Beispiel #1
SearchDialog::SearchDialog(QWidget * parent) : QDialog(parent)
    QWidget * searchContainer = new QWidget(this);
    resultContainer = new QWidget(this);
    QWidget * buttonsContainer = new QWidget(this);
    searchField = new QLineEdit(searchContainer);
    closeButton = new QPushButton("Close", buttonsContainer);
    searchButton = new QPushButton("Search", buttonsContainer);
    result1 = new QPushButton(resultContainer);
    result2 = new QPushButton("toto", resultContainer);
    result3 = new QPushButton(resultContainer);
    QHBoxLayout * layout2 = new QHBoxLayout;
    layout2->addWidget(new QLabel("Search :", searchContainer));
    QHBoxLayout * layout3 = new QHBoxLayout;
    QVBoxLayout * layout4 = new QVBoxLayout;
    layout4->addWidget(new QLabel("Best results :", resultContainer));
    QVBoxLayout * layout1 = new QVBoxLayout;
    setWindowTitle("Find an image");
    setFixedSize(400, 300);
    connect(closeButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(accept()));
    connect(searchButton, SIGNAL(clicked()), this, SLOT(searchImage()));
    connect(searchField, SIGNAL(returnPressed()), this, SLOT(searchImage()));
Beispiel #2
int main(int argc, char * argv[]) {
  bool gray = false;
  unsigned int nrDMs = 0;
  unsigned int nrPeriods = 0;
  float minSNR = std::numeric_limits< float >::max();
  float maxSNR = std::numeric_limits< float >::min();
  float snrSpaceDim = 0.0f;
  float * snrSpace = 0;
  std::string outFilename;
  std::ifstream searchFile;

  isa::utils::ArgumentList args(argc, argv);
  try {
    gray = args.getSwitch("-gray");
    outFilename = args.getSwitchArgument< std::string >("-output");
    nrDMs = args.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-dms");
    nrPeriods = args.getSwitchArgument< unsigned int >("-periods");
  } catch ( isa::utils::EmptyCommandLine & err ) {
    std::cerr << args.getName() << " [-gray] -output ... -dms ... -periods ... input" << std::endl;
    return 1;
  } catch ( std::exception & err ) {
    std::cerr << err.what() << std::endl;
    return 1;

  snrSpace = new float [nrDMs * nrPeriods];

  try {
    while ( true ) {< std::string >());

      while ( ! searchFile.eof() ) {
        std::string temp;
        unsigned int splitPoint = 0;
        unsigned int DM = 0;
        unsigned int period = 0;
        float snr = 0.0f;

        std::getline(searchFile, temp);
        if ( ! std::isdigit(temp[0]) ) {
        splitPoint = temp.find(" ");
        period = isa::utils::castToType< std::string, unsigned int >(temp.substr(0, splitPoint));
        temp = temp.substr(splitPoint + 1);
        splitPoint = temp.find(" ");
        DM = isa::utils::castToType< std::string, unsigned int >(temp.substr(0, splitPoint));
        temp = temp.substr(splitPoint + 1);
        splitPoint = temp.find(" ");
        snr = isa::utils::castToType< std::string, float >(temp);

        if ( snr > maxSNR ) {
          maxSNR = snr;
        if ( snr < minSNR ) {
          minSNR = snr;

        snrSpace[(period * nrDMs) + DM] = snr;
  } catch ( isa::utils::EmptyCommandLine & err ) {
    snrSpaceDim = maxSNR - minSNR;

  cimg_library::CImg< unsigned char > searchImage;
  AstroData::Color * colorMap;
  if ( gray ) {
    searchImage = cimg_library::CImg< unsigned char >(nrDMs, nrPeriods, 1, 1);
  } else {
    searchImage = cimg_library::CImg< unsigned char >(nrDMs, nrPeriods, 1, 3);
    colorMap = AstroData::getColorMap();
  for ( unsigned int period = 0; period < nrPeriods; period++ ) {
    for ( unsigned int DM = 0; DM < nrDMs; DM++ ) {
      float snr = snrSpace[(period * nrDMs) + DM];
      if ( gray ) {
        searchImage(DM, (nrPeriods - 1) - period, 0, 0) = 255 - static_cast< unsigned char >(((snr - minSNR) * 255.0) / snrSpaceDim);
      } else {
        searchImage(DM, (nrPeriods - 1) - period, 0, 0) = (colorMap[static_cast< unsigned int >(((snr - minSNR) * 256.0) / snrSpaceDim)]).getR();
        searchImage(DM, (nrPeriods - 1) - period, 0, 1) = (colorMap[static_cast< unsigned int >(((snr - minSNR) * 256.0) / snrSpaceDim)]).getG();
        searchImage(DM, (nrPeriods - 1) - period, 0, 2) = (colorMap[static_cast< unsigned int >(((snr - minSNR) * 256.0) / snrSpaceDim)]).getB();

  delete [] snrSpace;
  return 0;
Beispiel #3
    MatchingPointList OpenCVAlgorithms::fastMatchTemplate(const QList<cv::Mat> &sources,
                                                                            const cv::Mat &target,
																			int matchPercentage,
																			int maximumMatches,
																			int downPyrs,
                                                                            int searchExpansion,
                                                                            AlgorithmMethod method)
        MatchingPointList matchingPointList;
        int sourceIndex = 0;

        foreach(const cv::Mat &source, sources)
                // create copies of the images to modify
                cv::Mat copyOfSource = source.clone();
                cv::Mat copyOfTarget = target.clone();

                cv::Size sourceSize = source.size();
                cv::Size targetSize = target.size();

