CRef<CSeq_id> CSeqIdGenerator::GenerateID(const string& defline, const bool advance) { CRef<CSeq_id> seq_id(new CSeq_id); int n = advance ? m_Counter.Add(1) - 1 : m_Counter.Get(); if (m_Prefix.empty() && m_Suffix.empty()) { seq_id->SetLocal().SetId(n); } else { string& id = seq_id->SetLocal().SetStr(); id.reserve(128); id += m_Prefix; id += NStr::IntToString(n); id += m_Suffix; } return seq_id; }
void FE_Utils::create_uses_multiple_stuff (AST_Component *c, AST_Uses *u, const char *prefix) { ACE_CString struct_name (prefix); if (!struct_name.empty ()) { struct_name += '_'; } struct_name += u->local_name ()->get_string (); struct_name += "Connection"; Identifier struct_id (struct_name.c_str ()); UTL_ScopedName sn (&struct_id, 0); // In case this call comes from the backend. We // will pop the scope before returning. idl_global->scopes ().push (c); AST_Structure *connection = idl_global->gen ()->create_structure (&sn, 0, 0); struct_id.destroy (); /// If the field type is a param holder, we want /// to use the lookup to create a fresh one, /// since the field will own it and destroy it. UTL_ScopedName *fn = u->uses_type ()->name (); AST_Decl *d = idl_global->root ()->lookup_by_name (fn, true, false); AST_Type *ft = AST_Type::narrow_from_decl (d); Identifier object_id ("objref"); UTL_ScopedName object_name (&object_id, 0); AST_Field *object_field = idl_global->gen ()->create_field (ft, &object_name, AST_Field::vis_NA); (void) DeclAsScope (connection)->fe_add_field (object_field); object_id.destroy (); Identifier local_id ("Cookie"); UTL_ScopedName local_name (&local_id, 0); Identifier module_id ("Components"); UTL_ScopedName scoped_name (&module_id, &local_name); d = c->lookup_by_name (&scoped_name, true); local_id.destroy (); module_id.destroy (); if (d == 0) { // This would happen if we haven't included Components.idl. idl_global->err ()->lookup_error (&scoped_name); return; } AST_ValueType *cookie = AST_ValueType::narrow_from_decl (d); Identifier cookie_id ("ck"); UTL_ScopedName cookie_name (&cookie_id, 0); AST_Field *cookie_field = idl_global->gen ()->create_field (cookie, &cookie_name, AST_Field::vis_NA); (void) DeclAsScope (connection)->fe_add_field (cookie_field); cookie_id.destroy (); (void) c->fe_add_structure (connection); ACE_CDR::ULong bound = 0; AST_Expression *bound_expr = idl_global->gen ()->create_expr (bound, AST_Expression::EV_ulong); AST_Sequence *sequence = idl_global->gen ()->create_sequence (bound_expr, connection, 0, 0, 0); ACE_CString seq_string (struct_name); seq_string += 's'; Identifier seq_id (seq_string.c_str ()); UTL_ScopedName seq_name (&seq_id, 0); AST_Typedef *connections = idl_global->gen ()->create_typedef (sequence, &seq_name, 0, 0); seq_id.destroy (); (void) c->fe_add_typedef (connections); // In case this call comes from the backend. idl_global->scopes ().pop (); }
int CSampleLds2Application::Run(void) { // Process command line args const CArgs& args = GetArgs(); const string& db_path = args["db"].AsString(); // // Initialize the local data storage // if ( args["data_dir"] ) { try { CRef<CLDS2_Manager> mgr(new CLDS2_Manager(db_path)); // Allow to split GB release bioseq-sets mgr->SetGBReleaseMode(CLDS2_Manager::eGB_Guess); if ( args["group_aligns"] ) { mgr->SetSeqAlignGroupSize(args["group_aligns"].AsInteger()); } mgr->AddDataDir(args["data_dir"].AsString()); mgr->UpdateData(); } catch(CException& e) { ERR_POST("Error initializing local data storage: " << e.what()); return 1; } } // Create OM and LDS2 data loader CRef<CObjectManager> object_manager = CObjectManager::GetInstance(); try { CLDS2_DataLoader::RegisterInObjectManager(*object_manager, db_path, -1, CObjectManager::eDefault); } catch (CException& e) { ERR_POST("Error registering LDS2 data loader: " << e.what()); return 