 * @return either one of control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult, or PREEMPT_REQUESTED
int JointTrajectoryActionController::executeCommon(const trajectory_msgs::JointTrajectory &trajectory,
                                                   boost::function<bool()> isPreemptRequested)
  if (!setsEqual(joints_, trajectory.joint_names))
    ROS_ERROR("Joints on incoming goal don't match our joints");
    for (size_t i = 0; i < trajectory.joint_names.size(); i++)
      ROS_INFO("  incoming joint %d: %s", (int)i, trajectory.joint_names[i].c_str());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < joints_.size(); i++)
      ROS_INFO("  our joint      %d: %s", (int)i, joints_[i].c_str());
    return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::INVALID_JOINTS;

  if (isPreemptRequested())
    ROS_WARN("New action goal already seems to have been canceled!");

  // make sure the katana is stopped

  // ------ If requested, performs a stop
  if (trajectory.points.empty())
    // reset_trajectory_and_stop();
    return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::SUCCESSFUL;

  // calculate new trajectory
  boost::shared_ptr<SpecifiedTrajectory> new_traj = calculateTrajectory(trajectory);
  if (!new_traj)
    ROS_ERROR("Could not calculate new trajectory, aborting");
    return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::INVALID_GOAL;
  if (!validTrajectory(*new_traj))
    ROS_ERROR("Computed trajectory did not fulfill all constraints!");
    return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::INVALID_GOAL;
  current_trajectory_ = new_traj;

  // sleep until 0.5 seconds before scheduled start
      trajectory.header.stamp > ros::Time::now(),
      "Sleeping for %f seconds before start of trajectory", (trajectory.header.stamp - ros::Time::now()).toSec());
  ros::Rate rate(10);
  while ((trajectory.header.stamp - ros::Time::now()).toSec() > 0.5)
    if (isPreemptRequested() || !ros::ok())
      ROS_WARN("Goal canceled by client while waiting until scheduled start, aborting!");

  ROS_INFO("Sending trajectory to Katana arm...");
  bool success = katana_->executeTrajectory(new_traj, isPreemptRequested);
  if (!success)
    ROS_ERROR("Problem while transferring trajectory to Katana arm, aborting");
    return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED;

  ROS_INFO("Waiting until goal reached...");
  ros::Rate goalWait(10);
  while (ros::ok())
    // always have to call this before calling someMotorCrashed() or allJointsReady()

    if (katana_->someMotorCrashed())
      ROS_ERROR("Some motor has crashed! Aborting trajectory...");
      return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::PATH_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED;

    // all joints are idle
    if (katana_->allJointsReady() && allJointsStopped())
      // // make sure the joint positions are updated before checking for goalReached()
      // --> this isn't necessary because refreshEncoders() is periodically called
      //     by KatanaNode. Leaving it out saves us some Katana bandwidth.
      // katana_->refreshEncoders();

      if (goalReached())
        // joints are idle and we are inside goal constraints. yippie!
        ROS_INFO("Goal reached.");
        return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::SUCCESSFUL;
        ROS_ERROR("Joints are idle and motors are not crashed, but we did not reach the goal position! WTF?");
        return control_msgs::FollowJointTrajectoryResult::GOAL_TOLERANCE_VIOLATED;

    if (isPreemptRequested())
      ROS_WARN("Goal canceled by client while waiting for trajectory to finish, aborting!");


  // this part is only reached when node is shut down
Beispiel #2
huReturn hookUp(const vector<SplitEdge> &g, int s, vector<SplitEdge> &bIn, int k, vector<vector<int>> &Y, historyIndex &h)
	if (cG(s, g) != 0)
		cout << "cG(s) problem in hookup" << endl;
		throw logic_error("");
	vector<SplitEdge> H = g;
	vector<SplitEdge> G1 = g; 
	vector<SplitEdge> B = bIn;
	vector<SplitEdge> B1;
	vector<vector<int>> XS;
	int maxNodeInd = getMaxNodeInd(G1);
	for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeInd; i++)
	for (int i = 0; i < maxNodeInd; i++)
	//cout << "About to enter while loop" << endl;
	while (getNumUsedNodes(H) >= 4)
		vector<int> ma = maOrderingHeap(H, s);
		int v = ma[ma.size() - 2];
		int w = ma[ma.size() - 1];
		if (v == s || w == s)
			throw logic_error("SET WAS V - S, S FOUND");
		vector<int> X1;
		H = combineVertices(H, v, w);
		H = compress(H);
		XS[v] = setUnion(XS[v], XS[w]);
		if (XS[w].size() == 0)
			cout << "Error: W, " << w << " was merged twice. Quitting" << endl;
			throw logic_error("");
		XS[w] = vector<int>();
		if (cG(v, H) < k)
			int numToGet = (int)ceil(.5*(double(k) - double(cG(G1, XS[v]))));
			vector<SplitEdge> GX = inducedSubgraph(G1, XS[v]);
			vector<SplitEdge> delB;
			int added = 0;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < GX.size(); i++)
				SplitEdge e = SplitEdge(GX[i].end0, GX[i].end1, GX[i].weight, GX[i].orig0, GX[i].orig1);
				if (isMem(e, B))
					int bW = B[indexOfEdge(B, e.end0, e.end1)].weight;
					if (bW < e.weight)
						e.weight = bW;
					if (e.weight > (numToGet - added))
						e.weight = numToGet - added;
					added += e.weight;
				if (added == numToGet)
			if (added != numToGet)
				cout << "Error: GX did not contain " << numToGet << " entries in B. Quitting." << endl;
				throw logic_error("");
			if (!isSubset(delB, B))
				cout << "ERROR: delB is not a subset of B." << endl;
				cout << "B:" << endl;
				cout << "delB:" << endl;
				cout << "This was the GX to choose from:" << endl;
				cout << "V: " << v << endl;
				cout << "W: " << w << endl;
				cout << "S: " << s << endl;
				throw logic_error("");
			B = setRemove(delB, B);
			B = removeZeroWeighted(B);
			B1 = setUnion(delB, B1);
			H = removeZeroWeighted(H);
			G1 = hookUpHelper(s, G1, delB, h);
			G1 = removeZeroWeighted(G1);
			H = removeZeroWeighted(H);
			bool addedFromXSinH = false;
			numToGet *= 2;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < H.size(); i++)
				SplitEdge tester = SplitEdge(s, v, 0, 0, 0);
				if (equals(tester, H[i]))
					//cout << "Increasing weight in hookUp in H between " << H[i].end0 << " and " << H[i].end1 << "from " << H[i].weight << " to " << H[i].weight + numToGet << endl;
					H[i].weight += numToGet;
					addedFromXSinH = true;
			if (!addedFromXSinH && numToGet != 0)
				//cout << "Creating edge in hookUp in H between " << s << " and " << v << " with weight " << numToGet << endl;
				SplitEdge e(s, v, numToGet, s, v);
			vector<vector<int>> newY;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < Y.size(); i++)
				if (!isProperSubset(Y[i], XS[v]))
			bool foundX1inY = false;
			for (unsigned i = 0; i < newY.size(); i++)
				if (setsEqual(newY[i], XS[v]))
					foundX1inY = true;
			if (!foundX1inY)
			Y = newY;
	huReturn ret;
	ret.BP = B1;
	ret.G1 = G1;
	ret.Y = Y;
	return ret;