void FlatBufferClient::readyRead()

	_receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll();

	// check if we can read a header
	while(_receiveBuffer.size() >= 4)
		uint32_t messageSize =
			((_receiveBuffer[0]<<24) & 0xFF000000) |
			((_receiveBuffer[1]<<16) & 0x00FF0000) |
			((_receiveBuffer[2]<< 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
			((_receiveBuffer[3]    ) & 0x000000FF);

		// check if we can read a complete message
		if((uint32_t) _receiveBuffer.size() < messageSize + 4) return;

		// extract message only and remove header + msg from buffer :: QByteArray::remove() does not return the removed data
		const QByteArray msg = _receiveBuffer.right(messageSize);
		_receiveBuffer.remove(0, messageSize + 4);

		const auto* msgData = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(msg.constData());
		flatbuffers::Verifier verifier(msgData, messageSize);

		if (hyperionnet::VerifyRequestBuffer(verifier))
			auto message = hyperionnet::GetRequest(msgData);
		sendErrorReply("Unable to parse message");
void JsonClientConnection::handleImageCommand(const Json::Value &message)
	// extract parameters
	int priority = message["priority"].asInt();
	int duration = message.get("duration", -1).asInt();
	int width = message["imagewidth"].asInt();
	int height = message["imageheight"].asInt();
	QByteArray data = QByteArray::fromBase64(QByteArray(message["imagedata"].asCString()));

	// check consistency of the size of the received data
	if (data.size() != width*height*3)
		sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height");

	// set width and height of the image processor
	_imageProcessor->setSize(width, height);

	// create ImageRgb
	Image<ColorRgb> image(width, height);
	memcpy(image.memptr(), data.data(), data.size());

	// process the image
	std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors = _imageProcessor->process(image);
	_hyperion->setColors(priority, ledColors, duration);

	// send reply
void ProtoClientConnection::handleImageCommand(const proto::ImageRequest &message)
	// extract parameters
	int priority = message.priority();
	int duration = message.has_duration() ? message.duration() : -1;
	int width = message.imagewidth();
	int height = message.imageheight();
	const std::string & imageData = message.imagedata();

	// check consistency of the size of the received data
	if ((int) imageData.size() != width*height*3)
		sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height");

	// set width and height of the image processor
	_imageProcessor->setSize(width, height);

	// create ImageRgb
	Image<ColorRgb> image(width, height);
	memcpy(image.memptr(), imageData.c_str(), imageData.size());

	// process the image
	std::vector<ColorRgb> ledColors = _imageProcessor->process(image);
	_hyperion->setColors(priority, ledColors, duration);

	// send reply
void FlatBufferClient::handleImageCommand(const hyperionnet::Image *image)
	// extract parameters
	int duration = image->duration();

	const void* reqPtr;
	if ((reqPtr = image->data_as_RawImage()) != nullptr)
		const auto *img = static_cast<const hyperionnet::RawImage*>(reqPtr);
		const auto & imageData = img->data();
		const int width = img->width();
		const int height = img->height();

		if ((int) imageData->size() != width*height*3)
			sendErrorReply("Size of image data does not match with the width and height");

		Image<ColorRgb> image(width, height);
		memmove(image.memptr(), imageData->data(), imageData->size());
		_hyperion->setInputImage(_priority, image, duration);

	// send reply
Beispiel #5
JICLocal::reconnect( ReliSock* s, ClassAd* /*ad*/ )
		// Someday this might mean something, for now it doesn't.
	sendErrorReply( s, getCommandString(CA_RECONNECT_JOB), CA_FAILURE, 
					"Starter using JICLocal does not support reconnect" );
	return FALSE;
Beispiel #6
void Transaction::provideMedium(const QString &medium)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (isForeignUser()) {

    // An incorrect medium was provided, or no medium was requested
    if (medium != m_medium || m_medium.isEmpty()) {

    // The medium has now been provided, and the installation should be able to continue
    m_isPaused = false;
Beispiel #7
void Transaction::setDebconfPipe(QString pipe)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (m_status != QApt::SetupStatus) {

    QFileInfo pipeInfo(pipe);

    if (!pipeInfo.exists() || (int)pipeInfo.ownerId() != m_uid) {
        sendErrorReply(QDBusError::InvalidArgs, pipe);

    m_debconfPipe = pipe;
    emit propertyChanged(QApt::DebconfPipeProperty, QDBusVariant(pipe));
void JsonClientConnection::handleMessage(const std::string &messageString)
	Json::Reader reader;
	Json::Value message;
	if (!reader.parse(messageString, message, false))
		sendErrorReply("Error while parsing json: " + reader.getFormattedErrorMessages());

	// check basic message
	std::string errors;
	if (!checkJson(message, ":schema", errors))
		sendErrorReply("Error while validating json: " + errors);

	// check specific message
	const std::string command = message["command"].asString();
	if (!checkJson(message, QString(":schema-%1").arg(QString::fromStdString(command)), errors))
		sendErrorReply("Error while validating json: " + errors);

	// switch over all possible commands and handle them
	if (command == "color")
	else if (command == "image")
	else if (command == "serverinfo")
	else if (command == "clear")
	else if (command == "clearall")
	else if (command == "transform")
Beispiel #9
void Transaction::run()
    if (isForeignUser() || !authorizeRun()) {

    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);
Beispiel #10
void Transaction::cancel()
    if (isForeignUser()) {
        if (!QApt::Auth::authorize(dbusActionUri("foreigncancel"),
                                   QLatin1String(s_workerReverseDomainName))) {

    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);
    // We can only cancel cancellable transactions, obviously
    if (!m_isCancellable) {

    m_isCancelled = true;
    m_isPaused = false;
    emit propertyChanged(QApt::CancelledProperty, QDBusVariant(m_isCancelled));
Beispiel #11
void Transaction::setPackages(QVariantMap packageList)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (m_status != QApt::SetupStatus) {

    m_packages = packageList;
    emit propertyChanged(QApt::PackagesProperty, QDBusVariant(packageList));
Beispiel #12
void Transaction::setProxy(QString proxy)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (m_status != QApt::SetupStatus) {

    m_proxy = proxy;
    emit propertyChanged(QApt::ProxyProperty, QDBusVariant(proxy));
Beispiel #13
void Transaction::replyUntrustedPrompt(bool approved)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (isForeignUser()) {

    m_allowUntrusted = approved;
    m_isPaused = false;
Beispiel #14
void Transaction::setLocale(QString locale)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);

    if (m_status != QApt::SetupStatus) {

    m_locale = locale;
    emit propertyChanged(QApt::LocaleProperty, QDBusVariant(locale));
Beispiel #15
void Transaction::setProperty(int property, QDBusVariant value)
    if (isForeignUser()) {

