KstScalar::KstScalar(const QDomElement& e) : KstObject(), _orphan(false), _displayable(true), _editable(false) { QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); bool ok; while(!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(e.text()); } else if (e.tagName() == "orphan") { _orphan = true; } else if (e.tagName() == "value") { setValue(e.text().toDouble()); } else if (e.tagName() == "editable") { _editable = true; } } n = n.nextSibling(); } if (tagName().toDouble(&ok) == value() && ok) { _displayable = false; } KST::scalarList.append(this); }
/** Create the base scalar */ KstScalar::KstScalar(const QString& in_tag, double val, bool orphan, bool displayable, bool doLock, bool editable) : KstObject(), _value(val), _orphan(orphan), _displayable(displayable), _editable(editable) { QString _tag = in_tag; if (_tag.isEmpty()) { QString nt = i18n("Anonymous Scalar %1"); do { _tag = nt.arg(iAnonymousScalarCounter++); } while (KST::vectorTagNameNotUniqueInternal(_tag)); } else { while (KST::vectorTagNameNotUniqueInternal(_tag)) { _tag += '\''; } } setTagName(_tag); // FIXME: passing in a lock variable indicates a design problem if (doLock) { KST::scalarList.lock().writeLock(); } KST::scalarList.append(this); if (doLock) { KST::scalarList.lock().writeUnlock(); } }
KstAMatrix::KstAMatrix(const QDomElement &e) : KstMatrix() { _editable = true; double in_xMin = 0, in_yMin = 0, in_xStep = 1, in_yStep = 1; int in_nX = 2, in_nY = 2; QString in_tag = QString::null; // must get the grid dimensions before the data QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "nx") { in_nX = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ny") { in_nY = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "xmin") { in_xMin = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ymin") { in_yMin = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "xstep") { in_xStep = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ystep") { in_yStep = e.text().toDouble(); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } _saveable = true; resizeZ(in_nX*in_nY, true); // now get the z data if (in_nX*in_nY > 0) { QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "data") { QCString qcs(e.text().latin1()); QByteArray qbca; KCodecs::base64Decode(qcs, qbca); QByteArray qba = qUncompress(qbca); QDataStream qds(qba, IO_ReadOnly); int i; // fill in the raw array with the data for (i = 0; i < in_nX*in_nY && !qds.atEnd(); i++) { qds >> _z[i]; // stored in the same order as it was saved } if (i < in_nX*in_nY) { KstDebug::self()->log(i18n("Saved matrix contains less data than it claims."), KstDebug::Warning); resizeZ(i, false); } } } n = n.nextSibling(); }
void KstRMatrix::change(KstDataSourcePtr file, const QString &field, const QString &tag, int xStart, int yStart, int xNumSteps, int yNumSteps, bool doAve, bool doSkip, int skip) { setTagName(tag); commonConstructor(file, field, xStart, yStart, xNumSteps, yNumSteps, doAve, doSkip, skip); setDirty(true); }
KstPlugin::KstPlugin(QDomElement &e) : KstDataObject(e) { QString pluginName; commonConstructor(); QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while(!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if(!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(e.text()); } else if (e.tagName() == "name") { pluginName = e.text(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ivector") { _inputVectorLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "iscalar") { _inputScalarLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "ovector") { _outputVectors.insert(e.attribute("name"), new KstVector(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "oscalar") { _outputScalars.insert(e.attribute("name"), new KstScalar(e.text())); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } _plugin = PluginCollection::self()->plugin(pluginName); if (!