bool _parseOptions(po::variables_map &vm) { bool ret = true; ret |= GeneralOptions::_parseOptions(vm); setOpt("unmapped-read-pairs", unmappedReadPairs); setOpt("unmapped-reads", unmappedReads); setOpt("keep-unmapped-paired-read", keepUnmappedPairedRead); setOpt("output-bam", outputBam); setOpt2("input-bams", inputBams); setOpt("num-partitions", numPartitions); if (outputBam.empty()) setOptionsErrorMsg("You must specify at least the outputBam"); if (inputBams.empty()) setOptionsErrorMsg("You must specify at least one input bam"); if (unmappedReads.empty() && !unmappedReadPairs.empty()) { unmappedReads = unmappedReadPairs; } if (unmappedReadPairs.empty() && !unmappedReads.empty()) { unmappedReadPairs = unmappedReads; } // Other ret &= *::_parseOptions(vm); return ret; }
/** * @brief Check to see if the options used by the copy number engine are valid. */ void CNReferenceEngine::checkOptionsImp() { defineStates(); setLibFileOpt("reference-file"); m_pEngine->setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids"); m_pEngine->setLibFileOpt("annotation-file"); if (m_pEngine == this) { if (getOpt("set-analysis-name") == "") {setOpt("set-analysis-name", "CN5");} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("expr-summary-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a expr-summary-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-calls-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genotype-calls-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-confidences-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genotype-confidences-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("genotype-report-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a genoptype-report-file."));} if (m_pEngine->getOpt("reference-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a reference-file."));} } if (m_pEngine->getOpt("annotation-file") == "") {throw(Except("Must specify a netaffx annotation-file."));} AffxString strReferenceFileName = m_pEngine->getOpt("reference-file"); if (m_pEngine == this) { m_pEngine->setOpt("create-reference", "true"); m_pEngine->setOpt("reference-file", strReferenceFileName); } }
void OptionList::setOpt(const OptionList & options) { for(mapType::const_iterator pos = options.mOptions.begin(); pos != options.mOptions.end(); pos++) { setOpt(pos->second->clone()); } }
int DmetEngine::parseArgv( const char * const * const argv, int start ){ vector<string> argvStrings; for (const char* const * arg=argv;*arg!=NULL;arg++) { argvStrings.push_back(*arg); } int argc = argvStrings.size(); // Parse DmetEngine Options int argvPos = Options::parseArgv(argv, start); vector<string> celFiles; for(vector<const char *>::size_type i = 0; i < getArgCount(); i++) celFiles.push_back(getArg(i)); setOpt("cels",celFiles); // Allow user to override APS defaults if(argc > argvPos) { ProbesetSummarizeEngine pse; int newArgvPos = pse.parseArgv(argv, argvPos+1); Verbose::out(1,"Parsed " + ToStr(newArgvPos - argvPos - 1) + " extra options for ProbesetSummarizeEngine!"); m_ArgvPosAPS = argvPos + 1; argvPos = newArgvPos; } else { m_ArgvPosAPS = -1; } // Allow user to override CN defaults if(argc > argvPos) { DmetCopyNumberEngine cde; int newArgvPos = cde.parseArgv(argv,argvPos+1); Verbose::out(1,"Parsed " + ToStr(newArgvPos - argvPos - 1) + " extra options for DmetCopyNumberEngine!"); m_ArgvPosCN = argvPos + 1; argvPos = newArgvPos; } else { m_ArgvPosCN = -1; } // Allow user to override APG defaults if(argc > argvPos) { ProbesetGenotypeEngine pge; int newArgvPos = pge.parseArgv(argv,argvPos+1); Verbose::out(1,"Parsed " + ToStr(newArgvPos - argvPos - 1) + " extra options for ProbesetGenotypeEngine!"); m_ArgvPosAPG = argvPos + 1; argvPos = newArgvPos; } else { m_ArgvPosAPG = -1; } m_argv = argv; return argvPos; }
