Beispiel #1
System* MolecularFileDialog::openFile_(String type)
	QStringList files = QFileDialog::getOpenFileNames(
											tr("Choose a molecular file to open"),

	System* system = 0;
	for (QStringList::Iterator it = files.begin(); it != files.end(); ++it) 
		vector<String> fields;
		String seperators(FileSystem::PATH_SEPARATOR);
		// workaround on windows: QT returns the filename in linux style
		// but I am not sure, if this will stay this way.
		 seperators += "/";
		String file = ascii(*it);
		Position p = file.split(fields, seperators.c_str()) -1;
		String filename = fields[p];				

		// construct a name for the system(the filename without the dir path)
		system = openMolecularFile(file, type, filename);

	return system;
Beispiel #2
    // by default the confReader will look for a number like "cylinder5" and see the corresponding number. 
    //The number may be in decimals.
    static double getCylinderSize(int num, std::string propertiesPath = "properties.conf") {
	std::ifstream 	stream; // input stream
	std::string 	buffer;
	std::string 	temp;
	std::string 	number;
	int 		cylinderNum;
	double 		cylinderSize;; // open the file
	size_t location(0);
	while (std::getline(stream, buffer)) // while there is still stuff in the file, get a line from it and put it in buffer
	    removeCarrageReturn(buffer); // find and kill any '\r'
	    boost::char_separator<char> seperators(",\t()| &^%!@$="); // all of these chars will be ignored and used a tokenizers
	    tokenizer tokens(buffer, seperators); // tokenize
	    tokenizer::iterator tok = tokens.begin(); // there is a list of tokens made, it is accessible via iterator
	    if (tok == tokens.end()) // if there is nothing in the line
		continue; // skip the line
    	    temp = *tok; // string temp = dereference to tok (tok was pointing to a string)

	    if (temp[0] == '#') // this is a comment mark, if found, then ignore the line,
		continue; // skip the line
// 	    ++tok; // go to next token

	    temp = *tok; // string temp = dereference to token
	    (toLower(temp)); // turn to all lower case
	    if ((location = (temp).find("cylinder"))== std::string::npos){ // if that doesnt exist
	    number = (temp).substr(location+8); // everything after cylinder
	    if (number.find_first_not_of("1234567890") != std::string::npos) // if anything that isnt those exists
	    cylinderNum = boost::lexical_cast<int>(number);
	    if (num != cylinderNum)
	    number = *tok;
	    if (number.find_first_not_of("1234567890.") != std::string::npos) // if anything that isnt those exists
	    cylinderSize = boost::lexical_cast<double>(number); // convert string to double
	    return cylinderSize;
	    // if all else fails, return the default val
	    return 15.0;
Beispiel #3
System* MolecularFileDialog::openMolecularFile(const String& file)
	vector<String> fields;
	String seperators(FileSystem::PATH_SEPARATOR);
	// workaround on windows: QT returns the filename in linux style
	// but I am not sure, if this will stay this way.
	 seperators += "/";
	Position p = file.split(fields, seperators.c_str()) -1;
	String filename = fields[p];				
	String extension = fields[filename.split(fields, ".") -1];
	filename = filename.getSubstring(0, filename.size() - (extension.size() + 1));
	return openMolecularFile(file, extension, filename);
Beispiel #4
		paint::paint(const std::string& s)
			: color_attrib_(ColorAttrib::VALUE),
			if(s == "none") {
				color_attrib_ = ColorAttrib::NONE;
			} else if(s == "currentColor") {
				color_attrib_ = ColorAttrib::CURRENT_COLOR;
			} else if(s.length() > 1 && s[0] == '#') {
				ASSERT_LOG(s.length() == 4 || s.length() == 7, "Expected length of color definition to be 3 or 6 characters long, found: " << s.substr(1));
				if(s.length() == 4) {
					int r_hex = convert_hex_digit(s[1]);
					int g_hex = convert_hex_digit(s[2]);
					int b_hex = convert_hex_digit(s[3]);
					color_value_ = color((r_hex << 4) | r_hex, (g_hex << 4) | g_hex, (b_hex << 4) | b_hex);
				} else {
					color_value_ = color((convert_hex_digit(s[1]) << 4) | convert_hex_digit(s[2]),
						(convert_hex_digit(s[3]) << 4) | convert_hex_digit(s[4]),
						(convert_hex_digit(s[5]) << 4) | convert_hex_digit(s[6]));
			} else if(s.length() > 3 && s.substr(0,3) == "rgb") {
				boost::char_separator<char> seperators(" \n\t\r,()");
				boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tok(s.substr(3), seperators);
				int count = 0;
				int cv[3];
				for(auto it = tok.begin(); it != tok.end(); ++it) {
					char* end = NULL;
					long value = strtol(it->c_str(), &end, 10);
					uint8_t col_val = 0;
					if(value == 0 && end == it->c_str()) {
						ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unable to parse string as an integer: " << *it);
					if(end != NULL && *end == '%') {
						ASSERT_LOG(value >= 0 && value <= 100, "Percentage values range from 0-100: " << value);
						col_val = uint8_t(value / 100.0 * 255);
					} else {
						ASSERT_LOG(value >= 0 && value <= 255, "Percentage values range from 0-255: " << value);
						col_val = uint8_t(value);
					ASSERT_LOG(count < 3, "Too many numbers in color value");
					cv[count] = col_val;
				color_value_ = color(cv[0],cv[1],cv[2]);
			} else if(s.length() > 4 && s.substr(0, 4) == "url(") {
				auto st_it = std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), '(');
				auto ed_it = std::find(s.begin(), s.end(), '0');
				color_ref_ = uri::uri::parse(std::string(st_it, ed_it));
				color_attrib_ = ColorAttrib::FUNC_IRI;