_plugin.data()) { kdWarning() << i18n("Unable to load plugin %1 for \"%2\".").arg(pluginName).arg(tagName()) << endl; // can cause nasty crashes //KMessageBox::sorry(0L, i18n("Unable to load plugin %1 for \"%2\".").arg(pluginName).arg(tagName())); } else { countScalarsAndVectors(_plugin->data()._inputs, _inScalarCnt, _inArrayCnt); const QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>& otable = _plugin->data()._outputs; for (QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>::ConstIterator it = otable.begin(); it != otable.end(); ++it) { if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::TableType) { _outArrayCnt++; if (!_outputVectors.contains((*it)._name)) { _outputVectors.insert((*it)._name, new KstVector(tagName() + " vector - " + (*it)._name)); } } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::FloatType) { _outScalarCnt++; if (!_outputScalars.contains((*it)._name)) { KstScalar *s = new KstScalar(tagName() + " scalar - " + (*it)._name); _outputScalars.insert((*it)._name, s); } } } } }
// ###################################################################### // ColorBandChannel member definitions: // ###################################################################### ColorBandChannel::ColorBandChannel(OptionManager& mgr, const uint bandidx) : SingleChannel(mgr, "", "", COLBAND, rutz::make_shared(new GaussianPyrBuilder<float>(5))), itsBandIndex("ColorBandChannelIndex", this, bandidx) { itsTakeAbs.setVal(true); itsNormalizeOutput.setVal(true); setDescriptiveName(sformat("ColorBand(%d)", bandidx)); setTagName(sformat("cband_%d", bandidx)); }
KstPlotGroup::KstPlotGroup() : KstMetaPlot("PlotGroup") { _standardActions |= Delete | Raise | Zoom | Lower | RaiseToTop | LowerToBottom; _layoutActions |= Delete | Copy | Raise | Lower | RaiseToTop | LowerToBottom | Rename | MoveTo; setTagName(KstObjectTag(i18n("Plot Group %1").arg(++pgcount), KstObjectTag::globalTagContext)); // FIXME: tag context? _type = "PlotGroup"; setBorderColor(Qt::blue); _container = false; // plot group is a container that doesn't behave like one setTransparent(true); setBorderWidth(0); }
void KstCSD::commonConstructor(const QString& in_tag, KstVectorPtr in_V, double in_freq, bool in_average, bool in_removeMean, bool in_apodize, int in_apodizeFxn, int in_windowSize, int in_length, double in_gaussianSigma, const QString& in_vectorUnits, const QString& in_rateUnits, const QString& vecName) { _typeString = i18n("Cumulative Spectral Decay"); _inputVectors[INVECTOR] = in_V; setTagName(in_tag); _frequency = in_freq; _average = in_average; _apodize = in_apodize; _windowSize = in_windowSize; _apodizeFxn = in_apodizeFxn; _gaussianSigma = in_gaussianSigma; _removeMean = in_removeMean; _length = in_length; _vectorUnits = in_vectorUnits; _rateUnits = in_rateUnits; if (!_average) { _length = int(ceil(log(_windowSize)/log(2.0))); } if (_length < 2) { _length = 2; } if (_length > KSTCSDMAXLEN) { _length = KSTCSDMAXLEN; } if (_frequency <= 0.0) { _frequency = 1.0; } int psdLength = int(pow(2.0, (double)(_length-1))); KstMatrixPtr outMatrix = new KstMatrix(in_tag+"-csd", psdLength, 1); outMatrix->setLabel(i18n("Power [%1/%2^{1/2}]").arg(_vectorUnits).arg(_rateUnits)); outMatrix->setXLabel(i18n("%1 [%2]").arg(vecName).arg(_vectorUnits)); outMatrix->setYLabel(i18n("Frequency [%1]").arg(_rateUnits)); if (outMatrix->sampleCount() != psdLength) { _length = 1; KstDebug::self()->log(i18n("Attempted to create a CSD that used all memory."), KstDebug::Error); } outMatrix->setProvider(this); _outMatrix = _outputMatrices.insert(OUTMATRIX, outMatrix); KST::addMatrixToList(outMatrix); (*_outMatrix)->setDirty(); }
void ossimNitfTagInformation::setTagData(ossimRefPtr<ossimNitfRegisteredTag> tagData) { theTagData = tagData; memset(theTagName, ' ', 6); memset(theTagLength, ' ', 5); if(theTagData.valid()) { setTagName(theTagData->getRegisterTagName()); setTagLength(theTagData->getSizeInBytes()); } }
