, argp, sizeof(struct erase_info_user))) { kfree(erase); kfree(erase64); return -EFAULT; } /* Send an erase64 to the kernel mtd layer */ erase64->addr = (uint64_t) erase->addr; erase64->len = erase->len; erase64->mtd = mtd; erase64->callback = mtdchar_erase_callback; erase64->priv = (unsigned long)&waitq; /* FIXME: Allow INTERRUPTIBLE. Which means not having the wait_queue head on the stack. If the wq_head is on the stack, and we leave because we got interrupted, then the wq_head is no longer there when the callback routine tries to wake us up. */ ret = mtd->erase(mtd, erase64); if (!ret) { set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); add_wait_queue(&waitq, &wait); if (erase64->state != MTD_ERASE_DONE && erase64->state != MTD_ERASE_FAILED) schedule(); remove_wait_queue(&waitq, &wait); set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); ret = (erase64->state == MTD_ERASE_FAILED)?-EIO:0; } kfree(erase); kfree(erase64); } break; } case MEMERASE64: { struct erase_info *erase; if(!(file->f_mode & 2)) return -EPERM; erase=kmalloc(sizeof(struct erase_info),GFP_KERNEL); if (!erase) ret = -ENOMEM; else { wait_queue_head_t waitq; DECLARE_WAITQUEUE(wait, current); init_waitqueue_head(&waitq); memset (erase,0,sizeof(struct erase_info)); if (copy_from_user(&erase->addr, argp, sizeof(struct erase_info_user64))) { kfree(erase); return -EFAULT; } erase->mtd = mtd; erase->callback = mtdchar_erase_callback; erase->priv = (unsigned long)&waitq; /* FIXME: Allow INTERRUPTIBLE. Which means not having the wait_queue head on the stack. If the wq_head is on the stack, and we leave because we got interrupted, then the wq_head is no longer there when the callback routine tries to wake us up. */ ret = mtd->erase(mtd, erase); if (!ret) { set_current_state(TASK_UNINTERRUPTIBLE); add_wait_queue(&waitq, &wait); if (erase->state != MTD_ERASE_DONE && erase->state != MTD_ERASE_FAILED) schedule(); remove_wait_queue(&waitq, &wait); set_current_state(TASK_RUNNING); ret = (erase->state == MTD_ERASE_FAILED)?-EIO:0; } kfree(erase); } break; } case MEMWRITEOOB: { struct mtd_oob_buf buf; struct mtd_oob_ops ops; if(!(file->f_mode & 2)) return -EPERM; if (copy_from_user(&buf, argp, sizeof(struct mtd_oob_buf))) return -EFAULT; if (buf.length > 4096) return -EINVAL; if (!mtd->write_oob) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = access_ok(VERIFY_READ, buf.ptr, buf.length) ? 0 : EFAULT; if (ret) return ret; ops.len = buf.length; ops.ooblen = buf.length; ops.ooboffs = buf.start & (mtd->oobsize - 1); ops.datbuf = NULL; ops.mode = MTD_OOB_PLACE; if (ops.ooboffs && ops.len > (mtd->oobsize - ops.ooboffs)) return -EINVAL; ops.oobbuf = kmalloc(buf.length, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ops.oobbuf) return -ENOMEM; if (copy_from_user(ops.oobbuf, buf.ptr, buf.length)) { kfree(ops.oobbuf); return -EFAULT; } buf.start &= ~(mtd->oobsize - 1); ret = mtd->write_oob(mtd, buf.start, &ops); if (copy_to_user(argp + sizeof(uint32_t), &ops.retlen, sizeof(uint32_t))) { ret = -EFAULT; } kfree(ops.oobbuf); break; } case MEMWRITEOOB64: { struct mtd_oob_buf64 buf; struct mtd_oob_ops ops; if(!(file->f_mode & 2)) return -EPERM; if (copy_from_user(&buf, argp, sizeof(struct mtd_oob_buf64))) return -EFAULT; if (buf.length > 4096) return -EINVAL; if (!mtd->write_oob) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = access_ok(VERIFY_READ, buf.ptr, buf.length) ? 