TKeyframe<T> TAnimationCurve<T>::evaluateKey(const KeyFrame& lhs, const KeyFrame& rhs, float time)
		float length = rhs.time - lhs.time;
		float t;

		T leftTangent;
		T rightTangent; // TODO - Remove zero init for vectors/quaternions by default

		if (Math::approxEquals(length, 0.0f))
			t = 0.0f;
			leftTangent = T();
			rightTangent = T();
			// Resize tangents since we're not evaluating the curve over unit range
			t = (time - lhs.time) / length;
			leftTangent = lhs.outTangent * length;
			rightTangent = rhs.inTangent * length;

		TKeyframe<T> output;
		output.time = time;
		output.value = Math::cubicHermite(t, lhs.value, rhs.value, leftTangent, rightTangent);
		output.inTangent = Math::cubicHermiteD1(t, lhs.value, rhs.value, leftTangent, rightTangent);
		setStepValue(lhs, rhs, output.value);
		setStepTangent(lhs, rhs, output.inTangent);

		output.outTangent = output.inTangent;

		return output;
	SPtr<TAnimationCurve<Quaternion>> AnimationUtility::eulerToQuaternionCurve(const SPtr<TAnimationCurve<Vector3>>& eulerCurve)
		// TODO: We calculate tangents by sampling which can introduce error in the tangents. The error can be exacerbated
		// by the fact we constantly switch between the two representations, possibly losing precision every time. Instead 
		// there must be an analytical way to calculate tangents when converting a curve, or a better way of dealing with
		// tangents.
		// Consider: 
		//  - Sampling multiple points to calculate tangents to improve precision
		//  - Store the original quaternion curve with the euler curve
		//    - This way conversion from euler to quaternion can be done while individual keyframes are being modified
		//      ensuring the conversion results are immediately visible, and that no accumulation error happens are curves
		//		are converted between two formats back and forth.
		//  - Don't store rotation tangents directly, instead store tangent parameters (TCB) which can be shared between
		//    both curves, and used for tangent calculation.
		// If we decide to keep tangents in the current form, then we should also enforce that all euler curve tangents are
		// the same.
		const float FIT_TIME = 0.001f;

		auto eulerToQuaternion = [&](INT32 keyIdx, Vector3& angles, const Quaternion& lastQuat)
			Quaternion quat(

			// Flip quaternion in case rotation is over 180 degrees (use shortest path)
			if (keyIdx > 0)
				float dot =;
				if (dot < 0.0f)
					quat = -quat;

			return quat;

		INT32 numKeys = (INT32)eulerCurve->getNumKeyFrames();
		Vector<TKeyframe<Quaternion>> quatKeyframes(numKeys);

		// Calculate key values
		Quaternion lastQuat(BsZero);
		for (INT32 i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
			float time = eulerCurve->getKeyFrame(i).time;
			Vector3 angles = eulerCurve->getKeyFrame(i).value;
			Quaternion quat = eulerToQuaternion(i, angles, lastQuat);

			quatKeyframes[i].time = time;
			quatKeyframes[i].value = quat;
			quatKeyframes[i].inTangent = Quaternion::ZERO;
			quatKeyframes[i].outTangent = Quaternion::ZERO;

			lastQuat = quat;

		// Calculate extra values between keys so we can approximate tangents. If we're sampling very close to the key
		// the values should pretty much exactly match the tangent (assuming the curves are cubic hermite)
		for (INT32 i = 0; i < numKeys - 1; i++)
			TKeyframe<Quaternion>& currentKey = quatKeyframes[i];
			TKeyframe<Quaternion>& nextKey = quatKeyframes[i + 1];

			const TKeyframe<Vector3>& currentEulerKey = eulerCurve->getKeyFrame(i);
			const TKeyframe<Vector3>& nextEulerKey = eulerCurve->getKeyFrame(i + 1);

			float dt = nextKey.time - currentKey.time;
			float startFitTime = currentKey.time + dt * FIT_TIME;
			float endFitTime = currentKey.time + dt * (1.0f - FIT_TIME);

