int isDividableValue(struct timeval *tRet, unsigned int uiReqInterval) { struct __client *pClient =; int iRet = 0; while(pClient) { if(uiReqInterval == pClient->uiReqInterval) { setTimeValue(tRet, pClient->tSched.tv_sec, pClient->tSched.tv_usec); return pClient->uiReqInterval; } else if( (uiReqInterval/pClient->uiReqInterval>1) && (uiReqInterval%pClient->uiReqInterval==0) ) { if(iRet == 0) { setTimeValue(tRet, pClient->tSched.tv_sec, pClient->tSched.tv_usec); iRet = pClient->uiReqInterval; } else if(iRet < pClient->uiReqInterval) { setTimeValue(tRet, pClient->tSched.tv_sec, pClient->tSched.tv_usec); iRet = pClient->uiReqInterval; } } pClient = pClient->next; } return iRet; }
int getResourceFromServer(struct __message *msg) { struct __message resp; struct timeval timeEnd; struct timeval timeStart; gettimeofday(&timeStart, NULL); //TODO: send information request from a proxy to a resource server //memset(&msg, 0x0, sizeof(struct __message)); if(send(g_iSocketServer, msg, sizeof(struct __message), 0) < 0) { printf("proxy : send failed!\n"); } //if(send( //TODO: get information from a resource server to proxy int size; memset(&resp, 0x0, sizeof(struct __message)); if((size = recv(g_iSocketServer, &resp, sizeof(struct __message), 0)) > 0) { setTimeValue(&(msg->server_recved), resp.server_recved.tv_sec, resp.server_recved.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg->server_started), resp.server_started.tv_sec, resp.server_started.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg->server_finished), resp.server_finished.tv_sec, resp.server_finished.tv_usec); } //if((size msg->resource = resp.resource; msg->uiMaxAge = resp.uiMaxAge; //pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock); return 0; }
void TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon::optionsFinished() { if (impl_->trjfile_.empty() && impl_->topfile_.empty()) { GMX_THROW(InconsistentInputError("No trajectory or topology provided, nothing to do!")); } if (impl_->trajectoryGroup_.isValid() && impl_->trjfile_.empty()) { GMX_THROW(InconsistentInputError("-fgroup only makes sense together with a trajectory (-f)")); } impl_->settings_.impl_->plotSettings.setTimeUnit(impl_->settings_.timeUnit()); if (impl_->bStartTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, impl_->startTime_); } if (impl_->bEndTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TEND, impl_->endTime_); } if (impl_->bDeltaTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, impl_->deltaTime_); } }
bool TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon::optionsFinished(Options *options) { if (impl_->bHelp_) { return false; } impl_->settings_.impl_->plotSettings.setTimeUnit( impl_->settings_.impl_->timeUnitManager.timeUnit()); if (impl_->trjfile_.empty() && impl_->topfile_.empty()) { GMX_THROW(InconsistentInputError("No trajectory or topology provided, nothing to do!")); } if (options->isSet("b")) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, impl_->startTime_); } if (options->isSet("e")) { setTimeValue(TEND, impl_->endTime_); } if (options->isSet("dt")) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, impl_->deltaTime_); } return true; }
int setSchedTime(struct timeval tMin) { int ret = 0; struct __client *pClient; struct timeval tRet; pClient =; while(pClient) { struct timeval tCPaddMA; struct timeval tMaxAge; setTimeValue(&tMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge/1000, (g_Resource1.uiMaxAge%1000)*1000); addTimeValue(&tCPaddMA, g_Resource1.tBaseTime, tMaxAge); if(isBiggerThan(pClient->tSched, tCPaddMA)) { struct timeval tTemp; struct timeval tAllow; subTimeValue(&tTemp, pClient->tSched, tCPaddMA); setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval*2/10)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval*2/10)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval*3/10)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval*3/10)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval/10)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval/10)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval/5)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval/5)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval/4)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval/4)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, (pClient->uiReqInterval/2)/1000, ((pClient->uiReqInterval/2)%1000)*1000); //setTimeValue(&tAllow, 0, 10*1000); if(isBiggerThan(tAllow, tTemp)) { //TODO: set new schedule time //setTimeValue(&(pClient->tSched), tCPaddMA.tv_sec , tCPaddMA.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(pClient->tSched), g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_sec , g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_usec); } else { //TODO: leave it for next processing ; } } else { setTimeValue(&(pClient->tSched), g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_sec , g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_usec); } pClient = pClient->next; } return ret; }
int setSchedule(struct timeval curTime) { struct timeval tRet; setTimeValue(&tRet, 0x7FFFFFFF, 0x7FFFFFFF); //TODO: get the earliest schedule time getEarlistSchedTime(&tRet, curTime); //TODO: set base time setTimeValue(&g_Resource1.tBaseTime, tRet.tv_sec, tRet.tv_usec); //TODO: reschedule setSchedTime(tRet); }
int handleMessage(struct __message *arg) { struct timeval timeStart, timeEnd; struct __message msg; //TODO: rx delay usleep(DELAY_SERVER_RX*1000); memcpy(&msg, arg, sizeof(struct __message)); gettimeofday(&timeStart, NULL); #if ENABLE_MUTEX pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock); #endif //TODO: process delay usleep(DELAY_SERVER_PROCESS*1000); #if ENABLE_MUTEX pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock); #endif //#if ENABLE_MUTEX gettimeofday(&timeEnd, NULL); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_started), timeStart.tv_sec, timeStart.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_finished), timeEnd.tv_sec, timeEnd.tv_usec); #if 0 msg.resource = timeEnd.tv_sec%1000000; msg.uiMaxAge = (1000000-timeEnd.tv_usec)/1000; #else msg.resource = g_iCount++; msg.uiMaxAge = (DELAY_SERVER_PROCESS); #endif //TODO: tx delay usleep(DELAY_SERVER_TX*1000); //printf("[%d-%d]Resource=%d, uiMaxAge=%d, msg.iFd=%d ", msg.owner, msg.cnt, msg.resource, msg.uiMaxAge, msg.iFd); int temp = send(msg.iFd, &msg, sizeof(struct __message), 0); #if 1 dumpMessage(msg); #endif return 0; }
