PFC::PFC(int s) { int mod_bits,words; if (s!=80) { cout << "No suitable curve available" << endl; exit(0); } mod_bits=2*s; if (mod_bits%MIRACL==0) words=(mod_bits/MIRACL); else words=(mod_bits/MIRACL)+1; #ifdef MR_SIMPLE_BASE miracl *mip=mirsys((MIRACL/4)*words,16); #else miracl *mip=mirsys(words,0); mip->IOBASE=16; #endif B=new Big; x=new Big; mod=new Big; ord=new Big; cof=new Big; npoints=new Big; trace=new Big; frob=new ZZn2; *B=curveB; S=s; *x=param; Big X=*x; *mod=X*X+1; *npoints=X*X-X+1; *trace=X+1; *cof=X*X+X+1; *ord=*npoints; ecurve(-3,*B,*mod,MR_PROJECTIVE); set_frobenius_constant(*frob); Big sru=pow((ZZn)-2,(*mod-1)/6); // x^6+2 is irreducible set_zzn3(-2,sru); mip->TWIST=MR_QUADRATIC; // twisted curve E'(ZZn3) }
int main() { miracl* mip=&precision; ECn Alice,Bob,sA,sB; ECn3 B6,Server,sS; ZZn6 sp,ap,bp; ZZn6 res,XX,YY; ZZn2 X; ZZn3 Qx,Qy; Big a,b,s,ss,p,q,x,y,B,cf,t,sru,T; int i,A; time_t seed; int qnr; mip->IOBASE=16; x="-D285DA0CFEF02F06F812"; // MNT elliptic curve parameters (Thanks to Drew Sutherland) p=x*x+1; q=x*x-x+1; t=x+1; cf=x*x+x+1; T=t-1; // cout << "t-1= " << T << endl; // cout << "p%24= " << p%24 << endl; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); A=-3; B="77479D33943B5B1F590B54258B72F316B3261D45"; ecurve(A,B,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); set_frobenius_constant(X); sru=pow((ZZn)-2,(p-1)/6); // x^6+2 is irreducible set_zzn3(-2,sru); mip->IOBASE=16; mip->TWIST=MR_QUADRATIC; // map Server to point on twisted curve E(Fp3) //See ss=rand(q); // TA's super-secret cout << "Mapping Server ID to point" << endl; Server=hash_and_map3((char *)"Server"); // Multiply by the cofactor - thank you NTL! // Server*=(p-1); // Server*=(p+1+t); cofactor(Server,x,X); cout << "Mapping Alice & Bob ID's to points" << endl; Alice=hash_and_map((char *)"Alice"); Bob= hash_and_map((char *)"Robert"); cout << "Alice, Bob and the Server visit Trusted Authority" << endl; sS=ss*Server; sA=ss*Alice; sB=ss*Bob; cout << "Alice and Server Key Exchange" << endl; a=rand(q); // Alice's random number s=rand(q); // Server's random number if (!ate(Server,sA,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } ap=powu(res,a); if (!ate(sS,Alice,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=powu(res,s); cout << "Alice Key= " << H2(powu(sp,a)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << H2(powu(ap,s)) << endl; cout << "Bob and Server Key Exchange" << endl; b=rand(q); // Bob's random number s=rand(q); // Server's random number if (!ate(Server,sB,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } bp=powu(res,b); if (!ate(sS,Bob,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=powu(res,s); cout << "Bob's Key= " << H2(powu(sp,b)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << H2(powu(bp,s)) << endl; return 0; }
PFC::PFC(int s, csprng *rng) { int i,j,mod_bits,words; if (s!=192) { cout << "No suitable curve available" << endl; exit(0); } mod_bits=(8*s)/3; if (mod_bits%MIRACL==0) words=(mod_bits/MIRACL); else words=(mod_bits/MIRACL)+1; #ifdef MR_SIMPLE_BASE miracl *mip=mirsys((MIRACL/4)*words,16); #else miracl *mip=mirsys(words,0); mip->IOBASE=16; #endif B=new Big; x=new Big; mod=new Big; ord=new Big; cof=new Big; npoints=new Big; trace=new Big; for (i=0;i<6;i++) { WB[i]=new Big; for (j=0;j<6;j++) { BB[i][j]=new Big; } } for (i=0;i<2;i++) { W[i]=new Big; for (j=0;j<2;j++) { SB[i][j]=new Big; } } S=s; Beta=new ZZn; frob=new ZZn; *B=curveB; *x=param; Big X=*x; *trace=(pow(X,4) + 16*X + 7)/7; *ord=(pow(X,6) + 37*pow(X,3) + 