Beispiel #1
  VM::VM(uint32_t id, SharedState& shared)
    : ManagedThread(id, shared, ManagedThread::eRuby)
    , saved_call_frame_(0)
    , stack_start_(0)
    , run_signals_(false)
    , thread_step_(false)

    , shared(shared)
    , waiting_channel_(this, (Channel*)Qnil)
    , interrupted_exception_(this, (Exception*)Qnil)
    , interrupt_with_signal_(false)
    , waiting_header_(0)
    , custom_wakeup_(0)
    , custom_wakeup_data_(0)
    , om(
    , check_local_interrupts(false)
    , thread_state_(this)
    , thread(this, nil<Thread>())
    , current_fiber(this, nil<Fiber>())
    , root_fiber(this, nil<Fiber>())

    if( {
      young_start_ =>young_start();
      young_end_ =>yound_end();
      local_slab_.refill(0, 0);

    tooling_env_ = rbxti::create_env(this);
    tooling_ = false;

    allocation_tracking_ = shared.config.allocation_tracking;
Beispiel #2
VM::VM(SharedState& shared)
    : ManagedThread(shared, ManagedThread::eRuby)
    , saved_call_frame_(0)
    , stack_start_(0)
    , run_signals_(false)
    , thread_step_(false)

    , shared(shared)
    , waiter_(NULL)
    , interrupt_with_signal_(false)
    , om(
    , interrupts(shared.interrupts)
    , check_local_interrupts(false)
    , thread_state_(this)
    , thread(this, nil<Thread>())
    , current_fiber(this, nil<Fiber>())
    , root_fiber(this, nil<Fiber>())
    os_thread_ = pthread_self(); // initial value

    if( {
        young_start_ =>young_start();
        young_end_ =>yound_end();>refill_slab(local_slab_);

    tooling_env_ = rbxti::create_env(this);
    tooling_ = false;
Beispiel #3
int main( int argc, char **argv ) {
    pthread_attr_t attr;
    size_t stacksize;
    struct thread_info threads[NTHREADS];
    int thread_num;

    unsigned long start = memory_report();

    printf( "Create %d threads with stack size = %d\n",
            NTHREADS, KB(set_stack_size(&attr)) );

    for ( thread_num = 0 ; thread_num < NTHREADS ; thread_num++ ) {
	struct thread_info *current = &( threads[thread_num] );
        if ( pthread_create(&(current->tid), &attr, dowork, current) != 0 ) {
            perror( "pthread_create" );
            exit( -1 );
        pthread_yield(); /* to make sure thread gets started */

    unsigned long end = memory_report();
    unsigned long delta = end - start;

    printf( "Memory delta is %lu KB (%lu MB)\n", KB(delta), KB(KB(delta)) );

Beispiel #4
// pop the first lnode in the stack
// decrement the size of stack
// if the stack is empty, return NULL;
lnode *pop(lnode *head)
   lnode *node = head->next;
   if (node != NULL) { // there is something in the stack
      head->next = node->next;
      node->next = NULL;
      set_stack_size(head, stack_size(head)-1);
   return node;
Beispiel #5
// empty out the stack (except the dummy)
void stack_flush(lnode *head)
   lnode *curr = head->next;
   while (curr != NULL) {
      lnode *tmp = curr->next;
      curr = tmp;
   head->next = NULL;
   set_stack_size(head, 0);
Beispiel #6
matrix_mul::matrix_mul(sc_core::sc_module_name name, double period,
  sc_core::sc_time_unit unit, unsigned char id, unsigned char priority,
  bool verbose) :
  SpaceBaseModule(name, period, unit, id, priority, verbose) {

 set_stack_size(0x16000 + 100 * 100 * 4 * 3);