2; } // Check if an id was requested, try to fetch some data if ( args["id"] ) { string id = args["id"].AsString(); // Create Seq-id, set it to the GI specified on the command line CSeq_id seq_id(id); // Create a new scope ("attached" to our OM). CScope scope(*object_manager); // Add default loaders (GB loader in this demo) to the scope. scope.AddDefaults(); // Get synonyms CBioseq_Handle::TId bh_ids = scope.GetIds(seq_id); NcbiCout << "Synonyms for " << id << ": "; string sep = ""; ITERATE (CBioseq_Handle::TId, id_it, bh_ids) { cout << sep << id_it->AsString(); sep = ", "; } cout << endl; // Get Bioseq handle for the Seq-id. CBioseq_Handle bioseq_handle = scope.GetBioseqHandle(seq_id); if ( !bioseq_handle ) { ERR_POST("Bioseq not found, with id=" << id); } else { // Dump the seq-entry. if ( args["print_entry"] ) { cout << MSerial_AsnText << *bioseq_handle.GetTopLevelEntry().GetCompleteSeq_entry(); } } // Test features SAnnotSelector sel; sel.SetSearchUnresolved() .SetResolveAll(); CSeq_loc loc; loc.SetWhole().Assign(seq_id); cout << "Features by location:" << endl; CFeat_CI fit(scope, loc, sel); int fcount = 0; for (; fit; ++fit) { if ( args["print_feats"] ) { cout << MSerial_AsnText << fit->GetOriginalFeature(); } fcount++; } cout << fcount << " features found" << endl; cout << "Features by product:" << endl; sel.SetByProduct(true); CFeat_CI fitp(scope, loc, sel); fcount = 0; for (; fitp; ++fitp) { if ( args["print_feats"] ) { cout << MSerial_AsnText << fitp->GetOriginalFeature(); } fcount++; } cout << fcount << " features found" << endl; // Test alignments cout << "Alignments:" << endl; sel.SetByProduct(false); CAlign_CI ait(scope, loc, sel); int acount = 0; for (; ait; ++ait) { if ( args["print_aligns"] ) { cout << MSerial_AsnText << ait.GetOriginalSeq_align(); } acount++; } cout << acount << " alignments found" << endl; }
CRef<CBioseq> MakeMaskingBioseq(const CSeq_id& new_id, TSeqPos seq_length, const CSeq_id& original_id, const vector<CRange<TSeqPos> >& mask_ranges) { if ( !s_is_sorted(mask_ranges.begin(), mask_ranges.end(), ByFrom()) ) { vector<CRange<TSeqPos> > ranges(mask_ranges); sort(ranges.begin(), ranges.end(), ByFrom()); return MakeMaskingBioseq(new_id, seq_length, original_id, ranges); } _ASSERT(s_is_sorted(mask_ranges.begin(), mask_ranges.end(), ByFrom())); CRef<CBioseq> seq(new CBioseq); CRef<CSeq_id> seq_id(new CSeq_id); seq->SetId().push_back(seq_id); seq_id->Assign(new_id); CSeq_inst& inst = seq->SetInst(); inst.SetRepr(inst.eRepr_delta); inst.SetMol(inst.eMol_not_set); inst.SetLength(seq_length); CDelta_ext& delta = inst.SetExt().SetDelta(); TSeqPos cur_pos = 0, last_pos = 0; vector<CRange<TSeqPos> >::const_iterator mask_it = mask_ranges.begin(); while ( cur_pos < seq_length && mask_it != mask_ranges.end() ) { if ( !mask_it->Empty() ) { TSeqPos mask_start = mask_it->GetFrom(); if ( mask_start <= cur_pos ) { TSeqPos mask_end = mask_it->GetToOpen(); if ( mask_end > cur_pos ) { cur_pos = mask_it->GetToOpen(); } } else { if ( last_pos < cur_pos ) { // add gap CRef<CDelta_seq> seg(new CDelta_seq); delta.Set().push_back(seg); seg->SetLiteral().SetLength(cur_pos-last_pos); } CRef<CDelta_seq> seg(new CDelta_seq); delta.Set().push_back(seg); CSeq_interval& ref_int = seg->SetLoc().SetInt(); ref_int.SetId().Assign(original_id); ref_int.SetFrom(cur_pos); if ( mask_start >= seq_length ) { ref_int.SetTo(seq_length-1); last_pos = cur_pos = seq_length; break; } ref_int.SetTo(mask_start-1); last_pos = cur_pos = mask_start; } } ++mask_it; } if ( last_pos < cur_pos ) { // trailing gap CRef<CDelta_seq> seg(new CDelta_seq); delta.Set().push_back(seg); seg->SetLiteral().SetLength(cur_pos-last_pos); } return seq; }
