Beispiel #1
char *askUserPass(const char *title)
    static window win = NULL;
    dialog_data *d;
    window prev = current_window;

    if (! win) {
	int tw, bw, h, middle;

	tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8;
	h = getheight(SystemFont);
	if (tw < 150) tw = 150;
	win = newwindow(title, rect(0, 0, tw+30, h*9+12),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
	setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
	d = data(win);
	d->question = newlabel(G_("User"), rect(10, h, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft);
	bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Password"));
	d->text = newfield("", rect(20+bw, h, tw-6-bw, h*3/2));
	newlabel(_("Password"), rect(10, h*4, tw+4, h*2+2), AlignLeft);
	d->pass = newpassword("", rect(20+bw, h*4, tw-6-bw, h*3/2));
	middle = (tw+30)/2;
	bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2;

	d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"),
			   rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
	setvalue(d->yes, YES);

	d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"),
			      rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
	setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL);

	setkeydown(win, hit_key);
    } else {
	d = data(win);
	settext(d->text, "");
	settext(d->pass, "");
    if (TopmostDialogs & MB_TOPMOST)
	BringToTop(win, 1);
    current_window = prev;
	char *user, *pass;
	static char buf[1000];
	if (d->hit < YES) /* cancelled */ return "";
	if (d->text) user = new_string(GA_gettext(d->text));
	else return "";
	if (d->pass) pass = new_string(GA_gettext(d->pass));
	else return "";
	snprintf(buf, 1000, "%s:%s", user, pass);
	return buf;
    return ""; /* -Wall */
Beispiel #2
radiobutton newradiobutton(char *text, rect r, actionfn fn)
	radiobutton obj = newcontrol(text, r);
	if (obj) {
		obj->kind = RadioObject;
		setredraw(obj, draw_radio);
		setmousedown(obj, checkbox_mousedown);
		setmousemove(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
		setmousedrag(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
		setmouseup(obj, radio_mouseup);
		setkeydown(obj, radio_keydown);
		setaction(obj, fn);
		setbackground(obj, getbackground(parentwindow(obj)));
		settextfont(obj, SystemFont);
	return obj;
Beispiel #3
checkbox newcheckbox(char *text, rect r, actionfn fn)
	checkbox obj = newcontrol(text, r);
	if (obj) {
		obj->kind = CheckboxObject;
		setredraw(obj, draw_checkbox);
		setmousedown(obj, checkbox_mousedown);
		setmousemove(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
		setmousedrag(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
		setmouseup(obj, checkbox_mouseup);
		setkeydown(obj, checkbox_keydown);
		setaction(obj, fn);
		setbackground(obj, getbackground(parentwindow(obj)));
		settextfont(obj, SystemFont);
	return obj;
Beispiel #4
button newbutton(char *text, rect r, actionfn fn)
	button obj = newcontrol(text, r);
	if (obj) {
		obj->kind = ButtonObject;
		setredraw(obj, draw_button);
		setmousedown(obj, button_mousedown);
		setmousemove(obj, button_mousemove);
		setmousedrag(obj, button_mousemove);
		setmouseup(obj, button_mouseup);
		setkeydown(obj, button_keydown);
		setaction(obj, fn);
		setbackground(obj, LightGrey);
		settextfont(obj, SystemFont);
	return obj;
Beispiel #5
static window init_askstr_dialog(const char *title, const char *question,
				 const char *default_str)
    window win;
    dialog_data *d;
    int tw, bw, h, middle;

    if (! question)
	question= "";
    if (! default_str)
	default_str = "";

    tw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 8;
    h = getheight(SystemFont);

    if (tw < 150) tw = 150;

    win = newwindow(title, rect(0,0,tw+30,h*9+12),
		    Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
    d = data(win);
    d->question = newlabel(question, rect(10,h,tw+4,h*2+2),
    if (title == PASSWORD_TITLE)
	d->text = newpassword(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2));
	d->text = newfield(default_str, rect(10,h*4,tw+4,h*3/2));

    middle = (tw+30)/2;
    bw = strwidth(SystemFont, G_("Cancel")) * 3/2;