0 : EFAULT; if (ret) return ret; ops.len = buf.length; ops.ooblen = buf.length; ops.ooboffs = buf.start & (mtd->oobsize - 1); ops.datbuf = NULL; ops.mode = MTD_OOB_PLACE; if (ops.ooboffs && ops.len > (mtd->oobsize - ops.ooboffs)) return -EINVAL; ops.oobbuf = kmalloc(buf.length, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ops.oobbuf) return -ENOMEM; if (copy_from_user(ops.oobbuf, buf.ptr, buf.length)) { kfree(ops.oobbuf); return -EFAULT; } buf.start &= ~(mtd->oobsize - 1); ret = mtd->write_oob(mtd, buf.start, &ops); if (copy_to_user(argp + sizeof(uint32_t), &ops.retlen, sizeof(uint32_t))) { ret = -EFAULT; } kfree(ops.oobbuf); break; } case MEMREADOOB: { struct mtd_oob_buf buf; struct mtd_oob_ops ops; if (copy_from_user(&buf, argp, sizeof(struct mtd_oob_buf))) return -EFAULT; if (buf.length > 4096) return -EINVAL; if (!mtd->read_oob) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buf.ptr, buf.length) ? 0 : -EFAULT; if (ret) return ret; ops.len = buf.length; ops.ooblen = buf.length; ops.ooboffs = buf.start & (mtd->oobsize - 1); ops.datbuf = NULL; ops.mode = MTD_OOB_PLACE; if (ops.ooboffs && ops.len > (mtd->oobsize - ops.ooboffs)) return -EINVAL; ops.oobbuf = kmalloc(buf.length, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ops.oobbuf) return -ENOMEM; buf.start &= ~(mtd->oobsize - 1); ret = mtd->read_oob(mtd, buf.start, &ops); if (put_user(ops.retlen, (uint32_t __user *)argp)) { ret = -EFAULT; } else if (ops.retlen && copy_to_user(buf.ptr, ops.oobbuf, ops.retlen)) { ret = -EFAULT; } kfree(ops.oobbuf); break; } case MEMREADOOB64: { struct mtd_oob_buf64 buf; struct mtd_oob_ops ops; if (copy_from_user(&buf, argp, sizeof(struct mtd_oob_buf64))) return -EFAULT; if (buf.length > 4096) return -EINVAL; if (!mtd->read_oob) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = access_ok(VERIFY_WRITE, buf.ptr, buf.length) ? 0 : -EFAULT; if (ret) return ret; ops.len = buf.length; ops.ooblen = buf.length; ops.ooboffs = buf.start & (mtd->oobsize - 1); ops.datbuf = NULL; ops.mode = MTD_OOB_PLACE; if (ops.ooboffs && ops.len > (mtd->oobsize - ops.ooboffs)) return -EINVAL; ops.oobbuf = kmalloc(buf.length, GFP_KERNEL); if (!ops.oobbuf) return -ENOMEM; buf.start &= ~(mtd->oobsize - 1); ret = mtd->read_oob(mtd, buf.start, &ops); if (put_user(ops.retlen, (uint32_t __user *)argp)) { ret = -EFAULT; } else if (ops.retlen && copy_to_user(buf.ptr, ops.oobbuf, ops.retlen)) { ret = -EFAULT; } kfree(ops.oobbuf); break; } case MEMLOCK: { struct erase_info_user info; if (copy_from_user(&info, argp, sizeof(info))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->lock) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = mtd->lock(mtd, info.start, info.length); break; } case MEMUNLOCK: { struct erase_info_user info; if (copy_from_user(&info, argp, sizeof(info))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->unlock) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = mtd->unlock(mtd, info.start, info.length); break; } case MEMUNLOCK64: { struct erase_info_user64 info; if (copy_from_user(&info, argp, sizeof(info))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->unlock) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else ret = mtd->unlock(mtd, info.start, info.length); break; } /* Legacy interface */ case MEMGETOOBSEL: { struct nand_oobinfo32 oi; if (!mtd->ecclayout) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (mtd->ecclayout->eccbytes > ARRAY_SIZE(oi.eccpos)) return -EINVAL; oi.useecc = MTD_NANDECC_AUTOPLACE; memcpy(&oi.eccpos, mtd->ecclayout->eccpos, sizeof(oi.eccpos)); memcpy(&oi.oobfree, mtd->ecclayout->oobfree, sizeof(oi.oobfree)); if (copy_to_user(argp, &oi, sizeof(struct nand_oobinfo32))) return -EFAULT; break; } /* Legacy interface */ case MEMGETOOBSEL64: { struct nand_oobinfo oi; if (!mtd->ecclayout) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (mtd->ecclayout->eccbytes > ARRAY_SIZE(oi.eccpos)) return -EINVAL; oi.useecc = MTD_NANDECC_AUTOPLACE; memcpy(&oi.eccpos, mtd->ecclayout->eccpos, sizeof(oi.eccpos)); memcpy(&oi.oobfree, mtd->ecclayout->oobfree, sizeof(oi.oobfree)); if (copy_to_user(argp, &oi, sizeof(struct nand_oobinfo))) return -EFAULT; break; } case MEMGETBADBLOCK: { loff_t offs; if (copy_from_user(&offs, argp, sizeof(loff_t))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->block_isbad) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else return mtd->block_isbad(mtd, offs); break; } case MEMSETBADBLOCK: { loff_t offs; if (copy_from_user(&offs, argp, sizeof(loff_t))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->block_markbad) ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; else return mtd->block_markbad(mtd, offs); break; } #if defined(CONFIG_MTD_OTP) || defined(CONFIG_MTD_ONENAND_OTP) case OTPSELECT: { int mode; if (copy_from_user(&mode, argp, sizeof(int))) return -EFAULT; mfi->mode = MTD_MODE_NORMAL; ret = otp_select_filemode(mfi, mode); file->f_pos = 0; break; } case OTPGETREGIONCOUNT: case OTPGETREGIONINFO: { struct otp_info *buf = kmalloc(4096, GFP_KERNEL); if (!buf) return -ENOMEM; ret = -EOPNOTSUPP; switch (mfi->mode) { case MTD_MODE_OTP_FACTORY: if (mtd->get_fact_prot_info) ret = mtd->get_fact_prot_info(mtd, buf, 4096); break; case MTD_MODE_OTP_USER: if (mtd->get_user_prot_info) ret = mtd->get_user_prot_info(mtd, buf, 4096); break; default: break; } if (ret >= 0) { if (cmd == OTPGETREGIONCOUNT) { int nbr = ret / sizeof(struct otp_info); ret = copy_to_user(argp, &nbr, sizeof(int)); } else ret = copy_to_user(argp, buf, ret); if (ret) ret = -EFAULT; } kfree(buf); break; } case OTPLOCK: { struct otp_info info; if (mfi->mode != MTD_MODE_OTP_USER) return -EINVAL; if (copy_from_user(&info, argp, sizeof(info))) return -EFAULT; if (!mtd->lock_user_prot_reg) return -EOPNOTSUPP; ret = mtd->lock_user_prot_reg(mtd, info.start, info.length); break; } #endif case ECCGETLAYOUT: { if (!mtd->ecclayout) return -EOPNOTSUPP; if (copy_to_user(argp, &mtd->ecclayout, sizeof(struct nand_ecclayout))) return -EFAULT; break; } case ECCGETSTATS: { if (copy_to_user(argp, &mtd->ecc_stats, sizeof(struct mtd_ecc_stats))) return -EFAULT; break; } case MTDFILEMODE: { mfi->mode = 0; switch(arg) { case MTD_MODE_OTP_FACTORY: case MTD_MODE_OTP_USER: ret = otp_select_filemode(mfi, arg); break; case MTD_MODE_RAW: if (!mtd->read_oob || !mtd->write_oob) return -EOPNOTSUPP; mfi->mode = arg; case MTD_MODE_NORMAL: break; default: ret = -EINVAL; } file->f_pos = 0; break; } default: ret = -ENOTTY; } return ret; } /* memory_ioctl */
static int dlm_recovery_wait(void *word) { schedule(); return 0; }