    switch (property)
    case QApt::TransactionIdProperty:
    case QApt::UserIdProperty:
        // Read-only
    case QApt::RoleProperty:
    case QApt::StatusProperty:
    case QApt::LocaleProperty:
    case QApt::ProxyProperty:
    case QApt::DebconfPipeProperty:
    case QApt::PackagesProperty:
    case QApt::FrontendCapsProperty:
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
	// get it
	State60 *st = (State60 *)state;
	// get the tcp socket from the state
	TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
	// get it
	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	if ( ! xd->m_loaded ) {
		// setting just the docid. niceness is 0.
		xd->set3 ( st->m_docId , st->m_coll , 0 );
		// callback
		xd->setCallback ( state , processLoop );
		// . and tell it to load from the old title rec
		// . if it returns false it blocked and will call our callback
		//   processLoop() when it completes
		if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) ) return false;

	if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// get the utf8 content
	char **utf8 = xd->getUtf8Content();
	//int32_t   len  = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
	// wait if blocked???
	if ( utf8 == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// strange
	if ( xd->size_utf8Content<=0) return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
	// alloc error?
	if ( ! utf8 ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// get this host
	Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId );
	if ( ! h ) return sendErrorReply ( st , EBADENGINEER );
	// make it into an editable page now for the turk guy
	sendTurkPageReply ( st );
void ProtoClientConnection::handleMessage(const proto::HyperionRequest & message)
	// forward messages
	emit newMessage(&message);

	switch (message.command())
	case proto::HyperionRequest::COLOR:
		if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ColorRequest::colorRequest))
			sendErrorReply("Received COLOR command without ColorRequest");
	case proto::HyperionRequest::IMAGE:
		if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ImageRequest::imageRequest))
			sendErrorReply("Received IMAGE command without ImageRequest");
	case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEAR:
		if (!message.HasExtension(proto::ClearRequest::clearRequest))
			sendErrorReply("Received CLEAR command without ClearRequest");
	case proto::HyperionRequest::CLEARALL:
Beispiel #18
void DeviceLock::setState(int state)
    if (deviceLockState != (LockState)state) {
        if (state == Locked || isPrivileged()) {
            deviceLockState = (LockState)state;
            emit stateChanged(state);
            emit _notifyStateChanged();

        } else {
            sendErrorReply(QDBusError::AccessDenied, QString("Caller is not in privileged group"));
Beispiel #19
void Transaction::setRole(int role)
    QMutexLocker lock(&m_dataMutex);
    // Cannot change role for an already determined transaction
    if (m_role != QApt::EmptyRole) {


    m_role = (QApt::TransactionRole)role;

    emit propertyChanged(QApt::RoleProperty, QDBusVariant(role));
void FlatBufferClient::handleMessage(const hyperionnet::Request * req)
	const void* reqPtr;
	if ((reqPtr = req->command_as_Color()) != nullptr) {
		handleColorCommand(static_cast<const hyperionnet::Color*>(reqPtr));
	} else if ((reqPtr = req->command_as_Image()) != nullptr) {
		handleImageCommand(static_cast<const hyperionnet::Image*>(reqPtr));
	} else if ((reqPtr = req->command_as_Clear()) != nullptr) {
		handleClearCommand(static_cast<const hyperionnet::Clear*>(reqPtr));
	} else if ((reqPtr = req->command_as_Register()) != nullptr) {
		handleRegisterCommand(static_cast<const hyperionnet::Register*>(reqPtr));
	} else {
		sendErrorReply("Received invalid packet.");
Beispiel #21
bool ShutdownScreen::isPrivileged()
    if (!calledFromDBus()) {
        // Local function calls are always privileged
        return true;

    // Get the PID of the calling process
    pid_t pid = connection().interface()->servicePid(message().service());

    // The /proc/<pid> directory is owned by EUID:EGID of the process
    QFileInfo info(QString("/proc/%1").arg(pid));
    if (info.group() != "privileged" && info.owner() != "root") {
                QString("PID %1 is not in privileged group").arg(pid));
        return false;

    return true;
Beispiel #22
CollectionDBusHandler::MprisQuery( const QString &xmlQuery )
    if( !calledFromDBus() )
        return VariantMapList();

    Collections::QueryMaker* qm = XmlQueryReader::getQueryMaker( xmlQuery, XmlQueryReader::IgnoreReturnValues );

    //probably invalid XML
    if( !qm )
        debug() << "Invalid XML query: " << xmlQuery;
        sendErrorReply( QDBusError::InvalidArgs, "Invalid XML: " + xmlQuery );
        return VariantMapList();

    setDelayedReply( true );

    new DBusQueryHelper( this, qm, connection(), message(), true );

    return VariantMapList();
void ProtoClientConnection::readData()
	_receiveBuffer += _socket->readAll();

	// check if we can read a message size
	if (_receiveBuffer.size() <= 4)

	// read the message size
	uint32_t messageSize =
			((_receiveBuffer[0]<<24) & 0xFF000000) |
			((_receiveBuffer[1]<<16) & 0x00FF0000) |
			((_receiveBuffer[2]<< 8) & 0x0000FF00) |
			((_receiveBuffer[3]    ) & 0x000000FF);

	// check if we can read a complete message
	if ((uint32_t) _receiveBuffer.size() < messageSize + 4)

	// read a message
	proto::HyperionRequest message;
	if (!message.ParseFromArray(_receiveBuffer.data() + 4, messageSize))
		sendErrorReply("Unable to parse message");

	// handle the message

	// remove message data from buffer
	_receiveBuffer = _receiveBuffer.mid(messageSize + 4);
// for procog
bool sendPageAnalyze ( TcpSocket *s , HttpRequest *r ) {

	// make a state
	State8 *st;
	try { st = new (State8); }
	catch ( ... ) {
		g_errno = ENOMEM;
		log("PageParser: new(%i): %s", 
		return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
	mnew ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
	st->m_freeIt = true;
	st->m_state           = NULL;
	//st->m_callback        = callback;
	//st->m_q               = q;
	//st->m_termFreqs       = termFreqs;
	//st->m_termFreqWeights = termFreqWeights;
	//st->m_affWeights      = affWeights;
	//st->m_total           = (score_t)-1;
	st->m_indexCode       = 0;
	st->m_blocked         = false;
	st->m_didRootDom      = false;
	st->m_didRootWWW      = false;
	st->m_wasRootDom      = false;
	st->m_u               = NULL;

	// password, too
	long pwdLen = 0;
	char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );

	// save socket ptr
	st->m_s = s;
	st->m_r.copy ( r );

	// get the collection
	char *coll    = r->getString ( "c" , &st->m_collLen ,NULL /*default*/);
	if ( ! coll ) coll = g_conf.m_defaultColl;
	if ( ! coll ) coll = "main";
	long collLen = gbstrlen(coll);
	if ( collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN ) return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOBUFS );
	strcpy ( st->m_coll , coll );