    d->yes = newbutton(G_("OK"),
		       rect(middle-bw-10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
    setvalue(d->yes, YES);

    d->cancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"),
			  rect(middle+10, h*7, bw, h+10), hit_button);
    setvalue(d->cancel, CANCEL);

    setkeydown(win, hit_key);

    return win;
Beispiel #6
static void create_dialog()
    setcursor(ArrowCursor);  /* not `busy' cursor */
    win = newwindow("t-test entry", rect(0, 0, 200, 200),
                    Titlebar | Centered | Modal);
    setbackground(win, dialog_bg());
    setkeydown(win, hit_key);
    bApply = newbutton("Apply", rect(20, 160, 50, 25), apply);
    bCancel = newbutton("Cancel", rect(120, 160, 50, 25), NULL);
    l_var1 = newlabel("x", rect(10, 10, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    var1 = newfield("", rect(40, 10, 130, 20));
    l_var2 = newlabel("y", rect(10, 40, 30, 20), AlignLeft);
    var2 = newfield("", rect(40, 40, 130, 20));
    paired = newcheckbox("paired", rect(10, 70, 80, 20), NULL);
    varequal = newcheckbox("equal var", rect(110, 70, 80, 20), NULL);
    alt = newdroplist(alts , rect(30, 90, 120, 20), NULL);
    setlistitem(alt, 0);
    l_lvl = newlabel("confidence level", rect(20, 120, 90, 20), AlignLeft);
    lvl = newfield("0.95", rect(120, 120, 40, 20));
Beispiel #7
button newimagecheckbox(image img, rect r, actionfn fn)
	button obj;

	obj = newdrawing(r, draw_image_button);
	if (! obj)
		return NULL;

	setmousedown(obj, checkbox_mousedown);
	setmousemove(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
	setmousedrag(obj, checkbox_mousemove);
	setmouseup(obj, checkbox_mouseup);
	setkeydown(obj, checkbox_keydown);
	setaction(obj, fn);
	setbackground(obj, LightGrey);
	settextfont(obj, SystemFont);

	setimage(obj, img);

	return obj;
Beispiel #8
button newimagebutton(image img, rect r, actionfn fn)
	button obj;

	obj = newcontrol(NULL, r);
	if (! obj)
		return NULL;

	setredraw(obj, draw_image_button);
	setmousedown(obj, button_mousedown);
	setmousemove(obj, button_mousemove);
	setmousedrag(obj, button_mousemove);
	setmouseup(obj, button_mouseup);
	setkeydown(obj, button_keydown);
	setaction(obj, fn);
	setbackground(obj, LightGrey);
	settextfont(obj, SystemFont);

	setimage(obj, img);

	return obj;
Beispiel #9
static pager pagercreate(void)
    ConsoleData p;
    int w, h, i, x, y, w0, h0;
    pager c;
    menuitem m;

    p = newconsoledata((consolefn) ? consolefn : FixedFont,
		       pagerrow, pagercol, 0, 0,
		       PAGER, 0, 0);
    if (!p) return NULL;

