    * No Change    
    * RETURN:
    *    success    - successfully created the index list header
    *    failure    - it did not create the index list header    
    const int IndexList::addRidInBlk( const RID& newRid)
      int maxCount, count=0;
      int rc = NO_ERROR;
      CommBlock cb;

      cb.file.oid = m_oid;
      cb.file.pFile = m_pFile;
      if (m_useNarray)
            maxCount = MAX_BLK_NARRAY_RID_CNT;
            maxCount = MAX_BLK_RID_CNT;
      //Find the last block that has a space or 
      //No next block linked
      rc = findLastBlk(count);   
      if ((count ==maxCount) && (m_nextType==LIST_SIZE_TYPE))
      {//Full, also need a new segment
         IdxEmptyListEntry newIdxListEntryPtr;
         m_segType = LIST_BLOCK_TYPE;
         rc = getSegment( m_pFile,  ENTRY_BLK, &newIdxListEntryPtr); 
         m_nextLbid = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)&newIdxListEntryPtr)->fbo;
         m_nextType = m_segType;
         rc = updateLastPtrAndParent(count);
         //the new block for insertion and count record
         m_lbid  = m_nextLbid;  
         m_sbid  = 0;
         m_entry = 0;
         m_curType = m_nextType;

         rc = readCurBlk();
         //free manager puts bad entry type at the last entry for new block
         //clean it up!
         IdxRidListPtr idxRidListPtr;
         memset(&idxRidListPtr, 0, sizeof(idxRidListPtr));         
         rc = setNextInfoFromBlk( idxRidListPtr);
         if (m_useNarray)
           rc = initCurBlock();
         //Set the count to the beginning
         count = 0;
      }//end if FULL get new segment
      // insert in the current block at the location
      if (m_lastLbid != m_lbid)
              rc = setLastLbid(m_lbid);  
      rc = insertRid(newRid, count);
      rc = updateCurCount();           
      rc = updateHdrCount();
      return rc;
 const int IndexList::deleteInBlock(const RID& rowId)
    int width =LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH;
    IdxRidListPtr* lastIdxRidListPtr;
    IdxRidListPtr lastSubIdxRidListPtr;
    bool found;
    int type, count;       
    IdxRidListPtr prevIdxRidListPtr;
    int  prevSbid, prevEntry, prevType;
    uint64_t prevLbid;
    DataBlock prevDataBlock;       
    int pos =0, totalbytes=0;
    int preTotalBytes, prevPos ;
    //IdxRidNextListPtr *nextIdxListPtr;
    IdxRidListEntry rowIdArray[MAX_BLOCK_ENTRY];
    IdxRidListEntry newRowIdArray[MAX_BLOCK_ENTRY];
    CommBlock cb;
    cb.file.oid   = m_oid;
    cb.file.pFile = m_pFile;
    //This is the sub block info
    prevLbid   = m_lbid;
    prevSbid   = m_sbid;
    prevEntry  = m_entry; 
    prevPos = LIST_SUB_LLP_POS;
    preTotalBytes = SUBBLOCK_TOTAL_BYTES;
    if (prevLbid == m_hdrLbid)  
        if (m_hdrBlock.state >=BLK_READ)
          getSubBlockEntry(m_hdrBlock.data, m_sbid, 
                         prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH, &lastSubIdxRidListPtr );
        if (m_curBlock.state >=BLK_READ)
          getSubBlockEntry(m_curBlock.data, m_sbid, 
                           prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH, &lastSubIdxRidListPtr );
    found = false;
    m_lbid    = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)&lastSubIdxRidListPtr)->fbo;
    m_sbid    = 0;
    m_entry   = 0; 
    type  = lastSubIdxRidListPtr.type;
    count = lastSubIdxRidListPtr.count;
    totalbytes = BYTE_PER_BLOCK;
    //Not found in the first sub
    while ((!found) &&(type==LIST_BLOCK_TYPE))
        rc = readSubBlockEntry(cb, &m_curBlock, m_lbid, 0, 0, 
                                totalbytes, rowIdArray);
        if (rc != NO_ERROR)
         return rc;                                         
        m_curBlock.dirty = true; 
        m_curBlock.state =BLK_READ;
        m_curBlock.lbid = m_lbid;  
        prevType = type; //Save it just in case not found here                
        lastIdxRidListPtr =(IdxRidListPtr *) &rowIdArray[pos];
        type  = lastIdxRidListPtr->type;
        count = lastIdxRidListPtr->count;
        //prepared for not found in current block
        //find out what is the next type
        //Next Type is needed here
        for (int i=0; i<count; i++)
           if (rowIdArray[i].rid == rowId)
           {//found the rowid
              found = true;
              m_dLbid = m_lbid;
              m_dSbid = m_sbid;
              m_dEntry = i;
              if (lastIdxRidListPtr->count==0)
                if (!m_useNarray)
                  //get the previous value out, could be a sub block
                  if (prevLbid == m_hdrLbid)
                      getSubBlockEntry(m_hdrBlock.data, prevSbid, 
                                       prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH, 
                  else if (prevLbid == m_lbid)
                      getSubBlockEntry(m_curBlock.data, prevSbid, 
                                       prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH, 
                      rc = readSubBlockEntry(cb, &prevDataBlock, prevLbid, 