	// version to use, if -1 use latest
	st->m_titleRecVersion = r->getLong("version",-1);
	if ( st->m_titleRecVersion == -1 ) 
		st->m_titleRecVersion = TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION;
	// default to 0 if not provided
	st->m_hopCount = r->getLong("hc",0);
	long  old     = r->getLong   ( "old", 0 );
	// set query
	long qlen;
	char *qs = r->getString("q",&qlen,NULL);
	if ( qs ) st->m_tq.set2 ( qs , langUnknown , true );
	// url will override docid if given
	st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("d",-1);
	st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("docid",st->m_docId);

	long ulen;
	char *u = st->m_r.getString("u",&ulen,NULL);
	if ( ! u ) u = st->m_r.getString("url",&ulen,NULL);
	if ( ! u && st->m_docId == -1LL ) 
		return sendErrorReply ( st , EBADREQUEST );

	// set url in state class (may have length 0)
	//if ( u ) st->m_url.set ( u , ulen );
	//st->m_urlLen = ulen;
	st->m_u = u;
	st->m_ulen = 0;
	if ( u ) st->m_ulen = gbstrlen(u);
	// should we recycle link info?
	st->m_recycle  = r->getLong("recycle",1);
	st->m_recycle2 = r->getLong("recycleimp",0);
	st->m_render   = r->getLong("render" ,0);
	st->m_recompute = r->getLong("recompute" ,0);
	// for quality computation... takes way longer cuz we have to 
	// lookup the IP address of every outlink, so we can get its root
	// quality using Msg25 which needs to filter out voters from that IP
	// range.
	st->m_oips     = r->getLong("oips"    ,0);
	//st->m_page = r->getLong("page",1);

	long  linkInfoLen  = 0;
	// default is NULL
	char *linkInfoColl = r->getString ( "oli" , &linkInfoLen, NULL );
	if ( linkInfoColl ) strcpy ( st->m_linkInfoColl , linkInfoColl );
	else st->m_linkInfoColl[0] = '\0';
	// set the flag in our SafeBuf class so that Words.cpp knows to show 
	// html or html source depending on this value
	//st->m_xbuf.m_renderHtml = st->m_render;

	// should we use the old title rec?
	st->m_old    = old;
	// are we coming from a local machine?
	st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
 	//no more setting the default root quality to 30, instead if we do not
 	// know it setting it to -1

	// header
	//xbuf->safePrintf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
	//		 "content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n");

	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	long isXml = r->getLong("xml",0);

	// if got docid, use that
	if ( st->m_docId != -1 ) {
		if ( ! xd->set3 ( st->m_docId,
				  0 ) ) // niceness
			// return error reply if g_errno is set
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// make this our callback in case something blocks
		xd->setCallback ( st , gotXmlDoc );
		xd->m_pbuf = &st->m_wbuf;
		// reset this flag
		st->m_donePrinting = false;
		// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
		// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
		//if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
		xd->m_recycleContent = true;
		// force this on
		//xd->m_useSiteLinkBuf = true;
		//xd->m_usePageLinkBuf = true;
		if ( isXml ) xd->m_printInXml = true;
		// now tell it to fetch the old title rec
		if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec () )
			// return false if this blocks
			return false;
		return gotXmlDoc ( st );

	// set this up
	SpiderRequest sreq;
	if ( st->m_u ) strcpy(sreq.m_url,st->m_u);
	long firstIp = hash32n(st->m_u);
	if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
	// parentdocid of 0
	sreq.setKey( firstIp, 0LL, false );
	sreq.m_isPageParser = 1;
	sreq.m_hopCount = st->m_hopCount;
	sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	Url nu;
	sreq.m_domHash32 = nu.getDomainHash32();
	sreq.m_siteHash32 = nu.getHostHash32();

	// . get provided content if any
	// . will be NULL if none provided
	// . "content" may contain a MIME
	long  contentLen = 0;
	char *content = r->getString ( "content" , &contentLen , NULL );
	// is the "content" url-encoded? default is true.
	bool contentIsEncoded = true;
	// mark doesn't like to url-encode his content
	if ( ! content ) {
		content    = r->getUnencodedContent    ();
		contentLen = r->getUnencodedContentLen ();
		contentIsEncoded = false;
	// ensure null
	if ( contentLen == 0 ) content = NULL;

	//uint8_t contentType = CT_HTML;
	//if ( isXml ) contentType = CT_XML;
	long ctype = r->getLong("ctype",CT_HTML);

	// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
	// . this returns false if blocked
	if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq       ,
			  NULL        ,
			  st->m_coll  ,
			  // we need this so the term table is set!
			  &st->m_wbuf        , // XmlDoc::m_pbuf
			  0, // try 0 now! 1 ,//PP_NICENESS ))
			  content ,
			  false, // deletefromindex
			  0, // forced ip
			  ctype ))
		// return error reply if g_errno is set
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// make this our callback in case something blocks
	xd->setCallback ( st , gotXmlDoc );
	// reset this flag
	st->m_donePrinting = false;
	// prevent a core here in the event we download the page content
	xd->m_crawlDelayValid = true;
	xd->m_crawlDelay = 0;
	// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
	// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
	//if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
	// only recycle if docid is given!!
	if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;
	// force this on
	//xd->m_useSiteLinkBuf = true;
	//xd->m_usePageLinkBuf = true;
	if ( isXml ) xd->m_printInXml = true;

	return gotXmlDoc ( st );
bool gotXmlDoc ( void *state ) {
	// cast it
	State8 *st = (State8 *)state;
	// get the xmldoc
	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	// if we loaded from old title rec, it should be there!

	// . save the ips.txt file if we are the test coll
	// . saveTestBuf() is a function in Msge1.cpp
	//if ( xd && xd->m_coll && ! strcmp ( xd->m_coll , "qatest123")) 
	//	// use same dir that XmlDoc::getTestDir() would use
	//	saveTestBuf ( "test-page-parser" );

	// error?
	if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// shortcut
	SafeBuf *xbuf = &st->m_xbuf;

	bool printIt = false;
	if ( st->m_u && st->m_u[0] ) printIt = true;
	if ( st->m_docId != -1LL ) printIt = true;
	if ( st->m_donePrinting ) printIt = false;

