Beispiel #1
void seek_by_jump(const archive_handle_t *archive_handle, const unsigned int amount)
	if (lseek(archive_handle->src_fd, (off_t) amount, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) -1) {
		if (errno == ESPIPE) {
			seek_by_read(archive_handle, amount);
		} else
			bb_perror_msg_and_die("seek failure");
Beispiel #2
void FAST_FUNC seek_by_jump(int fd, off_t amount)
	if (amount
	 && lseek(fd, amount, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) -1
	) {
		if (errno == ESPIPE)
			seek_by_read(fd, amount);
			bb_perror_msg_and_die("seek failure");
Beispiel #3
void FAST_FUNC seek_by_jump(const archive_handle_t *archive_handle, unsigned amount)
	if (amount
	 && lseek(archive_handle->src_fd, (off_t) amount, SEEK_CUR) == (off_t) -1
	) {
		if (errno == ESPIPE)
			seek_by_read(archive_handle, amount);
			bb_perror_msg_and_die("seek failure");
Beispiel #4
static void
seek_sub_file(FILE *fd, const int count)
	archive_offset += count;

	/* Do not use fseek() on a pipe. It may fail with ESPIPE, leaving the
	 * stream at an undefined location.
        seek_by_read(fd, count);

Beispiel #5
int SFReadHdr(FILE *file, SFSTRUCT *snd, int infoBmax)
/* utility to sample the header of an opened file, at most infobmax info byts */
#define LBLEN 256
    char lbuf[LBLEN];
    int nhdread = 0;
    int hdtotlen = 0;
    int done = 0;
    int  schan = 0;
    long samps = 0;
    int  srate = 0;
    int  snbyt = 0;
    int  sbits = 0;
    int  basefmt = _LINEAR;
    long ft;
    char *ib_ptr;
    int bytemode = BM_INORDER;
    int seekable = TRUE;
    int skipmagic = 0;

    ft = ftell(file);
    if( ft < 0 ) {			/* don't try seek on stdin */
	/* pipe - skip magic if already ID'd */
	if (GetSFFType(file) != NULL) {
	    /* If we have fpush, we'll have pushed back to zero anyway */
	    skipmagic = 0;
#else /* !HAVE_FPUSH */
	    /* we'll guess that the type came from SFIdentify, although 
	       it *could* have come from SFSetFileType, in which case 
	       we'll fail */
	    skipmagic = sizeof(INT32);
#endif /* HAVE_FPUSH */
	seekable = FALSE;
    } else if (ft == sizeof(INT32)) {
	/* assume we already read the magic & fake it up */
	skipmagic = ft;
    } else {
	if(fseek(file,(long)0,SEEK_SET) != 0 ) /* move to start of file */
	    return(SFerror = SFE_RDERR);
    if(skipmagic)		strncpy(lbuf, "NIST", skipmagic);

/*    fgets(lbuf+skipmagic, LBLEN-skipmagic, file);    
      nhdread += strlen(lbuf);    chop(lbuf); */
    /* Use fread rather than fgets for this first read because the 
       4 bytes 'pushed back' by SFIdentify are only restored in 
       my_fread - not in my_fgets */
    nhdread = skipmagic;
    nhdread += fread(lbuf+skipmagic, 1, strlen("NIST_1A/") - skipmagic, file);
    /* if we're at EOF, it's not a sound file (lame attempt to readon strem) */
    if (feof(file)) {
	return (SFerror = SFE_EOF);
    lbuf[8] = '\0'; chop(lbuf);
    if(strcmp(lbuf, "NIST_1A")!=0) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: NIST SFRdHdr: id of '%s' is not 'NIST_1A'\n", 
	return SFE_NSF; /* Not a Sound File */
    /* read header values */
    /* first line is number of bytes in header */
    fgets(lbuf, LBLEN, file);    nhdread += strlen(lbuf);    chop(lbuf);
    hdtotlen = atoi(lbuf);
    /* rest are token/value pairs */
    /* reset the info_buf used to store unknown fields */
    /* 2002-10-08: allocate if not yet, or too small */
    if (ib_len < hdtotlen) {
	if (info_buf)	free(info_buf);
	info_buf = NULL;
    if (info_buf == NULL) {
	ib_len = hdtotlen;
	info_buf = malloc(ib_len);
    info_buf[0] = '\0';
    ib_ptr = info_buf;

    while(!done && !feof(file)) {
	char tok[LBLEN], *t;
	int tklen;

	t = lbuf;

	fgets(lbuf, LBLEN, file);    nhdread += strlen(lbuf);    chop(lbuf);

