QgsRubberBand* QgsMapToolRotateLabel::createRotationPreviewBox()
  delete mRotationPreviewBox;
  QVector< QgsPoint > boxPoints = mCurrentLabel.pos.cornerPoints;
  if ( boxPoints.size() < 1 )
    return nullptr;

  mRotationPreviewBox = new QgsRubberBand( mCanvas, QgsWkbTypes::LineGeometry );
  mRotationPreviewBox->setColor( QColor( 0, 0, 255, 65 ) );
  mRotationPreviewBox->setWidth( 3 );
  setRotationPreviewBox( mCurrentRotation - mStartRotation );
  return mRotationPreviewBox;
Beispiel #2
void QgsMapToolRotateLabel::canvasMoveEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent *e )
  if ( mLabelRubberBand )
    QgsPointXY currentPoint = toMapCoordinates( e->pos() );
    double azimuth = convertAzimuth( mRotationPoint.azimuth( currentPoint ) );
    double azimuthDiff = azimuth - mCurrentMouseAzimuth;
    azimuthDiff = azimuthDiff > 180 ? azimuthDiff - 360 : azimuthDiff;

    mCurrentRotation += azimuthDiff;
    if ( mCurrentRotation >= 360 || mCurrentRotation <= -360 )
      mCurrentRotation = std::fmod( mCurrentRotation, 360.0 );
    if ( mCurrentRotation < 0 )
      mCurrentRotation += 360.0;

    mCurrentMouseAzimuth = std::fmod( azimuth, 360.0 );

    //if shift-modifier is pressed, round to 15 degrees
    int displayValue;
    if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
      displayValue = roundTo15Degrees( mCurrentRotation );
      mCtrlPressed = true;
      displayValue = ( int )( mCurrentRotation );
      mCtrlPressed = false;

    if ( mRotationItem )
      mRotationItem->setSymbolRotation( displayValue );
      setRotationPreviewBox( displayValue - mStartRotation );
void QgsMapToolRotateLabel::canvasMoveEvent( QgsMapMouseEvent* e )
  if ( mLabelRubberBand )
    QgsPoint currentPoint = toMapCoordinates( e->pos() );
    double azimuth = azimuthToCCW( mRotationPoint.azimuth( currentPoint ) );
    double azimuthDiff = azimuth - mCurrentMouseAzimuth;
    azimuthDiff = azimuthDiff > 180 ? azimuthDiff - 360 : azimuthDiff;

    mCurrentRotation += azimuthDiff;
    mCurrentRotation = mCurrentRotation - static_cast<float>( static_cast<int>( mCurrentRotation / 360 ) ) * 360; //mCurrentRotation % 360;
    mCurrentRotation = mCurrentRotation < 0 ? 360 - mCurrentRotation : mCurrentRotation;

    mCurrentMouseAzimuth = azimuth - static_cast<float>( static_cast<int>( azimuth / 360 ) ) * 360;

    //if shift-modifier is pressed, round to 15 degrees
    int displayValue;
    if ( e->modifiers() & Qt::ControlModifier )
      displayValue = roundTo15Degrees( mCurrentRotation );
      mCtrlPressed = true;
      displayValue = ( int )( mCurrentRotation );
      mCtrlPressed = false;

    if ( mRotationItem )
      mRotationItem->setSymbolRotation( displayValue );
      setRotationPreviewBox( displayValue - mStartRotation );