void MainWindow::saveFilterToFile(const std::string &fileName) { setPlaying(true); setPlaying(false); std::ofstream outputFile(fileName); outputFile << imageAfterArea.getOutput(); outputFile.close(); }
void Plotter::handlePlay(bool checked) { if(m_playing || !canPlay()) setPlaying(false); else setPlaying(true); }
void Timeline::playPause(){ if(getPlaying()) { setPlaying(false); } else { setPlaying(true); } }
unsigned STexture::updateCurrentFrame() { if (!videoReady()) return 0; if (isPlaying()) { double elapsed = lastFrameTime.restart()/1000.0; position += elapsed*fps; } if (loopFromFrame < firstFrame || loopFromFrame>= lastFrame) loopFromFrame = firstFrame; // this can happend if fps is negative. if (position < firstFrame) { if (loop) { position = lastFrame-fmod(firstFrame-position, 1+lastFrame-firstFrame); assert(position >= firstFrame && position <= lastFrame); } else { position = firstFrame; setPlaying(false); } } if (position > lastFrame) { if (loop) { position = fmod(position-loopFromFrame, 1+lastFrame-loopFromFrame) + loopFromFrame; assert(position >= firstFrame && position <= lastFrame); } else { position = lastFrame; setPlaying(false); } } return getCurrentFrame(); }
void PlaylistModel::onPlaybackStateChanged(MPD_PLAYBACK_STATE state) { mPlaybackState = state; if ( mPlaybackState == MPD_STOP ) { // Unset playing flag for last track played setPlaying(mTrackNo,false); } else { setPlaying(mTrackNo, true); } }
void PlaylistModel::onTrackNoChanged(quint32 trackNo) { // Check boundaries if ( trackNo >= (quint32)rowCount() ) { mTrackNo = trackNo; return; } // Change track playing flags setPlaying(mTrackNo, false); mTrackNo = trackNo; setPlaying(mTrackNo, true); }
void SuperColliderLoopElement::guiEvent(ofxUIEventArgs &e) { if (e.getName() == "Play") { setPlaying(isPlay); } else if (e.getName() == "Rec") { setToRecord(toRecord); } else if (e.getName() == "Solo") { setSolo(solo); SuperColliderLoopElement *ref = this; ofNotifyEvent(soloEvent, ref); } else if (e.getName() == "Del") { SuperColliderLoopElement *ref = this; ofNotifyEvent(deleteEvent, ref); } else if (e.getName() == "Skip") { skip = pow((float) 2, (float) ((ofxUIRadio *) gui->getWidget("Skip"))->getValue()); count = beat % (numBeats * getSkip()); } else if (e.getName() == "BusIn") { int channel = ((ofxUIRadio *) gui->getWidget("BusIn"))->getValue(); bufWriter->set("channel", channel); } else if (e.getName() == "Volume") { cout << "write vol " << volume << endl; bufReader->set("volume", volume); } }
bool MainWindow::event(QEvent *event) { if (event->type() == UPDATEEVENT) { UpdateEvent *e = (UpdateEvent*)event; e->mtx_updateEvent->lock(); updateFrameChannel(); e->cond_updateEvent->notify_all(); e->mtx_updateEvent->unlock(); return true; } else if (event->type() == CALLBACKEVENT) { CallbackEvent *e = (CallbackEvent*)event; if (e->callback != NULL) { (*e->callback)(this, e->callback_data); } return true; } else if (event->type() == ISPLAYINGSONGEVENT) { IsPlayingSongEvent *e = (IsPlayingSongEvent*)event; setPlaying(e->playing); return true; } return QMainWindow::event(event); }
void PlaybackController::stopExporter() { Q_ASSERT(m_exporter); if(isPlaying()) setPlaying(false); m_exporter->finish(); }
void AudioPlayer::play(PModel playlistModel, const QModelIndex& index) { if (!index.isValid()) return; PTrack currentlyPlayingTrack = playingTrack_; setPlaying(playlistModel, index); setBuffering(PModel(), QModelIndex()); if (!playingTrack_) return; if (currentlyPlayingTrack && audioOutput_->state() == AudioState::Playing && currentlyPlayingTrack->isCueTrack() && playingTrack_->isCueTrack() && currentlyPlayingTrack->location == playingTrack_->location) { // Playing in the same cue file audioOutput_->seek(playingTrack_->cueOffset()); emit trackPlaying(playingTrack_); emit trackPositionChanged(0, true); } else { audioOutput_->clearQueue(); audioOutput_->setCurrentSource(playingTrack_->location); setVolume(volume_); if (playingTrack_->isCueTrack()) { audioOutput_->play(playingTrack_->cueOffset()); } else audioOutput_->play(); } }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::stop() { if (m_timerID != 0) killTimer(m_timerID); m_timerID = 0; m_sound->stop(); setPlaying(false); }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::play() { if (m_timerID != 0) killTimer(m_timerID); m_timerID = startTimer(500); m_sound->play(); setPlaying(true); }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::stateChanged(QMediaPlayer::State state) { if (state == QMediaPlayer::StoppedState) { if (m_runningCount < 0) { m_player->play(); } else if (m_runningCount == 0) { setPlaying(false); return; } else if (--m_runningCount > 0) { m_player->play(); } else { setPlaying(false); } } else { setPlaying(true); } }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::timerEvent(QTimerEvent *event) { setPlaying(!m_sound->isFinished()); if (isPlaying()) return; killTimer(m_timerID); m_timerID = 0; }
