Beispiel #1
int main(string arg) {
  object who, victim;

  if( !arg )
    return notify_fail("==> [Format] frotz victim\n");

  victim = find_player(arg);
  if( !victim )
    return notify_fail("I can't find any such player '"+arg+"' to zap.\n");


  foreach( who : users() ) {
    set_actor( this_player() );
    set_target( victim );
    set_listener( who );
    msg_object(who,"~CTITFROTZ! ~CBRT~Name ~verbstrike ~targ with lightning.~CDEF");

  victim->set_env_var( "cause_of_death", "was frotzed by "+capitalize(this_player()->query_name())+"." );
  victim->add_hp( this_player()->query_level() / -4);

  return 1;
int BsdAttachListener::init() {
  char path[UNIX_PATH_MAX];          // socket file
  char initial_path[UNIX_PATH_MAX];  // socket file during setup
  int listener;                      // listener socket (file descriptor)

  // register function to cleanup

  int n = snprintf(path, UNIX_PATH_MAX, "%s/.java_pid%d",
                   os::get_temp_directory(), os::current_process_id());
  if (n < (int)UNIX_PATH_MAX) {
    n = snprintf(initial_path, UNIX_PATH_MAX, "%s.tmp", path);
  if (n >= (int)UNIX_PATH_MAX) {
    return -1;

  // create the listener socket
  listener = ::socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (listener == -1) {
    return -1;

  // bind socket
  struct sockaddr_un addr;
  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;
  strcpy(addr.sun_path, initial_path);
  int res = ::bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
  if (res == -1) {
    return -1;

  // put in listen mode, set permissions, and rename into place
  res = ::listen(listener, 5);
  if (res == 0) {
    RESTARTABLE(::chmod(initial_path, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE), res);
    if (res == 0) {
      // make sure the file is owned by the effective user and effective group
      // (this is the default on linux, but not on mac os)
      RESTARTABLE(::chown(initial_path, geteuid(), getegid()), res);
      if (res == 0) {
        res = ::rename(initial_path, path);
  if (res == -1) {
    return -1;

  return 0;
Beispiel #3
int main( string str ) {
   string pname, comm;
   object ob;

   if(this_player()->query_level() < WIZLEVEL) {
      msg("==> [Error] Access denied");
      return 0;

   if(!str || sscanf(str, "%s %s", pname, comm) != 2) {
      msg("==> [Format] force player command");
      return 1;

   ob = find_player(pname);
   if( !ob )  ob = find_living(pname);
   if(!ob) {
      msg("==> [Error] Could not find that player or creature.");
      return 1;

   if(ob->query_level() < this_player()->query_level() || this_player()->query_level() >= ADMLEVEL ) {
      set_actor( this_player() );
      set_listener( ob );
      msg_object(ob, "~Name forces you to "+comm+".");
      msg("You force them to "+comm);
      ob->receive( "\n"+this_player()->query_specific()+" forces you to '"+comm+"':\n" );
      command(comm, ob);
      if( ob )
         ob->receive( ob->query_prompt() );
   } else {
      msg("==> [Error] Access denied.");
       set_actor( this_player() );
      set_listener( ob );
      msg_object(ob, "~CWRN~Name tried to force you to ~CCOM"+comm+"~CWRN.~CDEF");
      msg("~CWRNThey have been notified of your attempt.~CDEF");


   return 1;
Beispiel #4
void DatalinkPrivate::attachToBuiltInTopic( DDSDataReaderListener* listener,
        char const * topicName,
        DDS_StatusMask mask )
    auto builtin_subscriber = participant->get_builtin_subscriber();

    // builtin_reader for new publications: topic DDS_SUBSCRIPTION_TOPIC_NAME
    auto builtin_sub_reader = builtin_subscriber->lookup_datareader(topicName);
    if (builtin_sub_reader == nullptr) {
        qCritical("error getting builtin_sub_reader\n");

    DDS_ReturnCode_t retcode = builtin_sub_reader->set_listener(listener, mask);
    if (retcode != DDS_RETCODE_OK) {
        qCritical("set_listener builtin_sub_reader error %d\n", retcode);

    DDS_DataReaderQos defReaderQoS;

    if( defReaderQoS.liveliness.lease_duration.is_infinite() )
        qDebug() << "For topic" << topicName <<"the built-in reader liveliness lease duration is INFINITY.";
        qDebug() << "For topic" << topicName <<"the built-in reader liveliness lease duration is"
                 << QString("%1.%2")
                 << "seconds.";

dmz::AudioModuleFMOD::destroy_listener (const Handle ListenerHandle) {

   Boolean result (False);
   if (_system) {

      ListenerStruct *listener = _listenerHandleTable.lookup (ListenerHandle);

      if (listener) {

         Int32 numListeners = _listenerHandleTable.get_count ();

         if (listener->index == (numListeners - 1)) {

            // Can simply reduce listener count in FMOD without rearranging indices

            FMOD_RESULT fmodResult (FMOD_OK);
            Boolean muteSuccess (True);

