Beispiel #1
init_video (void)
  if (! al_init_image_addon ())
    error (-1, 0, "%s (void): failed to initialize image addon",

  al_set_new_display_flags (al_get_new_display_flags ()
                            | (display_mode < 0 ? ALLEGRO_WINDOWED : ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN)
                            | ALLEGRO_RESIZABLE
                            | ALLEGRO_GENERATE_EXPOSE_EVENTS);

  display_width = display_width ? display_width : DISPLAY_WIDTH;
  display_height = display_height ? display_height : DISPLAY_HEIGHT;

  if (display_mode >= 0) {
    get_display_mode (display_mode, &d);
    display_width = d.width;
    display_height = d.height;
    al_set_new_display_refresh_rate (d.refresh_rate);
    al_set_new_display_flags (al_get_new_display_flags ()
                              & ~ALLEGRO_FULLSCREEN_WINDOW);

  al_set_new_display_option (ALLEGRO_SINGLE_BUFFER, 1, ALLEGRO_SUGGEST);

  display = al_create_display (display_width, display_height);
  if (! display) error (-1, 0, "%s (void): failed to initialize display", __func__);

  set_target_backbuffer (display);
  al_set_new_bitmap_flags (ALLEGRO_VIDEO_BITMAP);

  al_set_window_title (display, WINDOW_TITLE);
  icon = load_bitmap (ICON);
  al_set_display_icon (display, icon);

  cutscene = true;
  if (mr.fit_w == 0 && mr.fit_h == 0) {
    mr.fit_w = 2;
    mr.fit_h = 2;
  set_multi_room (1, 1);
  effect_buffer = create_bitmap (CUTSCENE_WIDTH, CUTSCENE_HEIGHT);
  black_screen = create_bitmap (CUTSCENE_WIDTH, CUTSCENE_HEIGHT);
  uscreen = create_bitmap (CUTSCENE_WIDTH, CUTSCENE_HEIGHT);
  iscreen = create_bitmap (display_width, display_height);
  clear_bitmap (uscreen, TRANSPARENT_COLOR);

  video_timer = create_timer (1.0 / EFFECT_HZ);

  al_init_font_addon ();
  builtin_font = al_create_builtin_font ();
  if (! builtin_font)
    error (-1, 0, "%s (void): cannot create builtin font", __func__);

  if (! al_init_primitives_addon ())
    error (-1, 0, "%s (void): failed to initialize primitives addon",
Beispiel #2
create_bitmap (int w, int h)
  set_target_backbuffer (display);
  ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap = al_create_bitmap (w, h);
  if (! bitmap) {
    error (-1, 0, "%s (%i, %i): cannot create bitmap", __func__, w, h);
    return NULL;
  validate_bitmap_for_mingw (bitmap);
  return bitmap;
Beispiel #3
load_bitmap (char *filename)
  set_target_backbuffer (display);

  ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap =
    load_resource (filename, (load_resource_f) al_load_bitmap);

  if (! bitmap)
    error (-1, 0, "%s: cannot load bitmap file '%s'",
           __func__, filename);

  validate_bitmap_for_mingw (bitmap);

  if (load_callback) load_callback ();

  return bitmap;
Beispiel #4
set_multi_room (int w, int h)
  if (w == mr.w && h == mr.h) return true;

  int sw = ORIGINAL_WIDTH * w;
  int sh = ROOM_HEIGHT * h + 11;

  ALLEGRO_BITMAP *b = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
  if (! b) return false;
  destroy_bitmap (b);

  destroy_multi_room ();

  mr.h = h;
  mr.w = w;

  set_target_backbuffer (display);
  al_set_new_bitmap_flags (ALLEGRO_VIDEO_BITMAP);

  screen = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
  effect_buffer = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
  black_screen = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
  cache = create_bitmap (sw, sh);

  int x, y;
  mr.cell = xcalloc (w, sizeof (* mr.cell));
  mr.last.cell = xcalloc (w, sizeof (* mr.last.cell));
  for (x = 0; x < w; x++) {
    mr.cell[x] = xcalloc (h, sizeof (** mr.cell));
    mr.last.cell[x] = xcalloc (h, sizeof (** mr.last.cell));
    for (y = 0; y < h; y++) {
      int x0 = ORIGINAL_WIDTH * x;
      int y0 = ROOM_HEIGHT * y;
      int sw = ORIGINAL_WIDTH;
      int sh = ORIGINAL_HEIGHT - (y < h - 1 ? 8 : 0);
      mr.cell[x][y].screen = al_create_sub_bitmap (screen, x0, y0, sw, sh);
      mr.cell[x][y].cache = al_create_sub_bitmap (cache, x0, y0, sw, sh);