KstRMatrix::KstRMatrix(const QDomElement &e) : KstMatrix(QString::null, 0L, 1,1,0,0,1,1) { KstDataSourcePtr in_file = 0L; QString in_field; QString in_tag; int in_xStart = 0; int in_yStart = 0; int in_xNumSteps = 0; int in_yNumSteps = 1; bool in_doAve = false; bool in_doSkip = false; int in_skip = 1; /* parse the DOM tree */ QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { in_tag = e.text(); } else if (e.tagName() == "file") { KST::dataSourceList.lock().readLock(); in_file = *KST::dataSourceList.findFileName(e.text()); KST::dataSourceList.lock().unlock(); } else if (e.tagName() == "field") { in_field = e.text(); } else if (e.tagName() == "reqxstart") { in_xStart = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "reqystart") { in_yStart = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "reqnx") { in_xNumSteps = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "reqny") { in_yNumSteps = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "doave") { in_doAve = (e.text() != "0"); } else if (e.tagName() == "doskip") { in_doSkip = (e.text() != "0"); } else if (e.tagName() == "skip") { in_skip = e.text().toInt(); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } setTagName(in_tag); // call common constructor commonConstructor(in_file, in_field, in_xStart, in_yStart, in_xNumSteps, in_yNumSteps, in_doAve, in_doSkip, in_skip); }
// ###################################################################### DirectFeedChannel::DirectFeedChannel(OptionManager& mgr, int id) : ChannelBase(mgr, "DirectFeed", "DirectFeed", DIRECTFEED), itsMapLevel(&OPT_MapLevel, this), itsNormType(&OPT_MaxNormType, this), itsUseOlderVersion(&OPT_UseOlderVersion, this), // see Channels/ChannelOpts.{H,C} itsOutputRangeMin(&OPT_ChannelOutputRangeMin, this), itsOutputRangeMax(&OPT_ChannelOutputRangeMax, this) { if (id >= 0) { std::string name("DirectFeed_No_"); name += toStr(id); setTagName(name); setDescriptiveName(name); } }
GeneratedMatrix::GeneratedMatrix(ObjectStore *store, const QDomElement &e) : Matrix(store) { double in_xMin = 0, in_yMin = 0, in_xStep = 1, in_yStep = 1; double in_gradZMin = 0, in_gradZMax = 1; bool in_xDirection = true; int in_nX = 2, in_nY = 2; QString in_tag = QString::null; /* parse the DOM tree */ QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { in_tag = e.text(); } else if (e.tagName() == "nx") { in_nX = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ny") { in_nY = e.text().toInt(); } else if (e.tagName() == "xmin") { in_xMin = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ymin") { in_yMin = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "xstep") { in_xStep = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ystep") { in_yStep = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "gradzmin") { in_gradZMin = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "gradzmax") { in_gradZMax = e.text().toDouble(); } else if (e.tagName() == "xdirection") { in_xDirection = (e.text() != "0"); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } setTagName(ObjectTag::fromString(in_tag)); _saveable = true; _editable = true; _zSize = 0; change(in_nX, in_nY, in_xMin, in_yMin, in_xStep, in_yStep, in_gradZMin, in_gradZMax, in_xDirection); }
KstString::KstString(QDomElement& e) : KstPrimitive(), _orphan(false) { QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "orphan") { _orphan = true; } else if (e.tagName() == "value") { setValue(e.text()); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } KST::stringList.append(this); }
void KstHistogram::commonConstructor(const QString &in_tag, KstVectorPtr in_V, double xmin_in, double xmax_in, int in_n_bins, KstHsNormType in_norm_mode) { _typeString = i18n("Histogram"); _type = "Histogram"; _NormMode = in_norm_mode; _Bins = 0L; _NBins = 0; setTagName(in_tag); _inputVectors[RAWVECTOR] = in_V; if (xmax_in>xmin_in) { _MaxX = xmax_in; _MinX = xmin_in; } else { _MinX = xmax_in; _MaxX = xmin_in; } if (_MaxX == _MinX) { _MaxX += 1.0; _MinX -= 1.0; } _NBins = in_n_bins; if (_NBins < 2) { _NBins = 2; } _Bins = new unsigned long[_NBins]; _NS = 3 * _NBins + 1; KstVectorPtr v = new KstVector(in_tag+"-bins", _NBins, this); KST::addVectorToList(v); _bVector = _outputVectors.insert(BINS, v); v = new KstVector(in_tag+"-sv", _NBins, this); KST::addVectorToList(v); _hVector = _outputVectors.insert(HIST, v); setDirty(); }