/** * compute CHP files */ void DmetEngine::runImp() { setOpt("analysis-guid", affxutil::Guid::GenerateNewGuid()); string errMsg; if(!Fs::isWriteableDir(getOpt("out-dir"))) if(Fs::mkdirPath(getOpt("out-dir"), false) != APT_OK) Err::errAbort("Can't make or write to directory: " + getOpt("out-dir")); if(getOptBool("run-cn-engine")) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 1: Computing probeset summaries for copy number state calling"); if(computeCnSummaries()) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 2: Computing copy number states"); computeCnState(); setOpt("run-cn-engine","true"); } else { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"No CN regions to compute. Skipping step 2."); setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } } else { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Not computing CN state. Skipping steps 1 and 2."); setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 3: Computing genotypes"); computeGenotypes(); if(getOptBool("cc-chp-output")) { Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1,"Step 4: Generating CHP files"); generateChpFiles(); } Verbose::out(1,""); Verbose::out(1, "Done."); }
int SocketImp::accept(const int fd) { struct sockaddr_in client; socklen_t len = sizeof(struct sockaddr_in); int cfd = ::accept(fd, (struct sockaddr*)(&client), &len); if(SOCKET_ERR == cfd) { return SOCKET_ERR; } setOpt(cfd); return cfd; }
int SerialCom::comInit() { int i; if((fd_ = openPort(fd_,port_)) < 0) { ROS_INFO("failed to setup the serial!"); return 0; } if((i = setOpt(fd_,baudrate_,8,'N',1)) < 0) { ROS_INFO("failed to setup the serial!"); return 0; } ROS_INFO("the serial openned,setup the serial successed。the file operator=%d",fd_); return 0; }
int SocketImp::listen(const char *ip, const int port, int backlog) { _fd = ::socket(AF_INET, SOCK_STREAM, IPPROTO_TCP); if(SOCKET_ERR == _fd) { return SOCKET_ERR; } int nret = -1; struct sockaddr_in server_addr; memset(&server_addr, 0, sizeof(server_addr)); socklen_t sellen = sizeof(server_addr); server_addr.sin_family = AF_INET; server_addr.sin_port = htons(port); server_addr.sin_addr.s_addr = inet_addr(ip); nret = ::bind(_fd, (sockaddr*)(&server_addr), sellen); if(SOCKET_ERR == nret) { return SOCKET_ERR; } if(SOCKET_ERR == setOpt(_fd)) { return SOCKET_ERR; } backlog =(backlog == 0)? MAX_BACKLOG : backlog; nret = ::listen(_fd, backlog); if(SOCKET_ERR == nret) { return SOCKET_ERR; } return _fd; }
int DownloadChild::qt_metacall(QMetaObject::Call _c, int _id, void **_a) { _id = QWidget::qt_metacall(_c, _id, _a); if (_id < 0) return _id; if (_c == QMetaObject::InvokeMetaMethod) { switch (_id) { case 0: finished(); break; case 1: download(); break; case 2: setURL((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 3: { QString* _r = getURL(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 4: setSaveFile((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 5: { QString* _r = getSaveFile(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; case 6: setOpt((*reinterpret_cast< QString*(*)>(_a[1]))); break; case 7: { QString* _r = getOpt(); if (_a[0]) *reinterpret_cast< QString**>(_a[0]) = _r; } break; default: ; } _id -= 8; } return _id; }
void curlpp::Easy::setOpt(const OptionBase & option) { setOpt(option.clone()); }
bool Socket::setKeepAlive(bool flag /*= true*/) { int optval = flag ? 1 : 0; return setOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_KEEPALIVE, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)); }