int main(int argc, char** argv) { std::string path("/home/chi/arco/test/build/temp/"); std::string filename("temp_0_0"); pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--f", filename); pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>()); pcl::io::loadPCDFile(path+filename+".pcd", *cloud); int w = cloud->width; int h = cloud->height; cv::Mat img = cv::Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_8UC3); for( size_t i = 0 ; i < cloud->size() ; i++ ) { int r = i / w; int c = i % w; uint32_t rgb_tmp = cloud->at(i).rgba;<uchar>(r, c*3+2) = (rgb_tmp >> 16) & 0x0000ff;<uchar>(r, c*3+1) = (rgb_tmp >> 8) & 0x0000ff;<uchar>(r, c*3+0) = (rgb_tmp) & 0x0000ff; } cv::imwrite(filename+".png", img); return 0; std::string in_path("/home/chi/JHUIT/raw/"); std::string out_path("img_tmp/"); std::string inst_name("driller_kel_0"); std::string seq_id("1");; float elev = ELEV; int max_frames = 200; pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--p", in_path); pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--s", seq_id); pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--i", inst_name); pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--elev", elev); pcl::console::parse_argument(argc, argv, "--max", max_frames); std::cerr << "Loading-"<< inst_name << std::endl; if( exists_dir(out_path) == false ) boost::filesystem::create_directories(out_path); std::ifstream fp;"/PlaneCoef_"+ seq_id + ".txt").c_str(), std::ios::in); if( fp.is_open() == false ) { std::cerr << "Failed to open: " << in_path+"/PlaneCoef_"+ seq_id + ".txt" << std::endl; exit(0); } pcl::ModelCoefficients::Ptr planeCoef(new pcl::ModelCoefficients()); planeCoef->values.resize(4); fp >> planeCoef->values[0] >> planeCoef->values[1] >> planeCoef->values[2] >> planeCoef->values[3]; fp.close(); std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > cloud_set; std::vector< KEYSET > keypt_set; std::vector< cv::Mat > keydescr_set; for( size_t j = 0 ; j < max_frames ; j++ ) { std::stringstream ss; ss << j; if( j % 3 != 0 ) continue; std::string filename(in_path + inst_name + "/" + inst_name + "_" + seq_id + "_" + ss.str() + ".pcd"); if( exists_test(filename) == false ) continue; pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr cloud(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>()); pcl::io::loadPCDFile(filename, *cloud); int w = cloud->width; int h = cloud->height; //std::cerr << w << " " << h << " " << cloud->size() << std::endl; cv::Mat rgb = cv::Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_8UC3); cv::Mat gray = cv::Mat::zeros(h, w, CV_8UC1); for(size_t i = 0 ; i < cloud->size() ; i++ ) { int r_idx = i / w; int c_idx = i % w; uint32_t rgb_tmp = cloud->at(i).rgba;<uchar>(r_idx, c_idx*3+2) = (rgb_tmp >> 16) & 0x0000ff;<uchar>(r_idx, c_idx*3+1) = (rgb_tmp >> 8) & 0x0000ff;<uchar>(r_idx, c_idx*3+0) = (rgb_tmp) & 0x0000ff; } cv::cvtColor(rgb,gray,CV_BGR2GRAY); //cv::imshow("GRAY", rgb); //cv::waitKey(); cv::SiftFeatureDetector *sift_det = new cv::SiftFeatureDetector( 0, // nFeatures 4, // nOctaveLayers 0.04, // contrastThreshold 10, //edgeThreshold 1.6 //sigma ); cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor * sift_ext = new cv::SiftDescriptorExtractor(); KEYSET keypoints; cv::Mat descriptors; sift_det->detect(gray, keypoints); sift_ext->compute(gray, keypoints, descriptors); printf("%d sift keypoints are found.