Beispiel #1
void create() {
    set_short("A long corridor");
    set_long("A long rectangular corridor stretches out north to south, constructed of grey stone bricks packed together with grey mortar. Clumps of mold dot the floor, walls and ceiling here, although their growth appears to be hampered by the lack of light. The corridor is perfectly straight with little apparent purpose and the end is impossible to see. A shimmering field appears to be blocking the exit to the north. There is writing engraved on the wall here.");
    set_smell("default", "It smells musty and dank here.");
    set_listen("default", "There are no sounds here.");


	"light" : 1,
	"night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
	"indoors" : 1,
	"outdoors" : 0,
	"no_clean" : 1,
	"no clean" : 1,

    if (random==0)
	set_items((["writing" : " A window I am, \n A lamp too, \n Maybe dark, \n Maybe clear, \n I live in white, \n I speak volumes, \n But no words will I say. \n What am I? \n",]));
	answer = "eye";
Beispiel #2
void create() {
    set_short("A long corridor");
    set_long("A long rectangular corridor stretches out north to south, constructed of grey stone bricks packed together with grey mortar. Clumps of mold dot the floor, walls and ceiling here, although their growth appears to be hampered by the lack of light. The corridor is perfectly straight with little apparent purpose and the end is impossible to see. A shimmering field appears to be blocking the exit to the north. There is writing engraved on the wall here.");
    set_smell("default", "It smells musty and dank here.");
    set_listen("default", "There are no sounds here.");


	"light" : 1,
	"night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
	"indoors" : 1,
	"outdoors" : 0,
	"no_clean" : 1,
	"no clean" : 1,

    if (random==0)
	set_items((["writing" : " The moment you break me I am instantly fixed, \n Waiting to be broken again. \n More effort it will take to break me once more, \n Although many will try. \n What am I?",]));
	answer = "record";
Beispiel #3
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Outdoor room");
      "There are birds chirping in the trees.  "


      "Evil red eyes glowing in the night."
        "room" : "a room.",
    set_smell("default", "It smells of outdoors..");
    set_listen("default", "Sounds like a forest");
    set_exits( ([
"west" :  ROOMS "outdoor",
"north" : ROOMS "outdoor2",
    ]) );

Beispiel #4
void extra_create()
  set_short( "Cellaria's dungeon, torture chamber" );
  set_long(wrap("The air here reeks with the scent of decay. Bodies have "+
  "been thrown all over, in various states of decomposition. The room is "+
  "tiled in white, and it would be pretty if not for the copious bloodstains "+
  "all over everything. It is quickly apparent where they come from: all "+
  "over the room are torture devices. Dried rivulets of blood lead from each "+
  "one to the center of the room, where a depression in the floor is "+
  "stained almost black with what must be liters of dried blood. This place "+
  "makes you sick to your stomach and you wish to leave immediately.\n"));
  "bodies" : "The bodies are of all different races, but most seem to be "+
  "humans, elves, or dwarves. You wonder if they might have been Vaerlon "+
  "citizens, and what they did to deserve such a fate. Some bodies have been "+
  "so disfigured that you aren't even sure what they were in the first place. "+
  "The owner of this chamber of killing must have been cruel indeed.\n", 
  ({ "torture devices", "devices"}) : "All manner of cruel instruments adorn "+
  "the room: iron maidens, piles of thumb screws, fire pits with cold iron "+
  "brands resting in them, and others whose usage you don't even want to "+
  "guess at. You notice that next to each device, there is a small weapons "+
  "rack that looks like it would hold some sort of long, thin weapon.\n",
Beispiel #5
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2, "indoors" : 0]) );
    set_short("outside a tower");
      "Trees block the path from going north and west. A small puddle "
      "of water lies here. To the south east the tower stretches into the "
      "sky.  A pitiful attempt at a flower garden rests between the path "
      "and the tower. "
	"tower" : "It stretches above the trees. ",
	"trees" : "They make up Fenton Woods.",
	"path" : "It is old and dry. It leads west and east.",
	"garden" : "Dead flowers lie in the garden.",
	"puddle" : "A small puddle of water with no significance.",
   set_listen("default", "Birds chirping from the forest.");
   set_exits( ([ 
        "east" : ROOMS"room20.c",
        "south" : ROOMS"room22.c",
    ]) );
Beispiel #6
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
   set_properties( ([ "no teleport" : 1]) );
   set_short("Adavi Swamp");
      "A small clearing in the trees reveals a massive monument "
      "which looks like three giant steps that leads up into the "
      "heavens.  Some vines cling onto the wall of the first step.  "
      "A small path leads around this monument and back west."
      "A small clearing in the trees reveals a massive monument "
      "which looks like three giant steps that leads up into the "
      "heavens.  Some vines cling onto the wall of the first step.  "
      "A small path leads around this monument and back west."
        "clearing" : ".",
        "trees" : ".",
        "monument" : ".",
        "steps"  : ".",
        "heavens"   : ".",
        "vines"  : ".",
        "wall"   : ".",
        "path" : ".",
        "step" : ".",
    set_smell("default", "A fresh crisp cold air fills your lungs.");
    set_exits( ([
"north" : BLACK "b21",
"south" : BLACK "b23",
"west" : BLACK "b32",
    ]) );
Beispiel #7
void create() {
    set_short("Citrin Forest");
    set_day_long("The forest path weaves around a large oak tree to the north. "
		 "The tree is covered with a very thick bark.  Something can be "
		 "seen high above.  Look above you see a platform of somekind. "
		 "the path continues to the northeast and northwest bypassing this "
		 "magnificent tree.");
    set_night_long("The forest path weaves around a large oak tree to the north. "
		 "The tree is covered with a very thick bark.  Something can be "
		 "seen high above.  Look above you see a platform of somekind. "
		 "the path continues to the northeast and northwest bypassing this "
		 "magnificent tree.");

