int sdb_setcolumn(  sdb_table_t *tbl, const char *label, enum sdb_serialization_method_t sm, double precision) {
	int idx = sdb_getcolnum( tbl, label);
	sdb_column_t *c = tbl->columns + idx;

	c->serialization_method = sm;
    c->arg = precision;

        c->data_analysis.original_arg = precision;
        c->data_analysis.delta_sum = 0;
        c->data_analysis.all_integer = 1;
        c->data_analysis.all_numeric = 1;

    // read existing cells if table is a file
    if( tbl->storage_kind == SDB_SK_FILE) {
        sdb_restore_file_cells( tbl);
#   endif
    return SDB_EOK;
Beispiel #2
/* sdb :newconsolidation(id, storage, { col1=CM1, ..., coln=CMn })
 * sdb :newconsolidation(id, storage, { <columnspec>, ... })
 * CM are Consolidation Methods. <columnspec> are standard column
 * specifications with the `consolidation` field set.
 * Column names are shared between src and dst: the column src.foobar,
 * if it is consolidated, is consolidated in dst.foobar.
 * The dst consolidation table is created on the fly, rather than passed
 * as a parameter. */
static int api_newconsolidation( lua_State *L) {
    struct sdb_table_t *src, *dst;
    const char *id;
    enum sdb_storage_kind_t storage;
    int r, i, ncolumns;

    // src, id, storage, columns
    src      = lua_sdb_checktable( L, 1);
    id       = luaL_checkstring(   L, 2);
    storage  = luaL_checkoption(   L, 3, NULL, storage_options);
    ncolumns = gettablencolumns(   L, 4);
    dst      = lua_newuserdata(    L, sizeof( *dst));
    // src, id, storage, columns, dst

    r = sdb_initwithoutcolumns( dst, id, ncolumns, storage);
    if( r) { lua_pushnil( L); lua_pushinteger( L, r); return 2; }

    lua_getfield(     L, LUA_REGISTRYINDEX, MT_NAME); // id, storage, columns, udata, mt
    lua_setmetatable( L, -2); // id, storage, columns, udata

    luaL_checktype( L, 4, LUA_TTABLE);

    r = sdb_setconstable( src, dst);
    if( r) {
      sdb_close( dst);
      return push_sdb_error( L, r);

    if( lua_objlen(L, 4) == ncolumns) {
        // full column description sequence
        for(i=1, lua_rawgeti( L, 4, 1); !lua_isnil( L, -1); lua_rawgeti( L, 4, ++i)) { // src, id, storage, columns, dst, val
            const char *colname;
            enum sdb_serialization_method_t s_method;
            enum sdb_consolidation_method_t c_method;
            double arg;
            sdb_ncolumn_t src_col;

            lua_sdb_getcolumnspec( L, &arg, &s_method, &c_method, 4, i); // src, id, storage, columns, dst, colname
            colname = lua_tostring( L, -1);
            src_col = sdb_getcolnum( src, colname);
            if( SDB_NCOLUMN_INVALID == src_col) {
                lua_sdb_fargerror( L, 4, "Unknown column %s.", colname);

            r = sdb_setcolumn( dst, colname, s_method, arg);
            if( r) { sdb_close( dst); return push_sdb_error( L, r); }

            r = sdb_setconscolumn( src, src_col, c_method);
            if( r) { sdb_close( dst); return push_sdb_error( L, r); }

            lua_pop( L, 1); // src, id, storage, columns, dst
        // src, id, storage, columns, dst, nil
        lua_pop( L, 1); // src, id, storage, columns, dst
    } else {
        // short colname/consolidation method mapping
        for( lua_pushnil( L); lua_next( L, 4);) { // src, id, storage, columns, dst, key, val
            if( !lua_isstring(L, -2))
                lua_sdb_fargerror( L, 4, "Expected string for columns names, got %s", lua_typename( L, lua_type( L, -1)));
            const char *colname = luaL_checkstring( L, -2);
            enum sdb_serialization_method_t s_method = SDB_DEFAULT_SERIALIZATION_METHOD;
            enum sdb_consolidation_method_t c_method = lua_sdb_getoption( L, -1, consolidation_methods);
            if( !consolidation_methods[c_method]) {
                lua_sdb_fargerror( L, 4, "Invalid consolidation method for %s", colname);

            sdb_ncolumn_t src_col = sdb_getcolnum( src, colname);
            if( SDB_NCOLUMN_INVALID == src_col) {
                lua_sdb_fargerror( L, 4, "Unknown column %s", colname);

            r = sdb_setcolumn( dst, colname, s_method, 0.0);
            if( r) { sdb_close( dst); return push_sdb_error( L, r); }

            r = sdb_setconscolumn( src, src_col, c_method);
            if( r) { sdb_close( dst); return push_sdb_error( L, r); }

            lua_pop( L, 1); // src, id, storage, columns, dst
    // src, id, storage, columns, dst
    return 1;