			Vector3 anglesStart = eulerCurve->evaluate(startFitTime, false);
			Vector3 anglesEnd = eulerCurve->evaluate(endFitTime, false);
			Quaternion startFitValue = eulerToQuaternion(i, anglesStart, currentKey.value);
			Quaternion endFitValue = eulerToQuaternion(i, anglesEnd, startFitValue);

			float invFitTime = 1.0f / (dt * FIT_TIME);
			currentKey.outTangent = (startFitValue - currentKey.value) * invFitTime;
			nextKey.inTangent = (nextKey.value - endFitValue) * invFitTime;

			setStepTangent(currentEulerKey, nextEulerKey, currentKey, nextKey);

		return bs_shared_ptr_new<TAnimationCurve<Quaternion>>(quatKeyframes);
	SPtr<TAnimationCurve<Vector3>> AnimationUtility::quaternionToEulerCurve(const SPtr<TAnimationCurve<Quaternion>>& quatCurve)
		// TODO: We calculate tangents by sampling. There must be an analytical way to calculate tangents when converting
		// a curve.
		const float FIT_TIME = 0.001f;

		auto quaternionToEuler = [&](const Quaternion& quat)
			Radian x, y, z;
			quat.toEulerAngles(x, y, z);

			Vector3 euler(

			return euler;

		INT32 numKeys = (INT32)quatCurve->getNumKeyFrames();
		Vector<TKeyframe<Vector3>> eulerKeyframes(numKeys);

		// Calculate key values
		for (INT32 i = 0; i < numKeys; i++)
			float time = quatCurve->getKeyFrame(i).time;
			Quaternion quat = quatCurve->getKeyFrame(i).value;
			Vector3 euler = quaternionToEuler(quat);

			eulerKeyframes[i].time = time;
			eulerKeyframes[i].value = euler;
			eulerKeyframes[i].inTangent = Vector3::ZERO;
			eulerKeyframes[i].outTangent = Vector3::ZERO;

		// Calculate extra values between keys so we can approximate tangents. If we're sampling very close to the key
		// the values should pretty much exactly match the tangent (assuming the curves are cubic hermite)
		for (INT32 i = 0; i < numKeys - 1; i++)
			TKeyframe<Vector3>& currentKey = eulerKeyframes[i];
			TKeyframe<Vector3>& nextKey = eulerKeyframes[i + 1];

			const TKeyframe<Quaternion>& currentQuatKey = quatCurve->getKeyFrame(i);
			const TKeyframe<Quaternion>& nextQuatKey = quatCurve->getKeyFrame(i + 1);

			float dt = nextKey.time - currentKey.time;
			float startFitTime = currentKey.time + dt * FIT_TIME;
			float endFitTime = currentKey.time + dt * (1.0f - FIT_TIME);

			Quaternion startQuat = Quaternion::normalize(quatCurve->evaluate(startFitTime, false));
			Quaternion endQuat = Quaternion::normalize(quatCurve->evaluate(endFitTime, false));
			Vector3 startFitValue = quaternionToEuler(startQuat);
			Vector3 endFitValue = quaternionToEuler(endQuat);

			// If fit values rotate for more than 180 degrees, wrap them so they use the shortest path
			for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
				startFitValue[j] = fmod(startFitValue[j] - currentKey.value[j] + 180.0f, 360.0f) + currentKey.value[j] - 180.0f;
				endFitValue[j] = nextKey.value[j] + fmod(nextKey.value[j] - endFitValue[j] + 180.0f, 360.0f) - 180.0f;
			float invFitTime = 1.0f / (dt * FIT_TIME);
			currentKey.outTangent = (startFitValue - currentKey.value) * invFitTime;
			nextKey.inTangent = (nextKey.value - endFitValue) * invFitTime;

			setStepTangent(currentQuatKey, nextQuatKey, currentKey, nextKey);

		return bs_shared_ptr_new<TAnimationCurve<Vector3>>(eulerKeyframes);