        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
        "forest" : 1,
        "northwest" : ROOMS+"openpath_3.c",
        "northeast" : ROOMS+"openpath_5.c",
Beispiel #8
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Uwagi Town");
      "A huge branch of the vine blocks the path, making "
      "it impossible to pass through."
      "Mounds of wild vines can be seen under the light of "
      "fire-flies.  A thick branch blocks the path, making "
      "it impossible to pass through."
        "branch" : "It blocks your direction going south.",
        "vine" : "It's very thick, and very much alive.",
        "mound" : "Nothing but branches, tangled up with itself.",
        "flies" : "Unique, it actually has a flame for a body.",
    set_exits( ([
"southeast" : TOWN "town18",
    ]) );
Beispiel #9
void create()
        set_name("draelm's magic shop");
        set_short("Draelm's Magic Shop");
        set_long("Draelm's Magic Shop is a world famous importer of rare and powerful magical items. The shop has a large counter near the back of the room, it looks to be made of marble. On the east wall is a large fireplace with a large fire roaring in it.  A giant chandelier hangs from the ceiling, made completely of crystal. Draelm stands behind the counter ready to help any customers.");  
        set_properties( ([ 
        "town"        : 1, 
        "light"       : 2,
        "night light" : -2,        
        ]) );
            "fireplace"  :     "A large stone fireplace with a roaring fire.",
            "fire"       :     "The fire comes up from nothing, it must be magical in origin.",
            "counter"    :     "A huge marble counter, it reflects the dancing light of the fire.",
            "chandelier" :     "An expensive looking light fixture made of pure crystal.",
        set_listen("default", "The crackling of the fire echoes around the room.");
        set_smell("default", "The air is stale.");
			"north"		: ROOMS "thrarandil052.c",
Beispiel #10
void create() {
    set_properties( (["light":1, "indoors":1, "cave":1]) );
    set_short("Raknid's Nest");
      "The path ends at a hut bearing a sign of "
      "a tear-drop. "
        "torches" : "It lights up the path making it "
                    "easier to see.",
        "path" : "Made of smooth stones taken from the "
                 "river bed.",
        "stones" : "It's worn smooth, from the years of "
    set_exits( ([
"northeast" : HIVE "hiv22",
"southwest" : HIVE "hiv13",
    ])  );
Beispiel #11
void create() {
    set_short("The Inner Temple");
    set_long("A narrow and long staircase rests to the north, leading up to a room that brilliant light spills "
        "out from.  Each step is made of a petrified wood that dim light shines through.  A great fire burns to "
        "the south.");
          "staircase" : "The staircase is quite long but narrow.",
          "steps" : "The steps are made of petrified wood and a dim light shines through them.",
          "fire" : "Raging with life but not out of control, this great fire burns brilliantly to the side of the room.",
        "indoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 1,
        "no teleport" : 1,
        "up" : ROOMS "seekpal36.c",
        "south" : ROOMS "seekpal34.c",
set_pre_exit_functions( ({ "up" }), ({ "go_up" }) );
Beispiel #12
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2]) );
    set_short("Town of Umi");
      "As the town comes to an end, the path ends just short of an airbubble, "
      "which seems to be holding back the water.  Outside the bubble, fish "
      "are swimming in all directions."
        "town" : "Safely hidden from unknown visitors.",
        "air-bubble" : "Keeps water out and air inside",
        "bubble" : "Keeps water out and air inside",
        "fish" : "All sorts of fish out there, just swimming around",
        "water" : "A deep royal blue in color",
        "path" : "Unusual, it is made of coral, not found in swamps",
        "coral" : "White and pink mostly, and very smooth",
    set_listen("default", "Relaxing sounds of water soothing the mind");
    set_exits( ([
"east" : UMI "umi10",
    ]) );
Beispiel #13
void create_object(void)
    set_short("A boathouse down by the river");
    set_long("You are in a boathouse in the village. The walls in this " +
             "house are covered with nets, lines, holders for oars and " +
             "shelves with boating equipment. There are only three walls " +
             "here, and where the east wall is supposed to be is a big " +
             "opening through which a slide leads straight down into the " +
             "river. The river flows swiftly past this point, and on the " +
             "other side you see the forest.\n");

