Beispiel #1
AotMorphology::AotMorphology() {

	try {
		std::string strError;
		lemmatizer = new CLemmatizerRussian();
		lemmatizer->m_bAllowRussianJo = true;
		lemmatizer->m_bMaximalPrediction = true;
		lemmatizer->m_bUseStatistic = true;

#ifdef MSVC
		if (!lemmatizer->LoadDictionariesRegistry(strError))
			throw MorphologyInitException( strError, __FILE__, 0 );

		agramtab = new CRusGramTab();
		if (!agramtab->LoadFromRegistry())
			throw MorphologyInitException( "Couldn't load gramtab", __FILE__, 0 );
		if (!lemmatizer->LoadDictionariesRegistry(strError))
			throw MorphologyInitException( strError, __FILE__, __LINE__ );

		agramtab = new CRusGramTab();
		if (!agramtab->LoadFromRegistry())
			throw MorphologyInitException( "Couldn't load gramtab", __FILE__, __LINE__ );
	} catch ( const MorphologyInitException & e ) {
		throw e;
	} catch ( const CExpc & e ) {
		throw MorphologyInitException( "Couldn't init morphology: " + e.m_strCause, __FILE__, 0 );
	} catch (...) {
		throw MorphologyInitException( "Couldn't init morphology due to unknown error", __FILE__, 0 );
Beispiel #2
void AotGraphan::analyzeString( const std::string & str, boost::ptr_vector<Unit> & units ) {

	try {
		CGraphmatFile file;

		if( !file.LoadDicts() ) { // Загружаем словари
			throw std::logic_error( file.GetLastError() );

		if( !file.LoadStringToGraphan( str ) ) { // Загружаем файл
			throw std::logic_error( file.GetLastError() );

		for( const CGraLine & line : file.GetUnits() ) {
			units.push_back( new Unit( line.GetToken(), line.GetTokenLength(), line.GetInputOffset(), line.IsWordOrNumberOrAbbr() ? Unit::WORD : line.IsPunct() ? Unit::PUNCT : Unit::UNKNOWN ) );
	} catch ( const std::exception & e ) {
		throw e;
	} catch ( const CExpc & e ) {
		throw std::logic_error( "Couldn't init morphology: " + e.m_strCause );
	} catch (...) {
		throw std::logic_error( "Couldn't init morphology due to unknown error" );