                // down pyramid the images
                for(int ii = 0; ii < downPyrs; ii++)
                    // start with the source image
                    sourceSize.width  = (sourceSize.width  + 1) / 2;
                    sourceSize.height = (sourceSize.height + 1) / 2;

                    cv::Mat smallSource(sourceSize, source.type());
                    cv::pyrDown(copyOfSource, smallSource);

                    // prepare for next loop, if any
                    copyOfSource = smallSource.clone();

                    // next, do the target
                    targetSize.width  = (targetSize.width  + 1) / 2;
                    targetSize.height = (targetSize.height + 1) / 2;

                    cv::Mat smallTarget(targetSize, target.type());
                    pyrDown(copyOfTarget, smallTarget);

                    // prepare for next loop, if any
                    copyOfTarget = smallTarget.clone();

                // perform the match on the shrunken images
                cv::Size smallTargetSize = copyOfTarget.size();
                cv::Size smallSourceSize = copyOfSource.size();

                cv::Size resultSize;
                resultSize.width = smallSourceSize.width - smallTargetSize.width + 1;
                resultSize.height = smallSourceSize.height - smallTargetSize.height + 1;

                cv::Mat result(resultSize, CV_32FC1);
                cv::matchTemplate(copyOfSource, copyOfTarget, result, toOpenCVMethod(method));

                // find the top match locations
                QVector<QPoint> locations = multipleMinMaxLoc(result, maximumMatches, method);

                // search the large images at the returned locations
                sourceSize = source.size();
                targetSize = target.size();

                int twoPowerNumDownPyrs = std::pow(2.0f, downPyrs);

                // create a copy of the source in order to adjust its ROI for searching
                for(int currMax = 0; currMax < maximumMatches; ++currMax)
                    // transform the point to its corresponding point in the larger image
                    QPoint &currMaxLocation = locations[currMax];
                    currMaxLocation *= twoPowerNumDownPyrs;
                    currMaxLocation.setX(currMaxLocation.x() + targetSize.width / 2);
                    currMaxLocation.setY(currMaxLocation.y() + targetSize.height / 2);

                    const QPoint &searchPoint =;

                    // if we are searching for multiple targets and we have found a target or
                    //  multiple targets, we don't want to search in the same location(s) again
                    if(maximumMatches > 1 && !matchingPointList.isEmpty())
                        bool thisTargetFound = false;

                        for(int currPoint = 0; currPoint < matchingPointList.size(); currPoint++)
                            const QPoint &foundPoint =;
                            if(std::abs(searchPoint.x() - foundPoint.x()) <= searchExpansion * 2 &&
                               std::abs(searchPoint.y() - foundPoint.y()) <= searchExpansion * 2)
                                thisTargetFound = true;

                        // if the current target has been found, continue onto the next point

                    // set the source image's ROI to slightly larger than the target image,
                    //  centred at the current point
                    cv::Rect searchRoi;
                    searchRoi.x = searchPoint.x() - (target.size().width) / 2 - searchExpansion;
                    searchRoi.y = searchPoint.y() - (target.size().height) / 2 - searchExpansion;
                    searchRoi.width = target.size().width + searchExpansion * 2;
                    searchRoi.height = target.size().height + searchExpansion * 2;

                    // make sure ROI doesn't extend outside of image
                    if(searchRoi.x < 0)
                        searchRoi.x = 0;

                    if(searchRoi.y < 0)
                        searchRoi.y = 0;

                    if((searchRoi.x + searchRoi.width) > (sourceSize.width - 1))
                        int numPixelsOver = (searchRoi.x + searchRoi.width) - (sourceSize.width - 1);

                        searchRoi.width -= numPixelsOver;

                    if((searchRoi.y + searchRoi.height) > (sourceSize.height - 1))
                        int numPixelsOver = (searchRoi.y + searchRoi.height) - (sourceSize.height - 1);

                        searchRoi.height -= numPixelsOver;

                    cv::Mat searchImage(source, searchRoi);

                    // perform the search on the large images
                    resultSize.width = searchRoi.width - target.size().width + 1;
                    resultSize.height = searchRoi.height - target.size().height + 1;

                    result = cv::Mat(resultSize, CV_32FC1);
                    cv::matchTemplate(searchImage, target, result, toOpenCVMethod(method));

                    // find the best match location
                    double minValue;
                    double maxValue;
                    cv::Point minLoc;
                    cv::Point maxLoc;

                    cv::minMaxLoc(result, &minValue, &maxValue, &minLoc, &maxLoc);

                    double &value = (method == SquaredDifferenceMethod) ? minValue : maxValue;
                    cv::Point &loc = (method == SquaredDifferenceMethod) ? minLoc : maxLoc;

                    value *= 100.0;

                    // transform point back to original image
                    loc.x += searchRoi.x + target.size().width / 2;
                    loc.y += searchRoi.y + target.size().height / 2;

                    if(method == SquaredDifferenceMethod)
                        value = 100.0f - value;

                    if(value >= matchPercentage)
                        // add the point to the list
                        matchingPointList.append(MatchingPoint(QPoint(loc.x, loc.y), value, sourceIndex));

                        // if we are only looking for a single target, we have found it, so we
                        //  can return
                        if(maximumMatches <= 1)
                        break; // skip the rest
            catch(const cv::Exception &e)
                mError = OpenCVException;
                mErrorString = tr("OpenCV exception: %1").arg(e.what());

                return MatchingPointList();


		return matchingPointList;