// do_wait - wait one OR any children with PROC_ZOMBIE state, and free memory space of kernel stack // - proc struct of this child. // NOTE: only after do_wait function, all resources of the child proces are free. int do_wait(int pid, int *code_store) { struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm; if (code_store != NULL) { if (!user_mem_check(mm, (uintptr_t) code_store, sizeof(int), 1)) { return -E_INVAL; } } struct proc_struct *proc, *cproc; bool intr_flag, haskid; repeat: cproc = current; haskid = 0; if (pid != 0) { proc = find_proc(pid); if (proc != NULL) { do { if (proc->parent == cproc) { haskid = 1; if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) { goto found; } break; } cproc = next_thread(cproc); } while (cproc != current); } } else { do { proc = cproc->cptr; for (; proc != NULL; proc = proc->optr) { haskid = 1; if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) { goto found; } } cproc = next_thread(cproc); } while (cproc != current); } if (haskid) { current->state = PROC_SLEEPING; current->wait_state = WT_CHILD; schedule(); may_killed(); goto repeat; } return -E_BAD_PROC; found: if (proc == idleproc || proc == initproc) { panic("wait idleproc or initproc.\n"); } int exit_code = proc->exit_code; spin_lock_irqsave(&proc_lock, intr_flag); { unhash_proc(proc); remove_links(proc); } spin_unlock_irqrestore(&proc_lock, intr_flag); put_kstack(proc); kfree(proc); int ret = 0; if (code_store != NULL) { lock_mm(mm); { if (!copy_to_user (mm, code_store, &exit_code, sizeof(int))) { ret = -E_INVAL; } } unlock_mm(mm); } return ret; }
void schedule_merge (Ob dep) { schedule(MergeTask(dep)); }
int do_linux_waitpid(int pid, int *code_store) { struct mm_struct *mm = current->mm; if (code_store != NULL) { if (!user_mem_check(mm, (uintptr_t) code_store, sizeof(int), 1)) { return -E_INVAL; } } struct proc_struct *proc, *cproc; bool intr_flag, haskid; repeat: cproc = current; haskid = 0; if (pid > 0) { proc = find_proc(pid); if (proc != NULL) { do { if (proc->parent == cproc) { haskid = 1; if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) { goto found; } break; } cproc = next_thread(cproc); } while (cproc != current); } } /* we do NOT have group id, so.. */ else if (pid == 0 || pid == -1) { /* pid == 0 */ do { proc = cproc->cptr; for (; proc != NULL; proc = proc->optr) { haskid = 1; if (proc->state == PROC_ZOMBIE) { goto found; } } cproc = next_thread(cproc); } while (cproc != current); } else { //pid<-1 //TODO return -E_INVAL; } if (haskid) { current->state = PROC_SLEEPING; current->wait_state = WT_CHILD; schedule(); may_killed(); goto repeat; } return -E_BAD_PROC; found: if (proc == idleproc || proc == initproc) { panic("wait idleproc or initproc.\n"); } int exit_code = proc->exit_code; int return_pid = proc->pid; local_intr_save(intr_flag); { unhash_proc(proc); remove_links(proc); } local_intr_restore(intr_flag); put_kstack(proc); kfree(proc); int ret = 0; if (code_store != NULL) { lock_mm(mm); { int status = exit_code << 8; if (!copy_to_user(mm, code_store, &status, sizeof(int))) { ret = -E_INVAL; } } unlock_mm(mm); } return (ret == 0) ? return_pid : ret; }
void schedule_less (Ob lhs, Ob rhs) { schedule(PositiveOrderTask(lhs, rhs)); }
