Beispiel #1
int player::hit_mon(game *g, monster *z, bool allow_grab) // defaults to true
 bool is_u = (this == &(g->u));	// Affects how we'll display messages
 if (is_u)
  z->add_effect(ME_HIT_BY_PLAYER, 100); // Flag as attacked by us

 std::string You  = (is_u ? "You"  : name);
 std::string Your = (is_u ? "Your" : name + "'s");
 std::string your = (is_u ? "your" : (male ? "his" : "her"));
 std::string verb = "hit";
 std::string target = "the " + z->name();

// If !allow_grab, then we already grabbed them--meaning their dodge is hampered
 int mondodge = (allow_grab ? z->dodge_roll() : z->dodge_roll() / 3);

 bool missed = (hit_roll() < mondodge ||
                one_in(4 + dex_cur + weapon.type->m_to_hit));

 int move_cost = attack_speed(*this, missed);

 if (missed) {
  int stumble_pen = stumble(*this);
  if (is_u) {	// Only display messages if this is the player
   if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
    g->add_msg("You feint.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 60)
    g->add_msg("You miss and stumble with the momentum.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 10)
    g->add_msg("You swing wildly and miss.");
    g->add_msg("You miss.");
  melee_practice(*this, false, unarmed_attack(),
                 weapon.is_bashing_weapon(), weapon.is_cutting_weapon(),
                 (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)));
  move_cost += stumble_pen;
  if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
   move_cost = rng(move_cost / 3, move_cost);
  moves -= move_cost;
  return 0;
 moves -= move_cost;

 bool critical_hit = scored_crit(mondodge);

 int bash_dam = roll_bash_damage(z, critical_hit);
 int cut_dam  = roll_cut_damage(z, critical_hit);
 int stab_dam = roll_stab_damage(z, critical_hit);

 int pain = 0; // Boost to pain; required for perform_technique

// Moves lost to getting your weapon stuck
 int stuck_penalty = roll_stuck_penalty(z, (stab_dam >= cut_dam));
 if (weapon.is_style())
  stuck_penalty = 0;

// Pick one or more special attacks
 technique_id technique = pick_technique(g, z, NULL, critical_hit, allow_grab);

// Handles effects as well; not done in melee_affect_*
 perform_technique(technique, g, z, NULL, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam, pain);
 z->speed -= int(pain / 2);

// Mutation-based attacks
 perform_special_attacks(g, z, NULL, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Handles speed penalties to monster & us, etc
 melee_special_effects(g, z, NULL, critical_hit, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Make a rather quiet sound, to alert any nearby monsters
 if (weapon.typeId() != "style_ninjutsu") // Ninjutsu is silent!
  g->sound(posx, posy, 8, "");

 verb = melee_verb(technique, your, *this, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

 int dam = bash_dam + (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam);

 hit_message(g, You.c_str(), verb.c_str(), target.c_str(), dam, critical_hit);

 bool bashing = (bash_dam >= 10 && !unarmed_attack());
 bool cutting = (cut_dam >= 10 && cut_dam >= stab_dam);
 bool stabbing = (stab_dam >= 10 && stab_dam >= cut_dam);
 melee_practice(*this, true, unarmed_attack(), bashing, cutting, stabbing);

 if (allow_grab && technique == TEC_GRAB) {
// Move our weapon to a temp slot, if it's not unarmed
  if (!unarmed_attack()) {
   item tmpweap = remove_weapon();
   dam += hit_mon(g, z, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
   weapon = tmpweap;
  } else
   dam += hit_mon(g, z, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed

 if (dam >= 5 && has_artifact_with(AEP_SAP_LIFE))
  healall( rng(dam / 10, dam / 5) );
 return dam;
Beispiel #2
void player::hit_player(game *g, player &p, bool allow_grab)
 bool is_u = (this == &(g->u));	// Affects how we'll display messages

 if (is_u && p.is_npc()) {
  npc* npcPtr = dynamic_cast<npc*>(&p);

 std::string You  = (is_u ? "You"  : name);
 std::string Your = (is_u ? "Your" : name + "'s");
 std::string your = (is_u ? "your" : (male ? "his" : "her"));
 std::string verb = "hit";

