Beispiel #1
/* Volume toggler between 0 <--> element default volume.
 * Now excepts new_vol to be in default hardware range of the sound card in use. */
void toggle_volume(
        struct sound_profile* sp,
        long int const new_vol, // If INT_MAX or negative then toggle to sound
                                // profiles default volume
        enum Volume_type volume_type)
    // TODO: USE "avolt" SEMAPHORE

    long int current_vol;
    get_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, hardware, &current_vol);
    long int min, _;
    snd_mixer_selem_get_playback_volume_range(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, &min, &_);

    // If current volume is lowest possible
    if (current_vol == min) {
        if (new_vol > 0 && new_vol != INT_MAX)
            set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, volume_type, new_vol, 0);
            set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, sp->volume_type, sp->default_volume, 0);
    else {
        // Else zero current volume
        set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, hardware_percentage, 0, 0);
Beispiel #2
/* Sets new volume, expects new_vol to be within [0,100] range. */
bool set_new_volume(
        struct sound_profile* sp,
        long int new_vol,
        bool relative_inc,
        bool set_default_vol,
        bool toggle_vol,
        bool use_semaphore,
        enum Volume_type volume_type)
    /* XXX: Checking new_vol limits */
    if (relative_inc) {
        if (new_vol < 0 || new_vol > 100) {
            fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set volume which is not in range [0,100]: %li\n", new_vol);
            return false;
    } else if ((new_vol < -100 || new_vol > 100) && !set_default_vol && !toggle_vol) {
        fprintf(stderr, "Cannot set volume which is not in range [-100,100]: %li\n", new_vol);
        return false;
    /* **************************** */

    sem_t *sem = NULL; /* Semaphore which is used if USE_SEMAPHORE is true */
    if (use_semaphore && !check_semaphore(&sem)) return false;

    /* Change new volume to native range */
    PD_M("set_new_volume: new vol [-100,100], relative or toggling: %li\n", new_vol);

    if (set_default_vol) {
        // Set default volume
        PD_M("set_new_volume: setting default vol..\n");
        set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, sp->volume_type, sp->default_volume, 0);
    } else if (toggle_vol) {
        // toggle volume
        PD_M("set_new_volume: toggling..\n");
        toggle_volume(sp, new_vol, volume_type);
    } else {
        /* Change absolute and relative volumes */

        /* First check if relative volume */
        if (relative_inc || new_vol < 0) {
            if (new_vol != 0) {
                PD_M("set_new_volume: Relative vol change...\n");
                long int current_vol = 0;
                // Change volume relative to current volume
                get_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, volume_type, &current_vol);
                // By setting the round direction we always guarantee that
                // some change happens.
                int round_direction = new_vol < 0 ? -1 : 1;
                set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, volume_type, current_vol + new_vol, round_direction);
        } else {
            // Change absolute volume
            PD_M("set_new_volume: Changing absolute volume: %li\n", new_vol);
            set_vol(sp->volume_cntrl_mixer_element, volume_type, new_vol, 0);

    if (use_semaphore && !check_semaphore(&sem)) return false;
    return true;
Beispiel #3
void conv_load(conv_layer_t* l, const char* fn) {
  int sx, sy, depth, filters;

  FILE* fin = fopen(fn, "r");

  fscanf(fin, "%d %d %d %d", &sx, &sy, &depth, &filters);
  assert(sx == l->sx);
  assert(sy == l->sy);
  assert(depth == l->in_depth);
  assert(filters == l->out_depth);

  for(int d = 0; d < l->out_depth; d++)
    for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
      for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
        for (int z = 0; z < depth; z++) {
          double val;
          fscanf(fin, "%lf", &val);
          set_vol(l->filters[d], x, y, z, val);

  for(int d = 0; d < l->out_depth; d++) {
    double val;
    fscanf(fin, "%lf", &val);
    set_vol(l->biases, 0, 0, d, val);

Beispiel #4
// Load an image from the cifar10 data set.
void load_sample(vol_t *v, int sample_num) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Loading input sample %d...\n", sample_num);
  int batch = sample_num / 10000;
  int ix = sample_num % 10000;

  char fn[1024];
  sprintf(fn, "%s/data_batch_%d.bin", DATA_FOLDER, batch+1);