// init_main - the second kernel thread used to create kswapd_main & user_main kernel threads static int init_main(void *arg) { int pid; #ifdef UCONFIG_SWAP if ((pid = ucore_kernel_thread(kswapd_main, NULL, 0)) <= 0) { panic("kswapd init failed.\n"); } kswapd = find_proc(pid); set_proc_name(kswapd, "kswapd"); #else kprintf("init_main:: swapping is disabled.\n"); #endif int ret; char root[] = "disk0:"; if ((ret = vfs_set_bootfs(root)) != 0) { panic("set boot fs failed: %e.\n", ret); } size_t nr_used_pages_store = nr_used_pages(); size_t slab_allocated_store = slab_allocated(); unsigned int nr_process_store = nr_process; pid = ucore_kernel_thread(user_main, NULL, 0); if (pid <= 0) { panic("create user_main failed.\n"); } while (do_wait(0, NULL) == 0) { if (nr_process_store == nr_process) { break; } schedule(); } #ifdef UCONFIG_SWAP assert(kswapd != NULL); int i; for (i = 0; i < 10; i++) { if (kswapd->wait_state == WT_TIMER) { wakeup_proc(kswapd); } schedule(); } #endif mbox_cleanup(); fs_cleanup(); kprintf("all user-mode processes have quit.\n"); #ifdef UCONFIG_SWAP assert(initproc->cptr == kswapd && initproc->yptr == NULL && initproc->optr == NULL); assert(kswapd->cptr == NULL && kswapd->yptr == NULL && kswapd->optr == NULL); assert(nr_process == 2 + sysconf.lcpu_count); #else assert(nr_process == 1 + sysconf.lcpu_count); #endif assert(nr_used_pages_store == nr_used_pages()); assert(slab_allocated_store == slab_allocated()); kprintf("init check memory pass.\n"); return 0; }
void schedule_nullary_function (const NullaryFunction * fun) { schedule(NullaryFunctionTask(*fun)); }
static int get_signal_to_deliver(siginfo_t *info, struct pt_regs *regs) { for (;;) { unsigned long signr; struct k_sigaction *ka; spin_lock_irq(¤t->sigmask_lock); signr = dequeue_signal(¤t->blocked, info); spin_unlock_irq(¤t->sigmask_lock); if (!signr) break; if ((current->ptrace & PT_PTRACED) && signr != SIGKILL) { /* Let the debugger run. */ current->exit_code = signr; current->state = TASK_STOPPED; notify_parent(current, SIGCHLD); schedule(); /* We're back. Did the debugger cancel the sig? */ signr = current->exit_code; if (signr == 0) continue; current->exit_code = 0; /* The debugger continued. Ignore SIGSTOP. */ if (signr == SIGSTOP) continue; /* Update the siginfo structure. Is this good? */ if (signr != info->si_signo) { info->si_signo = signr; info->si_errno = 0; info->si_code = SI_USER; info->si_pid = current->p_pptr->pid; info->si_uid = current->p_pptr->uid; } /* If the (new) signal is now blocked, requeue it. */ if (sigismember(¤t->blocked, signr)) { send_sig_info(signr, info, current); continue; } } ka = ¤t->sig->action[signr-1]; if (ka->sa.sa_handler == SIG_IGN) { if (signr != SIGCHLD) continue; /* Check for SIGCHLD: it's special. */ while (sys_wait4(-1, NULL, WNOHANG, NULL) > 0) /* nothing */; continue; } if (ka->sa.sa_handler == SIG_DFL) { int exit_code = signr; /* Init gets no signals it doesn't want. */ if (current->pid == 1) continue; switch (signr) { case SIGCONT: case SIGCHLD: case SIGWINCH: case SIGURG: continue; case SIGTSTP: case SIGTTIN: case SIGTTOU: if (is_orphaned_pgrp(current->pgrp)) continue; /* FALLTHRU */ case SIGSTOP: { struct signal_struct *sig; current->state = TASK_STOPPED; current->exit_code = signr; sig = current->p_pptr->sig; if (sig && !(sig->action[SIGCHLD-1].sa.sa_flags & SA_NOCLDSTOP)) notify_parent(current, SIGCHLD); schedule(); continue; } case SIGQUIT: case SIGILL: case SIGTRAP: case SIGABRT: case SIGFPE: case SIGSEGV: case SIGBUS: case SIGSYS: case SIGXCPU: case SIGXFSZ: if (do_coredump(signr, regs)) exit_code |= 0x80; /* FALLTHRU */ default: sig_exit(signr, exit_code, info); /* NOTREACHED */ } } return signr; } return 0; }