/*    if (ismdi()) {
      x = y = w = h = 0;
      else {
      w = WIDTH ;
      h = HEIGHT;
      x = (devicewidth(NULL) - w) / 2;
      y = (deviceheight(NULL) - h) / 2 ;
      } */
    w = WIDTH ;
    h = HEIGHT;
    /* centre a single pager, randomly place each of multiple pagers */
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if(ismdi()) {
	RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize();
	w0 = pR->right;
	h0 = pR->bottom;
    } else {
	w0 = devicewidth(NULL);
	h0 = deviceheight(NULL);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    x = (w0 - w) / 2; x = x > 20 ? x:20;
    y = (h0 - h) / 2; y = y > 20 ? y:20;
    if(pagerMultiple) {
#ifdef Win32
	DWORD rand = GetTickCount();
	int rand = 0;
	int w0 = 0.4*x, h0 = 0.4*y;
	w0 = w0 > 20 ? w0 : 20;
	h0 = h0 > 20 ? h0 : 20;
	x += (rand % w0) - w0/2;
	y += ((rand/w0) % h0) - h0/2;
    c = (pager) newwindow("PAGER", rect(x, y, w, h),
			  Document | StandardWindow | Menubar |
			  VScrollbar | HScrollbar | TrackMouse);
    if (!c) {
	return NULL;
    setdata(c, p);
    if(h == 0) HEIGHT = getheight(c);
    if(w == 0) WIDTH  = getwidth(c);
    COLS = WIDTH / FW - 1;
    ROWS = HEIGHT / FH - 1;
    BORDERX = (WIDTH - COLS*FW) / 2;
    gsetcursor(c, ArrowCursor);
    gchangescrollbar(c, VWINSB, 0, 0, ROWS, 0);
    gchangescrollbar(c, HWINSB, 0, COLS-1, COLS, 1);
    setbackground(c, guiColors[pagerbg]);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi()) {
	int btsize = 24;
	rect r = rect(2, 2, btsize, btsize);
	control tb, bt;
	MCHECK(tb = newtoolbar(btsize + 4));
	gsetcursor(tb, ArrowCursor);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(open_image, r, menueditoropen));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Open script")));
	gsetcursor(bt, ArrowCursor);
	/* wants NULL as data, not the pager */
	r.x += (btsize + 6) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(copy1_image, r, pagerpaste));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Paste to console")));
	gsetcursor(bt, ArrowCursor);
	setdata(bt, (void *) c);
	r.x += (btsize + 6) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(copy1_image, r, pagerpastecmds));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Paste commands to console")));
	gsetcursor(bt, ArrowCursor);
	setdata(bt, (void *) c);
	r.x += (btsize + 6) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(print_image, r, pagerprint));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print")));
	gsetcursor(bt, ArrowCursor);
	setdata(bt, (void *) c);
	r.x += (btsize + 6) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(console_image, r, pagerconsole));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Return focus to Console")));
	gsetcursor(bt, ArrowCursor);
	setdata(bt, (void *) c);
    MCHECK(m = gpopup(pagermenuact, PagerPopup));
    setdata(m, c);
    setdata(p->mpopcopy = PagerPopup[0].m, c);
    setdata(p->mpoppaste = PagerPopup[1].m, c);
    setdata(p->mpoppastecmds = PagerPopup[2].m, c);
    setdata(PagerPopup[3].m, c);
    setdata(PagerPopup[5].m, c);
    setdata(PagerPopup[7].m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenubar(pagermenuact));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("New script"), 'N', menueditornew));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Open script..."), 'O', menueditoropen));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Print..."), 'P', pagerprint));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save to File..."), 'S', pagersavefile));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Close"), 0, pagerclose));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(p->mcopy = newmenuitem(G_("Copy"), 'C', pagercopy));
    setdata(p->mcopy, c);
    MCHECK(p->mpaste = newmenuitem(G_("Paste to console"), 'V', pagerpaste));
    setdata(p->mpaste, c);
    MCHECK(p->mpastecmds = newmenuitem(G_("Paste commands to console"), 0, pagerpastecmds));
    setdata(p->mpastecmds, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Select all"), 'A', pagerselectall));
    setdata(m, c);
    if (!pagerMultiple) {
	for (i = 0; i < PAGERMAXKEPT; i++) {
	    snprintf(pagerTitles[i], PAGERMAXTITLE+8, "&%c.  ", 'A' + i);
	    MCHECK(pagerMenus[i] = newmenuitem(&pagerTitles[i][1], 0,
	    setvalue(pagerMenus[i], i);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi()) newmdimenu();
    if (ismdi() && !(RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR)) toolbar_hide();
    MCHECK(BM = newbitmap(WIDTH, HEIGHT, 2));
    setdata(c, p);
    sethit(c, console_sbf);
    setresize(c, consoleresize);
    setredraw(c, drawconsole);
    setdel(c, delpager);
    setclose(c, pagerbclose);
    setkeyaction(c, console_ctrlkeyin);
    setkeydown(c, console_normalkeyin);
    setmousedrag(c, console_mousedrag);
    setmouserepeat(c, console_mouserep);
    setmousedown(c, console_mousedown);
Beispiel #10
static editor neweditor(void)
    int x, y, w, h, w0, h0;
    editor c;
    menuitem m;
    textbox t;
    long flags;
    font editorfn = (consolefn ? consolefn : FixedFont);
    EditorData p = neweditordata(0, NULL);
    DWORD rand;