    add_item("boathouse","You are in it. It's a house down by the river " +
             "where boats and boating equipment is kept");
    add_item("wall|walls","They are covered with various fishing equipment");
    add_item("nets","Nets hung up to dry");
    add_item("lines","Ropes and fishing lines");
    add_item("holders","Holders for oars");
                  "Hmm, most of the oars seem to be in pretty bad shape. " +
                  "However, you do spot one oar that may be usable",
                  "The oars are in pretty bad shape, none of them are " +
                  "usable" }));
Beispiel #14
void create_object(void)
    set_short("Lallan the apothecary",1);
    set_long("Lallan is a man in his fifties with graying hair and blue " +
    add_money(200 + random(200));

    load_chat(10,({ "Lallan says: Take my advice, leave while you still " +
                    "Lallan says: If you're staying here, you'll be needing " +
                    "my wares.\n"
Beispiel #15
void create() {
    set_name("Hold of the Black Trident");
    set_short("Hold of the Black Trident");
    set_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^The hold of the ship, the very bottom of the vessel. This is where all the pirate's loot is kept. Piles of gold and gems cover the floor A few chests are lined up against the wall, holding trinkets and other valubales. A large scroll has been nailed to the wall, detailing every last coin that has been put down here.%^RESET%^"
	"night light":1,
	"no teleport":1,
	"no kill":1,
	"no bump":1,
	"no steal":1,
  set_smell("default", "The room smells like seawater and metal.");

  set_listen("default", "Theboards creak and groan under the pressure of the water..");
Beispiel #16
void create()
    set_name("feng avenue");
    set_short("Feng avenue");
    set_long("Feng avenue bisects Lidelas, splitting the town into the north and south ends. Feng avenue runs from the far west end of town, to the far east side of town. The avenue is made of very fine cobble stone, each stone looks almost new. Many large buildings line the street, the common theme between them all is that every one of them has ornate sculptures of gargoyles at points all over the buildings. All of the gargoyles seem to have been made to face the street, so that they may look onto anyone who passes by. Every building has many arched windows, above every window is a sharp point that eventually leads to a sharp tower. To the north is a large church, enormous glass windows dominate the front of the building. Large bells hang from the very top of the church. To the south sits a gigantic building with large wooden doors. A large amount of noise comes from the building, a large number of people must be in there. Two large torches sit just in front of the building.");
    set_properties( ([
                         "light"       : 2,
                         "night light" : 2,]) );
                   "gargoyles"    :  "They are not very large, and seem to be carved into the building.",
                   "torches"      :  "Large torches that burn brightly."
    set_listen("default", "The sound of carts moving on the stone steets can be heard in all directions.");
    set_smell("default", "The odor of horse manure fills the air.");
                   "east"		: ROOMS "lidelas028.c",
                   "west"		: ROOMS "lidelas033.c",
                   "north"		: ROOMS "lidelas031.c",
                   "south"		: ROOMS "lidelas032.c",
    add_pre_exit_function("north", "go_north");
    add_pre_exit_function("south", "go_south");
Beispiel #17
void create_object(void)
    set_short("The second floor of the sanatarium");
    set_long("You are on the second floor of the sanatarium. This is a " +
             "dark, smelly room with a small barred window on the west " +
             "wall. There is no furniture in this room, only a bed of " +
             "straw in one corner of the room. You shiver when you think " +
             "about what it would be like to get locked inside a room " +
             "like this.\n");