  FILE* fin = fopen(fn, "rb");
  assert(fin != NULL);

  fseek(fin, ix*3073, SEEK_SET);

  uint8_t data[3073];
  assert(fread(data, 1, 3073, fin) == 3073);

  int outp = 1;
  for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
    for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++)
      for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++) {
        set_vol(v, x, y, z, ((double)data[outp++])/255.0-0.5);

Beispiel #5
void pool_forward(pool_layer_t* l, vol_t** in, vol_t** out, int start, int end) {
  for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    vol_t* V = in[i];
    vol_t* A = out[i];
    int n=0;
    for(int d=0;d<l->out_depth;d++) {
      int x = -l->pad;
      int y = -l->pad;
      for(int ax=0; ax<l->out_sx; x+=l->stride,ax++) {
        y = -l->pad;
        for(int ay=0; ay<l->out_sy; y+=l->stride,ay++) {
          double a = -99999;
          for(int fx=0;fx<l->sx;fx++) {
            for(int fy=0;fy<l->sy;fy++) {
              int oy = y+fy;
              int ox = x+fx;
              if(oy>=0 && oy<V->sy && ox>=0 && ox<V->sx) {
                double v = get_vol(V, ox, oy, d);
                if(v > a) { a = v; }
          set_vol(A, ax, ay, d, a);
Beispiel #6
void conv_forward(conv_layer_t* l, vol_t** in, vol_t** out, int start, int end) {
  for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    vol_t* V = in[i];
    vol_t* A = out[i];
    int V_sx = V->sx;
    int V_sy = V->sy;
    int xy_stride = l->stride;
    for(int d = 0; d < l->out_depth; d++) {
      vol_t* f = l->filters[d];
      int x = -l->pad;
      int y = -l->pad;
      for(int ay = 0; ay < l->out_sy; y += xy_stride, ay++) {
        x = -l->pad;
        for(int ax=0; ax < l->out_sx; x += xy_stride, ax++) {
          double a = 0.0;
          for(int fy = 0; fy < f->sy; fy++) {
            int oy = y + fy;
            for(int fx = 0; fx < f->sx; fx++) {
              int ox = x + fx;
              if(oy >= 0 && oy < V_sy && ox >=0 && ox < V_sx) {
                for(int fd=0;fd < f->depth; fd++) {
                  a += f->w[((f->sx * fy)+fx)*f->depth+fd] * V->w[((V_sx * oy)+ox)*V->depth+fd];
          a += l->biases->w[d];
          set_vol(A, ax, ay, d, a);
Beispiel #7
//for 20 depth
void conv_forward_1(conv_layer_t* l, vol_t** in, vol_t** out, int start, int end) {
  uint64_t tempTime = timestamp_us();
  for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    vol_t* V = in[i];
    vol_t* A = out[i];
    for(int d = 0; d < 20; d++) {
      vol_t* f = l->filters[d];    
      int x = -2;
      int y = -2;
      for(int ay = 0; ay < 8; y += 1, ay++) {
        x = -2;
        for(int ax=0; ax < 8; x += 1, ax++) {
          double a = 0.0;
          __m256d sum = _mm256_setzero_pd();
          for(int fy = 0; fy < 5; fy++) {
            int oy = y + fy;
            for(int fx = 0; fx < 5; fx++) {
              int ox = x + fx;
              if(oy >= 0 && oy < 8 && ox >=0 && ox < 8) {
                __m256d vector = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*20]));
                  __m256d vector2 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((8 * oy)+ox)*20]));
                  __m256d vectorMult = _mm256_mul_pd(vector, vector2);
                  sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult, sum);
                  __m256d vector0 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*20+4]));
                  __m256d vector9 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((8 * oy)+ox)*20+ 4]));
                  __m256d vectorMult0 = _mm256_mul_pd(vector0, vector9);
                  sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult0, sum);
                  __m256d vector3 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*20+8]));
                  __m256d vector4 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((8 * oy)+ox)*20+8]));
                  __m256d vectorMult2 = _mm256_mul_pd(vector3, vector4);
                  sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult2, sum);
                  __m256d vector5 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*20+12]));
                  __m256d vector6 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((8 * oy)+ox)*20+12]));
                  __m256d vectorMult3 = _mm256_mul_pd(vector5, vector6);
                  sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult3, sum);
                  __m256d vector7 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*20+16]));
                  __m256d vector8 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((8 * oy)+ox)*20+16]));
                  __m256d vectorMult4 = _mm256_mul_pd(vector7, vector8);
                  sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult4, sum);
          for(int i = 0; i < 4; i++) {
                  a+= sum[i];
          a += l->biases->w[d];
          set_vol(A, ax, ay, d, a);
  l->myTime += timestamp_us() - tempTime;
Beispiel #8
// Load an entire batch of images from the gtsrb data set (which is divided
// into 5 batches with 10,000 images each).
void load_gtsrb_data(vol_t** data, label_t* label, int size) {
  fprintf(stderr, "Loading Data \n");