int isCachedDataValid(struct timeval curTime) { struct timeval timeB; struct timeval timeRet; int ret = 0; //printf("%s:g_Resource1.uiCachedAge=%d, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge=%d\n", __func__, g_Resource1.uiCachedAge, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge); if( (g_Resource1.uiCachedAge<g_Resource1.uiMaxAge) && (g_Resource1.tCachedTime.tv_sec>0) ) { struct timeval tMaxAge; struct timeval tTemp; setTimeValue(&tMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge/1000, (g_Resource1.uiMaxAge%1000)*1000); addTimeValue(&tTemp, g_Resource1.tCachedTime, tMaxAge); //printf("%s:tMaxAge=%6ld.%06ld\n", __func__, tMaxAge.tv_sec, tMaxAge.tv_usec); printf("%s:tTemp=%6ld.%06ld,curTime=%6ld.%06ld\n", __func__, tTemp.tv_sec, tTemp.tv_usec, curTime.tv_sec, curTime.tv_usec); if(isBiggerThan(tTemp, curTime)) ret = 1; else ret = 0; } else { ret = 0; } return ret; }
bool ExpressionItem::setValue(void* value_str,const data_type type) { switch(type) { case t_int: { setIntValue(*(int *)value_str); break; } case t_float: { setFloatValue(*(float *)value_str); break; } case t_smallInt: { setSmallIntValue(*(short *)value_str); break; } case t_double: { setDoubleValue(*(double *)value_str); break; } case t_u_long: { setULongValue(*(unsigned long*)value_str); break; } case t_string: { setStringValue(string((char *)value_str)); break; } case t_decimal: { setDecimalValue((const char *)value_str); break; } case t_datetime: { setDatetimeValue((const char *)value_str); break; } case t_date: { setDateValue((const char *)value_str); break; } case t_time: { setTimeValue((const char *)value_str); break; } case t_boolean: { setBooleanValue(*(bool *)value_str); break; } default: { cout<<"no matching operator exists!!!"<<endl; /* * In the debug phase, it's better to show the assert failure in case of unexpected input. * The bug can be found much more easily in such a way. */ assert(false); break; } } return true; }
int setCache(struct __message msg, struct timeval tNow) { g_Resource1.iCachedResource = msg.resource; g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = msg.uiMaxAge; //g_Resource1.uiCachedAge = 0; setTimeValue(&(g_Resource1.tCachedTime), tNow.tv_sec, tNow.tv_usec); }
//TODO: first schedule time = candidate int addObserver1(int iId, int iFd, unsigned int uiResource, unsigned int uiReqInterval, struct timeval tNow) { struct __client *pObserver; struct __client *pNew; struct __client *pPrev; int fAdd; pNew = (struct __client *)malloc(sizeof(struct __client)); pNew->iId = iId; pNew->iFd = iFd; pNew->uiReqInterval = uiReqInterval; pNew->next = NULL; setTimeValue(&(pNew->tSched), 0, 0); getSchedTime(&(pNew->tSched), tNow, uiReqInterval); if( == NULL) { = pNew; g_Resource1.iClientNumber++; } else { pObserver =; fAdd = 1; pPrev = NULL; while(pObserver) { //printf("pNew->uiReqInterval=%d, pObserver->uiReqInterval=%d\n", pNew->uiReqInterval, pObserver->uiReqInterval); if(pNew->uiReqInterval < pObserver->uiReqInterval) { if(pPrev == NULL) { pNew->next =; = pNew; } else { pNew->next = pPrev->next; pPrev->next = pNew; } g_Resource1.iClientNumber++; break; } pPrev = pObserver; pObserver = pObserver->next; if(pObserver == NULL) { pPrev->next = pNew; g_Resource1.iClientNumber++; } } } return 0; }
int getSchedTime(struct timeval *tRet, struct timeval tNow, unsigned int uiReqInterval) { struct __client *pClient =; struct timeval tReqInterval; tReqInterval.tv_sec = uiReqInterval/1000; tReqInterval.tv_usec = uiReqInterval%1000*1000; if(g_Resource1.iClientNumber == 0) { tRet->tv_sec = tNow.tv_sec+1; tRet->tv_usec = 0; addTimeValue(&(g_Resource1.tBaseTime), *tRet, tReqInterval); } else { //struct timeval tSched = pClient->tSched; struct timeval tSched; setTimeValue(&tSched, g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_sec, g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_usec); while(1) { struct timeval tTemp = tSched; subTimeValue(&tTemp, tTemp, tReqInterval); if(isBiggerThan(tTemp, tNow)) { tSched = tTemp; } else { break; } } setTimeValue(tRet, tSched.tv_sec, tSched.tv_usec); } printf("Req=%d;S(%ld.%06ld);B(%ld.%06ld);N(%ld.%06ld)\n", uiReqInterval, tRet->tv_sec, tRet->tv_usec, g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_sec, g_Resource1.tBaseTime.tv_usec, tNow.tv_sec, tNow.tv_usec); }
int initCache() { g_Resource1.iCachedResource = 0; g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = 0; g_Resource1.uiCachedAge = 0; setTimeValue(&(g_Resource1.tCachedTime), 0, 0); return 0; }
void TrajectoryAnalysisRunnerCommon::optionsFinished() { impl_->settings_.impl_->plotSettings.setTimeUnit( impl_->settings_.impl_->timeUnitManager.timeUnit()); if (impl_->trjfile_.empty() && impl_->topfile_.empty()) { GMX_THROW(InconsistentInputError("No trajectory or topology provided, nothing to do!")); } if (impl_->bStartTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, impl_->startTime_); } if (impl_->bEndTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TEND, impl_->endTime_); } if (impl_->bDeltaTimeSet_) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, impl_->deltaTime_); } }
int setCache(struct __message msg, struct timeval tNow) { g_Resource1.iCachedResource = msg.resource; #if 0 if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 2) g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = DELAY_PROXY_TIMESLICE; else g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = RESOURCE_DEFAULT_DELAY; #else //g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = msg.uiMaxAge; g_Resource1.uiMaxAge = RESOURCE_DEFAULT_DELAY; #endif //g_Resource1.uiCachedAge = 0; setTimeValue(&(g_Resource1.tCachedTime), tNow.tv_sec, tNow.tv_usec); }
int main( void ) { void setTimeValue( char * ) ; void getConfiguartionData( char *, char * ) ; char cwd[BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0' } ; char searchDir[BUFFER_SIZE] = { '\0' } ; if( getcwd ( cwd , BUFFER_SIZE ) == NULL ) _debug( __FILE__, __LINE__, 0, "error from getcwd()..." ) ; else { getConfiguartionData( cwd, searchDir ) ; _debug( __FILE__, __LINE__, 5, "cwd is %s", cwd ) ; _debug( __FILE__, __LINE__, 5, "searchDir is %s", searchDir ) ; setTimeValue( searchDir ) ; } return 0 ; }
int getEarlistSchedTime(struct timeval *ptMin, struct timeval curTime) { int ret = 0; struct __client *pClient; pClient =; while(pClient) { //if(pClient->tSched) { if(isBiggerThan(*ptMin, pClient->tSched)) { setTimeValue(ptMin, pClient->tSched.tv_sec, pClient->tSched.tv_usec); } } pClient = pClient->next; } return ret; }
int setSchedTime(struct timeval tMin) { int ret = 0; struct __client *pClient; struct timeval tRet; pClient =; while(pClient) { if(isEqualTo(pClient->tSched, tMin)) { ; //printf("Equal!\n"); } else { subTimeValue(&tRet, pClient->tSched, tMin); addTimeValue(&tRet, tRet, tRet); struct timeval tB; tB.tv_sec = pClient->uiReqInterval/1000; tB.tv_usec = (pClient->uiReqInterval%1000)*1000; //printf("NOT Equal!\n"); if(isBiggerThan(tB, tRet)) { setTimeValue(&(pClient->tSched), tMin.tv_sec , tMin.tv_usec); } } pClient = pClient->next; } return ret; }