				std::string backup(ed_it, s.end());
				if(!backup.empty()) {
					// XXX parse stuff
			} else if(s.length() > 9 && s.substr(0,9) == "icc-color") {
				boost::char_separator<char> seperators(" \n\t\r,()");
				boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tok(s.substr(9), seperators);
				auto it = tok.begin();
				icc_color_name_ = *it;
				for(; it != tok.end(); ++it) {
					try {
						double value = boost::lexical_cast<double>(*it);
					} catch(boost::bad_lexical_cast&) {
						ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unable to convert icc-color value from string to numeric: " << *it << " : " << s);
				color_attrib_ = ColorAttrib::ICC_COLOR;
			} else {
				color_value_ = color::from_name(s);
Beispiel #5
		std::vector<transform_ptr> transform::factory(const std::string& s)
			std::vector<transform_ptr> results;
			enum {
			} state = STATE_TYPE;
			std::vector<double> parameters;

			TransformType type = TransformType::ERROR;

			boost::char_separator<char> seperators(" \n\t\r,", "()");
			boost::tokenizer<boost::char_separator<char>> tok(s, seperators);
			for(auto it = tok.begin(); it != tok.end(); ++it) {
				if(state == STATE_TYPE) {
					if(*it == "matrix") {
						type = TransformType::MATRIX;
					} else if(*it == "translate") {
						type = TransformType::TRANSLATE;
					} else if(*it == "scale") {
						type = TransformType::SCALE;
					} else if(*it == "rotate") {
						type = TransformType::ROTATE;
					} else if(*it == "skewX") {
						type = TransformType::SKEW_X;
					} else if(*it == "skewY") {
						type = TransformType::SKEW_Y;
					} else if(*it == "(") {
						state = STATE_NUMBER;
					} else {
						ASSERT_LOG(false, "Unexpected token while looking for a type: " << *it << " : " << s);
				} else if(state == STATE_NUMBER) {
					if(*it == ")") {
						ASSERT_LOG(type != TransformType::ERROR, "svg transform type was not initialized");
						switch(type) {
							case TransformType::MATRIX: {
								matrix_transform* mtrf = new matrix_transform(parameters);
							case TransformType::TRANSLATE: {
								ASSERT_LOG(parameters.size() == 1 || parameters.size() == 2, "Parsing transform:translate found " << parameters.size() << " parameter(s), expected 1 or 2");
								double tx = parameters[0];
								double ty = parameters.size() == 2 ? parameters[1] : 0.0f;
								translate_transform * ttrf = new translate_transform(tx, ty);
							case TransformType::SCALE: {
								ASSERT_LOG(parameters.size() == 1 || parameters.size() == 2, "Parsing transform:scale found " << parameters.size() << " parameter(s), expected 1 or 2");
								double sx = parameters[0];
								double sy = parameters.size() == 2 ? parameters[1] : sx;
								scale_transform * strf = new scale_transform(sx, sy);
							case TransformType::ROTATE: {
								ASSERT_LOG(parameters.size() == 1 || parameters.size() == 3, "Parsing transform:rotate found " << parameters.size() << " parameter(s), expected 1 or 3");
								double angle = parameters[0] / 180.0 * M_PI;
								double cx = parameters.size() == 3 ? parameters[1] : 0;
								double cy = parameters.size() == 3 ? parameters[2] : 0;
								rotation_transform* rtrf = new rotation_transform(angle, cx, cy);
							case TransformType::SKEW_X: {
								ASSERT_LOG(parameters.size() == 1, "Parsing transform:skewX found " << parameters.size() << " parameter(s), expected 1");
								double sa = tan(parameters[0]);
								skew_x_transform* sxtrf = new skew_x_transform(sa);
							case TransformType::SKEW_Y: {
								ASSERT_LOG(parameters.size() == 1, "Parsing transform:skewY found " << parameters.size() << " parameter(s), expected 1");
								double sa = tan(parameters[0]);
								skew_y_transform* sxtrf = new skew_y_transform(sa);

							case TransformType::ERROR:
						state = STATE_TYPE;					
					} else {
						char* end = nullptr;
						double value = strtod(it->c_str(), &end);
						if(value == 0 && it->c_str() == end) {
							ASSERT_LOG(false, "Invalid number value: " << *it);
						ASSERT_LOG(errno != ERANGE, "parsed numeric value out-of-range: " << *it);					

			return results;