    add_item("window","A small barred window overlooking the road");
    add_item("bars|bar","Strong iron bars");
    add_item("road","You look out the window, but decide that you'd get a " +
             "better look of the road if you'd go down there");
    add_item("bed","Well, it's just a heap of straw, really");
    add_item("heap|straw","A heap of straw. It's a sorry excuse for a bed");
    add_item("%|%urin|%decay|%room","BLAEH! The room reeks of urin and decay");

    (ROOM + "sanatarium4")->load_doors();
Beispiel #18
void create()
        set_name("north emmurd street");
        set_short("North Emmurd Street");
        set_long("North Emmurd Street passes by the cathedral before it ends, it is a street made of the finest cobble stone. The large cathedral lies to the northwest, its fine stained glass windows are a marvel to see. A solitary street light stands on the east side of the street. Several larger office buildings line the east side of the street, they stand only half as tall as the cathedral.");  
        set_properties( ([ 
        "town"        : 1, 
        "light"       : 2,
        "night light" : -2,        
        ]) );
            "street light"  :   "An old kerosene street lamp.",
            "cathedral"     :   "A large church with many elegant carvings.",
        set_listen("default", "It is very quiet in this part of town.");
        set_smell("default", "The strong smell of sea salt fills the air.");
			"northwest" : ROOMS "thrarandilChall2.c",
			"north"     : ROOMS "thrarandil044.c",
			"south"     : ROOMS "thrarandil000.c",
Beispiel #19
void extra_create()
    set_short("Glitch the wiztoy");
    set_long("This is a small glowing orb, about the size of a baseball. It"+
      " seems to be made of solid ruby, and is perfetly smooth. It pulsates with a"+
      " red light and you get the feeling like it might be alive. You decide it may"+
      " be best to leave it alone.\n");

Beispiel #20
void extra_create()
    set_name( "a goblin digger" );
    add_alias( "goblin" );
    add_alias( "goblin digger" );
    add_alias( "digger" );
    set_short( "a goblin digger" );
    set_long( "This ugly goblin looks really worn out. "
      "It's dressed in just a loin cloth. It's nails are "
      "yellow with fungus, and dirt is lodged underneath them. "
      "It toils away digging for something valuable." );
    if( random( 2 ) )
      set_gender( "male" );
     set_gender( "female" );