bool Socket::setReuseAddr(bool flag /*= true*/) { int optval = flag ? 1 : 0; return setOpt(SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)); }
bool Socket::setNoDelay(bool flag /*= true*/) { int optval = flag ? 1 : 0; return setOpt(IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)); }
void OptionList::setOpt(const curlpp::OptionBase & option) { setOpt(option.clone()); }
void cURLpp::Easy::setOpt(const cURLpp::OptionBase &option) { setOpt(option.clone()); }
// PD_TRACE_DECLARE_FUNCTION ( SDB__NETEVNHND_SYNCCONN, "_netEventHandler::syncConnect" ) INT32 _netEventHandler::syncConnect( const CHAR *hostName, const CHAR *serviceName ) { SDB_ASSERT( NULL != hostName, "hostName should not be NULL" ) ; SDB_ASSERT( NULL != serviceName, "serviceName should not be NULL" ) ; INT32 rc = SDB_OK ; PD_TRACE_ENTRY ( SDB__NETEVNHND_SYNCCONN ); if ( _isConnected ) { close() ; } /* try { boost::system::error_code ec ; tcp::resolver::query query ( tcp::v4(), hostName, serviceName ) ; tcp::resolver resolver ( _frame->ioservice() ) ; tcp::resolver::iterator itr = resolver.resolve ( query ) ; ip::tcp::endpoint endpoint = *itr ; tcp::v4()) ; _sock.connect( endpoint, ec ) ; if ( ec ) { if ( boost::asio::error::would_block == ec ) { rc = _complete( _sock.native() ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { _sock.close() ; PD_LOG ( PDWARNING, "Failed to connect to %s: %s: timeout", hostName, serviceName ) ; goto error ; } } else { PD_LOG ( PDWARNING, "Failed to connect to %s: %s: %s", hostName, serviceName, ec.message().c_str()) ; rc = SDB_NET_CANNOT_CONNECT ; _sock.close() ; goto error ; } } } catch ( boost::system::system_error &e ) { PD_LOG ( PDWARNING, "Failed to connect to %s: %s: %s", hostName, serviceName, e.what() ) ; rc = SDB_NET_CANNOT_CONNECT ; _sock.close() ; goto error ; } */ UINT16 port = 0 ; rc = ossGetPort( serviceName, port ) ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to get port :%s", serviceName ) ; goto error ; } { _ossSocket sock( hostName, port ) ; rc = sock.initSocket() ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to init socket:%d", rc ) ; goto error ; } sock.closeWhenDestruct( FALSE ) ; rc = sock.connect() ; if ( SDB_OK != rc ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "failed to connect remote[%s:%s], rc:%d", hostName, serviceName, rc ) ; goto error ; } try { _sock.assign( tcp::v4(), sock.native() ) ; } catch ( std::exception &e ) { PD_LOG( PDERROR, "unexpected err happened:%s", e.what() ) ; rc = SDB_SYS ; sock.close() ; _sock.close() ; goto error ; } } setOpt() ; done: PD_TRACE_EXITRC ( SDB__NETEVNHND_SYNCCONN, rc ); return rc ; error: goto done ; }
/** * Make sure that our options are sane. Call Err::errAbort if not. */ void DmetEngine::checkOptionsImp() { defineStates(); setLibFileOpt("cdf-file"); setLibFileOpt("spf-file"); setLibFileOpt("special-snps"); setLibFileOpt("chrX-probes"); setLibFileOpt("chrY-probes"); setLibFileOpt("reference-input"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-ids-reported"); setLibFileOpt("region-model"); setLibFileOpt("probeset-model"); setLibFileOpt("cn-region-gt-probeset-file"); if (getOpt("out-dir") == "") {Err::errAbort("Must specify an output directory.");} if (getOpt("temp-dir") == "") { setOpt("temp-dir", Fs::join(getOpt("out-dir"),"temp")); } string cdfFile = getOpt("cdf-file"); string spfFile = getOpt("spf-file"); string specialSnps = getOpt("special-snps"); string chrXProbes = getOpt("chrX-probes"); string chrYProbes = getOpt("chrY-probes"); if(getOpt("sample-type") == "plasmid") { setOpt("run-cn-engine","false"); } else { setOpt("run-cn-engine",getOpt("run-cn-engine")); } string refOut = getOpt("reference-output"); string batchName = getOpt("batch-name"); if(refOut == "") { if (batchName.empty() != true) Err::errAbort("You cannot provide a batch-name when running in single sample mode. batch-name is only valid when output-reference is specified."); } else { if (batchName.empty() == true) Err::errAbort("You must define the batch-name parameter"); if(Fs::isReadable(refOut)) if(Fs::rm(refOut, false) != APT_OK) Err::errAbort("Unable to remove existing reference-output file '" + refOut + "'"); } ///@todo check chip type in reference file ///@todo check reference file version /* Read in cel file list from other file if specified. */ vector<string> celFiles; EngineUtil::getCelFiles(celFiles, this); if(celFiles.size() == 0) Err::errAbort("No cel files specified."); setOpt("cels",celFiles); // Build a consent file if vector of markers was passed in vector<string> consented = getOptVector("report"); if(consented.size() > 0) { FsPath probeset_path; probeset_path.setPath(getOpt("out-dir"),"probesets-reported","txt"); //probeset_path.ensureWriteableDirPath(); Fs::ensureWriteableDirPath(getOpt("out-dir", false)); writeProbesetList(probeset_path.asUnixPath(), consented); setOpt("probeset-ids-reported", probeset_path.asUnixPath()); } else { setOpt("probeset-ids-reported", getOpt("probeset-ids-reported")); } if(cdfFile == "" && spfFile == "") Err::errAbort("Must specify either a cdf file or spf (simple probe format) file."); if (chrXProbes != "" && chrYProbes == "") Err::errAbort("Must provide a chrY Probe File when providing a chrX Probe File."); if (chrXProbes == "" && chrYProbes != "") Err::errAbort("Must provide a chrX Probe File when providing a chrY Probe File."); // Check chip types vector<string> chipTypesInLayout; /* Get the intial info about the chip and check cel files to make sure they match. */ colrow_t numRows = 0, numCols = 0; int probeCount=0, probeSetCount=0; if(cdfFile != "") EngineUtil::getCdfChipType(chipTypesInLayout, numRows, numCols, probeCount, probeSetCount, cdfFile); else if(spfFile != "") EngineUtil::getSpfChipType(chipTypesInLayout, numRows, numCols, probeCount, probeSetCount, spfFile); else Err::errAbort("Must specify either a cdf file or spf (simple probe format) file."); setOpt("num-rows", ToStr(numRows)); setOpt("num-cols", ToStr(numCols)); setOpt("probe-count", ToStr(probeCount)); if(chipTypesInLayout.empty() || chipTypesInLayout[0] == "" || probeCount == 0) Err::errAbort("Problem determining ChipType in file: " + ( cdfFile != "" ? cdfFile : spfFile)); /* Did the user "force" a set of chip types via options? */ vector<string> chipTypesSupplied = getOptVector("chip-type"); /* Figure out what chip type to report */ if(chipTypesSupplied.size() > 0) { setOpt("chip-type", chipTypesSupplied); } else if(chipTypesInLayout.size() > 0) { setOpt("chip-type", chipTypesInLayout); } else { Err::errAbort("Unable to figure out a chip type."); } /* Do Chip Type Check */ if(!getOptBool("force")) { vector<string> chipTypeJustPrimary; vector<string> chipTypesToCheck; if(chipTypesSupplied.size() > 0) { chipTypesToCheck = chipTypesSupplied; EngineUtil::checkChipTypeVectors(chipTypesSupplied, chipTypesInLayout); } else { chipTypesToCheck = chipTypesInLayout; } chipTypeJustPrimary.push_back(chipTypesToCheck[0]); EngineUtil::checkCelChipTypes(chipTypesToCheck, probeCount, celFiles, numRows, numCols); // Check special SNPs files if (specialSnps != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(specialSnps, chipTypeJustPrimary); } // And other files if (chrXProbes != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(chrXProbes, chipTypesToCheck); } if (chrYProbes != "") { EngineUtil::checkTsvFileChipType(chrYProbes, chipTypesToCheck); } } // end if(!force) }