	// do not re-call this if printDocForProCog blocked... (check length())
	if ( printIt ) {
		// mark as done
		st->m_donePrinting = true;
		// always re-compute the page inlinks dynamically, do not
		// use the ptr_linkInfo1 stored in titlerec!!
		// NO! not if set from titlerec/docid
		if ( st->m_recompute )
			xd->m_linkInfo1Valid = false;
		// try a recompute regardless, because we do not store the
		// bad inlinkers, and ppl want to see why they are bad!
		//xd->m_linkInfo1Valid = false;
		// now get the meta list, in the process it will print out a 
		// bunch of junk into st->m_xbuf
		//char *metalist = xd->getMetaList ( );
		//if ( ! metalist ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// return false if it blocked
		//if ( metalist == (void *)-1 ) return false;
		// for debug...
		//if ( ! xd->m_indexCode ) xd->doConsistencyTest ( false );
		// . print it out
		// . returns false if blocks, true otherwise
		// . sets g_errno on error
		if ( ! xd->printDocForProCog ( xbuf , &st->m_r ) )
			return false;
		// error?
		if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	long isXml = st->m_r.getLong("xml",0);
	char ctype2 = CT_HTML;
	if ( isXml ) ctype2 = CT_XML;
	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( st->m_s , 
						    xbuf->length() ,
						    -1, //cachtime
						    false ,//postreply?
						    -1 , //httpstatus
	// delete the state now
	if ( st->m_freeIt ) {
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
		delete (st);
	// return the status
	return status;
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
	// cast it
	State8 *st = (State8 *)state;
	// get the xmldoc
	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	// error?
	if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// shortcut
	SafeBuf *xbuf = &st->m_xbuf;

	if ( st->m_u && st->m_u[0] ) {
		// . save the ips.txt file if we are the test coll
		// . saveTestBuf() is a function in Msge1.cpp
		CollectionRec *cr = xd->getCollRec();
		if ( xd && cr && cr->m_coll && !strcmp(cr->m_coll,"qatest123"))
			// use same dir that XmlDoc::getTestDir() would use
			//saveTestBuf ( "test-page-parser" );
		// now get the meta list, in the process it will print out a 
		// bunch of junk into st->m_xbuf
		char *metalist = xd->getMetaList ( );
		if ( ! metalist ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// return false if it blocked
		if ( metalist == (void *)-1 ) return false;
		// for debug...
		if ( ! xd->m_indexCode ) xd->doConsistencyTest ( false );
		// print it out
		xd->printDoc( xbuf );

	// print reason we can't analyze it (or index it)
	//if ( st->m_indexCode != 0 ) {
	//	xbuf->safePrintf ("<br><br><b>indexCode: %s</b>\n<br>", 
	//			  mstrerror(st->m_indexCode));

	// we are done
	g_inPageParser = false;

	// print the final tail
	//p += g_httpServer.printTail ( p , pend - p );

	//log("parser: send sock=%li",st->m_s->m_sd);
	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( st->m_s , 
						    xbuf->length() ,
						    -1, //cachtime
						    false ,//postreply?
						    NULL, //ctype
						    -1 , //httpstatus
	// delete the state now
	if ( st->m_freeIt ) {
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
		delete (st);
	// return the status
	return status;
// . a new interface so Msg3b can call this with "s" set to NULL
// . returns false if blocked, true otherwise
// . sets g_errno on error
bool sendPageParser2 ( TcpSocket   *s , 
		       HttpRequest *r ,
		       State8      *st ,
		       long long    docId ,
		       Query       *q ,
		       // in query term space, not imap space
		       long long   *termFreqs       ,
		       // in imap space
		       float       *termFreqWeights ,
		       // in imap space
		       float       *affWeights      ,
		       void        *state ,
		       void       (* callback)(void *state) ) {

	//log("parser: read sock=%li",s->m_sd);

	// might a simple request to addsomething to validated.*.txt file
	// from XmlDoc::print() or XmlDoc::validateOutput()
	char *add = r->getString("add",NULL);
	//long long uh64 = r->getLongLong("uh64",0LL);
	char *uh64str = r->getString("uh64",NULL);
	//char *divTag = r->getString("div",NULL);
	if ( uh64str ) {
		// convert add to number
		long addNum = 0;
		if ( to_lower_a(add[0])=='t' ) // "true" or "false"?
			addNum = 1;
		// convert it. skip beginning "str" inserted to prevent
		// javascript from messing with the long long since it
		// was rounding it!
		//long long uh64 = atoll(uh64str);//+3);
		// urldecode that
		//long divTagLen = gbstrlen(divTag);
		//long newLen  = urlDecode ( divTag , divTag , divTagLen );
		// null term?
		//divTag[newLen] = '\0';
		// do it. this is defined in XmlDoc.cpp
		//addCheckboxSpan ( uh64 , divTag , addNum );
		// make basic reply
		char *reply;
		reply = "HTTP/1.0 200 OK\r\n"
			"Connection: Close\r\n";
		// that is it! send a basic reply ok
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage( s , 
							    -1, //cachtime
							    false ,//postreply?
							    NULL, //ctype
							    -1 , //httpstatus
		return status;

	// make a state
	if (   st ) st->m_freeIt = false;
	if ( ! st ) {
		try { st = new (State8); }
		catch ( ... ) {
			g_errno = ENOMEM;
			log("PageParser: new(%i): %s", 
			return g_httpServer.sendErrorReply(s,500,
		mnew ( st , sizeof(State8) , "PageParser" );
		st->m_freeIt = true;
	// msg3b uses this to get a score from the query
	st->m_state           = state;
	st->m_callback        = callback;
	st->m_q               = q;
	st->m_termFreqs       = termFreqs;
	st->m_termFreqWeights = termFreqWeights;
	st->m_affWeights      = affWeights;
	//st->m_total           = (score_t)-1;
	st->m_indexCode       = 0;
	st->m_blocked         = false;
	st->m_didRootDom      = false;
	st->m_didRootWWW      = false;
	st->m_wasRootDom      = false;
	st->m_u               = NULL;
	st->m_recompute       = false;

	// do not allow more than one to be launched at a time if in 
	// a quickpoll. will cause quickpoll in quickpoll.
	g_inPageParser = true;

	// password, too
	long pwdLen = 0;
	char *pwd = r->getString ( "pwd" , &pwdLen );
	if ( pwdLen > 31 ) pwdLen = 31;
	if ( pwdLen > 0 ) strncpy ( st->m_pwd , pwd , pwdLen );

	// save socket ptr
	st->m_s = s;
	st->m_r.copy ( r );
	// get the collection
	char *coll    = r->getString ( "c" , &st->m_collLen ,NULL /*default*/);
	if ( st->m_collLen > MAX_COLL_LEN )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOBUFS );
	if ( ! coll )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOCOLLREC );
	strcpy ( st->m_coll , coll );