    set_race( "goblin" );
    set_alignment( random( -4000 ) );
    if( random( 2 ) )
        set_alignment( random(4000 ) );
    set_stat( "str", 100 + random( 100 ) );
    set_stat( "wil", 150 + random( 100 ) );
    set_stat( "int", random( 100 ) );
    set_stat( "con", 140 + random( 40 ) );
    set_skill( "dodge", 40 );
    set_proficiency( "hands", 60 );
    set_aggressive( 0 );
    switch( random( 3 ) + 1 )
      case 1 : THISO->ogre(); break;
      case 2 : THISO->body(); break;
      case 3 : break;
      default : break;
Beispiel #21
void create()
        set_name("small island");
        set_short("Small island");
        set_long("Lush green plants cover the entire island with the exception of a sandy shore that circles the island. "
                  "Out in the water are the piers of Simaril, and beyond that the town of the same name. "
                  "Several large trees stand tall above the plants to the west, deeper into the island. "       
        set_properties( ([
        "light"       : 2,
        "night light" : 0,
        "forest"      : 1,
        ]) );
        "piers"     :   "Several large wooden piers jut out into the sea from the land to the north.",
        "sea"       :   "A vast sea which looks endless.",
        ({"city","simaril"})      :   "The port town of Simaril, if it can be found in the world, it is probably sold here. Traders come from all around the world to try and sell rare and expensive items.",
        "island"    :   "A small island covered with lush greens.",
        "water"     :   "Small waves break on the sandy shore. It may be possible to swim to land and reach the town from here.",
        "plants"    :   "A wide variety of green plant life that grows wild.",
        "shore"     :   "A thin sandy beach that circles most of the island.",
        "trees"     :   "Large, thin, and tall. Maybe they have some fruit growing on them.",
Beispiel #22
void create() {
    set_short("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Eternal Darkness%^RESET%^");
    set_day_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Ghastly buildings surround the area.  The ground is warped from seizemic activity, the tiles that once decorate it cracked or no where to be found.  Faint light shines out of some houses and it looks like they were borded up to protect the outside town from them rather than the other way around.");
    set_night_long("%^BOLD%^%^BLACK%^Ghastly buildings surround the area.  The ground is warped from seizemic activity, the tiles that once decorate it cracked or no where to be found.  Faint light shines out of some houses and it looks like they were borded up to protect the outside town from them rather than the other way around.");
        "houses" : "They look old and abandoned."
        "outdoors" : 1,
        "light" : 1,
        "night light" : 0,
	"no teleport" : 1,
        "west" : ROOMS "dtowne5.c",
	"east" : ROOMS "dtowne7.c",
Beispiel #23
void create()
        set_long("The bridges sway in the wind, letting out loud groans. The bridge circles around a large tree, connecting small shacks built into the tree. Underneath each bridge is a large amount of brush, hiding the bridge from view from underneath. Small torches line the buildings, providing some small amount of light. Far below on the forest floor, objects can be seen moving around. All of the structures in the village seem to have been made from scrap wood, it all looks very unstable.");  
        set_properties( ([
        "light"       : 2,
        "night light" : 2,
        "forest"      : 2,
        ]) );
    	"building"     :   "Small wooden buildings high above the ground.",
    	"torches"      :   "Small torches line the buildings, lighting the village",
    	"bridge"       :   "Long old bridges made of scrap wood."
	    set_listen("default", "The bridges creak with each step as the wind howls.");
	    set_smell("default", "The fresh forest air smells nice.");
			"south"	    : ROOMS "prudash004.c",
			"north"	    : ROOMS "prudash006.c",
			"northeast"	: ROOMS "prudash007.c",
Beispiel #24
void create() {
   set_properties( ([ "light" : 2, "indoors" : 1]) );
    set_short("At the shores of Terra");
      "%^BOLD%^This is the mighty shore of Terra.  The "        "mighty %^BLUE%^ocean %^RESET%^%^BOLD%^can be "
       "seen to the south.  To the north is a great "
       "wall, while past that lies a great Palace.  "
       "Barely within mortal view, past the palace, a "
       "tarnished silver tower stands tall, reaching "
       "straight into the heavens.  To the northeast "
       "there appears to be a golden structure of some "
       "kind, it looks abandoned with vines and plants "
       "growing all over it.  Northwest there is a dark "
       "looking cavern.");
        "wall" : "The wall shimmers with silver.  The "
              "guards stand within it ready to protect "
              "their beautiful city, probably from the "
        "palace" : "The Palace shimmers slightly, it " 
              "was made a goddess named Terra. ",
        "tower" : "A huge, seemingly never-ending tower "
              "reaches far into the heavens, far, far "
              "to the north.",
        "caverns" : "The caverns radiate with evil.",
        "structure" : "A golden structure that looks "

    set_exits( ([ "north" : ROOMS  "trm2",
    ]) );
Beispiel #25
void create() {
    set_short("West Honin Road.");
      "Honin Road is a highly-traveled road that runs west and east through "
      "Tirun. Just east of here, teaming with activity, the market square begins. "
      "Far to the west, above the city gates, a great mountain range can be seen. "
      "Ancient stones underfoot run east and west, making the road easy to traverse. ");
        "Honin Road is mostly deserted at night.  The shadows to the east suggest a place "
        "of many buildings while to the west the road leads away into "
        "darkness.  The stones underfoot are hard to make out in the dark. ");
              (["west" : ROOMS"whonin2",
                "east" : ROOMS"square7",
]) );

    set_property("light", 3);
    set_property("night light", 1);
        (["road" : "Honin Road leads to Arulo Juncture east and out "
            "of town west.",
          "juncture" : "The central square of Tirun."]) );
Beispiel #26
void create_object(void)
    set_short("A road through the forest");
    set_long("You have entered the forest again. The road continues to the " +
             "east and the road is slowly beginning to slope upwards again. " +
             "The forest is closing in to the road and the branches of the " +
             "trees are reaching out over the road. The castle is no longer " +
             "in view and you feel relieved to have escaped it's attention. " +
             "Some distance to the west is the bridge crossing the river.\n");

