static vpx_codec_err_t decode_one(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                  const uint8_t **data, unsigned int data_sz,
                                  void *user_priv, int64_t deadline) {
  YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG sd = { 0 };
  int64_t time_stamp = 0, time_end_stamp = 0;
  vp9_ppflags_t flags = {0};
  VP9_COMMON *cm = NULL;

  ctx->img_avail = 0;

  // Determine the stream parameters. Note that we rely on peek_si to
  // validate that we have a buffer that does not wrap around the top
  // of the heap.
  if (!ctx->si.h) {
    const vpx_codec_err_t res =
        ctx->base.iface->dec.peek_si(*data, data_sz, &ctx->si);
    if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK)
      return res;

  // Initialize the decoder instance on the first frame
  if (!ctx->decoder_init) {
    if (ctx->pbi == NULL)
      return VPX_CODEC_ERROR;

    ctx->decoder_init = 1;

  cm = &ctx->pbi->common;

  if (vp9_receive_compressed_data(ctx->pbi, data_sz, data, deadline))
    return update_error_state(ctx, &cm->error);

  if (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC)
    set_ppflags(ctx, &flags);

  if (vp9_get_raw_frame(ctx->pbi, &sd, &time_stamp, &time_end_stamp, &flags))
    return update_error_state(ctx, &cm->error);

  yuvconfig2image(&ctx->img, &sd, user_priv);
  ctx->img.fb_priv = cm->frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx].raw_frame_buffer.priv;
  ctx->img_avail = 1;

  return VPX_CODEC_OK;
Beispiel #2
static vpx_codec_err_t decode_one(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                  const uint8_t **data, unsigned int data_sz,
                                  void *user_priv, int64_t deadline) {
  vp9_ppflags_t flags = {0};
  VP9_COMMON *cm = NULL;


  // Determine the stream parameters. Note that we rely on peek_si to
  // validate that we have a buffer that does not wrap around the top
  // of the heap.
  if (!ctx->si.h) {
    const vpx_codec_err_t res =
        decoder_peek_si_internal(*data, data_sz, &ctx->si, ctx->decrypt_cb,
    if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK)
      return res;

    if (!ctx->si.is_kf)
      return VPX_CODEC_ERROR;

  // Initialize the decoder instance on the first frame
  if (ctx->pbi == NULL) {
    if (ctx->pbi == NULL)
      return VPX_CODEC_ERROR;

  // Set these even if already initialized.  The caller may have changed the
  // decrypt config between frames.
  ctx->pbi->decrypt_cb = ctx->decrypt_cb;
  ctx->pbi->decrypt_state = ctx->decrypt_state;

  cm = &ctx->pbi->common;

  if (vp9_receive_compressed_data(ctx->pbi, data_sz, data))
    return update_error_state(ctx, &cm->error);

  if (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC)
    set_ppflags(ctx, &flags);

  return VPX_CODEC_OK;
static vpx_image_t *decoder_get_frame(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                      vpx_codec_iter_t *iter) {
  vpx_image_t *img = NULL;

  // Only return frame when all the cpu are busy or
  // application fluhsed the decoder in frame parallel decode.
  if (ctx->frame_parallel_decode && ctx->available_threads > 0 &&
      !ctx->flushed) {
    return NULL;

  // Output the frames in the cache first.
  if (ctx->num_cache_frames > 0) {
    ctx->last_show_frame  = ctx->frame_cache[ctx->frame_cache_read].fb_idx;
    if (ctx->need_resync)
      return NULL;
    img = &ctx->frame_cache[ctx->frame_cache_read].img;
    ctx->frame_cache_read = (ctx->frame_cache_read + 1) % FRAME_CACHE_SIZE;
    return img;