  assert(size <= 7830);  // the size must be smaller than 7830
  FILE *meanf = fopen("data/gtsrb/mean.binaryproto","rb");
  float mean_buffer[6912];
  FILE *dataf = fopen("data/gtsrb/test.bin","rb");
  uint8_t data_buffer[6913];
  FILE *aftrf = fopen("data/gtsrb/gtsrb_after_mean.bin","rb");
  float aftr_buffer[6912];
  FILE *lablf = fopen("data/gtsrb/gtsrb_test_labels.bin","rb");

  assert(fread(mean_buffer,1,12,meanf) == 12);
  assert(fread(mean_buffer,sizeof(float),6912,meanf) == 6912);


//  assert(fread(label,sizeof(uint8_t),size,lablf) == size);

  for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
    int outp = 0;
    data[i] = make_vol(48, 48, 3, 0.0);

    assert(fread(data_buffer,sizeof(uint8_t),6913,dataf) == 6913);
    label[i] = data_buffer[0];

    for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
      for (int y = 0; y < 48; y++)
        for (int x = 0; x < 48; x++) {
          set_vol(data[i], y, x, z, (storage_t)data_buffer[outp+1]

//    assert(fread(aftr_buffer,sizeof(float),6912,aftrf) == 6912);
//    for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
//      for (int y = 0; y < 48; y++)
//        for (int x = 0; x < 48; x++) {
//          set_vol(data[i], y, x, z, (storage_t)aftr_buffer[outp++]);
//        }

  fprintf(stderr, "input batch loaded successfully \n");
Beispiel #9
static vol_t* make_vol(int sx, int sy, int d, double v) {
  vol_t* out = (vol_t*)malloc(sizeof(struct vol));
  out->w = (double*)malloc(sizeof(double)*(sx*sy*d));
  out->sx = sx;
  out->sy = sy;
  out->depth = d;

  for (int x = 0; x < sx; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < sy; y++)
      for (int z = 0; z < d; z++)
        set_vol(out, x, y, z, v);

  return out;
Beispiel #10
void sound_play_sample(U8 *data, U32 length, U32 freq, int vol)
  if (data == (U8 *) 0 || length == 0) return;
  // Calculate the clock divisor based upon the recorded sample frequency */
  if (freq == 0) freq = DEFRATE;
  if (freq > MAXRATE) freq = MAXRATE;
  if (freq < MINRATE) freq = MINRATE;
  U32 cdiv = (OSC/(2*SAMPBITS) + freq/2)/freq;
  // Turn off ints while we update shared values
  sound_mode = SOUND_MODE_PCM;
  sample.count = length;
  sample.ptr = data;
  sample.len = PDM_BUFFER_LENGTH;
  sample.clock_div = cdiv;
  // re-enable and wait for the current sample to complete
Beispiel #11
void sound_freq(U32 freq, U32 ms, int vol)
  // Set things up ready to go, note we avoid using anything that may
  // be used by the interupt routine because ints may still be enabled
  // at this point
  int len;
  // we use longer samples for lower frequencies
  if (freq > 1000)
    len = 16;
  else if (freq < 500)
    len = 64;
    len = 32;
  sound_mode = SOUND_MODE_TONE;
  // Update the volume lookup table if we need to
  int buf = sample.buf_id^1;
  create_tone(sine, sizeof(sine), sample.buf[buf], len); 
  // The note gneration takes approx 1ms, to ensure that we do not get gaps
  // when playing a series of tones we extend the requested period to cover
  // this 1ms cost.
  // Turn of ints while we update shared values
  /* Genrate the pdm wave of the correct amplitude */
  sample.clock_div = (OSC/(len*32*2) + freq/2)/freq;
  // Calculate actual frequency and use this for length calc
  freq = (OSC/(2*sample.clock_div))/(len*32);
  if (ms <= TONE_OVERHEAD)
    sample.count = 0;
    sample.count = (freq*ms + 1000-1)/1000;
  sample.len = len;
  sample.ptr = (U8 *)sample.buf[buf];
  sample.buf_id = buf;
  sound_mode = SOUND_MODE_TONE;
  sample.in_index = sample.out_index;
Beispiel #12
void pool_forward(pool_layer_t* l, vol_t** in, vol_t** out, int start, int end) {
  uint64_t tempTime = timestamp_us();
  for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    vol_t* V = in[i];
    vol_t* A = out[i];
    int n=0;
    for(int d=0;d<l->out_depth;d++) {
      int y = 0;
      int x = 0;