    add_item("forest","A forest of oak trees. Dark and silent around you");
    add_item("road","The road continues to the east and to the west");
    add_item("ground","The ground is beginning to slope upwards as you " +
             "approach the east side of the valley");
    add_item("side|valley","You are now on the east side of the valley");
    add_item("branch|branches","All the branches seem thick and healthy");
    add_item("trees|tree|oak|oaks","All the trees in this forest seem to " +
             "be tall, majestic oaks");
    add_item("bridge|river","It is some distance to the west");

    add_exit(ROOM + "castle_road1","west");
    add_exit(ROOM + "castle_road3","east");
Beispiel #27
void create() {
    set_properties( (["light" : 2, "indoors":1, "night light" : 1, ]) );
    set_short( "the Mountain Dwarf city" );
    set_long("The huge church is a building made of very polished stones with large stained glass windows.  Candles float throughout the air, lighting the church fully.  There are no benches, just a huge open space.  There appears to be a tall circular stone in the center of the church.  Old leather books are scattered on the floor.");
"out" : ROOMS"mountaindwarf/86",
"north" : ROOMS"mountaindwarf/95",
"west" : ROOMS"mountaindwarf/101",
    set_items( ([
"stones":"The stones that make up the church are white and polished.",
"windows":"The windows surrounding the church are of stained glass, creating a prism of color in the church.",
"stained glass windows":"The windows surrounding the church are of stained glass, creating a prism of color in the church.",
"candles":"The candles are floating in midair, by some sort of magic.",
"stone":"The stone in the center of the church seems to be a focal point.",
"books":"They seem to be prayerbooks, written in a language you do not understand.",
]) );
    set_smell("default",  "The church has a flowery fragrance to it.");
    set_listen("default", "The sound of arguing seems to come from the center of the church.");

              if( random(100) < DIRAN_MOB_CHANCE){ new(MOB "mdcleric")->move(this_object()); }
              if( random(100) < DIRAN_MOB_CHANCE){ new(MOB "mdcleric")->move(this_object()); }
Beispiel #28
void create_object(void)
    set_short("A small, round cave");
    set_long("A small, round cave with a low ceiling. It is difficult to " +
             "stand up straight in here without bumping your head. The " +
             "gray stone walls are rough, and a bit to close to each " +
             "other for you to feel completely at ease. To the northeast " +
             "is another, larger cave. A disgusting smell is coming from " +
             "that direction. South is an opening that will take you out " +
             "into the open air again. The smell and cramped nature of " +
             "this cave makes that opening look very inviting\n");
    add_item("cave","A small, round cave with rough stone walls, floor and " +
             "ceiling. You feel cramped in here, and you'd rather leave");
    add_item("floor|ceiling","Rough, gray stone");
    add_item("wall|walls","The rough stone walls seem to close in on " +
             "you, giving you a most unpleasant feeling");
    add_item("opening","It will take you back out into the quarry");    
    add_exit(ROOM + "stone_quarry","out");
    add_exit(ROOM + "dgcave_dump","northeast");
Beispiel #29
void create() {
   set_short("Above the southeastern turret");
   set_day_long("This is part of the platform roof above the southeastern "
     "turret. From the this platform, the northeastern turret is visible. "
     "Although they are not much higher than the rest of the main temple, "
     "the turrets are the highest point of the temple besides the tower "
     "in the center of the temple.");
   set_night_long("The platform roof above the southeastern turret is one "
     "of the highest places on the surrounding hill, though it is not much "
     "higher than the rest of the temple. From this point, the northeast"
     "ern turret can be seen. The eastern side of the temple is also "
     "completely visible in the night.");
     "temple" : "Most of the temple is visible from here.",
     "turret" : "The northeastern turret can be seen."
   set_properties(([ "light" : 2, "night light" : 2, "outdoors" : 1 ]));
     "down"  : ROOMS"l1se2",
     "west"  : ROOMS"l2se1",
     "south" : ROOMS"l2se4",
Beispiel #30
void create() {
    set_long("The dwarves make these bracers and sell them to others for a heavy profit.  They are lightweight and offer excellent protection.  They are also quite valuable.");
    set_id(({"bracer", "dwarven forged bracer", "dwarven bracer", "forged bracer"}));