Beispiel #1
unsigned long ntp::getInternetTime(){
  unsigned long epoch;
  int i=0;
  int t=0;
  t=0; // count sent tries
  while ((epoch == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (t<4)){  
    i=0; // count receve tries
    while ((epoch == 0xFFFFFFFF) && (i<4)){
    if (epoch == 0xFFFFFFFF) {    


  return (epoch);
Beispiel #2
time_t getNtpTime() {
  while (Udp.parsePacket() > 0)
    ; // discard any previously received packets
  //Serial.println("$CLS,Y0,X0#TX NTP RQ");
  PulseLed(BLUE, 2, 50, 10);
  uint32_t beginWait = millis();
  uint32_t waited = millis() - beginWait;
  while (waited < 3000)
    int size = Udp.parsePacket();
    if (size >= NTP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      //Serial.println("$CLS,Y0,X0#RX NTP OK");, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read packet into the buffer
      unsigned long secsSince1900;
      // convert four bytes starting at location 40 to a long integer
      secsSince1900 = (unsigned long)packetBuffer[40] << 24;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[41] << 16;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[42] << 8;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[43];
      analogWrite(GREEN, 100);
      analogWrite(RED, 0);
      analogWrite(BLUE, 0);
      return secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL + timeZone * SECS_PER_HOUR + (waited / 1000);
    waited = millis() - beginWait;
  //Serial.println("$CLS,Y0,X0#*** NTP TO ***");
  PulseLed(RED, 4, 50, 10);
  analogWrite(GREEN, 0);
  analogWrite(RED, 100);
  analogWrite(BLUE, 0);
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time
time_t getNtpTime()
  while (Udp.parsePacket() > 0) ; // discard any previously received packets
  Serial.println("Transmit NTP Request");
  uint32_t beginWait = millis();
  while (millis() - beginWait < 2000) {
    int size = Udp.parsePacket();
    if (size >= NTP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      Serial.println("Receive NTP Response");, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read packet into the buffer
      unsigned long secsSince1900;
      unsigned long fracSecs;
      // convert four bytes starting at location 40 to a long integer
      secsSince1900 =  (unsigned long)packetBuffer[40] << 24;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[41] << 16;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[42] << 8;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[43];
      fracSecs =  (unsigned long)packetBuffer[44] << 24;
      fracSecs |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[45] << 16;
      fracSecs |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[46] << 8;
      fracSecs |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[47];
      return ((time_t)(secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL)<<32) + fracSecs;
  Serial.println("No NTP Response :-(");
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time
unsigned long getNTPTimestamp()
  unsigned long ulSecs2000;
  sendNTPpacket(timeServer); // send an NTP packet to a time server
  delay(1000);    // wait to see if a reply is available
  int cb = udp.parsePacket();

    Serial.println("Timeserver not accessible! - No RTC support!"); 
    Serial.print("packet received, length=");
    Serial.println(cb);, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer
    //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
    // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:
    unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
    unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
    // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
    // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
    ulSecs2000  = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
    ulSecs2000 -= 2208988800UL; // go from 1900 to 1970
    ulSecs2000 -= 946684800UL; // go from 1970 to 2000
Beispiel #5
time_t NTP::getNtpTime(void)
  while (UDP.parsePacket() > 0) ; // discard any previously received packets
  //get a random server from the pool
  IPAddress timeServerIP;
  WiFi.hostByName(_serverName, timeServerIP); 
  uint32_t beginWait = millis();
  while (millis() - beginWait < 1500) {
    int size = UDP.parsePacket();
    if (size >= NTP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      Serial.println("Receive NTP Response");, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read packet into the buffer
      time_t secsSince1900;
      // convert four bytes starting at location 40 to a long integer
      secsSince1900 =  (time_t)packetBuffer[40] << 24;
      secsSince1900 |= (time_t)packetBuffer[41] << 16;
      secsSince1900 |= (time_t)packetBuffer[42] << 8;
      secsSince1900 |= (time_t)packetBuffer[43];
      time_t secsSince1970 = secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL;
      int8_t totalOffset = (int8_t)(_timeZoneOffset);
      return secsSince1970 + (time_t)(totalOffset * SECS_PER_HOUR) ;
  Serial.println("No NTP Response :-(");
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time
time_t getNtptime() {
  time_t epoch = 0;

  //get a random server from the pool
  WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP);

  sendNTPpacket(timeServerIP); // send an NTP packet to a time server
  // wait to see if a reply is available

  int cb = udp.parsePacket();
  if (!cb) {
    //Serial.println("no packet!?");
    wsSend("NTP Error");
  else {
    // Serial.print("packet received, length=");
    // Serial.println(cb);
    // We've received a packet, read the data from it, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer

    //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
    // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:

    unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
    unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
    // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
    // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
    unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
    // Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = " );
    // Serial.println(secsSince1900);

    // now convert NTP time into everyday time:
    // Serial.print("Unix time = ");
    // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
    const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
    // subtract seventy years:
    epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;

    epoch = epoch - (60 * 60 * ntpOffset); // take off 4 hrs for EDT offset
    sprintf(str, "NTP epoch=%d", epoch);

  return epoch;
unsigned long getNtpTime()
	// We need to call the begin to reset the socket.
	// Because localClient.connect() may occupy the same socket.
	EthernetUDP theUDP;

	Serial.println("Sending time sync request to NTP server.");
	sendNTPpacket(timeServer); // send an NTP packet to a time server

	unsigned long startMillis = millis();
	int tryCounter = 1;
	while( millis() - startMillis < 1000)  // wait up to one second for the response
	{  // wait to see if a reply is available
		if ( theUDP.available() )
			theUDP.readPacket(packetBuffer,NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read the packet into the buffer

			//the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
			// or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:
			unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
			unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
			// combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
			// this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
			unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
			// now convert NTP time into Arduino Time format:
			// Time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
			const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
			// subtract seventy years:
			unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;

			Serial.println("Time sync successfully.");

			return epoch;

		Serial.print("No date data available. Try counter: .");

	Serial.println("Time sync failed.");

	return 0;   // return 0 if unable to get the time
Beispiel #8
time_t DHwifi::GetSystemTime()
  IPAddress timeServerIP; // NTP server address
  const char* ntpServerName = "";

  //get a random server from the pool
  WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP);

  sendNTPpacket(timeServerIP); // send an NTP packet to a time server
  // wait to see if a reply is available

  int cb = udp.parsePacket();
  if (!cb)
    Serial.println("no packet yet");
    Serial.print("NTP packet received, length=");
    // We've received a packet, read the data from it, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer

    //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
    // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:

    unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
    unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
    // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
    // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
    unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;

    // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
    const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
    // subtract seventy years:
    unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;

    return epoch + 3600 + 3600;

  // wait ten seconds before asking for the time again
  return 0;
Beispiel #9
unsigned long getNtpTime()
  sendNTPpacket(timeServer); // send an NTP packet to a time server

    // wait to see if a reply is available
  if ( Udp.parsePacket() ) {  
    // We've received a packet, read the data from it,NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read the packet into the buffer

    //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
    // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:

    unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
    unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);  
    // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
    // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
    unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;  
    #ifdef LOGGING
    Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = " );

    // now convert NTP time into everyday time:
    // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
    const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;     
    // subtract seventy years:
    unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;  
    // print Unix time:
    #ifdef LOGGING
    return epoch;
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time
Beispiel #10
time_t getNtpTime()
  while (Udp.parsePacket() > 0) ; // discard any previously received packets
  println_dbg("Transmit NTP Request");
  uint32_t beginWait = millis();
  while (millis() - beginWait < 1500) {
    int size = Udp.parsePacket();
    if (size >= NTP_PACKET_SIZE) {
      println_dbg("Receive NTP Response");, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);  // read packet into the buffer
      unsigned long secsSince1900;
      // convert four bytes starting at location 40 to a long integer
      secsSince1900 =  (unsigned long)packetBuffer[40] << 24;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[41] << 16;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[42] << 8;
      secsSince1900 |= (unsigned long)packetBuffer[43];
      return secsSince1900 - 2208988800UL + timeZone * SECS_PER_HOUR;
  println_dbg("No NTP Response :-(");
  return 0; // return 0 if unable to get the time
Beispiel #11
unsigned long readLinuxEpochUsingNTP()
  sendNTPpacket(timeServer); // send an NTP packet to a time server
  // wait to see if a reply is available

  if ( Udp.parsePacket() ) {
    Serial.println("NTP time received");
    // We've received a packet, read the data from it, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer

    //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
    // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:

    unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
    unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
    // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
    // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
    unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;

    // now convert NTP time into everyday time:
    // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
    const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
    // subtract seventy years:

    return (secsSince1900 - seventyYears + timeZone * SECS_PER_HOUR);

  else {
    return 0;
Beispiel #12
uint64_t getNTPtime()
    // send an NTP packet to a time server

    // wait to see if a reply is available
    if ( Udp.available() )
        // read the packet into the buffer, NTP_PACKET_SIZE);      // New from IDE 1.0,