      int lsx = l->out_sx;
      int lsy = l->out_sy;
      int lusx = l->sx;

      for(int ax=0; ax<lsx; x+=2, ax++) {
        y = 0;
        for(int ay=0; ay<lsy; y+=2,ay++) {
          double a = -99999;
          for(int fx=0;fx<lusx;fx++) {
            for(int fy=0;fy<2;fy++) {
              int oy = y+fy;
              int ox = x+fx;
              if(oy>=0 && oy<32 && ox>=0 && ox<32) {
                double v = get_vol(V, ox, oy, d);
                if(v > a) { a = v; }
          set_vol(A, ax, ay, d, a);
  l->myTime += timestamp_us() - tempTime;
Beispiel #13
void conv_forward(conv_layer_t* l, vol_t** in, vol_t** out, int start, int end) {
  uint64_t tempTime = timestamp_us();
  for (int i = start; i <= end; i++) {
    vol_t* V = in[i];
    vol_t* A = out[i];
    for(int d = 0; d < 16; d++) {
      vol_t* f = l->filters[d];
      int x = -2;
      int y = -2;
      for(int ay = 0; ay < 32; y += 1, ay++) {
        x = -2;
        for(int ax=0; ax < 32; x += 1, ax++) {
          double a = 0.0;
          __m256d sum = _mm256_setzero_pd();
          for(int fy = 0; fy < 5; fy++) {
            int oy = y + fy;
            for(int fx = 0; fx < 5; fx++) {
              int ox = x + fx;
              if(oy >= 0 && oy < 32 && ox >=0 && ox < 32) {
                __m256d vector = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(f->w[((5 * fy)+fx)*3]));
                __m256d vector2 = _mm256_loadu_pd (&(V->w[((32 * oy)+ox)*3]));
                __m256d vectorMult = _mm256_mul_pd(vector, vector2);
                sum =_mm256_add_pd (vectorMult, sum);
          for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            a+= sum[i];
          a += l->biases->w[d];
          set_vol(A, ax, ay, d, a);
  l->myTime += timestamp_us() - tempTime;
HarmEnhancer::HarmEnhancer(Parameters *param, float *Rmag, float hfreq, float lfreq, float gain)
	this->param = param;
    inputl = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * 44100+100);//param->PERIOD);
    inputr = (float *) malloc (sizeof (float) * 44100+100);//param->PERIOD);

    realvol = gain;
    itm1l = 0.0f;
    itm1r = 0.0f;
    otm1l = 0.0f;
    otm1r = 0.0f;

    hpffreq = hfreq;
    lpffreq = lfreq;
    hpfl = new AnalogFilter(param,3, hfreq, 1, 0);
    hpfr = new AnalogFilter(param,3, hfreq, 1, 0);
    lpfl = new AnalogFilter(param,2, lfreq, 1, 0);
    lpfr = new AnalogFilter(param,2, lfreq, 1, 0);

    limiter = new Compressor (param,inputl, inputr);
Beispiel #15
static vol_t* copy_vol(vol_t* dest, vol_t* src) {
  for (int x = 0; x < dest->sx; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < dest->sy; y++)
      for (int z = 0; z < dest->depth; z++)
        set_vol(dest, x, y, z, get_vol(src, x, y, z));
Beispiel #16
static vol_t* copy_vol(vol_t* dest, vol_t* src) {
  for (int x = 0; x < 32; x++)
    for (int y = 0; y < 32; y++)
      for (int z = 0; z < 3; z++)
        set_vol(dest, x, y, z, get_vol(src, x, y, z));