int updateBaseTime() { int ret; struct __client *pClient; pClient =; ret = pClient->uiReqInterval; while(pClient) { if((pClient->next!=NULL) && (pClient->next->uiReqInterval)) { ret = getLCM(ret, pClient->next->uiReqInterval); } pClient = pClient->next; } struct timeval tTemp; setTimeValue(&tTemp, ret/1000, (ret%1000)*1000); addTimeValue(&(g_Resource1.tBaseTime), g_Resource1.tBaseTime, tTemp); //printf("ret=%d\n", ret); return ret; }
gmx_bool parse_common_args(int *argc, char *argv[], unsigned long Flags, int nfile, t_filenm fnm[], int npargs, t_pargs *pa, int ndesc, const char **desc, int nbugs, const char **bugs, gmx_output_env_t **oenv) { /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *const xvg_formats[] = { "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none" }; // Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field // The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg) == arg) try { double tbegin = 0.0, tend = 0.0, tdelta = 0.0; bool bBeginTimeSet = false, bEndTimeSet = false, bDtSet = false; bool bView = false; int xvgFormat = 0; gmx::OptionsAdapter adapter(*argc, argv); gmx::Options options(NULL, NULL); gmx::OptionsBehaviorCollection behaviors(&options); gmx::FileNameOptionManager fileOptManager; fileOptManager.disableInputOptionChecking( FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE) || FF(PCA_DISABLE_INPUT_FILE_CHECKING)); options.addManager(&fileOptManager); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) { fileOptManager.addDefaultFileNameOption(&options, "deffnm"); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("b") .store(&tbegin).storeIsSet(&bBeginTimeSet).timeValue() .description("First frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("e") .store(&tend).storeIsSet(&bEndTimeSet).timeValue() .description("Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("dt") .store(&tdelta).storeIsSet(&bDtSet).timeValue() .description("Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)")); } gmx::TimeUnit timeUnit = gmx::TimeUnit_Default; if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { std::shared_ptr<gmx::TimeUnitBehavior> timeUnitBehavior( new gmx::TimeUnitBehavior()); timeUnitBehavior->setTimeUnitStore(&timeUnit); timeUnitBehavior->setTimeUnitFromEnvironment(); timeUnitBehavior->addTimeUnitOption(&options, "tu"); behaviors.addBehavior(timeUnitBehavior); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) { options.addOption( gmx::BooleanOption("w").store(&bView) .description("View output [REF].xvg[ref], [REF].xpm[ref], " "[REF].eps[ref] and [REF].pdb[ref] files")); } bool bXvgr = false; for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); } xvgFormat = gmx::getDefaultXvgFormat(xvg_formats); if (bXvgr) { options.addOption( gmx::EnumIntOption("xvg").enumValue(xvg_formats) .store(&xvgFormat) .description("xvg plot formatting")); } /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { adapter.filenmToOptions(&options, &fnm[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < npargs; i++) { adapter.pargsToOptions(&options, &pa[i]); } const gmx::CommandLineHelpContext *context = gmx::GlobalCommandLineHelpContext::get(); if (context != NULL) { GMX_RELEASE_ASSERT(gmx_node_rank() == 0, "Help output should be handled higher up and " "only get called only on the master rank"); gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter(options) .setHelpText(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray<const char *>(desc, ndesc)) .setKnownIssues(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(bugs, nbugs)) .writeHelp(*context); return FALSE; } /* Now parse all the command-line options */ gmx::CommandLineParser(&options).skipUnknown(FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) .parse(argc, argv); behaviors.optionsFinishing(); options.finish(); /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */ output_env_init(oenv, gmx::getProgramContext(), (time_unit_t)(timeUnit + 1), bView, (xvg_format_t)(xvgFormat + 1), 0); /* Extract Time info from arguments */ if (bBeginTimeSet) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, tbegin); } if (bEndTimeSet) { setTimeValue(TEND, tend); } if (bDtSet) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, tdelta); } adapter.copyValues(!FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE)); return TRUE; } GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR; #undef FF }
gmx_bool parse_common_args(int *argc, char *argv[], unsigned long Flags, int nfile, t_filenm fnm[], int npargs, t_pargs *pa, int ndesc, const char **desc, int nbugs, const char **bugs, output_env_t *oenv) { /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *xvg_format[] = { NULL, "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none", NULL }; /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *time_units[] = { NULL, "fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s", NULL }; int nicelevel = 0, debug_level = 0; char *deffnm = NULL; real tbegin = 0, tend = 0, tdelta = 0; gmx_bool bView = FALSE; t_pargs *all_pa = NULL; t_pargs nice_pa = { "-nice", FALSE, etINT, {&nicelevel}, "Set the nicelevel" }; t_pargs deffnm_pa = { "-deffnm", FALSE, etSTR, {&deffnm}, "Set the default filename for all file options" }; t_pargs begin_pa = { "-b", FALSE, etTIME, {&tbegin}, "First frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs end_pa = { "-e", FALSE, etTIME, {&tend}, "Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs dt_pa = { "-dt", FALSE, etTIME, {&tdelta}, "Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)" }; t_pargs view_pa = { "-w", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bView}, "View output [TT].xvg[tt], [TT].xpm[tt], [TT].eps[tt] and [TT].pdb[tt] files" }; t_pargs xvg_pa = { "-xvg", FALSE, etENUM, {xvg_format}, "xvg plot formatting" }; t_pargs time_pa = { "-tu", FALSE, etENUM, {time_units}, "Time unit" }; /* Maximum number of extra arguments */ #define EXTRA_PA 16 t_pargs pca_pa[] = { { "-debug", FALSE, etINT, {&debug_level}, "HIDDENWrite file with debug information, 1: short, 2: also x and f" }, }; #define NPCA_PA asize(pca_pa) gmx_bool bXvgr; int i, j, k, npall, max_pa; // Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field // The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg) == arg) /* Check for double arguments */ for (i = 1; (i < *argc); i++) { if (argv[i] && (strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (!std::isdigit(argv[i][1]))) { for (j = i+1; (j < *argc); j++) { if ( (argv[i][0] == '-') && (argv[j][0] == '-') && (strcmp(argv[i], argv[j]) == 0) ) { if (FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) { fprintf(stderr, "Double command line argument %s\n", argv[i]); } else { gmx_fatal(FARGS, "Double command line argument %s\n", argv[i]); } } } } } debug_gmx(); /* Check ALL the flags ... */ max_pa = NPCA_PA + EXTRA_PA + npargs+1; snew(all_pa, max_pa); for (i = npall = 0; (i < static_cast<int>(NPCA_PA)); i++) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &(pca_pa[i])); } if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) { nicelevel = 19; } npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &nice_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &deffnm_pa); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &begin_pa); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &end_pa); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &dt_pa); } if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &time_pa); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &view_pa); } bXvgr = FALSE; for (i = 0; (i < nfile); i++) { bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); } if (bXvgr) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &xvg_pa); } /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for (i = 0; (i < npargs); i++) { npall = add_parg(npall, all_pa, &(pa[i])); } /* set etENUM options to default */ for (i = 0; (i < npall); i++) { if (all_pa[i].type == etENUM) { all_pa[i].u.c[0] = all_pa[i].u.c[1]; } } set_default_time_unit(time_units, FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)); set_default_xvg_format(xvg_format); /* Now parse all the command-line options */ get_pargs(argc, argv, npall, all_pa); /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */ output_env_init(oenv, gmx::getProgramContext(), (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units), bView, (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format), 0, debug_level); /* Parse the file args */ parse_file_args(argc, argv, nfile, fnm, deffnm, !FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE)); /* Open the debug file */ if (debug_level > 0) { char buf[256]; if (gmx_mpi_initialized()) { sprintf(buf, "%s%d.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv), gmx_node_rank()); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv)); } init_debug(debug_level, buf); fprintf(stderr, "Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n", buf, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* Now copy the results back... */ for (i = 0, k = npall-npargs; (i < npargs); i++, k++) { memcpy(&(pa[i]), &(all_pa[k]), (size_t)sizeof(pa[i])); } bool bExit = false; try { const gmx::CommandLineHelpContext *context = gmx::GlobalCommandLineHelpContext::get(); bExit = (context != NULL); if (context != NULL && !(FF(PCA_QUIET))) { gmx::Options options(NULL, NULL); options.setDescription(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(desc, ndesc)); for (i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { gmx::filenmToOptions(&options, &fnm[i]); } for (i = 0; i < npall; i++) { gmx::pargsToOptions(&options, &all_pa[i]); } gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter(options) .setShowDescriptions(true) .setTimeUnitString(output_env_get_time_unit(*oenv)) .setKnownIssues(gmx::constArrayRefFromArray(bugs, nbugs)) .writeHelp(*context); } } GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR; /* Set the nice level */ #if defined(HAVE_UNISTD_H) && !defined(__MINGW32__) #ifndef GMX_NO_NICE /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */ if (nicelevel != 0 && !bExit) { static gmx_bool nice_set = FALSE; /* only set it once */ static tMPI_Thread_mutex_t init_mutex = TMPI_THREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock(&init_mutex); if (!nice_set) { if (nice(nicelevel) == -1) { /* Do nothing, but use the return value to avoid warnings. */ } nice_set = TRUE; } tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock(&init_mutex); } #endif #endif /* convert time options, must be done after printing! */ for (i = 0; i < npall; i++) { if (all_pa[i].type == etTIME && all_pa[i].bSet) { *all_pa[i].u.r *= output_env_get_time_invfactor(*oenv); } } /* Extract Time info from arguments */ if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && opt2parg_bSet("-b", npall, all_pa)) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, opt2parg_real("-b", npall, all_pa)); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && opt2parg_bSet("-e", npall, all_pa)) { setTimeValue(TEND, opt2parg_real("-e", npall, all_pa)); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && opt2parg_bSet("-dt", npall, all_pa)) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, opt2parg_real("-dt", npall, all_pa)); } /* clear memory */ sfree(all_pa); if (!FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) { if (*argc > 1) { gmx_cmd(argv[1]); } } return !bExit; #undef FF }
void *pthreadWatchResource(void *arg) { struct timeval timeSched; struct timeval tStart; while(!g_iExit) { if(g_Resource1.iClientNumber) { //TODO: get current time //gettimeofday(&tStart, NULL); //TODO: search all clients registered struct __client *client =; while(client) { gettimeofday(&tStart, NULL); //TODO: find scheduled client if(isBiggerThan(tStart, client->tSched)) { struct __message msg; struct timeval tEnd; //TODO: if cached resource is valid, then use it if(g_uiCacheMode && isCachedDataValid(tStart) ) { //TODO: update cache timing information updateCache(tStart); //TODO: set server process time with zero setTimeValue(&(msg.server_recved), 0, 0); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_started), 0, 0); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_finished), 0, 0); //TODO: set message with time information msg.resource = g_Resource1.iCachedResource; msg.uiMaxAge = g_Resource1.uiMaxAge - g_Resource1.uiCachedAge; //printf("%s:uiMaxAge=%d(%d-%d)\n", __func__, msg.uiMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiCachedAge); //TODO: get current time gettimeofday(&tEnd, NULL); } else { //TODO: init cache initCache(); //TODO: get a fresh resource from a server getResourceFromServer(&msg); //TODO: get current time gettimeofday(&tEnd, NULL); //TODO: set cached with information setCache(msg, tEnd); } //TODO: set client process time setTimeValue(&(msg.client_recved), 0, 0); setTimeValue(&(msg.client_started), 0, 0); //TODO: set proxy process time setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_recved), tStart.tv_sec, tStart.