    w = (pagercol + 1)*fontwidth(editorfn);
    h = (pagerrow + 1)*fontheight(editorfn) + 1;
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if(ismdi()) {
	RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize();
	w0 = pR->right;
	h0 = pR->bottom;
    } else {
	w0 = devicewidth(NULL);
	h0 = deviceheight(NULL);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    x = (w0 - w) / 2; x = x > 20 ? x : 20;
    y = (h0 - h) / 2; y = y > 20 ? y : 20;
    rand = GetTickCount();
    w0 = 0.4*x; h0 = 0.4*y;
    w0 = w0 > 20 ? w0 : 20;
    h0 = h0 > 20 ? h0 : 20;
    x += (rand % w0) - w0/2;
    y += ((rand/w0) % h0) - h0/2;
    flags = StandardWindow | Menubar;
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi()) flags |= Document;
    c = (editor) newwindow("", rect(x, y, w, h), flags);
    t = newrichtextarea(NULL, rect(0, 0, w, h));
    setdata(c, t);
    setdata(t, p);

    gsetcursor(c, ArrowCursor);
    setforeground(c, guiColors[editorfg]);
    setbackground(c, guiColors[editorbg]);
    setbackground(t, guiColors[editorbg]);
#ifdef USE_MDI
    if (ismdi() && (RguiMDI & RW_TOOLBAR)) {
	int btsize = 24;
	rect r = rect(2, 2, btsize, btsize);
	control tb, bt;
	MCHECK(tb = newtoolbar(btsize + 4));
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(open_image, r, menueditoropen));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Open script")));
	setdata(bt, c);
	r.x += (btsize + 1) ;
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(save_image, r, menueditorsave));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt,  G_("Save script")));
	setdata(bt, c);
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(copy1_image, r, menueditorrun));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Run line or selection")));
	setdata(bt, t);
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(console_image, r, editorconsole));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Return focus to Console")));
	r.x += (btsize + 6);
	MCHECK(bt = newtoolbutton(print_image, r, editorprint));
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print script")));
	setdata(bt, t);
	MCHECK(addtooltip(bt, G_("Print")));
    /* Right-click context menu */
    MCHECK(m = gpopup(editormenuact, EditorPopup));
    setdata(m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[0].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[2].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopcut = EditorPopup[4].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopcopy = EditorPopup[5].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[6].m, t);
    setdata(p->mpopdelete = EditorPopup[7].m, t);
    setdata(EditorPopup[9].m, t);

    MCHECK(m = newmenubar(editormenuact));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("New script"), 'N', menueditornew));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Open script..."), 'O', menueditoropen));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save"), 'S', menueditorsave));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Save as..."), 0, menueditorsaveas));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Print..."), 0, editorprint));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Close script"), 0, menueditorclose));
    setdata(m, c);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Undo"), 'Z', editorundo));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(p->mcut = newmenuitem(G_("Cut"), 'X', editorcut));
    setdata(p->mcut, t);
    MCHECK(p->mcopy = newmenuitem(G_("Copy"), 'C', editorcopy));
    setdata(p->mcopy, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Paste"), 'V', editorpaste));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(p->mdelete = newmenuitem(G_("Delete"), 0, editordelete));
    setdata(p->mdelete, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Select all"), 'A', editorselectall));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Clear console"), 'L', menuclear));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run line or selection"), 'R', menueditorrun));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem(G_("Run all"), 0, editorrunall));
    setdata(m, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(p->mfind = newmenuitem(G_("Find..."), 'F', editorfind));
    setdata(p->mfind, t);
    MCHECK(p->mreplace = newmenuitem(G_("Replace..."), 'H', editorreplace));
    setdata(p->mreplace, t);
    MCHECK(m = newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("GUI preferences..."), 0, menuconfig));

