void wifi_startup(){ config_wifi(); // This function sets up the wifi sensor for operation. Basic housekeeping. wifi_auth_mode(2); // Set the authentication mode. // 0 is none or WPA // 1 is Open network // 2 is Shared with WEP setDHCP(1); // Get us an IP number set_wpa_psk(); // Calculates your psk Receive(true); // Housekeeping Receive(true); // Housekeeping connect_to_ssid(); // Connects to the wifi network you've designated PlaySound(soundBeepBeep); // After connection, announce to the world you're connected. Receive(true); // Housekeeping. }
bool JPWiFly::createApModeNetwork(const char *ssid, int channel, const int port) { StCommand st(this); setJoin(WIFLY_WLAN_JOIN_APMODE); setChannel(channel); setSSID(ssid); setDHCP(WIFLY_DHCP_MODE_SERVER); setPort(port); setIP(PSTR("")); setNetmask(PSTR("")); setGateway(PSTR("")); save(); reboot(); return true; }
bool JPWiFly::enableDHCP() { return setDHCP(WIFLY_DHCP_MODE_ON); }
bool JPWiFly::disableDHCP() { return setDHCP(WIFLY_DHCP_MODE_OFF); }