// Divide their dodge roll by 2 if this is a grab
 int target_dodge = (allow_grab ? p.dodge_roll(g) : p.dodge_roll(g) / 2);
 int hit_value = hit_roll() - target_dodge;
 bool missed = (hit_roll() <= 0);

 int move_cost = attack_speed(*this, missed);

 if (missed) {
  int stumble_pen = stumble(*this);
  if (is_u) {	// Only display messages if this is the player
   if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
    g->add_msg("You feint.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 60)
    g->add_msg("You miss and stumble with the momentum.");
   else if (stumble_pen >= 10)
    g->add_msg("You swing wildly and miss.");
    g->add_msg("You miss.");
  melee_practice(*this, false, unarmed_attack(),
                 weapon.is_bashing_weapon(), weapon.is_cutting_weapon(),
                 (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)));
  move_cost += stumble_pen;
  if (weapon.has_technique(TEC_FEINT, this))
   move_cost = rng(move_cost / 3, move_cost);
  moves -= move_cost;
 moves -= move_cost;

 body_part bp_hit;
 int side = rng(0, 1);
 hit_value += rng(-10, 10);
 if (hit_value >= 30)
  bp_hit = bp_eyes;
 else if (hit_value >= 20)
  bp_hit = bp_head;
 else if (hit_value >= 10)
  bp_hit = bp_torso;
 else if (one_in(4))
  bp_hit = bp_legs;
  bp_hit = bp_arms;

 std::string target = (p.is_npc() ? + "'s " : "your ");
 target += body_part_name(bp_hit, side);

 bool critical_hit = scored_crit(target_dodge);

 int bash_dam = roll_bash_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int cut_dam  = roll_cut_damage(NULL, critical_hit);
 int stab_dam = roll_stab_damage(NULL, critical_hit);

 technique_id tech_def = p.pick_defensive_technique(g, NULL, this);
 p.perform_defensive_technique(tech_def, g, NULL, this, bp_hit, side,
                               bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

 if (bash_dam + cut_dam + stab_dam <= 0)
  return; // Defensive technique canceled our attack!

 if (critical_hit) // Crits cancel out Toad Style's armor boost

 int pain = 0; // Boost to pain; required for perform_technique

// Moves lost to getting your weapon stuck
 int stuck_penalty = roll_stuck_penalty(NULL, (stab_dam >= cut_dam));
 if (weapon.is_style())
  stuck_penalty = 0;

// Pick one or more special attacks
 technique_id technique = pick_technique(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, allow_grab);

// Handles effects as well; not done in melee_affect_*
 perform_technique(technique, g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam, pain);
 p.pain += pain;

// Mutation-based attacks
 perform_special_attacks(g, NULL, &p, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Handles speed penalties to monster & us, etc
 melee_special_effects(g, NULL, &p, critical_hit, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);

// Make a rather quiet sound, to alert any nearby monsters
 if (weapon.typeId() != "style_ninjutsu") // Ninjutsu is silent!
  g->sound(posx, posy, 8, "");

 p.hit(g, bp_hit, side, bash_dam, (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam));

 verb = melee_verb(technique, your, *this, bash_dam, cut_dam, stab_dam);
 int dam = bash_dam + (cut_dam > stab_dam ? cut_dam : stab_dam);
 hit_message(g, You.c_str(), verb.c_str(), target.c_str(), dam, critical_hit);

 bool bashing = (bash_dam >= 10 && !unarmed_attack());
 bool cutting = (cut_dam >= 10 && cut_dam >= stab_dam);
 bool stabbing = (stab_dam >= 10 && stab_dam >= cut_dam);
 melee_practice(*this, true, unarmed_attack(), bashing, cutting, stabbing);

 if (dam >= 5 && has_artifact_with(AEP_SAP_LIFE))
  healall( rng(dam / 10, dam / 5) );

 if (allow_grab && technique == TEC_GRAB) {
// Move our weapon to a temp slot, if it's not unarmed
  if (p.weapon.has_technique(TEC_BREAK, &p) &&
      dice(p.dex_cur + p.skillLevel("melee"), 12) >
      dice(dex_cur + skillLevel("melee"), 10)) {
   if (is_u)
    g->add_msg("%s break%s the grab!", target.c_str(), (p.is_npc() ? "s" : ""));
  } else if (!unarmed_attack()) {
   item tmpweap = remove_weapon();
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
   weapon = tmpweap;
  } else
   hit_player(g, p, false); // False means a second grab isn't allowed
 if (tech_def == TEC_COUNTER) {
  if (!p.is_npc())
  p.hit_player(g, *this);
Beispiel #3
int player::hit_mon(game *g, monster *z)
 bool is_u = (this == &(g->u));	// Affects how we'll display messages
 int j;
 bool can_see = (is_u || g->u_see(posx, posy, j));
 std::string You  = (is_u ? "You"  : name);
 std::string Your = (is_u ? "Your" : name + "'s");
 std::string your = (is_u ? "your" : (male ? "his" : "her"));