KstPlotGroup::KstPlotGroup(const QDomElement& e) : KstMetaPlot(e) { setBorderWidth(0); QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement el = n.toElement(); if (!el.isNull()) { if (metaObject()->findProperty(el.tagName().latin1(), true) > -1) { setProperty(el.tagName().latin1(), QVariant(el.text())); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } // always have these values _standardActions |= Delete | Raise | Zoom | Lower | RaiseToTop | LowerToBottom; _layoutActions |= Delete | Copy | Raise | Lower | RaiseToTop | LowerToBottom | Rename | MoveTo; setTagName(KstObjectTag(i18n("Plot Group %1").arg(++pgcount), KstObjectTag::globalTagContext)); // FIXME: tag context? _type = "PlotGroup"; _container = false; // plot group is a container that doesn't behave like one setBorderColor(Qt::blue); }
void KstCSD::commonConstructor(const QString& in_tag, KstVectorPtr in_V, double in_freq, bool in_average, bool in_removeMean, bool in_apodize, ApodizeFunction in_apodizeFxn, int in_windowSize, int in_averageLength, double in_gaussianSigma, const QString& in_vectorUnits, const QString& in_rateUnits, PSDType in_outputType, bool in_interpolateHoles, const QString& vecName) { _typeString = i18n("Spectrogram"); _type = "Spectrogram"; _inputVectors[INVECTOR] = in_V; setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(in_tag)); _frequency = in_freq; _average = in_average; _apodize = in_apodize; _windowSize = in_windowSize; _apodizeFxn = in_apodizeFxn; _gaussianSigma = in_gaussianSigma; _removeMean = in_removeMean; _averageLength = in_averageLength; _vectorUnits = in_vectorUnits; _rateUnits = in_rateUnits; _outputType = in_outputType; _interpolateHoles = in_interpolateHoles; if (_frequency <= 0.0) { _frequency = 1.0; } { KstWriteLocker blockMatrixUpdates(&KST::matrixList.lock()); KstMatrixPtr outMatrix = new KstMatrix(KstObjectTag("csd", tag()), this, 1, 1); outMatrix->setLabel(i18n("Power [%1/%2^{1/2}]").arg(_vectorUnits).arg(_rateUnits)); outMatrix->setXLabel(i18n("%1 [%2]").arg(vecName).arg(_vectorUnits)); outMatrix->setYLabel(i18n("Frequency [%1]").arg(_rateUnits)); _outMatrix = _outputMatrices.insert(OUTMATRIX, outMatrix); } updateMatrixLabels(); (*_outMatrix)->setDirty(); }
void KstPSDCurve::commonConstructor(const QString &in_tag, KstVectorPtr in_V, double in_freq, int in_len, const QString &in_VUnits, const QString &in_RUnits, const QColor &in_color) { _typeString = i18n("Power Spectrum"); NumUsed = 0; _inputVectors[INVECTOR] = in_V; Color = in_color; setTagName(in_tag); Freq = in_freq; Len = in_len; VUnits = in_VUnits; RUnits = in_RUnits; PSDLen = int(pow(2, Len-1)); ALen = PSDLen*2; a = new double[ALen]; w = new double[ALen]; GenW(); last_f0 = 0; last_n_subsets = 0; last_n_new = 0; setRemoveMean(true); setAppodize(true); KstVectorPtr iv = new KstVector(in_tag+"-freq", 2); _fVector = _outputVectors.insert(FVECTOR, iv); iv = new KstVector(in_tag+"-sv", PSDLen); _sVector = _outputVectors.insert(SVECTOR, iv); update(); }