 m_result = new unsigned int[100 * 100];
 m_operand1 = new unsigned int[100 * 100];
 m_operand2 = new unsigned int[100 * 100];
Beispiel #7
 VM::VM(SharedState& shared)
   : ManagedThread(shared)
   , saved_call_frame_(0)
   , stack_start_(0)
   , profiler_(0)
   , run_signals_(false)
   , shared(shared)
   , waiter_(NULL)
   , om(
   , interrupts(shared.interrupts)
   , check_local_interrupts(false)
   , thread_state_(this)
   , thread(this, (Thread*)Qnil)
   , current_fiber(this, (Fiber*)Qnil)
   probe.set(Qnil, &globals().roots);
Beispiel #8
 void VM::set_current_fiber(Fiber* fib) {
Beispiel #9
matrix_mul::matrix_mul(sc_core::sc_module_name name, double period, sc_core::sc_time_unit unit, unsigned char id, unsigned char priority, bool verbose)
:SpaceBaseModule(name, period, unit, id, priority, verbose) {
Beispiel #10
// return NULL if the tree cannot be constructed
// return the constructed huffman tree
// if you want to check for corruption of input file
// check whether you have fully exhausted all bytes in
// the header section to build the tree
tnode *Build_huffman_tree(FILE *infptr)
   // you have to use to fseek to get to the right location of the file
   unsigned int fsize, hsize,csize;
   // to build the Huffman coding tree
   // First unsigned int in the file is the file size
   fread(&fsize,sizeof(unsigned int),1,infptr);
   // second unsigned int is the header size
   fread(&hsize,sizeof(unsigned int),1,infptr);
   // third unsigned int is the number of characters in the original file
   fread(&csize,sizeof(unsigned int),1,infptr);

   // initialize the stack, here, we have a dummy called stack
   // the code in list_tree.c assumes the presence of a dummy
   // the size of the stack is 0

   lnode stack; = NULL;
   set_stack_size(&stack, 0);
   int token;  // token to be read from the infptr
   int next = 0;
   tnode *tree;
   lnode *nodetree;
   lnode *elementl;
   lnode *elementr;
   tnode *treefin;  
   int size = 0;
   // while we are in the header region
   // break from the loop when you cannot continue to build a tree
   // e.g. encountering EOF, asked to build a tree from two trees
   // on the stack, but the stack contains 0 or 1 tree.
   int count = 0;  
   while (1) { // replace if necessary the correct condition
      token = fgetc(infptr); // get a character from the infptr
      if (token == '1') {
	// what follows should be a character
        // read the character
        // build a tree that has a single tree node for that character
        // construct a list node with that tree node
        // push the list node onto the stack
        next = fgetc(infptr);
        tree = tree_construct(next, NULL, NULL);
	nodetree = node_construct(tree);
	push(&stack, nodetree);

      } else if (token == '0') {  
         // You have to build a bigger tree from two trees in the list nodes
         // popped from the stack
         // After that, you have to push a list node containing the bigger
         // tree onto the stack
         // Beware of:  (1) You can do the construction if there are 
         // 2 or more items in the stack 
         // (2) which of the two trees popped from the stack
         // is left and which is right of the bigger tree
         // (3) cleaning up so that you do not leak memory
         if (stack_size(&stack) < 2)
	 if ((size = stack_size(&stack)) >= 2)
            elementr = pop(&stack);
	    elementl = pop(&stack);	
	    treefin = tree_construct(0,elementl->tree,elementr->tree);
	    nodetree = node_construct(treefin);
	    push(&stack, nodetree);

   // check for the conditions that says that you have successfully
   // constructed a huffman coding tree:
   // you have exhausted all bytes in the header region of the file
   // you have exactly 1 item on the stack
   // in that case, the constructed huffman is contained in the 
   // only list node on the stack, get it, and return the constructed tree
   // otherwise, return NULL
   // always clean up memory to avoid memory leak
   tnode *newtree = -> tree;
   return newtree;
Beispiel #11
// implement a stack with list
// list would always have a dummy header
// tree in dummy type-casted to store the size of stack (not counting the dummy)
void push(lnode *head, lnode *node) 
   node->next = head->next;
   head->next = node;
   set_stack_size(head, stack_size(head)+1);