343)/343; *cof=(49*X*X+245*X+343)/3; *npoints=*cof*(*ord); *mod=*cof*(*ord)+*trace-1; ecurve(0,*B,*mod,MR_PROJECTIVE); Big BBeta=(3*pow(X,7)-7*pow(X,6)+46*pow(X,5)+68*pow(X,4)-308*pow(X,3)+189*X*X+145*X-3192)/56; BBeta+=X*(pow(X,7)/28); BBeta/=3; Big sru=*mod-BBeta; // sixth root of unity = -Beta set_zzn3(NR,sru); *Beta=BBeta; set_frobenius_constant(*frob); // Use standard Gallant-Lambert-Vanstone endomorphism method for G1 *W[0]=(X*X*X)/343; // This is first column of inverse of SB (without division by determinant) *W[1]=(18*X*X*X+343)/343; *SB[0][0]=(X*X*X)/343; *SB[0][1]=-(18*X*X*X+343)/343; *SB[1][0]=(19*X*X*X+343)/343; *SB[1][1]=(X*X*X)/343; // Use Galbraith & Scott Homomorphism idea for G2 & GT ... ( *WB[0]=5*pow(X,3)/49+2; // This is first column of inverse of BB (without division by determinant) *WB[1]=-(X*X)/49; *WB[2]=pow(X,4)/49+3*X/7; *WB[3]=-(17*pow(X,3)/343+1); *WB[4]=-(pow(X,5)/343+2*(X*X)/49); *WB[5]=5*pow(X,4)/343+2*X/7; *BB[0][0]=1; *BB[0][1]=0; *BB[0][2]=5*X/7; *BB[0][3]=1; *BB[0][4]=0; *BB[0][5]=-X/7; *BB[1][0]=-5*X/7; *BB[1][1]=-2; *BB[1][2]=0; *BB[1][3]=X/7; *BB[1][4]=1; *BB[1][5]=0; *BB[2][0]=0; *BB[2][1]=2*X/7; *BB[2][2]=1; *BB[2][3]=0; *BB[2][4]=X/7; *BB[2][5]=0; *BB[3][0]=1; *BB[3][1]=0; *BB[3][2]=X; *BB[3][3]=2; *BB[3][4]=0; *BB[3][5]=0; *BB[4][0]=-X; *BB[4][1]=-3; *BB[4][2]=0; *BB[4][3]=0; *BB[4][4]=1; *BB[4][5]=0; *BB[5][0]=0; *BB[5][1]=-X; *BB[5][2]=-3; *BB[5][3]=0; *BB[5][4]=0; *BB[5][5]=1; mip->TWIST=MR_SEXTIC_D; // map Server to point on twisted curve E(Fp3) RNG=rng; }
int main() { miracl* mip=&precision; ECn Alice,Bob,sA,sB; ECn3 B6,Server,sS; ZZn6 sp,ap,bp; ZZn6 res; ZZn2 X; Big a,b,s,ss,p,q,x,y,B,cf,t,sru,T; int i,A; time_t seed; mip->IOBASE=16; x="-D285DA0CFEF02F06F812"; // MNT elliptic curve parameters (Thanks to Drew Sutherland) p=x*x+1; q=x*x-x+1; t=x+1; cf=x*x+x+1; T=t-1; // cout << "t-1= " << T << endl; // cout << "p%24= " << p%24 << endl; time(&seed); irand((long)seed); A=-3; B="77479D33943B5B1F590B54258B72F316B3261D45"; #ifdef AFFINE ecurve(A,B,p,MR_AFFINE); #endif #ifdef PROJECTIVE ecurve(A,B,p,MR_PROJECTIVE); #endif set_frobenius_constant(X); sru=pow((ZZn)-2,(p-1)/6); // x^6+2 is irreducible set_zzn3(-2,sru); mip->IOBASE=16; mip->TWIST=MR_QUADRATIC; // map Server to point on twisted curve E(Fp3) ss=rand(q); // TA's super-secret cout << "Mapping Server ID to point" << endl; Server=hash_and_map3((char *)"Server"); cofactor(Server,x,X); cout << "Mapping Alice & Bob ID's to points" << endl; Alice=hash_and_map((char *)"Alice"); Bob= hash_and_map((char *)"Robert"); cout << "Alice, Bob and the Server visit Trusted Authority" << endl; sS=G2_mul(Server,ss,x,X); sA=ss*Alice; sB=ss*Bob; cout << "Alice and Server Key Exchange" << endl; a=rand(q); // Alice's random number s=rand(q); // Server's random number if (!ecap(sA,Server,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } ap=GT_pow(res,a,x,X);//powu(res,a); if (!ecap(Alice,sS,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=GT_pow(res,s,x,X); cout << "Alice Key= " << H2(powu(sp,a)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << H2(powu(ap,s)) << endl; cout << "Bob and Server Key Exchange" << endl; b=rand(q); // Bob's random number s=rand(q); // Server's random number if (!ecap(sB,Server,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } bp=GT_pow(res,b,x,X); if (!ecap(Bob,sS,x,X,res)) cout << "Trouble" << endl; if (!member(res,x,X)) { cout << "Wrong group order - aborting" << endl; exit(0); } sp=GT_pow(res,s,x,X); cout << "Bob's Key= " << H2(powu(sp,b)) << endl; cout << "Server Key= " << H2(powu(bp,s)) << endl; return 0; }