	// version to use, if -1 use latest
	st->m_titleRecVersion = r->getLong("version",-1);
	if ( st->m_titleRecVersion == -1 ) 
		st->m_titleRecVersion = TITLEREC_CURRENT_VERSION;
	// default to 0 if not provided
	st->m_hopCount = r->getLong("hc",0);
	//long  ulen    = 0;
	//char *u     = r->getString ( "u" , &ulen     , NULL /*default*/);
	long  old     = r->getLong   ( "old", 0 );
	// set query
	long qlen;
	char *qs = r->getString("q",&qlen,NULL);
	if ( qs ) st->m_tq.set2 ( qs , langUnknown , true );
	// url will override docid if given
	if ( ! st->m_u || ! st->m_u[0] ) 
		st->m_docId = r->getLongLong ("docid",-1);
		st->m_docId = -1;
	// set url in state class (may have length 0)
	//if ( u ) st->m_url.set ( u , ulen );
	//st->m_urlLen = ulen;
	st->m_u = st->m_r.getString("u",&st->m_ulen,NULL);
	// should we recycle link info?
	st->m_recycle  = r->getLong("recycle",0);
	st->m_recycle2 = r->getLong("recycleimp",0);
	st->m_render   = r->getLong("render" ,0);
	// for quality computation... takes way longer cuz we have to 
	// lookup the IP address of every outlink, so we can get its root
	// quality using Msg25 which needs to filter out voters from that IP
	// range.
	st->m_oips     = r->getLong("oips"    ,0);

	long  linkInfoLen  = 0;
	// default is NULL
	char *linkInfoColl = r->getString ( "oli" , &linkInfoLen, NULL );
	if ( linkInfoColl ) strcpy ( st->m_linkInfoColl , linkInfoColl );
	else st->m_linkInfoColl[0] = '\0';
	// set the flag in our SafeBuf class so that Words.cpp knows to show 
	// html or html source depending on this value
	st->m_xbuf.m_renderHtml = st->m_render;

	// should we use the old title rec?
	st->m_old    = old;
	// are we coming from a local machine?
	st->m_isLocal = r->isLocal();
 	//no more setting the default root quality to 30, instead if we do not
 	// know it setting it to -1

	// header
	SafeBuf *xbuf = &st->m_xbuf;
	xbuf->safePrintf("<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "
			 "content=\"text/html; charset=utf-8\">\n");

	// print standard header
	g_pages.printAdminTop ( xbuf , st->m_s , &st->m_r );

	// print the standard header for admin pages
	char *dd     = "";
	char *rr     = "";
	char *rr2    = "";
	char *render = "";
	char *oips   = "";
	char *us     = "";
	if ( st->m_u && st->m_u[0] ) us = st->m_u;
	//if ( st->m_sfn != -1 ) sprintf ( rtu , "%li",st->m_sfn );
	if ( st->m_old ) dd = " checked";
	if ( st->m_recycle            ) rr     = " checked";
	if ( st->m_recycle2           ) rr2    = " checked";
	if ( st->m_render             ) render = " checked";
	if ( st->m_oips               ) oips   = " checked";

			 ".poo { background-color:#%s;}\n"
			 "</style>\n" ,

	long clen;
	char *contentParm = r->getString("content",&clen,"");
	// print the input form
	xbuf->safePrintf (
		       "h2{font-size: 12px; color: #666666;}\n"

		       ".gbtag { border: 1px solid gray;"
		  	"background: #ffffef;display:inline;}\n"
		  	".gbcomment { border: 1px solid gray;"
		  	"color: #888888; font-style:italic; "
		  	"background: #ffffef;display:inline;}\n"

		       ".token { border: 1px solid gray;"
		       "background: #f0ffff;display:inline;}\n"
		       ".spam { border: 1px solid gray;"
		       "background: #af0000;"
		       "color: #ffffa0;}"
		       ".hs {color: #009900;}"

		  "<table %s>"

			  "<tr><td colspan=5><center><b>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Type in <b>FULL</b> url to parse."

		  "<input type=text name=u value=\"%s\" size=\"40\">\n"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Parser version to use: "
		  "<input type=text name=\"version\" size=\"4\" value=\"-1\"> "
		  "(-1 means to use latest title rec version)<br>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Hop count to use: "
		  "<input type=text name=\"hc\" size=\"4\" value=\"%li\"> "
		  "(-1 is unknown. For root urls hopcount is always 0)<br>"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<b>use cached</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Load page from cache (titledb)?"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=old value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Reparse root:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=artr value=1%s> "
		  "Apply selected ruleset to root to update quality"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>recycle link info</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Recycle the link info from the title rec"
			  "Load page from cache (titledb)?"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=recycle value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Recycle Link Info Imported:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=recycleimp value=1%s> "
		  "Recycle the link info imported from other coll"

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>render html</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Render document content as HTML"

		  "<input type=checkbox name=render value=1%s> "

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "Lookup outlinks' ruleset, ips, quality:"
		  "<input type=checkbox name=oips value=1%s> "
		  "To compute quality lookup IP addresses of roots "
		  "of outlinks."

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "LinkInfo Coll:"
		  "<input type=text name=\"oli\" size=\"10\" value=\"\"> "
		  "Leave empty usually. Uses this coll to lookup link info."

		  "<tr class=poo>"
		  "<b>optional query</b>"

			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Leave empty usually. For title generation only."

		  "<input type=text name=\"q\" size=\"20\" value=\"\"> "

			  us ,

		  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<b>content type below is</b>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Is the content below HTML? XML? JSON?"

		       //"<input type=checkbox name=xml value=1> "
		       "<select name=ctype>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>HTML</option>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>XML</option>\n"
		       "<option value=%li selected>JSON</option>\n"



			  "<tr class=poo>"
			  "<br><font size=-2>"
			  "Use this content for the provided <i>url</i> "
			  "rather than downloading it from the web."

			  "<textarea rows=10 cols=80 name=content>"


			  //oips ,
			  contentParm );

			 "<input type=submit value=Submit>"

	// just print the page if no url given
	if ( ! st->m_u || ! st->m_u[0] ) return processLoop ( st );

	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;
	// set this up
	SpiderRequest sreq;
	long firstIp = hash32n(st->m_u);
	if ( firstIp == -1 || firstIp == 0 ) firstIp = 1;
	// parentdocid of 0
	sreq.setKey( firstIp, 0LL, false );
	sreq.m_isPageParser = 1;
	sreq.m_hopCount = st->m_hopCount;
	sreq.m_hopCountValid = 1;
	sreq.m_fakeFirstIp   = 1;
	sreq.m_firstIp = firstIp;
	Url nu;
	sreq.m_domHash32 = nu.getDomainHash32();
	sreq.m_siteHash32 = nu.getHostHash32();

	// . get provided content if any
	// . will be NULL if none provided
	// . "content" may contain a MIME
	long  contentLen = 0;
	char *content = r->getString ( "content" , &contentLen , NULL );
	// is the "content" url-encoded? default is true.
	bool contentIsEncoded = true;
	// mark doesn't like to url-encode his content
	if ( ! content ) {
		content    = r->getUnencodedContent    ();
		contentLen = r->getUnencodedContentLen ();
		contentIsEncoded = false;
	// ensure null
	if ( contentLen == 0 ) content = NULL;

	uint8_t contentType = CT_HTML;
	if ( r->getBool("xml",0) ) contentType = CT_XML;

	contentType = r->getLong("ctype",contentType);//CT_HTML);