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_started), tStart.tv_sec, tStart.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_finished), tEnd.tv_sec, tEnd.tv_usec); //TODO: dump message dumpMessage(msg); //TODO: send information as response from proxy to client int temp = send(client->iFd, &msg, sizeof(struct __message), 0); //TODO: set a new scheduled time of client struct timeval tB; tB.tv_sec = client->uiReqInterval/1000; tB.tv_usec = (client->uiReqInterval%1000)*1000; addTimeValue(&(client->tSched), client->tSched, tB); //printf("tStart=%ld.%06ld, tSched=%ld.%06ld\n", // tStart.tv_sec, tStart.tv_usec, // client->tSched.tv_sec, client->tSched.tv_usec); } client = client->next; //printf("%s:client=0x%x\n", __func__, (unsigned int)client); } //TODO: inser client node as time sequence //updateClient(); //TODO: if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 1) { if(isBiggerThan(tStart, g_Resource1.tBaseTime)) { //TODO: update check point updateBaseTime(); } } else if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 2) { struct timeval tCPaddMA; struct timeval tMaxAge; setTimeValue(&tMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge/1000, (g_Resource1.uiMaxAge%1000)*1000); addTimeValue(&tCPaddMA, g_Resource1.tBaseTime, tMaxAge); if(isBiggerThan(tStart, tCPaddMA)) { setSchedule(tStart); } } usleep(5*1000); } //if(g_Resource1.iClientNumber) usleep(50*1000); } return NULL; }
gmx_bool parse_common_args(int *argc, char *argv[], unsigned long Flags, int nfile, t_filenm fnm[], int npargs, t_pargs *pa, int ndesc, const char **desc, int nbugs, const char **bugs, output_env_t *oenv) { /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *const xvg_formats[] = { "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none" }; // Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field // The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg) == arg) try { int nicelevel = 0, debug_level = 0; double tbegin = 0.0, tend = 0.0, tdelta = 0.0; bool bView = false; int xvgFormat = 0; gmx::TimeUnitManager timeUnitManager; gmx::OptionsAdapter adapter(*argc, argv); gmx::Options options(NULL, NULL); gmx::FileNameOptionManager fileOptManager; options.addManager(&fileOptManager); options.setDescription(gmx::ConstArrayRef<const char *>(desc, ndesc)); options.addOption( gmx::IntegerOption("debug").store(&debug_level).hidden() .description("Write file with debug information, " "1: short, 2: also x and f")); options.addOption( gmx::IntegerOption("nice").store(&nicelevel) .defaultValue(FF(PCA_BE_NICE) ? 19 : 0) .description("Set the nicelevel")); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) { fileOptManager.addDefaultFileNameOption(&options, "deffnm"); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("b").store(&tbegin).timeValue() .description("First frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("e").store(&tend).timeValue() .description("Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory")); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) { options.addOption( gmx::DoubleOption("dt").store(&tdelta).timeValue() .description("Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)")); } if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { timeUnitManager.setTimeUnitFromEnvironment(); timeUnitManager.addTimeUnitOption(&options, "tu"); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) { options.addOption( gmx::BooleanOption("w").store(&bView) .description("View output [TT].xvg[tt], [TT].xpm[tt], " "[TT].eps[tt] and [TT].pdb[tt] files")); } bool bXvgr = false; for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); } xvgFormat = gmx::getDefaultXvgFormat(xvg_formats); if (bXvgr) { options.addOption( gmx::StringOption("xvg").enumValue(xvg_formats) .storeEnumIndex(&xvgFormat) .description("xvg plot formatting")); } /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for (int i = 0; i < nfile; i++) { adapter.filenmToOptions(&options, &fnm[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < npargs; i++) { adapter.pargsToOptions(&options, &pa[i]); } const gmx::CommandLineHelpContext *context = gmx::GlobalCommandLineHelpContext::get(); if (context != NULL) { if (!(FF(PCA_QUIET))) { gmx::CommandLineHelpWriter(options) .setShowDescriptions(true) .setTimeUnitString(timeUnitManager.timeUnitAsString()) .setKnownIssues(gmx::ConstArrayRef<const char *>(bugs, nbugs)) .writeHelp(*context); } return FALSE; } /* Now parse all the command-line options */ gmx::CommandLineParser(&options).skipUnknown(FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) .parse(argc, argv); options.finish(); /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */ output_env_init(oenv, gmx::getProgramContext(), (time_unit_t)(timeUnitManager.timeUnit() + 1), bView, (xvg_format_t)(xvgFormat + 1), 0, debug_level); /* Open the debug file */ if (debug_level > 0) { char buf[256]; if (gmx_mpi_initialized()) { sprintf(buf, "%s%d.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv), gmx_node_rank()); } else { sprintf(buf, "%s.debug", output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv)); } init_debug(debug_level, buf); fprintf(stderr, "Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n", buf, __FILE__, __LINE__); } /* Set the nice level */ #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #ifndef GMX_NO_NICE /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */ if (nicelevel != 0) { static gmx_bool nice_set = FALSE; /* only set it once */ static tMPI_Thread_mutex_t init_mutex = TMPI_THREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock(&init_mutex); if (!nice_set) { if (nice(nicelevel) == -1) { /* Do nothing, but use the return value to avoid warnings. */ } nice_set = TRUE; } tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock(&init_mutex); } #endif #endif timeUnitManager.scaleTimeOptions(&options); /* Extract Time info from arguments */ // TODO: Use OptionInfo objects instead of string constants if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && options.isSet("b")) { setTimeValue(TBEGIN, tbegin); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && options.isSet("e")) { setTimeValue(TEND, tend); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && options.isSet("dt")) { setTimeValue(TDELTA, tdelta); } adapter.copyValues(!FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE)); return TRUE; } GMX_CATCH_ALL_AND_EXIT_WITH_FATAL_ERROR; #undef FF }