void QDeclarativeVideo::stop() { if (!m_complete) return; setPlaying(false); setPaused(false); }
void QDeclarativeVideo::pause() { if (m_playerControl == 0) return; setPaused(true); setPlaying(true); }
void QDeclarativeVideo::stop() { if (m_playerControl == 0) return; setPlaying(false); setPaused(false); }
void QDeclarativeVideo::pause() { if (!m_complete) return; setPaused(true); setPlaying(true); }
void QDeclarativeAudio::play() { if (!m_complete) return; setPaused(false); setPlaying(true); }
void AudioPlayer::deletePlaylist(PModel model) { queue_.removePlaylistModel(model); playlists_.erase(model); if (playingModel_ == model) setPlaying(PModel(), QModelIndex()); if (bufferingTrackPlaylist_ == model) setBuffering(PModel(), QModelIndex()); }
void PlaybackController::stopExporter() { if(isPlaying()) setPlaying(false); if(m_exporter) m_exporter->finish(); else qWarning("stopExporter(): exported not active!"); }
void PlaybackController::exporterError(const QString &message) { // Stop playback on error if(isPlaying()) setPlaying(false); emit exportError(message); exporterFinished(); }
void YVPlayer::saveFile(QNetworkReply* reply) { QString t = "tmp_"+QString::number(qHash(reply->url())) + ".mp3"; m_t = t; QFile f(qgetenv("HOME") + "/" + t); f.open(QFile::WriteOnly); f.write(reply->readAll()); m_reply = 0; reply->deleteLater(); setPlaying(true); }
void Plotter::updatePlayEnabled() { if(canPlay()) m_ui->playButton->setEnabled(true); else { m_ui->playButton->setEnabled(false); setPlaying(false); } }
bool QSoundEffectPrivate::isPlaying() { if (m_playing && m_sound && m_sound->isFinished()) { if (m_timerID != 0) killTimer(m_timerID); m_timerID = 0; setPlaying(false); } return m_playing; }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::play() { if (m_status == QSoundEffect::Null || m_status == QSoundEffect::Error) return; if (m_timerID != 0) killTimer(m_timerID); m_timerID = startTimer(500); m_sound->play(); setPlaying(true); }
void Animation::play() { if (isPlaying()) { return; } // Mark the first frame dirty so it gets displayed markDirtyRect(_vm->_screen->getSurface()); setPlaying(true); debugC(3, kDraciAnimationDebugLevel, "Playing animation %d...", getID()); }
void PlaybackController::exporterError(const QString &message) { // Stop playback on error if(isPlaying()) setPlaying(false); // Show warning message // TODO move this away from here QMessageBox::warning(0, tr("Video error"), message); exporterFinished(); }
void QSoundEffectPrivate::stop() { if (!d->m_playing) return; #ifdef QT_QAUDIO_DEBUG qDebug() << "stop()"; #endif d->m_offset = 0; setPlaying(false); if (d->m_audioOutput) d->m_audioOutput->stop(); }
SuperColliderLoopElement::SuperColliderLoopElement(SuperCollider * sc3, int numBeats, int index){ int BPM = 120; this->numBeats = numBeats; this->volume = 1.0; this->skip = 1; this->count = 0; this->solo = false; this->mute = false; // supercollider stuff buffer = sc3->addBuffer("buffer"+ofToString(ofRandom(10000)), 44100 * (numBeats * 60.0f / BPM), 1); bufWriter = sc3->addSynth("buf_recorder"); bufReader = sc3->addSynth("buf_player"); bufWriter->set("bufnum", buffer->index); bufReader->set("bufnum", buffer->index); // create gui vector<string> inputItems, skipItems; inputItems.push_back("1"); inputItems.push_back("2"); skipItems.push_back("1"); skipItems.push_back("2"); skipItems.push_back("4"); skipItems.push_back("8"); gui = new ofxUICanvas("Track"); gui->setPosition(5, 55 + 32 * index); gui->clearWidgets(); gui->addLabel("Channel:"); gui->setWidgetPosition(OFX_UI_WIDGET_POSITION_RIGHT); gui->addRadio("BusIn", inputItems, OFX_UI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)->getToggles()[0]->setValue(true); gui->addLabel("Play:"); gui->addLabelToggle("Play", &isPlay, 42.0f); gui->addLabelToggle("Rec", &toRecord, 42.0f); gui->addLabelToggle("Solo", &solo, 42.0f); gui->addLabelButton("Del", false, 42.0f); gui->addLabel("Each:"); gui->addRadio("Skip", skipItems, OFX_UI_ORIENTATION_HORIZONTAL)->getToggles()[0]->setValue(true); gui->addMinimalSlider("Volume", 0.0f, 1.0f, &volume, 60.0f, 16.0f); gui->addLabel("Time:"); progressSlider = gui->addMinimalSlider("", 0.0, 1.0, 0.0); progressSlider->getRect()->setWidth(20 * numBeats); gui->autoSizeToFitWidgets(); gui->getRect()->setWidth(ofGetWidth()-10); ofAddListener(gui->newGUIEvent, this, &SuperColliderLoopElement::guiEvent); setPlaying(false); setRecording(false); }