// Types of combat (may overlap!)
 bool unarmed  = unarmed_attack(), bashing = weapon.is_bashing_weapon(),
      cutting  = weapon.is_cutting_weapon(),
      stabbing = (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) ||
                  weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)    );

// Recoil penalty
 if (recoil <= 30)
  recoil += 6;
// Movement cost
 moves -= weapon.attack_time() + 20 * encumb(bp_torso);
// Different sizes affect your chance to hit
 if (hit_roll() < z->dodge_roll() ||
     one_in(4 + dex_cur + weapon.type->m_to_hit)) {// A miss!
  return 0;
// For very high hit rolls, we crit!
 bool critical_hit = scored_crit(z->dodge_roll());
 int dam = base_damage(true);
 int cutting_penalty = 0; // Moves lost from getting a cutting weapon stuck

// Drunken Master damage bonuses
 if (has_trait(PF_DRUNKEN) && has_disease(DI_DRUNK)) {
// Remember, a single drink gives 600 levels of DI_DRUNK
  int mindrunk, maxdrunk;
  if (unarmed) {
   mindrunk = disease_level(DI_DRUNK) / 600;
   maxdrunk = disease_level(DI_DRUNK) / 250;
  } else {
   mindrunk = disease_level(DI_DRUNK) / 900;
   maxdrunk = disease_level(DI_DRUNK) / 400;
  dam += rng(mindrunk, maxdrunk);

 if (unarmed) { // Unarmed bonuses
  dam += rng(0, sklevel[sk_unarmed]);
  if (has_trait(PF_TALONS) && z->type->armor - sklevel[sk_unarmed] < 10) {
   int z_armor = (z->type->armor - sklevel[sk_unarmed]);
   if (z_armor < 0)
    z_armor = 0;
   dam += 10 - z_armor;
 if (rng(1, 45 - dex_cur) < 2 * sklevel[sk_unarmed] &&
     rng(1, 65 - dex_cur) < 2 * sklevel[sk_unarmed]   ) {
// Bonus unarmed attack!
  if (is_u || can_see) {
   switch (rng(1, 4)) {
    case 1: g->add_msg("%s kick%s the %s!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
                       z->name().c_str()); break;
    case 2: g->add_msg("%s headbutt%s the %s!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
                       z->name().c_str()); break;
    case 3: g->add_msg("%s elbow%s the %s!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
                       z->name().c_str()); break;
    case 4: g->add_msg("%s knee%s the %s!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
                       z->name().c_str()); break;
  if (sklevel[sk_unarmed] >= 4)
   dam += rng(1, sklevel[sk_unarmed] / 2);
  practice(sk_unarmed, 2);
// Melee skill bonus
 dam += rng(0, sklevel[sk_melee]);
// Bashing damage bonus
 int bash_dam = weapon.damage_bash(),
     bash_cap = 5 + str_cur + sklevel[sk_bashing];
 if (bash_dam > bash_cap)// Cap for weak characters
  bash_dam = (bash_cap * 3 + bash_dam) / 4;
 if (bashing)
  bash_dam += rng(0, sklevel[sk_bashing] + sqrt(double(str_cur)));
 if (z->has_flag(MF_PLASTIC))
  bash_dam /= rng(2, 4);
 int bash_min = bash_dam / 4;
 if (bash_min < sklevel[sk_bashing] )
  bash_min = sklevel[sk_bashing];
 dam += rng(bash_min, bash_dam);
// Take some moves away from the target; at this point it's skill & bash damage
 z->moves -= rng(0, dam * 2);
// Spears treat cutting damage specially.
 if (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) &&
     weapon.damage_cut() > z->type->armor - int(sklevel[sk_stabbing])) {
  int z_armor = z->type->armor - int(sklevel[sk_stabbing]);
  dam += int(weapon.damage_cut() / 5);
  int minstab = sklevel[sk_stabbing] *  5 + weapon.volume() * 2,
      maxstab = sklevel[sk_stabbing] * 15 + weapon.volume() * 4;
  int monster_penalty = rng(minstab, maxstab);
  if (monster_penalty >= 150)
   g->add_msg("You force the %s to the ground!", z->name().c_str());
  else if (monster_penalty >= 50)
   g->add_msg("The %s is skewered and flinches!", z->name().c_str());
  z->moves -= monster_penalty;
  cutting_penalty = weapon.damage_cut() * 4 + z_armor * 8 -
                    dice(sklevel[sk_stabbing], 10);
  practice(sk_stabbing, 2);
// Cutting damage bonus
 } else if (weapon.damage_cut() >
            z->type->armor - int(sklevel[sk_cutting] / 2)) {
  int z_armor = z->type->armor - int(sklevel[sk_cutting] / 2);
  if (z_armor < 0)
   z_armor = 0;
  dam += weapon.damage_cut() - z_armor;
  cutting_penalty = weapon.damage_cut() * 3 + z_armor * 8 -
                    dice(sklevel[sk_cutting], 10);
 if (weapon.has_flag(IF_MESSY)) { // e.g. chainsaws
  cutting_penalty /= 6; // Harder to get stuck
  for (int x = z->posx - 1; x <= z->posx + 1; x++) {
   for (int y = z->posy - 1; y <= z->posy + 1; y++) {
    if (!one_in(3)) {
     if (g->m.field_at(x, y).type == fd_blood &&
         g->m.field_at(x, y).density < 3)
      g->m.field_at(x, y).density++;
      g->m.add_field(g, x, y, fd_blood, 1);

