Beispiel #1
void zmq::pipe_t::hiccup ()
    //  If termination is already under way do nothing.
    if (state != active)

    //  We'll drop the pointer to the inpipe. From now on, the peer is
    //  responsible for deallocating it.
    inpipe = NULL;

    //  Create new inpipe.
    inpipe = new (std::nothrow) pipe_t::upipe_t ();
    alloc_assert (inpipe);
    in_active = true;

    //  Notify the peer about the hiccup.
    send_hiccup (peer, (void*) inpipe);
Beispiel #2
void zmq::pipe_t::hiccup ()
    //  If termination is already under way do nothing.
    if (_state != active)

    //  We'll drop the pointer to the inpipe. From now on, the peer is
    //  responsible for deallocating it.

    //  Create new inpipe.
    _in_pipe =
        ? static_cast<upipe_t *> (new (std::nothrow) ypipe_conflate_t<msg_t> ())
        : new (std::nothrow) ypipe_t<msg_t, message_pipe_granularity> ();

    alloc_assert (_in_pipe);
    _in_active = true;

    //  Notify the peer about the hiccup.
    send_hiccup (_peer, _in_pipe);