void parse_common_args(int *argc,char *argv[],unsigned long Flags, int nfile,t_filenm fnm[],int npargs,t_pargs *pa, int ndesc,const char **desc, int nbugs,const char **bugs, output_env_t *oenv) { gmx_bool bHelp=FALSE,bHidden=FALSE,bQuiet=FALSE,bVersion=FALSE; const char *manstr[] = { NULL, "no", "html", "tex", "nroff", "ascii", "completion", "py", "xml", "wiki", NULL }; /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *xvg_format[] = { NULL, "xmgrace", "xmgr", "none", NULL }; /* This array should match the order of the enum in oenv.h */ const char *time_units[] = { NULL, "fs", "ps", "ns", "us", "ms", "s", NULL }; int nicelevel=0,mantp=0,npri=0,debug_level=0,verbose_level=0; char *deffnm=NULL; real tbegin=0,tend=0,tdelta=0; gmx_bool bView=FALSE; t_pargs *all_pa=NULL; t_pargs npri_pa = { "-npri", FALSE, etINT, {&npri}, "HIDDEN Set non blocking priority (try 128)" }; t_pargs nice_pa = { "-nice", FALSE, etINT, {&nicelevel}, "Set the nicelevel" }; t_pargs deffnm_pa = { "-deffnm", FALSE, etSTR, {&deffnm}, "Set the default filename for all file options" }; t_pargs begin_pa = { "-b", FALSE, etTIME, {&tbegin}, "First frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs end_pa = { "-e", FALSE, etTIME, {&tend}, "Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs dt_pa = { "-dt", FALSE, etTIME, {&tdelta}, "Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)" }; t_pargs view_pa = { "-w", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bView}, "View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files" }; t_pargs xvg_pa = { "-xvg", FALSE, etENUM, {xvg_format}, "xvg plot formatting" }; t_pargs time_pa = { "-tu", FALSE, etENUM, {time_units}, "Time unit" }; /* Maximum number of extra arguments */ #define EXTRA_PA 16 t_pargs pca_pa[] = { { "-h", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHelp}, "Print help info and quit" }, { "-version", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bVersion}, "Print version info and quit" }, { "-verb", FALSE, etINT, {&verbose_level}, "HIDDENLevel of verbosity for this program" }, { "-hidden", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHidden}, "HIDDENPrint hidden options" }, { "-quiet",FALSE, etBOOL, {&bQuiet}, "HIDDENDo not print help info" }, { "-man", FALSE, etENUM, {manstr}, "HIDDENWrite manual and quit" }, { "-debug",FALSE, etINT, {&debug_level}, "HIDDENWrite file with debug information, 1: short, 2: also x and f" }, }; #define NPCA_PA asize(pca_pa) FILE *fp; gmx_bool bPrint,bExit,bXvgr; int i,j,k,npall,max_pa,cmdlength; char *ptr,*newdesc; const char *envstr; #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg)==arg) snew(*oenv, 1); cmdlength = strlen(argv[0]); /* Check for double arguments */ for (i=1; (i<*argc); i++) { cmdlength += strlen(argv[i]); if (argv[i] && (strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (!isdigit(argv[i][1]))) { for (j=i+1; (j<*argc); j++) { if ( (argv[i][0]=='-') && (argv[j][0]=='-') && (strcmp(argv[i],argv[j])==0) ) { if (FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) fprintf(stderr,"Double command line argument %s\n", argv[i]); else gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Double command line argument %s\n", argv[i]); } } } } debug_gmx(); set_program_name(argv[0]); set_command_line(*argc, argv); /* Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field * The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set */ bPrint = !FF(PCA_SILENT); /* Check ALL the flags ... */ max_pa = NPCA_PA + EXTRA_PA + npargs+1; snew(all_pa,max_pa); for(i=npall=0; (i<NPCA_PA); i++) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pca_pa[i])); #ifdef __sgi envstr = getenv("GMXNPRIALL"); if (envstr) npri=strtol(envstr,NULL,10); if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) { envstr = getenv("GMXNPRI"); if (envstr) npri=strtol(envstr,NULL,10); } npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&npri_pa); #endif if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) nicelevel=19; npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&nice_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&deffnm_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&begin_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&end_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) { npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&dt_pa); } if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&time_pa); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&view_pa); bXvgr = FALSE; for(i=0; (i<nfile); i++) { bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); } if (bXvgr) { npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&xvg_pa); } /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for(i=0; (i<npargs); i++) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pa[i])); /* set etENUM options to default */ for(i=0; (i<npall); i++) { if (all_pa[i].type==etENUM) { all_pa[i].u.c[0]=all_pa[i].u.c[1]; } } set_default_time_unit(time_units,FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)); set_default_xvg_format(xvg_format); /* Now parse all the command-line options */ get_pargs(argc,argv,npall,all_pa,FF(PCA_KEEP_ARGS)); /* set program name, command line, and default values for output options */ output_env_init(*oenv, *argc, argv, (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units), bView, (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format), verbose_level, debug_level); if (bVersion) { printf("Program: %s\n",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv)); gmx_print_version_info(stdout); exit(0); } if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM) && (deffnm!=NULL)) set_default_file_name(deffnm); /* Parse the file args */ parse_file_args(argc,argv,nfile,fnm,FF(PCA_KEEP_ARGS),!FF(PCA_NOT_READ_NODE)); /* Open the debug file */ if (debug_level > 0) { char buf[256]; if (gmx_mpi_initialized()) sprintf(buf,"%s%d.debug",output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv), gmx_node_rank()); else sprintf(buf,"%s.debug",output_env_get_short_program_name(*oenv)); init_debug(debug_level,buf); fprintf(stderr,"Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n", buf,__FILE__,__LINE__); } /* Now copy the results back... */ for(i=0,k=npall-npargs; (i<npargs); i++,k++) memcpy(&(pa[i]),&(all_pa[k]),(size_t)sizeof(pa[i])); for(i=0; (i<npall); i++) all_pa[i].desc = mk_desc(&(all_pa[i]), output_env_get_time_unit(*oenv)); bExit = bHelp || (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0); #if (defined __sgi && USE_SGI_FPE) doexceptions(); #endif /* Set the nice level */ #ifdef __sgi if (npri != 0 && !bExit) { schedctl(MPTS_RTPRI,0,npri); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #ifndef GMX_NO_NICE /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */ if (nicelevel != 0 && !bExit) { #ifdef GMX_THREADS static gmx_bool nice_set=FALSE; /* only set it once */ tMPI_Thread_mutex_lock(&init_mutex); if (!nice_set) { #endif i=nice(nicelevel); /* assign ret value to avoid warnings */ #ifdef GMX_THREADS nice_set=TRUE; } tMPI_Thread_mutex_unlock(&init_mutex); #endif } #endif #endif /* Update oenv for parsed command line options settings. */ (*oenv)->xvg_format = (xvg_format_t)nenum(xvg_format); (*oenv)->time_unit = (time_unit_t)nenum(time_units); if (!