bool RobotModel::setJointState(std::string jointName, double jointVal) { // Checks if the joint is a mimic joint, then ignore the call if( mimic_joints_.find( jointName ) != mimic_joints_.end() ) { std::cerr << "Cannot set joint state for a mimic joint ( " << jointName << " ) directly, ignoring value" << std::endl; return true; } // Loops through all the mimic joints to check it the joint needs to be mimiced for( std::map< std::string, MimicJoint >::const_iterator it = mimic_joints_.begin(); it != mimic_joints_.end(); ++it ) { if( it->second.jointToMimic == jointName ) { if( !setJointPos( it->first, ( jointVal * it->second.multiplier ) + it->second.offset ) ) { return false; } } } // Sets the original joint return setJointPos( jointName, jointVal ); }
bool Kuka_grav_as::execute_CB(alib_server& as_,alib_feedback& feedback_,const cptrGoal& goal){ if (action_name == (goal->action_name)) { ROS_INFO("Kuka_grav_as::execute_CB"); ROS_INFO("action_name : [%s]",goal->action_name.c_str()); ROS_INFO("action_type : [%s]",goal->action_type.c_str()); ROS_INFO("desired_stifness: [%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f,%f]", goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[0], goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[1],goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[2], goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[3],goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[4], goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[5],goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[6]); /*if (bBaseRun){ std::cout<< "bRun: TRUE " << std::endl; }else{ std::cout<< "bRun: FALSE " << std::endl; }*/ set_control_type(asrv::GRAV_COMP); ///--- Desired Joint Impedance Command--/// des_j_pose.resize(7); des_j_velocity.resize(7); des_j_stiffness.resize(7); for(std::size_t i = 0; i < 7;++i){ if (action_type == "position") des_j_pose(i) = goal->JointStateImpedance.position[i]; else des_j_velocity(i) = goal->JointStateImpedance.velocity[i]; des_j_stiffness(i) = goal->JointStateImpedance.stiffness[i]; } ///--- Action Type (Control interface: Velocity or Position) ---/// action_type = goal->action_type; ///--- Desired Loop Rate Command--/// ros::Duration loop_rate(goal->dt); bool bBaseRun = true; while(ros::ok()&& bBaseRun) { //--- Update Cartesian Pose for (cart_to_joint) everytime you go into interactive grav_comp //--- Send /cart_to_joint/des_ee_pos as the current ee_pose tf::TransformListener listener; tf::StampedTransform curr_ee_tf_; try{ listener.waitForTransform("/world_frame", "/curr_ee_tf", ros::Time(0), ros::Duration(10.0) ); listener.lookupTransform("/world_frame", "/curr_ee_tf", ros::Time(0), curr_ee_tf_); } catch (tf::TransformException ex) { ROS_ERROR("%s",ex.what()); } ROS_INFO_STREAM("Curr_ee_tf x:" <<curr_ee_tf_.getOrigin().x() << " y:" << curr_ee_tf_.getOrigin().y() << " z:" << curr_ee_tf_.getOrigin().z() ); des_ee_pose_from_curr.setOrigin(curr_ee_tf_.getOrigin()); des_ee_pose_from_curr.setRotation(curr_ee_tf_.getRotation()); sendPose(des_ee_pose_from_curr); ///--- Send Joint Impedance Command to KUKA FRI Bridge ---/// if (action_type == "position") setJointPos(des_j_pose); else{ // Send Velocity command ( will be 0 for grav comp) setJointVel(des_j_velocity); } sendJointImpedance(des_j_stiffness); ///--- Stop sending when the desired stiffness is reached ---/// Eigen::VectorXd stiff_diff = j_stiffness - des_j_stiffness; double stiff_err = abs(stiff_diff.sum()); ROS_INFO_STREAM("Current error to desired stiffness: " << stiff_err); if(stiff_err < 0.5){ ROS_INFO_STREAM('Desired Stiffness REACHED, you can manipulate the robot now...'); ///-- Publish joint action message (for cart_to_joint) --// //std_msgs::Bool j_action_msg; // = false; // pub_ja.publish(j_action_msg); bBaseRun=false; } if (as_.isPreemptRequested() || !ros::ok()) { ROS_INFO("Preempted"); as_.setPreempted(); // bBaseRun = false; bBaseRun=false; } loop_rate.sleep(); } return true; /* if(!bBaseRun){ return false; }else{ return true; }*/ }else{ std::string msg; msg = "Kuka_goto_cart_as::execute_CB: wrong action call, requested: " + goal->action_name + " actual: " + action_name; ROS_ERROR("[%s]",msg.c_str()); return false; } }