	// if facebook, load xml content from title rec...
	bool isFacebook = (bool)strstr(st->m_u,"http://www.facebook.com/");
	if ( isFacebook && ! content ) {
		long long docId = g_titledb.getProbableDocId(st->m_u);
		sprintf(sreq.m_url ,"%llu", docId );
		sreq.m_isPageReindex = true;

	// hack
	if ( content ) {
		//char *data = strstr(content,"\r\n\r\n");
		//long dataPos = 0;
		//if ( data ) dataPos = (data + 4) - content;
		content = st->m_dbuf.getBufStart();

	// . use the enormous power of our new XmlDoc class
	// . this returns false if blocked
	if ( ! xd->set4 ( &sreq       ,
			  NULL        ,
			  st->m_coll  ,
			  &st->m_wbuf        ,
			  0 ,//PP_NICENESS ))
			  content ,
			  false, // deletefromindex
			  0, // forced ip
			  contentType ))
		// return error reply if g_errno is set
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// make this our callback in case something blocks
	xd->setCallback ( st , processLoop );
	// . set xd from the old title rec if recycle is true
	// . can also use XmlDoc::m_loadFromOldTitleRec flag
	if ( st->m_recycle ) xd->m_recycleContent = true;

	return processLoop ( st );
// returns false if blocked, true otherwise
bool processLoop ( void *state ) {
	// get it
	State2 *st = (State2 *)state;
	// get the tcp socket from the state
	TcpSocket *s = st->m_socket;
	// get it
	XmlDoc *xd = &st->m_xd;

	if ( ! xd->m_loaded ) {
		// setting just the docid. niceness is 0.
		//xd->set3 ( st->m_docId , st->m_coll , 0 );
		// callback
		xd->setCallback ( state , processLoop );
		// . and tell it to load from the old title rec
		// . this sets xd->m_oldTitleRec/m_oldTitleRecSize
		// . this sets xd->ptr_* and all other member vars from
		//   the old title rec if found in titledb.
		if ( ! xd->loadFromOldTitleRec ( ) ) return false;

	if ( g_errno ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// now force it to load old title rec
	//char **tr = xd->getTitleRec();
	SafeBuf *tr = xd->getTitleRecBuf();
	// blocked? return false if so. it will call processLoop() when it rets
	if ( tr == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// we did not block. check for error? this will free "st" too.
	if ( ! tr ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// if title rec was empty, that is a problem
	if ( xd->m_titleRecBuf.length() == 0 ) 
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOTFOUND);

	// set callback
	char *na = xd->getIsNoArchive();
	// wait if blocked
	if ( na == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// error?
	if ( ! na ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// forbidden? allow turkeys through though...
	if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && *na )
		return sendErrorReply ( st , ENOCACHE );

	SafeBuf *sb = &st->m_sb;

	// &page=4 will print rainbow sections
	if ( ! st->m_printed && st->m_r.getLong("page",0) ) {
		// do not repeat this call
		st->m_printed = true;
		// this will call us again since we called
		// xd->setCallback() above to us
		if ( ! xd->printDocForProCog ( sb , &st->m_r ) )
			return false;

	char *contentType = "text/html";
	char format = st->m_format;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) contentType = "application/json";

	// if we printed a special page (like rainbow sections) then return now
	if ( st->m_printed ) {
		bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
							    -1, NULL, "utf8" );
		// nuke state2
		mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
		delete (st);
		return status;

	  // this was calling XmlDoc and setting sections, etc. to
	  // get the SpiderReply junk... no no no
	// is it banned or filtered? this ignores the TagRec in the titleRec
	// and uses msg8a to get it fresh instead
	char *vi = xd->getIsFiltered();//Visible( );
	// wait if blocked
	if ( vi == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// error?
	if ( ! vi ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
	// banned?
	if ( ! st->m_isAdmin && ! *vi ) return sendErrorReply (st,EDOCBANNED);

	// get the utf8 content
	char **utf8 = xd->getUtf8Content();
	//long   len  = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;
	// wait if blocked???
	if ( utf8 == (void *)-1 ) return false;
	// strange
	if ( xd->size_utf8Content<=0) {
		log("pageget: utf8 content <= 0");
		return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );
	// alloc error?
	if ( ! utf8 ) return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// get this host
	Host *h = g_hostdb.getHost ( g_hostdb.m_hostId );
	if ( ! h ) {
		log("pageget: hostid %li is bad",g_hostdb.m_hostId);
		return sendErrorReply(st,EBADENGINEER );

	char *content    = xd->ptr_utf8Content;
	long  contentLen = xd->size_utf8Content - 1;

	// shortcut
	char strip = st->m_strip;

	// alloc buffer now
	//char *buf = NULL;
	//long  bufMaxSize = 0;
	//bufMaxSize = len + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
	//bufMaxSize = contentLen + ( 32 * 1024 ) ;
	//buf        = (char *)mmalloc ( bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
	//char *p          = buf;
	//char *bufEnd     = buf + bufMaxSize;
	//if ( ! buf ) {
	//	return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	// for undoing the header
	//char *start1 = p;
	long startLen1 = sb->length();

	// we are always utfu
	if ( strip != 2 )
		sb->safePrintf( "<meta http-equiv=\"Content-Type\" "

	// base href
	//Url *base = &xd->m_firstUrl;
	//if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl.m_url[0] )
	//	base = &xd->m_redirUrl;
	char *base = xd->ptr_firstUrl;
	if ( xd->ptr_redirUrl ) base = xd->ptr_redirUrl;
	//Url *redir = *xd->getRedirUrl();
	if ( strip != 2 ) {
		sb->safePrintf ( "<BASE HREF=\"%s\">" , base );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// default colors in case css files missing
	if ( strip != 2 ) {
		sb->safePrintf( "\n<style type=\"text/css\">\n"
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	//char format = st->m_format;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) sb->reset();
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) sb->reset();

	// for undoing the stuff below
	long startLen2 = sb->length();//p;

	// query should be NULL terminated
	char *q    = st->m_q;
	long  qlen = st->m_qlen;

	char styleTitle[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"
	char styleText[128]  =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
	char styleLink[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:400;"
	char styleTell[128] =  "font-size:14px;font-weight:600;"

	// get the url of the title rec
	Url *f = xd->getFirstUrl();

	bool printDisclaimer = st->m_printDisclaimer;

	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		printDisclaimer = false;