                                             prevSbid, prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH,
                  if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                       return rc;
                  //check the type before set
                  if (type == LIST_BLOCK_TYPE)                        
                         = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)lastIdxRidListPtr)->fbo;
                         = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)lastIdxRidListPtr)->sbid;
                         = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)lastIdxRidListPtr)->entry;
                       //safety check
                       prevIdxRidListPtr.type= type;
                  else // If no more links, the current one is gone also
                     if (prevIdxRidListPtr.count>0)
                           prevIdxRidListPtr.type =0;
                           prevIdxRidListPtr.llp = 0; 
                     {//In case it is a sub block, not released with 0 count
                           prevIdxRidListPtr.type =LIST_NOT_USED_TYPE;
                           prevIdxRidListPtr.llp = 0;
                   }//end if type =LIST_SUBBLOCK_TYPE,LIST_BLOCK_TYPE 
                   //;set to LIST_NOT_USED_TYPE--unused before release
                   lastIdxRidListPtr->llp =0; 
                   if (prevPos == LIST_BLOCK_LLP_POS)
                      if (prevLbid<m_lastLbid)
                        rc = setLastLbid(prevLbid); 
              } //end if count==0
                     if (m_lastLbid > m_lbid)
                        rc = setLastLbid(m_lbid);
              }//count check
              //Found rowId
              rowIdArray[count-1].rid =0;                   
              //Write Out Put in another routine
              if ((prevLbid==m_hdrLbid) && (m_lbid != m_hdrLbid))
              {// AAC --3
                      if (!m_useNarray)
                          if (lastIdxRidListPtr->count ==0)
                             setSubBlockEntry( m_hdrBlock.data, prevSbid, 
                                               prevPos, width, 
                                               &prevIdxRidListPtr ); 
                      setSubBlockEntry( m_curBlock.data, m_sbid, 
                                        0, totalbytes, 
                                        rowIdArray );
                      setSubBlockEntry( m_hdrBlock.data, m_hdrSbid, 
                                        m_hdrEntry, LIST_HDR_SIZE, 
                                        &m_curIdxRidListHdr );
                      rc = writeDBFile( cb, m_hdrBlock.data,  m_hdrLbid);
                      if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                         return rc;
                      rc = writeDBFile( cb, m_curBlock.data,  m_lbid);
                      if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                       return rc;
                      m_hdrBlock.state = BLK_READ;
                      m_curBlock.state = BLK_READ;
               { //ABC -- 
                      if (!m_useNarray)
                         if (lastIdxRidListPtr->count ==0)
                            setSubBlockEntry( prevDataBlock.data, prevSbid, 
                                              prevPos, LIST_ENTRY_WIDTH, 
                                             &prevIdxRidListPtr ); 
                            rc = writeDBFile( cb, prevDataBlock.data,prevLbid);
                            if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                              return rc; 
                      setSubBlockEntry( m_curBlock.data, m_sbid, 
                                        0, totalbytes, 
                                        rowIdArray );
                      setSubBlockEntry( m_hdrBlock.data, m_hdrSbid, 
                                        m_hdrEntry, LIST_HDR_SIZE, 
                                       &m_curIdxRidListHdr );
                      rc = writeDBFile( cb, m_hdrBlock.data,  m_hdrLbid);
                      if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                           return rc;  
                      rc = writeDBFile( cb, m_curBlock.data,  m_lbid);
                      if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                           return rc;
                      m_hdrBlock.state = BLK_READ;
                      m_curBlock.state = BLK_READ;
               } //last case A B C  --end 5                       
               //Done with writing to disk
               // Now we need to release the segment
               if (!m_useNarray)
                     if (lastIdxRidListPtr->count ==0)
                         rc = releaseSegment();
                         if (rc != NO_ERROR)
                           return rc;                      		                          
                     }// end release segment when count ==0
               m_entry =i; //for use in findRow ID 
               return rc; //DONE !!!found then we return, no need to go on              
            }//FOUND THE ROWID returned !!!!
