CCTile3DButton::CCTile3DButton(CCSceneBase *scene, const float width, const char *textureName)
    construct( scene );
    const CCTextureBase *texture = gEngine->textureManager->getTexture( textureName, Resource_Packaged );
    const float aspectRatio = texture->getImageWidth() / texture->getImageHeight();
    const float height = width / aspectRatio;
    setupBase( width, height );

    setBaseTexture( textureName, Resource_Packaged );
CCTile3DButton::CCTile3DButton(CCSceneBase *scene, const float width, const float height, const char *text)
    construct( scene );
    setupBase( width, height );
    if( text )
        textModel->setText( text, height );
void CCTile3DScrollBar::resize(const float cameraY, const float cameraWidth, const float cameraHeight, 
                             const float sceneTopY, const float sceneBottomY)
    const float cameraHHeight = cameraHeight * 0.5f;

    topY = sceneTopY;
    bottomY = sceneBottomY;
    const float sceneHeight = ( topY + cameraHHeight ) - ( bottomY - cameraHHeight );

    const float viewPercentage = cameraHeight / sceneHeight;
    const float scrollBarHeight = viewPercentage * cameraHeight;
    setupBase( 1.0f, scrollBarHeight );

    reposition( cameraY, cameraWidth, cameraHeight );
void TileSocialPhoto::setSize(const float inSize)
    if( size != inSize )
        size = inSize;

        // Set our desired size
        setupBase( inSize, inSize );

//        // If we've resized the photo based off the texture size, do it again
//        if( baseSquare->usesTexture != NULL )
//        {
//            baseSquare->adjustTextureUVs();
//        }
Beispiel #5
TileSocial::TileSocial(CCSceneBase *scene, const float width, const float height, const char *text) :
    CCTile3DButton( scene )
    drawOrder = 200;
    borderWidth = 1.0f;
    backgroundSquare = new CCPrimitiveSquare();
    model->addPrimitive( backgroundSquare );
    model->setColour( CCColour( 1.0f, 0.5f ) );
    model->setOutline( CCColourInt( 232 ) );
    setupBase( width, height );
    textModel->setColour( CCColour() );
    if( text != NULL )
        textModel->setText( text, collisionBoundsLength.y );
    rotationSpeed = 180.0f;
Beispiel #6
template <typename PointSource, typename PointTarget, typename NormalT, typename Scalar> int
pcl::registration::FPCSInitialAlignment <PointSource, PointTarget, NormalT, Scalar>::selectBase (
  std::vector <int> &base_indices,
  float (&ratio)[2])
  const float too_close_sqr = max_base_diameter_sqr_*0.01;

  Eigen::VectorXf coefficients (4);
  pcl::SampleConsensusModelPlane <PointTarget> plane (target_);
  plane.setIndices (target_indices_);
  Eigen::Vector4f centre_pt;
  float nearest_to_plane = FLT_MAX;

  // repeat base search until valid quadruple was found or ransac_iterations_ number of trys were unsuccessfull
  for (int i = 0; i < ransac_iterations_; i++)
    // random select an appropriate point triple
    if (selectBaseTriangle (base_indices) < 0)

    std::vector <int> base_triple (base_indices.begin (), base_indices.end () - 1);
    plane.computeModelCoefficients (base_triple, coefficients);
    pcl::compute3DCentroid (*target_, base_triple, centre_pt);

    // loop over all points in source cloud to find most suitable fourth point
    const PointTarget *pt1 = &(target_->points[base_indices[0]]);
    const PointTarget *pt2 = &(target_->points[base_indices[1]]);
    const PointTarget *pt3 = &(target_->points[base_indices[2]]);

    for (std::vector <int>::iterator it = target_indices_->begin (), it_e = target_indices_->end (); it != it_e; it++)
      const PointTarget *pt4 = &(target_->points[*it]);

      float d1 = pcl::squaredEuclideanDistance (*pt4, *pt1);
      float d2 = pcl::squaredEuclideanDistance (*pt4, *pt2);
      float d3 = pcl::squaredEuclideanDistance (*pt4, *pt3);
      float d4 = (pt4->getVector3fMap ()  - centre_pt.head (3)).squaredNorm ();

      // check distance between points w.r.t minimum sampling distance; EDITED -> 4th point now also limited by max base line
      if (d1 < too_close_sqr || d2 < too_close_sqr || d3 < too_close_sqr || d4 < too_close_sqr ||
        d1 > max_base_diameter_sqr_ || d2 > max_base_diameter_sqr_ || d3 > max_base_diameter_sqr_)

      // check distance to plane to get point closest to plane
      float dist_to_plane = pcl::pointToPlaneDistance (*pt4, coefficients);
      if (dist_to_plane < nearest_to_plane)
        base_indices[3] = *it;
        nearest_to_plane = dist_to_plane;

    // check if at least one point fullfilled the conditions
    if (nearest_to_plane != FLT_MAX)
      // order points to build largest quadrangle and calcuate intersection ratios of diagonals
      setupBase (base_indices, ratio);
      return (0);

  // return unsuccessfull if no quadruple was selected
  return (-1);