/* fprintf(stderr, "HDR: got '%s'\n", lbuf); */

	tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);
	if(strcmp(tok, "end_head")==0)  {
	    done = 1;
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "channel_count")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    schan = atoi(tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_coding")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -sN */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual coding */
	    if(strcmp(tok, "pcm")==0 || strcmp(tok, "linear")==0) {
		basefmt |= _LINEAR;
	    } else if(strncmp(tok, "pcm,",4)==0) {
		basefmt |= _LINEAR;
		/* check for shorten (any version 2.xx) */
		if (strncmp(tok+4, "embedded-shorten-v2.", 20)==0) {
		    /* this is embedded shorten - hope we are decoding it */
		} else {
		    fprintf(stderr, "Warn: NIST Hdr: Extra coding '%s' ignored\n", 
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "alaw")==0) {
		basefmt |= _ALAW;
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "ulaw")==0) {
		basefmt |= _ULAW;
	    } else if(strncmp(tok, "ulaw",4)==0) {
		basefmt |= _ULAW;
		fprintf(stderr, "Warn: NIST Hdr: Extra coding '%s' ignored\n", tok+4);
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "mu-law")==0) {
		basefmt |= _ULAW;
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "float")==0) {
		basefmt |= _FLOAT;
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "raw")==0) {
		/* 2005-03-15: SRI's hacked format holds floats as 'raw' */
		basefmt |= _FLOAT;
		/* .. and has an implied byte order */
		bytemode = BM_BYWDREV;
	    } else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Warn: NIST Hdr: '%s' not pcm, alaw, ulaw or mu-law (assume pcm)\n", 
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_count")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    samps = atol(tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_rate")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    srate = atol(tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_n_bytes")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    snbyt = atoi(tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_byte_format")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);
	    if(strcmp(tok, "01")==0 || strcmp(tok, "0123")==0) {
		bytemode = BM_BYTEREV;
		/* fprintf(stderr,"this data is byteswapped, but I can't handle it\n"); */
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "10")==0 || strcmp(tok, "3210")==0) {
		bytemode = BM_INORDER;
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "1")==0) {	/* mu-law reported like this? */
		bytemode = BM_INORDER;
	    } else if(strcmp(tok, "mu-law")==0) {
		bytemode = BM_INORDER;
		basefmt |= _ULAW;
		/* fprintf(stderr, "NIST SFRdHdr: funky mu-law sample_byte_format\n"); */
	    } else {
		fprintf(stderr, "Warn: NIST Hdr: sample_byte_format '%s' is not mu-law, 10 or 01 (assume 10)\n", tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_sig_bits")==0) {
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    sbits = atoi(tok);
	} else if(strcmp(tok, "sample_checksum")==0) {
	    long cksum;
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* format spec - -i */
	    tklen = getNextTok(&t, tok);		/* actual count */
	    cksum = atoi(tok);		/* just consume & ignore */
	} else {
	    /* not an anticipated field - write into the info_buf */
	    if(strlen(lbuf)) {
		sprintf(ib_ptr, "%s\n", lbuf);
		ib_ptr += strlen(ib_ptr);
		/* hope info_buf never fills up! */
    if(!done) {
	/* hit eof before completing */
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: NIST Hdr: looked good, but no end_head\n");
	return SFE_NSF;
    if(sbits != 0 && sbits != 8 * snbyt) {
      fprintf(stderr, "Warn: NIST Hdr: %d bits a surprise for %d bytes/samp (using %d bytes/samp)\n", 
	      sbits, snbyt, snbyt);
    /* handle whatever happened to bytemode */
    if(snbyt>1 && (bytemode & BM_WORDMASK) != (HostByteMode() & BM_WORDMASK)) {
	if (snbyt > 2)
	    SetBytemode(file, BM_BYWDREV);
	    SetBytemode(file, BM_BYTEREV);
    } else {	/* set the flag that no byteswapping is needed */
	SetBytemode(file, BM_INORDER);
    if(nhdread > hdtotlen) {
	fprintf(stderr, "Error: NIST Hdr: overran header len of %d bytes - expect stack corruption\n", hdtotlen);
	return SFE_NSF;
    if(seekable) {
	fseek(file, hdtotlen, SEEK_SET);
    } else {
	seek_by_read(file, hdtotlen-nhdread);
    /* now at start of data */

    /* set up fields */
    snd->magic = SFMAGIC;
    snd->headBsize = sizeof(SFSTRUCT);
    assert(snbyt==8 || snbyt==4 ||snbyt==2 || snbyt==1);	
    /*  ulw, lin8 or lin16, float or double */
    /*    snd->format = basefmt | ((snbyt==1)?SFMT_CHAR:SFMT_SHORT);  */
    snd->format = basefmt | snbyt;   /* luckily, _EIGHTBYTE==8 */
    snd->channels = schan;
    snd->samplingRate = (float)srate;
    snd->dataBsize = snbyt*samps*schan; /* samps is frames now 1999sep28 */
    {   /* handle whatever we put into info_buf */
	int ibSize = ib_ptr - info_buf;
	int lastwd = ibSize % 4;

	if(infoBmax <= 0)	infoBmax = SFDFLTBYTS;

	snd->info[0] = '\0';
        if(lastwd) {
	    /* pad last word to 4-byte boundary with zeros */
	    int xtra = 4-lastwd;
	    long l = 0;
	    memcpy(info_buf+ibSize, &l, xtra);
	    ibSize += xtra;
	memcpy(snd->info, info_buf, MIN(infoBmax, ibSize));
	snd->headBsize += MAX(0, ibSize-SFDFLTBYTS);

    /* record the indicated seek points for start and end of sound data */
    SetSeekEnds(file, hdtotlen, hdtotlen+snd->dataBsize);

    return SFE_OK;