Beispiel #1
/** Worker function for thread that manages the control connection of FTP session. */
void* control_thread_proc(void* info)
    struct control_thread_info* cti = (struct control_thread_info*)info;

    // set appropriate signal mask for this thread
    sigset_t sigs;  sigemptyset (&sigs);
    sigaddset (&sigs, SIGINT);
    sigaddset (&sigs, SIGPIPE);
    pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &sigs, NULL);

    if (send_welcome_message(cti->session) == -1)
        cti->session->terminated = 1;

    control_thread_loop (cti);

    char buf[MAX_PATH];
    snprintf (buf, MAX_PATH, "Client `%s` disconnected.", cti->session->ip_address);
    log_event (cti->session->server, buf);

    // end the control connection
    int sfd = cti->session->control_socket;
    shutdown (sfd, SHUT_RDWR);

    // end the data connection if any
    int dfd = cti->session->data_socket;
    if (!(dfd < 0))
        shutdown (dfd, SHUT_RDWR);

    free (cti);
    return 0;
Beispiel #2
	void handle_hello_message(zeroconf_msg& message)
	    if (strcmp((char *)message.source(),my_ip))
                  debug_->debug("receive hello(%u)",radio_->id());
                  radio_->send( Os::Radio::BROADCAST_ADDRESS, sizeof(zeroconf_msg), (Os::Radio::block_data_t *)&message);//forward the message
                  send_welcome_message((char *)message.source());//and send welcome message