        // NTP contains four timestamps with an integer part and a fraction part
        // we only use the integer part here
        unsigned long t1, t2, t3, t4;
        t1 = t2 = t3 = t4 = 0;
        for (int i=0; i< 4; i++)
            t1 = t1 << 8 | pb[16+i];
            t2 = t2 << 8 | pb[24+i];
            t3 = t3 << 8 | pb[32+i];
            t4 = t4 << 8 | pb[40+i];

        // part of the fractional part
        // could be 4 bytes but this is more precise than the 1307 RTC
        // which has a precision of ONE second
        // in fact one byte is sufficient for 1307
        float f1,f2,f3,f4;
        f1 = ((long)pb[20] * 256 + pb[21]) / 65536.0;
        f2 = ((long)pb[28] * 256 + pb[29]) / 65536.0;
        f3 = ((long)pb[36] * 256 + pb[37]) / 65536.0;
        f4 = ((long)pb[44] * 256 + pb[45]) / 65536.0;

        // NOTE:
        // one could use the fractional part to set the RTC more precise
        // 1) at the right (calculated) moment to the NEXT second!
        //    t4++;
        //    delay(1000 - f4*1000);
        //    RTC.adjust(DateTime(t4));
        //    keep in mind that the time in the packet was the time at
        //    the NTP server at sending time so one should take into account
        //    the network latency (try ping!) and the processing of the data
        //    ==> delay (850 - f4*1000);
        // 2) simply use it to round up the second
        //    f > 0.5 => add 1 to the second before adjusting the RTC
        //   (or lower threshold eg 0.4 if one keeps network latency etc in mind)
        // 3) a SW RTC might be more precise, => ardomic clock :)

        // convert NTP to UNIX time, differs seventy years = 2208988800 seconds
        // NTP starts Jan 1, 1900
        // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970.
        const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
        t1 -= seventyYears;
        t2 -= seventyYears;
        t3 -= seventyYears;
        t4 -= seventyYears;

        //Serial.println("T1 .. T4 && fractional parts");
        //PrintDateTime(DateTime(t1)); Serial.println(f1,4);
        //PrintDateTime(DateTime(t2)); Serial.println(f2,4);
        //PrintDateTime(DateTime(t3)); Serial.println(f3,4);

        char ntpTime[21];
        //GetDatetimeString(t4, ntpTime);

        // Adjust timezone and DST... in my case substract 4 hours for Chile Time
        // or work in UTC?
        t4 -= (3 * 3600L);     // Notice the L for long calculations!!
        t4 += 1;               // adjust the delay(1000) at begin of loop!
        if (f4 > 0.4) t4++;    // adjust fractional part, see above

        Serial.println("Failed to get NTP UDP packet!");
bool doNTPupdate() {
    bool ntpValid;
    //get a random server from the pool
    WiFi.hostByName(ntpServerName, timeServerIP);

    sendNTPpacket(timeServerIP); // send an NTP packet to a time server
    // wait to see if a reply is available

    int cb = udp.parsePacket();
    if (!cb) {
        Serial.println("no packet yet");
        ntpValid = false;
    } else {
        lastNTP.updateTimeMillis = millis(); //track time of update, so we can estimate time between updates

        Serial.print("packet received, length=");
        // We've received a packet, read the data from it, NTP_PACKET_SIZE); // read the packet into the buffer

        //the timestamp starts at byte 40 of the received packet and is four bytes,
        // or two words, long. First, esxtract the two words:

        unsigned long highWord = word(packetBuffer[40], packetBuffer[41]);
        unsigned long lowWord = word(packetBuffer[42], packetBuffer[43]);
        // combine the four bytes (two words) into a long integer
        // this is NTP time (seconds since Jan 1 1900):
        unsigned long secsSince1900 = highWord << 16 | lowWord;
        //Serial.print("Seconds since Jan 1 1900 = " );

        // now convert NTP time into everyday time:
        //Serial.print("Unix time = ");
        // Unix time starts on Jan 1 1970. In seconds, that's 2208988800:
        const unsigned long seventyYears = 2208988800UL;
        // subtract seventy years:
        unsigned long epoch = secsSince1900 - seventyYears;
        // print Unix time:

        int8_t h_temp = (uint8_t) ((epoch % 86400L) / 3600);
        h_temp -= 8; //PST offset
        if (h_temp < 0) {
            h_temp += 24;

        lastNTP.hours = (uint8_t) h_temp;
        lastNTP.minutes = (uint8_t) ((epoch % 3600) / 60);
        lastNTP.seconds = (uint8_t) (epoch % 60);
        ntpValid = true;

        // print the hour, minute and second:
        Serial.print("hours = ");
        Serial.println(lastNTP.hours); // print the hour (86400 equals secs per day)
        Serial.print("mins = ");
        Serial.print("secs = ");

    return ntpValid;