void CrossPowerSpectrum::load(const QDomElement &e) { QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "ivector") { _inputVectorLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "iscalar") { _inputScalarLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "istring") { _inputStringLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "ovector") { KstWriteLocker blockVectorUpdates(&KST::vectorList.lock()); KstVectorPtr v; if (e.attribute("scalarList", "0").toInt()) { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), 0, this, true); } else { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), 0, this, false); } _outputVectors.insert(e.attribute("name"), v); } else if (e.tagName() == "oscalar") { KstWriteLocker blockScalarUpdates(&KST::scalarList.lock()); KstScalarPtr sp = new KstScalar(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), this); _outputScalars.insert(e.attribute("name"), sp); } else if (e.tagName() == "ostring") { KstWriteLocker blockStringUpdates(&KST::stringList.lock()); KstStringPtr sp = new KstString(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), this); _outputStrings.insert(e.attribute("name"), sp); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } }
// ###################################################################### DirectionChannel::DirectionChannel(OptionManager& mgr, const uint dirIndex, const double direction, const PyramidType type) : SingleChannel(mgr, "", "", MOTION, rutz::make_shared(new ReichardtPyrBuilder<float> (cos(direction * M_PI / 180.0), -sin(direction * M_PI / 180.0), type, direction + 90.0))), itsIndex("DirectionChannelIndex", this, dirIndex), itsDirection("DirectionChannelDirection", this, direction), itsTakeSqrt(&OPT_DirectionChannelTakeSqrt, this), itsThresh(&OPT_DirectionChannelLowThresh, this) { GVX_TRACE(__PRETTY_FUNCTION__); itsTakeAbs.setVal(true); itsNormalizeOutput.setVal(true); itsScaleNoiseToMax.setVal(true); itsLowThresh.setVal(itsThresh.getVal()); // kill small values in pyramid itsRectifyPyramid.setVal(true); // kill negative values in pyramid setDescriptiveName(sformat("Direction(%d)", int(direction))); setTagName(sformat("dir_%d", dirIndex)); }
KstString::KstString(const QString& in_tag, const QString& val, bool orphan, bool doLock) : KstObject(), _value(val), _orphan(orphan) { QString _tag = in_tag; if (_tag.isEmpty()) { QString nt = i18n("Anonymous String %1"); do { _tag = nt.arg(anonymousStringCounter++); } while (KST::vectorTagNameNotUniqueInternal(_tag)); } else { while (KST::vectorTagNameNotUniqueInternal(_tag)) { _tag += '\''; } } setTagName(_tag); if (doLock) { KST::stringList.lock().writeLock(); } KST::stringList.append(this); if (doLock) { KST::stringList.lock().writeUnlock(); } }
void BinnedMap::load(const QDomElement &e) { QDomNode n = e.firstChild(); setAutoBin(false); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "ivector") { _inputVectorLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "omatrix") { KstWriteLocker blockMatrixUpdates(&KST::matrixList.lock()); KstMatrixPtr m; m = new KstMatrix(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), this); _outputMatrices.insert(e.attribute("name"), m); } else if (e.tagName() == "minX") { setXMin(e.text().toDouble()); } else if (e.tagName() == "maxX") { setXMax(e.text().toDouble()); } else if (e.tagName() == "minY") { setYMin(e.text().toDouble()); } else if (e.tagName() == "maxY") { setYMax(e.text().toDouble()); } else if (e.tagName() == "nX") { setNX(e.text().toInt()); } else if (e.tagName() == "nY") { setNY(e.text().toInt()); } else if (e.tagName() == "autoBin") { setAutoBin(true); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } }
KstCPlugin::KstCPlugin(const QDomElement& pluginElement) : KstDataObject(pluginElement) { QString pluginName; _inStringCnt = 0; _outStringCnt = 0; commonConstructor(); QDomNode n = pluginElement.firstChild(); while (!n.isNull()) { QDomElement e = n.toElement(); if (!e.isNull()) { if (e.tagName() == "tag") { setTagName(KstObjectTag::fromString(e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "name") { pluginName = e.text(); } else if (e.tagName() == "ivector") { _inputVectorLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "iscalar") { _inputScalarLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "istring") { _inputStringLoadQueue.append(qMakePair(e.attribute("name"), e.text())); } else if (e.tagName() == "ovector") { KstWriteLocker