Beispiel #1
void HistogramInteractorGetInformation::construct() {
  setConfigurationWidgetText(QString("<h3>Display node or edge properties</h3>") +
                             "<b>Mouse left click</b> on an element to display its "
                             "properties.<br/>then <b>Mouse left click</b> on a row to edit the "
                             "corresponding value.");
  push_back(new MousePanNZoomNavigator);
  push_back(new HistogramMouseShowElementInfo);
HistogramInteractorMetricMapping::HistogramInteractorMetricMapping(const PluginContext* ) : HistogramInteractor(":/i_histo_color_mapping.png", "Metric Mapping") {
    setConfigurationWidgetText(QString ("<html><head><title></title></head><body>")
                               +"<h3>Metric mapping interactor</h3>"
                               +"<p>This interactor allows to perform a metric mapping on nodes colors, nodes borders colors, nodes sizes, nodes borders widths or nodes glyphs in a visual way.</p>"
                               +"<p>To select the mapping type, do a right click on the scale located at the left of the histogram vertical axis and pick the one wanted in the popup menu which appears.</p>"
                               +"<p>To configure the metric mapping, double click on the scale located at the left of the histogram vertical axis and use the dialog which appears.</p>"
                               +"<h4>Color mapping configuration</h4>"
                               +"<p>The configuration dialog for the color mapping is illustrated below.<br />"
                               +"<img src=\":/ColorScaleConfigDialog.png\" width=\"280\" height=\"260\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br />"
                               +"The first tab of this dialog allows to manually define a color scale. To do so, start by picking the number of colors to use by using the spinbox located above the colors table. "
                               +"To select the colors to use, double click on the cells of the colors table and a color picker dialog will appear. A preview of the built color scale is displayed at the right of the color table.<br />"
                               +"The built color scale can be saved using the \"Save color scale\" button.<br /><br />"
                               +"<img src=\":/ColorScaleConfigDialog2.png\" width=\"280\" height=\"260\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br />"
                               +"The second tab of the dialog allow to load a previously saved color scale and give also the possibility to load a color scale from an image file (the color scale must be defined in the vertical dimension of the image). "
                               +"Previously saved color scale can be reedit by double clicking on it. <br />"
                               +"Once the color scale to use has been selected or configured, press the \"Ok\" button.</p>"
                               +"<h4>Size mapping configuration</h4>"
                               +"<p>The configuration dialog for the size mapping is illustrated below.<br />"
                               +"<img src=\":/SizeScaleConfigDialog.png\" width=\"280\" height=\"280\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br />"
                               +"The top part of the dialog allows to select on which size property the mapping has to be performed : <i>viewSize</i> or <i>viewBorderWidth</i>.<br />"
                               +"The middle part of the dialog aims to configure the minimum and maximum size to use for the mapping.<br />"
                               +"The bottom part of the dialog allows to select on which dimensions the size mapping has to be applied when it is performed on the viewSize property.<br />"
                               +"Once the wanted parameters have been set, press the \"OK\" button to apply them.</p>"
                               +"<h4>Glyph mapping configuration</h4>"
                               +"<p>The configuration dialog for the size mapping is illustrated below.<br />"
                               +"<img src=\":/GlyphScaleConfigDialog.png\" width=\"280\" height=\"280\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br />"
                               +"Use the spin box located at the top of the dialog to define the number of nodes glyphs to use for the mapping. <br/>"
                               +"Select the glyphs to use by the help of the combo boxes contained in the cells of the table.<br />"
                               +"Press the \"OK\" button to apply the settings. </p>"
                               +"<h4>Metric mapping instructions</h4>"
                               +"<p>The metric mapping is done with the help of the editable curve drawn on top of the histogram. By double clicking on it, control points are created which allow to modify the curve shape (by drag and drop them) and so the metric mapping. The created control points can also be removed by double clicking on them. </p>"
                               +"<p>The mapping performed can be visually interpreted as followed. For each node of the graph, get the value of the metric property associated with the current displayed histogram. "
                               +"Take the line perpendicular to the horizontal axis of the histogram (the metric axis) which passes by the point on the metric axis associated with the node metric value. "
                               +"Then take the intersection point between this line and the curve controlling the mapping. The value of the metric is then mapped on the node visual property associated to the y coordinates of this intersection point according to the scale located at the left of the histogram vertical axis (which can be a color, a size or a glyph scale). <br />"
                               +"The corresponding mapping on the whole graph metric is materialized by the scale located under the histogram horizontal axis. "
                               +"For example, if the curve is a straight line between the bottom left corner and the top right corner of the histogram, a linear mapping is performed on the metric. "
                               +"More complex mapping can be performed like the color mapping illustrated below.<br />"
                               +"<img src=\":/HistoColorMapping.png\" width=\"280\" height=\"260\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"><br />"
HistogramInteractorGetInformation::HistogramInteractorGetInformation(const tlp::PluginContext*):NodeLinkDiagramComponentInteractor(":/tulip/gui/icons/i_select.png","Display node or edge properties") {
    setConfigurationWidgetText(QString("<h3>Display node or edge properties</h3>")+
                               "<b>Mouse left click</b> on an element to display its properties.<br/>then <b>Mouse left click</b> on a row to edit the corresponding value.");