         }//for loop i not found continue to i++            
         //NOT FOUND in this block go to next block
         //assigning the current llp as previous llp:lbid, sbid, entry
         prevLbid    = m_lbid;
         prevSbid    = 0;
         prevEntry   = 0;
         prevPos     = pos;
         preTotalBytes = totalbytes;
         m_lbid     = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)lastIdxRidListPtr)->fbo;
         m_sbid     = 0;
         m_entry    = 0;
    }// end while
    if (!found)
    return rc;
  * No Change    
  *    success    - successfully created the index list header
  *    failure    - it did not create the index list header    
  const int IndexList::addRidInSub(const RID& newRid, 
                                   IdxRidListPtr& lastIdxRidListPtr)
      int rc = NO_ERROR;
      int maxCount;
      int count;
      CommBlock cb;
      cb.file.oid   = m_oid;
      cb.file.pFile = m_pFile;
      m_curType  = LIST_SUBBLOCK_TYPE;
      m_segType  = LIST_BLOCK_TYPE; 
      m_nextType = lastIdxRidListPtr.type;
      maxCount      = MAX_SUB_RID_CNT;
      count      = lastIdxRidListPtr.count;
      //For n-array
      m_curLevel =0;
      m_curLevelPos = 0;
      m_curBlkPos = 0;
      m_parentLbid = INVALID_LBID;
      if ((count ==maxCount) && (m_nextType==LIST_SIZE_TYPE))
      {//Full, need a new segment
          IdxEmptyListEntry newIdxListEntryPtr;
          memset(&newIdxListEntryPtr, 0, sizeof(newIdxListEntryPtr));
          rc = getSegment( m_pFile,  ENTRY_BLK, &newIdxListEntryPtr);
          if (rc!=NO_ERROR)
           return rc;
          lastIdxRidListPtr.type = LIST_BLOCK_TYPE;
          rc = setNextInfoFromBlk( lastIdxRidListPtr);
          //New Block initialization 
          m_lbid = newIdxListEntryPtr.fbo; 
          m_sbid = 0;
          m_entry = 0;
          m_curType =  m_segType;
          rc = readCurBlk();
          //make sure no garbage in the new block last entry
          IdxRidListPtr idxRidListPtr;
          memset(&idxRidListPtr, 0, sizeof(idxRidListPtr));
          rc = setNextInfoFromBlk( idxRidListPtr);
          count = 0;
          if (m_useNarray)
            rc = initCurBlock();
          if (m_lastLbid != m_lbid)
             rc = setLastLbid(m_lbid);    
      }//end if FULL 
      else if (count <maxCount)// if less than maxCount either type =7 or 0
          if (m_lastLbid != INVALID_LBID)
            uint64_t zlbid = INVALID_LBID;
            rc = setLastLbid(zlbid);  
      } //endif count
      else if ((count ==maxCount) && (m_nextType==LIST_BLOCK_TYPE))
        m_lbid = ((IdxEmptyListEntry*)&lastIdxRidListPtr)->fbo;
        m_sbid = 0;
        m_entry = 0;
        m_curType = LIST_BLOCK_TYPE;
        rc = addRidInBlk(newRid);
        return rc;
      rc = insertRid(newRid, count);// count is the position
      rc = updateCurCount();
      rc = updateHdrCount();
      return rc;