\n", (int)keypoints.size()); keypt_set.push_back(keypoints); keydescr_set.push_back(descriptors); cloud = cropCloud(cloud, planeCoef, 0.114); cloud_set.push_back(cloud); //cv::imshow("GRAY", in_rgb); //cv::waitKey(); //cv::imwrite(out_path + ss.str() + ".jpg", in_rgb); //viewer->addPointCloud(cloud, "cloud"); //viewer->spin(); //if( show_keys ) /* { cv::Mat out_image; cv::drawKeypoints(gray, keypoints, out_image); cv::imshow("keypoints", out_image); cv::waitKey(); } //*/ } int total = cloud_set.size(); /* std::vector< pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr > first_half, second_half; std::vector< KEYSET > first_keypt, second_keypt; std::vector< cv::Mat > first_keydescr, second_keydescr; first_half.insert(first_half.end(), cloud_set.begin(), cloud_set.begin()+total/2); first_keypt.insert(first_keypt.end(), keypt_set.begin(), keypt_set.begin()+total/2); first_keydescr.insert(first_keydescr.end(), keydescr_set.begin(), keydescr_set.begin()+total/2); second_half.push_back(cloud_set[0]); second_keypt.push_back(keypt_set[0]); second_keydescr.push_back(keydescr_set[0]); for( int i = 1 ; i < total/2 ; i++ ) { second_half.push_back(cloud_set[total-i]); second_keypt.push_back(keypt_set[total-i]); second_keydescr.push_back(keydescr_set[total-i]); } pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr first_model = Meshing(first_half, first_keypt, first_keydescr); pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr second_model = Meshing(second_half, second_keypt, second_keydescr); pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr full_model (new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>()); full_model->insert(full_model->end(), first_model->begin(), first_model->end()); full_model->insert(full_model->end(), second_model->begin(), second_model->end()); */ pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr full_model = Meshing(cloud_set, keypt_set, keydescr_set); full_model = cropCloud(full_model, planeCoef, elev); pcl::io::savePCDFile("temp_full.pcd", *full_model); pcl::PLYWriter ply_writer; ply_writer.write("temp_full.ply", *full_model, true); /* pcl::PointCloud<PointT>::Ptr full_model(new pcl::PointCloud<PointT>()); pcl::io::loadPCDFile("temp_full.pcd", *full_model); std::vector<int> idx_ff; pcl::removeNaNFromPointCloud(*full_model, *full_model, idx_ff); pcl::PointCloud<NormalT>::Ptr full_model_normals (new pcl::PointCloud<NormalT>()); computeNormals(full_model, full_model_normals, 0.02); AdjustCloudNormal(full_model, full_model_normals); pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer::Ptr viewer(new pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer()); viewer->initCameraParameters(); viewer->addCoordinateSystem(0.1); viewer->setCameraPosition(0, 0, 0.1, 0, 0, 1, 0, -1, 0); //viewer->addPointCloud(full_model, "full_model"); //viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, "full_model"); //viewer->addPointCloudNormals<PointT, NormalT> (full_model, full_model_normals, 5, 0.01, "normals"); //viewer->spin(); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr joint_model (new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointNormal>()); pcl::copyPointCloud(*full_model, *joint_model); pcl::copyPointCloud(*full_model_normals, *joint_model); //std::cerr << full_model->size() << " " << full_model_normals->size() << " " << joint_model->size() << std::endl; //pcl::concatenateFields (*full_model, *full_model_normals, *joint_model); pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>::Ptr tree2(new pcl::search::KdTree<pcl::PointNormal>); tree2->setInputCloud (joint_model); pcl::GreedyProjectionTriangulation<pcl::PointNormal> gp3; pcl::PolygonMesh model_mesh; gp3.setMu(2.5); gp3.setMaximumNearestNeighbors(100); gp3.setSearchRadius(0.03); gp3.setMaximumSurfaceAngle(M_PI/4); // 45 degrees gp3.setMinimumAngle(M_PI/18); // 10 degrees gp3.setMaximumAngle(2*M_PI/3); // 120 degrees gp3.setNormalConsistency(false); // Get result gp3.setInputCloud (joint_model); gp3.setSearchMethod (tree2); gp3.reconstruct (model_mesh); //viewer->addPointCloud(full_model, "model"); viewer->addPolygonMesh(model_mesh, "full_model_mesh"); viewer->setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_COLOR, 1.0, 0.55, 0.05, "full_model_mesh"); viewer->spin(); */ return 0; }