  : context_( 0 )
  , scene_node_( NULL )
  , status_( 0 )
  , initialized_( false )
  , visibility_bits_( 0xFFFFFFFF )
  , associated_widget_( NULL )
  , associated_widget_panel_( NULL )
  // Needed for timeSignal (see header) to work across threads

  // Make the display-enable checkbox show up, and make it unchecked by default.
  setValue( false );

  connect( this, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( onEnableChanged() ));

CovarianceProperty::CovarianceProperty( const QString& name,
                            bool default_value,
                            const QString& description,
                            Property* parent,
                            const char *changed_slot,
                            QObject* receiver )
  // NOTE: changed_slot and receiver aren't passed to BoolProperty here, but initialized at the end of this constructor
  : BoolProperty( name, default_value, description, parent )

  position_property_ = new BoolProperty( "Position", true,
                                       "Whether or not to show the position part of covariances",
                                       this, SLOT( updateVisibility() ));
  position_property_->setDisableChildrenIfFalse( true );

  position_color_property_ = new ColorProperty( "Color", QColor( 204, 51, 204 ),
                                             "Color to draw the position covariance ellipse.",
                                             position_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );

  position_alpha_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Alpha", 0.3f,
                                             "0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque.",
                                             position_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );
  position_alpha_property_->setMin( 0 );
  position_alpha_property_->setMax( 1 );

  position_scale_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Scale", 1.0f,
                                             "Scale factor to be applied to covariance ellipse. Corresponds to the number of standard deviations to display",
                                             position_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );
  position_scale_property_->setMin( 0 );

  orientation_property_ = new BoolProperty( "Orientation", true,
                                          "Whether or not to show the orientation part of covariances",
                                          this, SLOT( updateVisibility() ));
  orientation_property_->setDisableChildrenIfFalse( true );

  orientation_frame_property_ = new EnumProperty( "Frame", "Local", "The frame used to display the orientation covariance.",
                                      orientation_property_, SLOT( updateOrientationFrame() ), this );
  orientation_frame_property_->addOption( "Local", Local );
  orientation_frame_property_->addOption( "Fixed", Fixed );

  orientation_colorstyle_property_ = new EnumProperty( "Color Style", "Unique", "Style to color the orientation covariance: XYZ with same unique color or following RGB order",
                                      orientation_property_, SLOT( updateColorStyleChoice() ), this );
  orientation_colorstyle_property_->addOption( "Unique", Unique );
  orientation_colorstyle_property_->addOption( "RGB", RGB );

  orientation_color_property_ = new ColorProperty( "Color", QColor( 255, 255, 127 ),
                                             "Color to draw the covariance ellipse.",
                                             orientation_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );

  orientation_alpha_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Alpha", 0.5f,
                                             "0 is fully transparent, 1.0 is fully opaque.",
                                             orientation_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );
  orientation_alpha_property_->setMin( 0 );
  orientation_alpha_property_->setMax( 1 );

  orientation_offset_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Offset", 1.0f,
                                             "For 3D poses is the distance where to position the ellipses representing orientation covariance. For 2D poses is the height of the triangle representing the variance on yaw",
                                             orientation_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );
  orientation_offset_property_->setMin( 0 );

  orientation_scale_property_ = new FloatProperty( "Scale", 1.0f,
                                             "Scale factor to be applied to orientation covariance shapes. Corresponds to the number of standard deviations to display",
                                             orientation_property_, SLOT( updateColorAndAlphaAndScaleAndOffset() ), this );
  orientation_scale_property_->setMin( 0 );

  connect(this, SIGNAL( changed() ), this, SLOT( updateVisibility() ));

  // Connect changed() signal here instead of doing it through the initialization of BoolProperty().
  // We do this here to make changed_slot be called _after_ updateVisibility()
  if(changed_slot && (parent || receiver))
      connect(this, SIGNAL( changed() ), receiver, changed_slot);
      connect(this, SIGNAL( changed() ), parent, changed_slot);

  setDisableChildrenIfFalse( true );