(FF(PCA_QUIET) || bQuiet )) { if (bHelp) write_man(stderr,"help",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv), ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm,npall,all_pa, nbugs,bugs,bHidden); else if (bPrint) { pr_fns(stderr,nfile,fnm); print_pargs(stderr,npall,all_pa,FALSE); } } if (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0) { if(!strcmp(manstr[0],"completion")) { /* one file each for csh, bash and zsh if we do completions */ fp=man_file(*oenv,"completion-zsh"); write_man(fp,"completion-zsh",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv), ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); fp=man_file(*oenv,"completion-bash"); write_man(fp,"completion-bash",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv), ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); fp=man_file(*oenv,"completion-csh"); write_man(fp,"completion-csh",output_env_get_program_name(*oenv), ndesc,desc,nfile, fnm, npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); } else { fp=man_file(*oenv,manstr[0]); write_man(fp,manstr[0],output_env_get_program_name(*oenv), ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm, npall, all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); } } /* convert time options, must be done after printing! */ for(i=0; i<npall; i++) { if ((all_pa[i].type == etTIME) && (*all_pa[i].u.r >= 0)) { *all_pa[i].u.r *= output_env_get_time_invfactor(*oenv); } } /* Extract Time info from arguments */ if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && opt2parg_bSet("-b",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TBEGIN,opt2parg_real("-b",npall,all_pa)); if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && opt2parg_bSet("-e",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TEND,opt2parg_real("-e",npall,all_pa)); if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && opt2parg_bSet("-dt",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TDELTA,opt2parg_real("-dt",npall,all_pa)); /* clear memory */ for (i = 0; i < npall; ++i) sfree((void *)all_pa[i].desc); sfree(all_pa); if (!FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) { if (*argc > 1) { gmx_cmd(argv[1]); } } if (bExit) { if (gmx_parallel_env_initialized()) /*gmx_abort(gmx_node_rank(),gmx_node_num(),0);*/ gmx_finalize(); exit(0); } #undef FF }
void parse_common_args(int *argc,char *argv[],unsigned long Flags, int nfile,t_filenm fnm[],int npargs,t_pargs *pa, int ndesc,char **desc,int nbugs,char **bugs) { static bool bHelp=FALSE,bHidden=FALSE,bQuiet=FALSE; static char *manstr[] = { NULL, "no", "html", "tex", "nroff", "ascii", "completion", "py", "xml", "wiki", NULL }; static int nicelevel=0,mantp=0,npri=0,debug_level=0; static char *deffnm=NULL; static real tbegin=0,tend=0,tdelta=0; t_pargs *all_pa=NULL; t_pargs npri_pa = { "-npri", FALSE, etINT, {&npri}, "HIDDEN Set non blocking priority (try 128)" }; t_pargs nice_pa = { "-nice", FALSE, etINT, {&nicelevel}, "Set the nicelevel" }; t_pargs deffnm_pa = { "-deffnm", FALSE, etSTR, {&deffnm}, "Set the default filename for all file options" }; t_pargs begin_pa = { "-b", FALSE, etTIME, {&tbegin}, "First frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs end_pa = { "-e", FALSE, etTIME, {&tend}, "Last frame (%t) to read from trajectory" }; t_pargs dt_pa = { "-dt", FALSE, etTIME, {&tdelta}, "Only use frame when t MOD dt = first time (%t)" }; t_pargs view_pa = { "-w", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bView}, "View output xvg, xpm, eps and pdb files" }; t_pargs code_pa = { "-xvgr", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bXvgrCodes}, "Add specific codes (legends etc.) in the output xvg files for the xmgrace program" }; t_pargs time_pa = { "-tu", FALSE, etENUM, {timestr}, "Time unit" }; /* Maximum number of extra arguments */ #define EXTRA_PA 16 t_pargs pca_pa[] = { { "-h", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHelp}, "Print help info and quit" }, { "-hidden", FALSE, etBOOL, {&bHidden}, "HIDDENPrint hidden options" }, { "-quiet",FALSE, etBOOL, {&bQuiet}, "HIDDENDo not print help info" }, { "-man", FALSE, etENUM, {manstr}, "HIDDENWrite manual and quit" }, { "-debug",FALSE, etINT, {&debug_level}, "HIDDENWrite file with debug information, 1: short, 2: also x and f" }, }; #define NPCA_PA asize(pca_pa) FILE *fp; bool bPrint,bExit,bXvgr; int i,j,k,npall,max_pa,cmdlength; char *ptr,*newdesc; char *envstr; #define FF(arg) ((Flags & arg)==arg) cmdlength = strlen(argv[0]); /* Check for double arguments */ for (i=1; (i<*argc); i++) { cmdlength += strlen(argv[i]); if (argv[i] && (strlen(argv[i]) > 1) && (!isdigit(argv[i][1]))) { for (j=i+1; (j<*argc); j++) { if ( (argv[i][0]=='-') && (argv[j][0]=='-') && (strcmp(argv[i],argv[j])==0) ) { if (FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) fprintf(stderr,"Double command line argument %s\n",argv[i]); else gmx_fatal(FARGS,"Double command line argument %s\n",argv[i]); } } } } debug_gmx(); /* Fill the cmdline string */ snew(cmdline,cmdlength+*argc+1); for (i=0; (i<*argc); i++) { strcat(cmdline,argv[i]); strcat(cmdline," "); } /* Handle the flags argument, which is a bit field * The FF macro returns whether or not the bit is set */ bPrint = !FF(PCA_SILENT); set_program_name(argv[0]); /* Check ALL the flags ... */ max_pa = NPCA_PA + EXTRA_PA + npargs; snew(all_pa,max_pa); for(i=npall=0; (i<NPCA_PA); i++) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pca_pa[i])); #ifdef __sgi envstr = getenv("GMXNPRIALL"); if (envstr) npri=atoi(envstr); if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) { envstr = getenv("GMXNPRI"); if (envstr) npri=atoi(envstr); } npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&npri_pa); #endif if (FF(PCA_BE_NICE)) nicelevel=19; npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&nice_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&deffnm_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&begin_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_END)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&end_pa); if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&dt_pa); if (FF(PCA_TIME_UNIT)) { envstr = getenv("GMXTIMEUNIT"); if ( envstr == NULL ) envstr="ps"; set_default_time_unit(envstr); npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&time_pa); } else set_default_time_unit("ps"); if (FF(PCA_CAN_VIEW)) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&view_pa); bXvgr = FALSE; for(i=0; (i<nfile); i++) bXvgr = bXvgr || (fnm[i].ftp == efXVG); if (bXvgr) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&code_pa); /* Now append the program specific arguments */ for(i=0; (i<npargs); i++) npall = add_parg(npall,all_pa,&(pa[i])); /* set etENUM options to default */ for(i=0; (i<npall); i++) if (all_pa[i].type==etENUM) all_pa[i].u.c[0]=all_pa[i].u.c[1]; /* Now parse all the command-line options */ get_pargs(argc,argv,npall,all_pa,FF(PCA_KEEP_ARGS)); if (FF(PCA_CAN_SET_DEFFNM) && (deffnm!