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) printDisclaimer = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) printDisclaimer = false;

	char tbuf[100];
	tbuf[0] = 0;
	time_t lastSpiderDate = xd->m_spideredTime;

	if ( printDisclaimer ||
	     format == FORMAT_XML ||
	     format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &lastSpiderDate );
		strftime ( tbuf, 100,"%b %d, %Y UTC", timeStruct);

	// We should always be displaying this disclaimer.
	// - May eventually want to display this at a different location
	//   on the page, or on the click 'n' scroll browser page itself
	//   when this page is not being viewed solo.
	// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
	if ( printDisclaimer ) {

		sb->safePrintf(//sprintf ( p , 
			  //"<BASE HREF=\"%s\">"
			  //"<table border=1 width=100%%>"
			  "<table border=\"1\" bgcolor=\"#"
			  "\" cellpadding=\"10\" "
			  //"id=\"gbcnsdisctable\" class=\"gbcnsdisctable_v\""
			  "cellspacing=\"0\" width=\"100%%\" color=\"#ffffff\">"
			  //" id=\"gbcnsdisctr\" class=\"gbcnsdisctr_v\""
			  //"<font face=times,sans-serif color=black size=-1>"
			  "<span style=\"%s\">"
			  "This is Gigablast's cached page of </span>"
			  "<a href=\"%s\" style=\"%s\">%s</a>"
			  "" , styleTitle, f->getUrl(), styleLink,
			  f->getUrl() );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );
		// then the rest
		//sprintf(p , 
			"<span style=\"%s\">. "
			"Gigablast is not responsible for the content of "
			"this page.</span>", styleTitle );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		sb->safePrintf ( "<br/><span style=\"%s\">"
			  "Cached: </span>"
			  "<span style=\"%s\">",
			  styleTitle, styleText );
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		// then the spider date in GMT
		// time_t lastSpiderDate = xd->m_spideredTime;
		// struct tm *timeStruct = gmtime ( &lastSpiderDate );
		// char tbuf[100];
		// strftime ( tbuf, 100,"%b %d, %Y UTC", timeStruct);
		//p += gbstrlen ( p );

		// Moved over from PageResults.cpp
		sb->safePrintf( "</span> - <a href=\""
			      " style=\"%s\">"
			      q , st->m_coll , 
			      st->m_docId, styleLink ); 

		// a link to alexa
		if ( f->getUrlLen() > 5 ) {
			sb->safePrintf( " - <a href=\"http:"
					 " style=\"%s\">"
					 "[older copies]</a>" ,
					 f->getUrl(), styleLink );

		if (st->m_noArchive){
			sb->safePrintf( " - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
				     styleTell );
		if (st->m_isBanned){
			sb->safePrintf(" - <span style=\"%s\"><b>"
				     styleTell );

		// only print this if we got a query
		if ( qlen > 0 ) {
			sb->safePrintf("<br/><br/><span style=\"%s\"> "
				   "These search terms have been "
				   "highlighted:  ",
				   styleText );
			//p += gbstrlen ( p );

	// how much space left in p?
	//long avail = bufEnd - p;
	// . make the url that we're outputting for (like in PageResults.cpp)
	// . "thisUrl" is the baseUrl for click & scroll
	char thisUrl[MAX_URL_LEN];
	char *thisUrlEnd = thisUrl + MAX_URL_LEN;
	char *x = thisUrl;
	// . use the external ip of our gateway
	// . construct the NAT mapped port
	// . you should have used iptables to map port to the correct
	//   internal ip:port
	//unsigned long  ip   =g_conf.m_mainExternalIp  ; // h->m_externalIp;
	//unsigned short port=g_conf.m_mainExternalPort;//h->m_externalHttpPort
	// local check
	//if ( st->m_isLocal ) {
	unsigned long  ip   = h->m_ip;
	unsigned short port = h->m_httpPort;
	//sprintf ( x , "http://%s:%li/get?q=" , iptoa ( ip ) , port );
	// . we no longer put the port in here
	// . but still need http:// since we use <base href=>
	if (port == 80) sprintf(x,"http://%s/get?q=",iptoa(ip));
	else            sprintf(x,"http://%s:%hu/get?q=",iptoa(ip),port);
	x += gbstrlen ( x );
	// the query url encoded
	long elen = urlEncode ( x , thisUrlEnd - x , q , qlen );
	x += elen;
	// separate cgi vars with a &
	//sprintf ( x, "&seq=%li&rtq=%lid=%lli",
	//	  (long)st->m_seq,(long)st->m_rtq,st->m_msg22.getDocId());
	sprintf ( x, "&d=%lli",st->m_docId );
	x += gbstrlen(x);		
	// set our query for highlighting
	Query qq;
	qq.set2 ( q, st->m_langId , true );

	// print the query terms into our highlight buffer
	Highlight hi;
	// make words so we can set the scores to ignore fielded terms
	Words qw;
	qw.set ( q            ,  // content being highlighted, utf8
		 qlen         ,  // content being highlighted, utf8
		 true         ,  // computeIds
		 false        ); // hasHtmlEntities?
	// . assign scores of 0 to query words that should be ignored
	// . TRICKY: loop over words in qq.m_qwords, but they should be 1-1
	//   with words in qw.
	// . sanity check
	//if ( qw.getNumWords() != qq.m_numWords ) { char *xx = NULL; *xx = 0;}
	// declare up here
	Matches m;
	// do the loop
	//Scores ss;
	//ss.set ( &qw , NULL );
	//for ( long i = 0 ; i < qq.m_numWords ; i++ )
	//	if ( ! m.matchWord ( &qq.m_qwords[i],i ) ) ss.m_scores[i] = 0;
	// now set m.m_matches[] to those words in qw that match a query word
	// or phrase in qq.
	m.setQuery ( &qq );
	//m.addMatches ( &qw , &ss , true );
	m.addMatches ( &qw );
	long hilen = 0;

	// CNS: if ( ! st->m_clickNScroll ) {
	// and highlight the matches
	if ( printDisclaimer ) {
		hilen = hi.set ( //p       ,
				 //avail   ,
				sb ,
				 &qw     , // words to highlight
				 &m      , // matches relative to qw
				 false   , // doSteming
				 false   , // st->m_clickAndScroll , 
				 (char *)thisUrl );// base url for ClcknScrll
		//p += hilen;
		// now an hr
		//memcpy ( p , "</span></table></table>\n" , 24 );   p += 24;

	bool includeHeader = st->m_includeHeader;

	// do not show header for json object display
	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		includeHeader = false;

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) includeHeader = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) includeHeader = false;

	//mfree(uq, uqCapacity, "PageGet");
	// undo the header writes if we should
	if ( ! includeHeader ) {
		// including base href is off by default when not including
		// the header, so the caller must explicitly turn it back on
		if ( st->m_includeBaseHref ) sb->m_length=startLen2;//p=start2;
		else                         sb->m_length=startLen1;//p=start1;