  // iter acts as a flip flop, so an image is only returned on the first
  // call to get_frame.
  if (*iter == NULL && ctx->frame_workers != NULL) {
    do {
      YV12_BUFFER_CONFIG sd;
      vp9_ppflags_t flags = {0, 0, 0};
      const VPxWorkerInterface *const winterface = vpx_get_worker_interface();
      VPxWorker *const worker =
      FrameWorkerData *const frame_worker_data =
          (FrameWorkerData *)worker->data1;
      ctx->next_output_worker_id =
          (ctx->next_output_worker_id + 1) % ctx->num_frame_workers;
      if (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC)
        set_ppflags(ctx, &flags);
      // Wait for the frame from worker thread.
      if (winterface->sync(worker)) {
        // Check if worker has received any frames.
        if (frame_worker_data->received_frame == 1) {
          frame_worker_data->received_frame = 0;
          check_resync(ctx, frame_worker_data->pbi);
        if (vp9_get_raw_frame(frame_worker_data->pbi, &sd, &flags) == 0) {
          VP9_COMMON *const cm = &frame_worker_data->pbi->common;
          RefCntBuffer *const frame_bufs = cm->buffer_pool->frame_bufs;
          ctx->last_show_frame = frame_worker_data->pbi->common.new_fb_idx;
          if (ctx->need_resync)
            return NULL;
          yuvconfig2image(&ctx->img, &sd, frame_worker_data->user_priv);
          ctx->img.fb_priv = frame_bufs[cm->new_fb_idx].raw_frame_buffer.priv;
          img = &ctx->img;
          return img;
      } else {
        // Decoding failed. Release the worker thread.
        frame_worker_data->received_frame = 0;
        ctx->need_resync = 1;
        if (ctx->flushed != 1)
          return NULL;
    } while (ctx->next_output_worker_id != ctx->next_submit_worker_id);
  return NULL;
static vpx_codec_err_t decode_one(vpx_codec_alg_priv_t *ctx,
                                  const uint8_t **data, unsigned int data_sz,
                                  void *user_priv, int64_t deadline) {
  vp9_ppflags_t flags = {0, 0, 0};
  const VP9WorkerInterface *const winterface = vp9_get_worker_interface();

  // Determine the stream parameters. Note that we rely on peek_si to
  // validate that we have a buffer that does not wrap around the top
  // of the heap.
  if (!ctx->si.h) {
    int is_intra_only = 0;
    const vpx_codec_err_t res =
        decoder_peek_si_internal(*data, data_sz, &ctx->si, &is_intra_only,
                                 ctx->decrypt_cb, ctx->decrypt_state);
    if (res != VPX_CODEC_OK)
      return res;

    if (!ctx->si.is_kf && !is_intra_only)
      return VPX_CODEC_ERROR;

  if (!ctx->frame_parallel_decode) {
    VP9Worker *const worker = ctx->frame_workers;
    FrameWorkerData *const frame_worker_data = (FrameWorkerData *)worker->data1;
    frame_worker_data->data = *data;
    frame_worker_data->data_size = data_sz;
    frame_worker_data->user_priv = user_priv;
    frame_worker_data->received_frame = 1;

    // Set these even if already initialized.  The caller may have changed the
    // decrypt config between frames.
    frame_worker_data->pbi->decrypt_cb = ctx->decrypt_cb;
    frame_worker_data->pbi->decrypt_state = ctx->decrypt_state;

    worker->had_error = 0;

    // Update data pointer after decode.
    *data = frame_worker_data->data_end;

    if (worker->had_error)
      return update_error_state(ctx, &frame_worker_data->pbi->common.error);

    check_resync(ctx, frame_worker_data->pbi);
  } else {
    VP9Worker *const worker = &ctx->frame_workers[ctx->next_submit_worker_id];
    FrameWorkerData *const frame_worker_data = (FrameWorkerData *)worker->data1;
    // Copy context from last worker thread to next worker thread.
    if (ctx->next_submit_worker_id != ctx->last_submit_worker_id)

    frame_worker_data->pbi->ready_for_new_data = 0;
    // Copy the compressed data into worker's internal buffer.
    // TODO(hkuang): Will all the workers allocate the same size
    // as the size of the first intra frame be better? This will
    // avoid too many deallocate and allocate.
    if (frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer_size < data_sz) {
      frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer =
          (uint8_t *)vpx_realloc(frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer, data_sz);
      if (frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer == NULL) {
        set_error_detail(ctx, "Failed to reallocate scratch buffer");
        return VPX_CODEC_MEM_ERROR;
      frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer_size = data_sz;
    frame_worker_data->data_size = data_sz;
    vpx_memcpy(frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer, *data, data_sz);

    frame_worker_data->frame_decoded = 0;
    frame_worker_data->frame_context_ready = 0;
    frame_worker_data->received_frame = 1;
    frame_worker_data->data = frame_worker_data->scratch_buffer;
    frame_worker_data->user_priv = user_priv;

    if (ctx->next_submit_worker_id != ctx->last_submit_worker_id)
      ctx->last_submit_worker_id =
          (ctx->last_submit_worker_id + 1) % ctx->num_frame_workers;

    ctx->next_submit_worker_id =
        (ctx->next_submit_worker_id + 1) % ctx->num_frame_workers;
    worker->had_error = 0;

  if (ctx->base.init_flags & VPX_CODEC_USE_POSTPROC)
    set_ppflags(ctx, &flags);

  return VPX_CODEC_OK;