// Bonus attacks!

 bool shock_them = (has_bionic(bio_shock) && power_level >= 2 && unarmed &&
 bool drain_them = (has_bionic(bio_heat_absorb) && power_level >= 1 &&
                    !is_armed() && z->has_flag(MF_WARM));
 bool  bite_them = (has_trait(PF_FANGS) && z->armor() < 18 &&
                    one_in(20 - dex_cur - sklevel[sk_unarmed]));
 bool  peck_them = (has_trait(PF_BEAK)  && z->armor() < 16 &&
                    one_in(15 - dex_cur - sklevel[sk_unarmed]));
 if (drain_them)
 drain_them &= one_in(2);	// Only works half the time

// Critical hit effects
 if (critical_hit) {
  bool headshot = (!z->has_flag(MF_NOHEAD) && !one_in(3));
// Second chance for shock_them, drain_them, bite_them and peck_them
  shock_them = (shock_them || (has_bionic(bio_shock)&& power_level >= 2 &&
                               unarmed && !one_in(3)));
  drain_them = (drain_them || (has_bionic(bio_heat_absorb) && !is_armed() &&
                               power_level >= 1 && z->has_flag(MF_WARM) &&
  bite_them  = ( bite_them || (has_trait(PF_FANGS) && z->armor() < 18 &&
  peck_them  = ( peck_them || (has_trait(PF_BEAK)  && z->armor() < 16 &&

  if (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB)) {
   dam += weapon.damage_cut();
   dam += weapon.damage_cut() * double(sklevel[sk_stabbing] / 10);
   practice(sk_stabbing, 5);

  if (unarmed) {
   dam += rng(1, 4) * sklevel[sk_unarmed];
   if (sklevel[sk_unarmed] > 5)
    dam += 4 * (sklevel[sk_unarmed] - 5);
   z->moves -= dam;	// Stunning blow
   if (weapon.type->id == itm_bio_claws) {
    if (sklevel[sk_cutting] >= 3)
     dam += 5;
    headshot &= z->hp < dam && one_in(2);
    if (headshot && can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s claws pierce the %s's skull!", Your.c_str(),
    else if (can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s claws stab straight through the %s!", Your.c_str(),
   } else if (has_trait(PF_TALONS)) {
    dam += 2;
    headshot &= z->hp < dam && one_in(2);
    if (headshot && can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s talons tear the %s's head open!", Your.c_str(),
    else if (can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s bur%s %s talons into the %s!", You.c_str(),(is_u?"y":"ies"),
                your.c_str(), z->name().c_str());
   } else {
    headshot &= z->hp < dam && one_in(2);
    if (headshot && can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s crush%s the %s's skull in a single blow!", 
                You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "es"), z->name().c_str());
    else if (can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s deliver%s a crushing punch!",You.c_str(),(is_u ? "" : "s"));
   if (z->hp > 0 && rng(1, 5) < sklevel[sk_unarmed])
    z->add_effect(ME_STUNNED, 1 + sklevel[sk_unarmed]);
  } else {	// Not unarmed
   if (bashing) {
    dam += 8 + (str_cur / 2);
    int turns_stunned = int(dam / 20) + int(sklevel[sk_bashing] / 2);
    if (turns_stunned > 6)
     turns_stunned = 6;
    z->add_effect(ME_STUNNED, turns_stunned);
   if (cutting || stabbing) {
    double cut_multiplier = double(sklevel[sk_cutting] / 12);
    if (cut_multiplier > 1.5)
     cut_multiplier = 1.5;
    dam += cut_multiplier * weapon.damage_cut();
    headshot &= z->hp < dam;
    if (stabbing) {
     if (headshot && can_see)
      g->add_msg("%s %s stabs through the %s's skull!", Your.c_str(),
                 weapon.tname(g).c_str(), z->name().c_str());
     else if (can_see)
      g->add_msg("%s stab %s %s through the %s!", You.c_str(), your.c_str(),
                 weapon.tname(g).c_str(), z->name().c_str());
    } else {
     if (headshot && can_see)
      g->add_msg("%s %s slices the %s's head off!", Your.c_str(),
                 weapon.tname(g).c_str(), z->name().c_str());
      g->add_msg("%s %s cuts the %s deeply!", Your.c_str(),
                 weapon.tname(g).c_str(), z->name().c_str());
   } else if (bashing) {
    headshot &= z->hp < dam;
    if (headshot && can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s crush%s the %s's skull!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "es"),
    else if (can_see)
     g->add_msg("%s crush%s the %s's body!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "es"),
  }	// End of not-unarmed
 }	// End of critical hit