=NULL)) set_default_file_name(deffnm); /* Parse the file args */ parse_file_args(argc,argv,nfile,fnm,FF(PCA_KEEP_ARGS)); /* Open the debug file */ if (debug_level > 0) { char buf[256]; if (gmx_mpi_initialized()) sprintf(buf,"%s%d.log",ShortProgram(),gmx_node_rank()); else sprintf(buf,"%s.log",ShortProgram()); init_debug(debug_level,buf); fprintf(stderr,"Opening debug file %s (src code file %s, line %d)\n", buf,__FILE__,__LINE__); } /* Now copy the results back... */ for(i=0,k=npall-npargs; (i<npargs); i++,k++) memcpy(&(pa[i]),&(all_pa[k]),(size_t)sizeof(pa[i])); for(i=0; (i<npall); i++) all_pa[i].desc = mk_desc(&(all_pa[i]), time_unit() ); bExit = bHelp || (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0); #if (defined __sgi && USE_SGI_FPE) doexceptions(); #endif /* Set the nice level */ #ifdef __sgi if (npri != 0 && !bExit) { schedctl(MPTS_RTPRI,0,npri); } #endif #ifdef HAVE_UNISTD_H #ifndef GMX_NO_NICE /* The some system, e.g. the catamount kernel on cray xt3 do not have nice(2). */ if (nicelevel != 0 && !bExit) i=nice(nicelevel); /* assign ret value to avoid warnings */ #endif #endif if (!(FF(PCA_QUIET) || bQuiet )) { if (bHelp) write_man(stderr,"help",program,ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm,npall,all_pa, nbugs,bugs,bHidden); else if (bPrint) { pr_fns(stderr,nfile,fnm); print_pargs(stderr,npall,all_pa,FALSE); } } if (strcmp(manstr[0],"no") != 0) { if(!strcmp(manstr[0],"completion")) { /* one file each for csh, bash and zsh if we do completions */ fp=man_file(program,"completion-zsh"); write_man(fp,"completion-zsh",program,ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm,npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); fp=man_file(program,"completion-bash"); write_man(fp,"completion-bash",program,ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm,npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); fp=man_file(program,"completion-csh"); write_man(fp,"completion-csh",program,ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm,npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); } else { fp=man_file(program,manstr[0]); write_man(fp,manstr[0],program,ndesc,desc,nfile,fnm,npall,all_pa,nbugs,bugs,bHidden); gmx_fio_fclose(fp); } } /* convert time options, must be done after printing! */ init_time_factor(); for(i=0; i<npall; i++) { if ((all_pa[i].type == etTIME) && (*all_pa[i].u.r >= 0)) { *all_pa[i].u.r *= timeinvfac; } } /* Extract Time info from arguments */ if (FF(PCA_CAN_BEGIN) && opt2parg_bSet("-b",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TBEGIN,opt2parg_real("-b",npall,all_pa)); if (FF(PCA_CAN_END) && opt2parg_bSet("-e",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TEND,opt2parg_real("-e",npall,all_pa)); if (FF(PCA_CAN_DT) && opt2parg_bSet("-dt",npall,all_pa)) setTimeValue(TDELTA,opt2parg_real("-dt",npall,all_pa)); /* clear memory */ sfree(all_pa); if (!FF(PCA_NOEXIT_ON_ARGS)) { if (*argc > 1) { gmx_cmd(argv[1]); } } if (bExit) { if (gmx_parallel_env) gmx_abort(gmx_node_rank(),gmx_node_num(),0); else exit(0); } #undef FF }
int handleMessage(struct __message *arg) { struct timeval tStart; struct __message msg = {0x0, }; struct __message resp = {0x0, }; memcpy(&msg, arg, sizeof(struct __message)); //TODO: handle packet //gettimeofday(&tStart, NULL); //TODO: wait until other request responded pthread_mutex_lock(&m_lock); gettimeofday(&tStart, NULL); //TODO: use cached resource if(msg.cmd == RESOURCE_CMD_REGISTER) { if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 0) { addObserver0(msg.owner, msg.iFd, msg.resource, msg.req_dur); } else if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 1) { addObserver1(msg.owner, msg.iFd, msg.resource, msg.req_dur, tStart); } else if(g_uiCacheAlgorithm == 2) { addObserver1(msg.owner, msg.iFd, msg.resource, msg.req_dur, tStart); } dumpObserver(); } else if (msg.cmd == RESOURCE_CMD_GET) { struct timeval tEnd; //TODO: get cached resource if(g_uiCacheMode && isCachedDataValid(tStart)) { //TODO: update cache timing information updateCache(tStart); //TODO: set server process time with zero setTimeValue(&(msg.server_recved), 0, 0); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_started), 0, 0); setTimeValue(&(msg.server_finished), 0, 0); //TODO: set message with time information gettimeofday(&tEnd, NULL); //TODO: set message with time information msg.resource = g_Resource1.iCachedResource; msg.uiMaxAge = g_Resource1.uiMaxAge - g_Resource1.uiCachedAge; printf("CACHED! Owner=%d, R=%d, MaxAge=%d, CachedAge=%d(%ld.%06ld)\n", msg.owner, g_Resource1.iCachedResource, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiCachedAge, tEnd.tv_sec%1000, \ tEnd.tv_usec ); } else { //TODO: init cache initCache(); //TODO: get a fresh resource from a server getResourceFromServer(&msg); //TODO: get current time gettimeofday(&tEnd, NULL); //TODO: set cached with information setCache(msg, tEnd); printf("NOT cached! Owner=%d, R=%d, MaxAge=%d, CachedAge=%d(%ld.%06ld)\n", msg.owner, g_Resource1.iCachedResource, g_Resource1.uiMaxAge, g_Resource1.uiCachedAge, tEnd.tv_sec%1000, \ tEnd.tv_usec ); } //TODO: set client process time //setTimeValue(&(msg.client_recved), 0, 0); //setTimeValue(&(msg.client_started), 0, 0); //TODO: set proxy process time //setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_recved), tStart.tv_sec, tStart.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_started), tStart.tv_sec, tStart.tv_usec); setTimeValue(&(msg.proxy_finished), tEnd.tv_sec, tEnd.tv_usec); //TODO: send information as response from proxy to client int temp = send(msg.iFd, &msg, sizeof(struct __message), 0); //TODO: set a new scheduled time of client /* struct timeval tB; tB.tv_sec = client->uiReqInterval/1000; tB.tv_usec = (client->uiReqInterval%1000)*1000; addTimeValue(&(client->tSched), client->tSched, tB); */ #if 1 dumpMessage(msg); #endif } pthread_mutex_unlock(&m_lock); //printf("---\n"); return 0; }