    /* Packages menu should go here */
    p->pmenu = (PkgMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structPkgMenuItems));

#ifdef USE_MDI
    newmdimenu(); /* Create and fill the 'Window' menu */

    MCHECK(m = newmenu(G_("Help")));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem(G_("Editor"), 0, menueditorhelp));
    MCHECK(newmenuitem("-", 0, NULL));
    p->hmenu = (HelpMenuItems) malloc(sizeof(struct structHelpMenuItems));
    RguiCommonHelp(m, p->hmenu);

    settextfont(t, editorfn);
    setforeground(t, guiColors[editorfg]);    
    setresize(c, editorresize);
    setclose(c, editorclose);
    setdel(c, editordel);
    setdel(t, textboxdel);
    setonfocus(c, editorfocus);
    setkeyaction(t, editorcontrolkeydown);
    setkeydown(t, editorasciikeydown);

    /* Store pointer to new editor in global array */
    REditors[neditors] = c;
    return c;
Beispiel #11
SEXP Win_selectlist(SEXP args)
    SEXP choices, preselect, ans = R_NilValue;
    const char **clist;
    int i, j = -1, n, mw = 0, multiple, nsel = 0;
    int xmax, ymax, ylist, fht, h0;
    Rboolean haveTitle;

    choices = CAR(args);
    if(!isString(choices)) error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "choices");
    preselect = CADR(args);
    if(!isNull(preselect) && !isString(preselect))
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "preselect");
    multiple = asLogical(CADDR(args));
    if(multiple == NA_LOGICAL) multiple = 0;
    haveTitle = isString(CADDDR(args));
    if(!multiple && isString(preselect) && LENGTH(preselect) != 1)
	error(_("invalid '%s' argument"), "preselect");

    n = LENGTH(choices);
    clist = (const char **) R_alloc(n + 1, sizeof(char *));
    for(i = 0; i < n; i++) {
	clist[i] = translateChar(STRING_ELT(choices, i));
	mw = max(mw, gstrwidth(NULL, SystemFont, clist[i]));
    clist[n] = NULL;

    fht = getSysFontSize().height;

    xmax = max(170, mw+60); /* allow for scrollbar */
    if(ismdi()) {
	RECT *pR = RgetMDIsize();
	h0 = pR->bottom;
    } else {
	h0 = deviceheight(NULL);
    ymax = min(80+fht*n, h0-100); /* allow for window widgets, toolbar */
    ylist = ymax - 60;
    wselect = newwindow(haveTitle ? translateChar(STRING_ELT(CADDDR(args), 0)):
			(multiple ? _("Select one or more") : _("Select one")),
			rect(0, 0, xmax, ymax),
			Titlebar | Centered | Modal | Floating);
    setbackground(wselect, dialog_bg());
	f_list = newmultilist(clist, rect(10, 10, xmax-25, ylist), NULL, finish);
	f_list = newlistbox(clist, rect(10, 10, xmax-25, ylist), NULL, finish);
    if(!isNull(preselect) && LENGTH(preselect)) {
	for(i = 0; i < n; i++)
	    for(j = 0; j < LENGTH(preselect); j++)
		if(strcmp(clist[i], translateChar(STRING_ELT(preselect, j))) == 0) {
		    setlistitem(f_list, i);
    bFinish = newbutton(G_("OK"), rect(xmax-160, ymax-40, 70, 25), finish);
    bCancel = newbutton(G_("Cancel"), rect(xmax-80, ymax-40, 70, 25), cancel);
    setkeydown(wselect, key1);
    done = 0;
    while(!done) {

    if(multiple) {
	if (done == 1) { /* Finish */
	    for(i = 0; i < n; i++)  if(isselected(f_list, i)) nsel++;
	    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, nsel));
	    for(i = 0, j = 0; i < n; i++)
		if(isselected(f_list, i))
		    SET_STRING_ELT(ans, j++, mkChar(clist[i]));
	} else { /* cancel */
	    PROTECT(ans = allocVector(STRSXP, 0));
    } else
	PROTECT(ans = mkString(selected));

    return ans;