            // FMOD requires at least one listener
            if (numListeners > 1) {

               fmodResult = _system->set3DNumListeners (numListeners - 1);
            else {

               // To simulate a lack of any listeners, mute all sounds
               muteSuccess = set_mute_all_state (True);

            if (_error_check ("Destroying a Listener", fmodResult) && muteSuccess) {

               // Delete the listener
               _listenerHandleTable.remove (ListenerHandle);
               _listenerNameTable.remove (listener->Name);
               _listenerIndexTable.remove (listener->index);
               delete listener; listener = 0;
               result = True;
         else {
            // FMOD only allows the adjustment of the total number of listeners, so
            // we must swap the listener to be deleted with the last listener and
            // then reduce the total number of listeners in FMOD

            // Get last listener
            ListenerStruct *lastListener = _listenerIndexTable.lookup (numListeners - 1);

            if (lastListener) {

               // Get the position and orientation of listener to be moved
               Vector copiedPosition;
               Matrix copiedOrientation;
               Vector copiedVelocity;

               if (get_listener (
                     listener->get_handle (),
                     copiedVelocity)) {

                  // Change the FMOD listener index to the index of the listener to be
                  // deleted
                  lastListener->index = listener->index;

                  // Override the listener attributes in the index location of the deleted
                  // listener
                  if (set_listener (
                     lastListener->get_handle (),
                     copiedVelocity)) {

                     // Reduce reduce listener count in FMOD to erase the old data
                     // of the now duplicated listener at the end.
                     FMOD_RESULT fmodResult (
                        _system->set3DNumListeners (numListeners - 1));

                     if (_error_check ("Destroying a Listener", fmodResult)) {

                        // Delete the listener
                        _listenerHandleTable.remove (ListenerHandle);
                        _listenerNameTable.remove (listener->Name);
                        _listenerIndexTable.remove (listener->index);
                        delete listener; listener = 0;
                        result = True;

   return result;
Beispiel #6
/// Dig in the direction given in \a param, offsetting the player.
int on_dig( int param ) {
   string *res;
   int i, pos;
   object *picks;

   if( !param ) return 0; // Doesn't apply

   picks = filter(all_inventory(this_player()), (: ($1->query_held() && HAS_ASPECT($1, C_PICKAXE)) :));

   if ( !sizeof( picks )) {
      msg("You need to be holding a pickaxe.");
      return 0;

   pos = OFFSET_C(this_player()->query_coord(), param);

   // Hmm ... this'll break horribly if there are multiple
   // diggable things in the room, but I can't think of
   // a good solution right now, since validity checking has
   // to be procrastinated.
   if( !query_has_spot(pos) ) {
      msg("Digging that direction didn't work.");
      return 0; // Action disappears if you moved.

   this_player()->msg_local("~CACT~Name ~verbdig into the rock.~CDEF");
   this_player()->add_readiness( -500 );

   res = query_resource_types();
   if( res ) {
      object ob;
      i = 0;
      while( random(2) && i < sizeof(res) ) i++;
      if( i == sizeof(res) ) i = 0;
      if( !res[i] ) {
         msg("There was nothing interesting here.");
      else {
         ob = clone_object( res[i] );
		 // TODO: chance of getting more of the item
		 // ob->set_quantity(result)
         ob->move( this_player() );
         msg("You get ~targ.");
		 // chance of digging a gem
		 if( random(200)-1 < 2*this_player()->query_skill("knowledge.geology") ) {
            string gemname = "/daemon/gemstone"->query_gem_name(ob->query_name());
            if( gemname ) {
               ob = clone_object( "/econ/gem/"+gemname );
               // TODO: chance of getting more than one in terribly rich veins
               msg("You also got ~targ!");

   // this should probably be dependant on ob's durability,
   // but we don't have a stat for that

   if (sizeof(query_spots()) <= 0)

   return 1;
int LinuxAttachListener::init() {
  char path[PATH_MAX+1];	// socket file
  int listener;			// listener socket (file descriptor)

  // register function to cleanup

  char buffer[O_BUFLEN];
  int res = proxy_invoke_remote_VMAttachInitialize(StartAttachListener, &listener,
               &path[0], os::get_current_directory(buffer, sizeof(buffer)),

  if (res == -1) {
    RESTARTABLE(VM_ATTACH_CLOSE(listener), res);
    return -1;
  } else {
#else // !AZ_PROXIED
  // create the listener socket
  listener = ::socket(PF_UNIX, SOCK_STREAM, 0);
  if (listener == -1) {
    return -1;

  int res = -1;
  struct sockaddr_un addr;
  addr.sun_family = AF_UNIX;

  // FIXME: Prior to b39 the tool-side API expected to find the well
  // known file in the working directory. To allow this work with
  // a pre-b39 SDK we create it in the working directory if
  // +StartAttachListener is used is used. All unit tests for this feature
  // currently used this flag. Once b39 SDK has been promoted we can remove
  // this code.
  if (StartAttachListener) {
    sprintf(path, ".java_pid%d", os::current_process_id());
    strcpy(addr.sun_path, path);
    res = ::bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr));
  if (res == -1) {
    sprintf(path, "%s/.java_pid%d", os::get_temp_directory(), os::current_process_id());
    strcpy(addr.sun_path, path);
    res = ::bind(listener, (struct sockaddr*)&addr, sizeof(addr)); 
  if (res == -1) {
    return -1;

  // put in listen mode and set permission 
  if ((::listen(listener, 5) == -1) || (::chmod(path, S_IREAD|S_IWRITE) == -1)) {
    return -1;
#endif // !AZ_PROXIED

  return 0;