  return true;
Beispiel #5
create_multi_room_bitmaps (void)
  set_target_backbuffer (display);
  al_set_new_bitmap_flags (ALLEGRO_VIDEO_BITMAP);

  int x, y;
  for (x = 0; x < mr.w; x++)
    for (y = 0; y < mr.h; y++) {
      int sw = ORIGINAL_WIDTH;
      int sh = ORIGINAL_HEIGHT - (y < mr.h - 1 ? 8 : 0);
      destroy_bitmap (mr.cell[x][y].screen);
      destroy_bitmap (mr.cell[x][y].cache);
      mr.cell[x][y].screen = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
      mr.cell[x][y].cache = create_bitmap (sw, sh);
      clear_bitmap (mr.cell[x][y].screen, BLACK);
      clear_bitmap (mr.cell[x][y].cache, BLACK);
Beispiel #6
flip_display (ALLEGRO_BITMAP *bitmap)
  int w = al_get_display_width (display);
  int h = al_get_display_height (display);

  int uw = al_get_bitmap_width (uscreen);
  int uh = al_get_bitmap_height (uscreen);

  int flags = screen_flags | potion_flags;

  if (bitmap) {
    int bw = al_get_bitmap_width (bitmap);
    int bh = al_get_bitmap_height (bitmap);
    set_target_backbuffer (display);
      (bitmap, 0, 0, bw, bh, 0, 0, w, h, flags);
  } else {
    if (has_mr_view_changed ()
        && ! cutscene
        && ! no_room_drawing) {
      draw_multi_rooms ();
      force_full_redraw = true;

    int iw = al_get_bitmap_width (iscreen);
    int ih = al_get_bitmap_height (iscreen);

    if (iw != w || ih != h) {
      destroy_bitmap (iscreen);
      iscreen = clone_bitmap (al_get_backbuffer (display));

    al_set_target_bitmap (iscreen);

    int x, y;
    int tw, th;
    mr_get_resolution (&tw, &th);

    for (y = mr.h - 1; y >= 0; y--)
      for (x = 0; x < mr.w; x++) {
        ALLEGRO_BITMAP *screen =
          (mr.cell[x][y].room || no_room_drawing || cutscene)
          ? mr.cell[x][y].screen : mr.cell[x][y].cache;
        int sw = al_get_bitmap_width (screen);
        int sh = al_get_bitmap_height (screen);
        float dx = ((ORIGINAL_WIDTH * x) * w) / (float) tw;
        float dy = ((ROOM_HEIGHT * y) * h) / (float) th;
        float dw = (sw * w) / (float) tw;
        float dh = (sh * h) / (float) th;

        if (cutscene
            || mr.cell[x][y].room
            || mr.last.display_width != w
            || mr.last.display_height != h
            || force_full_redraw)
            (screen, 0, 0, sw, sh, dx, dy, dw, dh, 0);

    set_target_backbuffer (display);
    al_draw_bitmap (iscreen, 0, 0, flags);

    if (mr.room_select > 0 && ! cutscene)
      for (y = mr.h - 1; y >= 0; y--)
        for (x = 0; x < mr.w; x++)
          if (mr.cell[x][y].room == mr.room_select) {
            int rx = x, ry = y;
            if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL)
              rx = (mr.w - 1) - x;
            if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_VERTICAL)
              ry = (mr.h - 1) - y;
            draw_mr_select_rect (rx, ry, GREEN);

    if (( !=
         || mr.x != mr.last.x
         || mr.y != mr.last.y
         || mr.w != mr.last.w
         || mr.h != mr.last.h)
        && ! cutscene)
      mr.select_cycles = SELECT_CYCLES;

    if (mr.select_cycles > 0 && ! cutscene) {
      int rx = mr.x, ry = mr.y;
      if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_HORIZONTAL)
        rx = (mr.w - 1) - mr.x;
      if (flags & ALLEGRO_FLIP_VERTICAL)
        ry = (mr.h - 1) - mr.y;
      draw_mr_select_rect (rx, ry, RED);
      if (! pause_anim) mr.select_cycles--;

  al_draw_scaled_bitmap (uscreen, 0, 0, uw, uh, 0, 0, w, h, 0);
  al_flip_display ();

  force_full_redraw = false;