 *    avrcpHandleListAppAttributesCommand    
 *  Handle the incoming PlayerApplicationListAttributes Command from CT. 
 *  AVRCP       -  AVRCP Instance
void avrcpHandleListAppAttributesCommand(AVRCP *avrcp)
    if (!isAvrcpPlayerSettingsEnabled(avrcpGetDeviceTask()))
        sendListAttrResponse(avrcp, avctp_response_not_implemented, 0, 0);
        /* We know this PDU cannot be fragmented. 
            Pass the request directly to the client. */    
        avrcpSendCommonMetadataInd(avrcp, AVRCP_LIST_APP_ATTRIBUTE_IND);
void AvrcpListAppSettingAttributeResponse(AVRCP *avrcp, 
                                          avrcp_response_type response, 
                                          uint16 size_attributes, 
                                          Source attributes)
    /* Send the response only if the command arrived to start with. */
    if (avrcp->block_received_data == avrcp_list_app_attributes)
        sendListAttrResponse(avrcp, response, size_attributes, attributes);
              "CT not waiting for response\n"));