 if (shock_them) {
  power_level -= 2;
  if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s shock%s the %s!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
  int shock = rng(2, 5);
  dam += shock * rng(1, 3);
  z->moves -= shock * 180;
 if (drain_them) {
  charge_power(rng(0, 4));
  if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s drain%s the %s's body heat!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
  dam += rng(4, 10);
  z->moves -= rng(80, 120);
 if (bite_them) {
  if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s sink %s fangs into the %s!", You.c_str(), your.c_str(),
  dam += 18 - z->armor();
 if (peck_them) {
  if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s peck%s the %s viciously!", You.c_str(), (is_u ? "" : "s"),
  dam += 16 - z->armor();

// Make a rather quiet sound, to alert any nearby monsters
 g->sound(posx, posy, 8, "");

// Glass weapons shatter sometimes
 if (weapon.made_of(GLASS) &&
     rng(0, weapon.volume() + 8) < weapon.volume() + str_cur) {
  if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s %s shatters!", Your.c_str(), weapon.tname(g).c_str());
  g->sound(posx, posy, 16, "");
// Dump its contents on the ground
  for (int i = 0; i < weapon.contents.size(); i++)
   g->m.add_item(posx, posy, weapon.contents[i]);
  hit(g, bp_arms, 1, 0, rng(0, weapon.volume() * 2));// Take damage
  if (weapon.is_two_handed(this))// Hurt left arm too, if it was big
   hit(g, bp_arms, 0, 0, rng(0, weapon.volume()));
  dam += rng(0, 5 + int(weapon.volume() * 1.5));// Hurt the monster extra

 if (dam <= 0) {
  if (is_u)
   g->add_msg("You hit the %s, but do no damage.", z->name().c_str());
  else if (can_see)
   g->add_msg("%s's %s hits the %s, but does no damage.", You.c_str(),
              weapon.tname(g).c_str(), z->name().c_str());
  practice(sk_melee, rng(2, 5));
  if (unarmed)
   practice(sk_unarmed, 2);
  if (bashing)
   practice(sk_bashing, 2);
  if (cutting)
   practice(sk_cutting, 2);
  if (stabbing)
   practice(sk_stabbing, 2);
  return 0;
 if (is_u)
  g->add_msg("You hit the %s for %d damage.", z->name().c_str(), dam);
 else if (can_see)
  g->add_msg("%s hits the %s with %s %s.", You.c_str(), z->name().c_str(),
             (male ? "his" : "her"),
             (weapon.type->id == 0 ? "fists" : weapon.tname(g).c_str()));
 practice(sk_melee, rng(5, 10));
 if (unarmed)
  practice(sk_unarmed, rng(5, 10));
 if (bashing)
  practice(sk_bashing, rng(5, 10));
 if (cutting)
  practice(sk_cutting, rng(5, 10));
 if (stabbing)
  practice(sk_stabbing, rng(5, 10));

// Penalize the player if their cutting weapon got stuck
 if (!unarmed && dam < z->hp && cutting_penalty > dice(str_cur * 2, 20)) {
  if (is_u)
   g->add_msg("Your %s gets stuck in the %s, pulling it out of your hands!",
              weapon.tname().c_str(), z->type->name.c_str());
  if (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB))
   z->speed *= .7;
   z->speed *= .85;
 } else {
  if (dam >= z->hp) {
   cutting_penalty /= 2;
   cutting_penalty -= rng(sklevel[sk_cutting], sklevel[sk_cutting] * 2 + 2);
  if (cutting_penalty > 0)
   moves -= cutting_penalty;
  if (cutting_penalty >= 50 && is_u)
   g->add_msg("Your %s gets stuck in the %s, but you yank it free.",
              weapon.tname().c_str(), z->type->name.c_str());
  if (weapon.has_flag(IF_SPEAR) || weapon.has_flag(IF_STAB))
   z->speed *= .9;

 return dam;