blockVectorUpdates(&KST::vectorList.lock()); KstVectorPtr v; if (e.attribute("scalarList", "0").toInt()) { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), 0, this, true); } else { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), 0, this, false); } _outputVectors.insert(e.attribute("name"), v); } else if (e.tagName() == "oscalar") { KstWriteLocker blockScalarUpdates(&KST::scalarList.lock()); KstScalarPtr sp = new KstScalar(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), this); _outputScalars.insert(e.attribute("name"), sp); } else if (e.tagName() == "ostring") { KstWriteLocker blockStringUpdates(&KST::stringList.lock()); KstStringPtr sp = new KstString(KstObjectTag(e.text(), tag()), this); _outputStrings.insert(e.attribute("name"), sp); } } n = n.nextSibling(); } _plugin = PluginCollection::self()->plugin(pluginName); if (!_plugin.data()) { KstDebug::self()->log(i18n("Unable to load plugin %1 for \"%2\".").arg(pluginName).arg(tagName()), KstDebug::Warning); } else { Plugin::countScalarsVectorsAndStrings(_plugin->data()._inputs, _inScalarCnt, _inArrayCnt, _inStringCnt, _inPid); const QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>& otable = _plugin->data()._outputs; for (QValueList<Plugin::Data::IOValue>::ConstIterator it = otable.begin(); it != otable.end(); ++it) { // FIXME: i18n? if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::TableType) { _outArrayCnt++; if (!_outputVectors.contains((*it)._name)) { KstWriteLocker blockVectorUpdates(&KST::vectorList.lock()); KstVectorPtr v; if ((*it)._subType == Plugin::Data::IOValue::FloatNonVectorSubType) { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " vector - " + (*it)._name, tag()), 0, this, true); // FIXME: tag name? } else { v = new KstVector(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " vector - " + (*it)._name, tag()), 0, this, false); // FIXME: tag name? } _outputVectors.insert((*it)._name, v); } } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::MatrixType) { abort(); // FIXME: #if 0 _outArrayCnt += 2; if (!_outputMatrices.contains((*it)._name)) { KstWriteLocker blockMatrixUpdates(&KST::matrixList.lock()); KstMatrixPtr m; if ((*it)._subType == Plugin::Data::IOValue::FloatNonVectorSubType) { m = new KstMatrix(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " matrix - " + (*it)._name, tag()), 0, this, true); // FIXME: tag name? } else { m = new KstMatrix(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " matrix - " + (*it)._name, tag()), 0, this, false); // FIXME: tag name? } m->setProvider(this); _outputMatrices.insert((*it)._name, m); } #endif } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::FloatType) { _outScalarCnt++; if (!_outputScalars.contains((*it)._name)) { KstScalarPtr s = new KstScalar(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " scalar - " + (*it)._name, tag()), this); // FIXME: tag name? _outputScalars.insert((*it)._name, s); } } else if ((*it)._type == Plugin::Data::IOValue::StringType) { _outStringCnt++; if (!_outputStrings.contains((*it)._name)) { KstStringPtr s = new KstString(KstObjectTag(tagName() + " string - " + (*it)._name, tag()), this); // FIXME: tag name? _outputStrings.insert((*it)._name, s); } } } allocateParameters(); } }
vkhtmlDFN::vkhtmlDFN() { setTagName("DFN"); }
vkhtmlTEXTAREA::vkhtmlTEXTAREA() { setTagName("TEXTAREA"); }
vkhtmlINPUT::vkhtmlINPUT() { setRequireEndTag(false); setTagName("INPUT"); }
ossimNitfRpcBTag::ossimNitfRpcBTag() : ossimNitfRpcBase() { // Set the tag name in base. setTagName(std::string("RPC00B")); }
vkhtmlLABEL::vkhtmlLABEL() { setTagName("LABEL"); }
vkhtmlBODY::vkhtmlBODY() { setTagName("BODY"); }
vkhtmlDT::vkhtmlDT() { setTagName("DT"); }
KstTopLevelView::KstTopLevelView(QWidget *parent, const char *name, WFlags w) : KstViewObject("TopLevelView"), _w(new KstViewWidget(this, parent, name, w)) { _onGrid = true; setTagName(name); commonConstructor(); }