	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {

	// identify start of <title> tag we wrote out
	char *sbstart = sb->getBufStart();
	char *sbend   = sb->getBufEnd();
	char *titleStart = NULL;
	char *titleEnd   = NULL;
	for ( char *t = sbstart ; t < sbend ; t++ ) {
		// title tag?
		if ( t[0]!='<' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[1])!='t' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[2])!='i' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[3])!='t' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[4])!='l' ) continue;
		if ( to_lower_a(t[5])!='e' ) continue;
		// point to it
		char *x = t + 5;
		// max - to keep things fast
		char *max = x + 500;
		for ( ; *x && *x != '>' && x < max ; x++ );
		// find end
		char *e = x;
		for ( ; *e && e < max ; e++ ) {
			if ( e[0]=='<' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[1])=='/' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[2])=='t' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[3])=='i' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[4])=='t' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[5])=='l' &&
			     to_lower_a(e[6])=='e' )
		if ( e < max ) {
			titleStart = x;
			titleEnd   = e;

	// . print title at top!
	// . consider moving
	if ( titleStart ) {

		char *ebuf = st->m_r.getString("eb");
		if ( ! ebuf ) ebuf = "";

		//p += sprintf ( p , 
			       "<table border=1 "
			       "cellpadding=10 "
			       "cellspacing=0 "
			       "width=100%% "
			       "color=#ffffff>" );

		long printLinks = st->m_r.getLong("links",0);

		if ( ! printDisclaimer && printLinks )
			sb->safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p , 
				       // first put cached and live link
				       "<td bgcolor=lightyellow>"
				       // print cached link
				       "&nbsp; "
				       "<a "
				       "color:#000000;\" "
				       "cached link</a>"
				       " &nbsp; "
				       "<a "
				       "color:#000000;\" "
				       "href=%s>live link</a>"
				       ,thisUrl // st->ptr_ubuf

		if ( printLinks ) {
			sb->safePrintf(//p += sprintf ( p ,
				       "<tr><td bgcolor=pink>"
				       "<span style=\"font-size:18px;"
				       "&nbsp; "
				       "<b>PAGE TITLE:</b> "
			long tlen = titleEnd - titleStart;
			sb->safeMemcpy ( titleStart , tlen );
			sb->safePrintf ( "</span></td></tr>" );

		sb->safePrintf( "</table><br>\n" );


	// is the content preformatted?
	bool pre = false;
	char ctype = (char)xd->m_contentType;
	if ( ctype == CT_TEXT ) pre = true ; // text/plain
	if ( ctype == CT_DOC  ) pre = true ; // filtered msword
	if ( ctype == CT_PS   ) pre = true ; // filtered postscript

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) pre = false;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) pre = false;

	// if it is content-type text, add a <pre>
	if ( pre ) {//p + 5 < bufEnd && pre ) {
		//p += 5;

	if ( st->m_strip == 1 )
		contentLen = stripHtml( content, contentLen, 
					(long)xd->m_version, st->m_strip );
	// it returns -1 and sets g_errno on error, line OOM
	if ( contentLen == -1 ) {
		//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );	
		return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );

	Xml xml;
	Words ww;

	// if no highlighting, skip it
	bool queryHighlighting = st->m_queryHighlighting;
	if ( st->m_strip == 2 ) queryHighlighting = false;

	// do not do term highlighting if json
	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		queryHighlighting = false;

	SafeBuf tmp;
	SafeBuf *xb = sb;
	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) xb = &tmp;
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) xb = &tmp;

	if ( ! queryHighlighting ) {
		xb->safeMemcpy ( content , contentLen );
		//p += contentLen ;
	else {
		// get the content as xhtml (should be NULL terminated)
		//Words *ww = xd->getWords();
		if ( ! xml.set ( content , contentLen , false ,
				 false , 0 , CT_HTML ) ) { // niceness is 0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		if ( ! ww.set ( &xml , true , 0 ) ) { // niceness is 0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// sanity check
		//if ( ! xd->m_wordsValid ) { char *xx=NULL;*xx=0; }
		// how much space left in p?
		//avail = bufEnd - p;

		Matches m;
		m.setQuery ( &qq );
		m.addMatches ( &ww );
		hilen = hi.set ( xb , // p , avail , 
				 &ww , &m ,
				 false /*doStemming?*/ ,  
				 st->m_clickAndScroll , 
				 thisUrl /*base url for click & scroll*/);
		//p += hilen;
		log(LOG_DEBUG, "query: Done highlighting cached page content");

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) {
		sb->cdataEncode ( xb->getBufStart() );

	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) {
		sb->jsonEncode ( xb->getBufStart() );

	// if it is content-type text, add a </pre>
	if ( pre ) { // p + 6 < bufEnd && pre ) {
		sb->safeMemcpy ( "</pre>" , 6 );
		//p += 6;

	// calculate bufLen
	//long bufLen = p - buf;

	long ct = xd->m_contentType;

	// now filter the entire buffer to escape out the xml tags
	// so it is displayed nice
	SafeBuf newbuf;

	if ( ct == CT_XML ) {
		// encode the xml tags into &lt;tagname&gt; sequences
		if ( !newbuf.htmlEncodeXmlTags ( sb->getBufStart() ,
						 0)){// niceness=0
			//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
			return sendErrorReply ( st , g_errno );
		// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
		// should have copied it into another buffer
		//if ( buf ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );	
		// reassign
		//buf    = newbuf.getBufStart();
		//bufLen = newbuf.length();
		sb->stealBuf ( &newbuf );

	// now encapsulate it in html head/tail and send it off
	// sendErr:
	contentType = "text/html";
	if ( strip == 2 ) contentType = "text/xml";
	// xml is usually buggy and this throws browser off
	//if ( ctype == CT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";

	if ( xd->m_contentType == CT_JSON )
		contentType = "application/json";

	if ( format == FORMAT_XML ) contentType = "text/xml";
	if ( format == FORMAT_JSON ) contentType = "application/json";

	// safebuf, sb, is a member of "st" so this should copy the buffer
	// when it constructs the http reply, and we gotta call delete(st)
	// AFTER this so sb is still valid.
	bool status = g_httpServer.sendDynamicPage (s,
						     -1, NULL, "utf8" );

	// nuke state2
	mdelete ( st , sizeof(State2) , "PageGet1" );
	delete (st);

	// free out buffer that we alloc'd before returning since this
	// should have copied it into another buffer

	//if      ( ct == CT_XML ) newbuf.purge();
	//else if ( buf          ) mfree ( buf , bufMaxSize , "PageGet2" );
	// and convey the status
	return status;
void MyObject::methodWithError()
                   "The method call 'methodWithError()' is not supported");
Beispiel #30
void TestObject::generateError()
    sendErrorReply(errorName, errorMsg);