Beispiel #1
static int readsf(CSOUND *csound, MYFLT *inbuf, int inbufsize)
    int i, n;

    (void) csound;
    n = inbufsize / (int) sizeof(MYFLT);
    i = (int) sf_read_MYFLT(STA(infile), inbuf, n);
    if (UNLIKELY(i < 0))
      return inbufsize;
    memset(&inbuf[i], 0, (n-i)*sizeof(MYFLT));
    return inbufsize;
Beispiel #2
/* special handling of sound input to accomodate reads thru pipes & net
 * where nbytes rcvd can be < n requested
 * extra arg passed for filetyp testing on POST-HEADER reads of audio samples
static int sreadin(CSOUND *csound, SNDFILE *infd, MYFLT *inbuf,
                   int nsamples, SOUNDIN *p)
    /* return the number of samples read */
    int   n, ntot = 0;
    do {
      n = sf_read_MYFLT(infd, inbuf + ntot, nsamples - ntot);
      if (UNLIKELY(n < 0))
        csound->Die(csound, Str("soundfile read error"));
    } while (n > 0 && (ntot += n) < nsamples);
    if (p->audrem > (int64_t) 0) {
      if ((int64_t) ntot > p->audrem)   /*   chk haven't exceeded */
        ntot = (int) p->audrem;         /*   limit of audio data  */
      p->audrem -= (int64_t) ntot;
      return ntot;
    return 0;
Beispiel #3
static int filegrain_process(CSOUND *csound, filegrain *p)
    MYFLT   sig[DGRAIN_MAXCHAN], pitch, amp, grsize, envincr, period,
            fperiod, prate;
    MYFLT   **output = p->output;
    MYFLT   *datap = (MYFLT *) p->buffer.auxp;
    MYFLT   *ftable = p->efunc->ftable;
    int     *streamon = (int *) p->streamon.auxp;
    float   start = p->start, frac = p->frac, jump;
    double  *index = (double *) p->index.auxp;
    double  *envindex = (double *) p->envindex.auxp;
    uint32_t offset = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_offset;
    uint32_t early  = p->h.insdshead->ksmps_no_end;
    uint32_t vecpos, vecsize=CS_KSMPS;
    int     firststream = p->firststream;
    int     numstreams = p->numstreams, olaps = p->olaps;
    int     count = p->count, i,j, newstream;
    int     datasize, hdatasize, envtablesize = p->envtablesize;
    int     dataframes = p->dataframes, hdataframes = p->dataframes/2;
    int     read1 = p->read1, read2 = p->read2;
    int     items, chans = p->nChannels, tndx,endx,n;
    uint32  pos = p->pos;
    int32   negpos, flen = p->flen;
    float   trigger = p->trigger, incr;

    memset(sig, 0, DGRAIN_MAXCHAN*sizeof(MYFLT));

    datasize = dataframes*chans;
    hdatasize = hdataframes*chans;

    pitch  = *p->pitch;
    fperiod = FABS(CS_ESR/(*p->fr));
    //if (UNLIKELY(fperiod  < FL(0.0))) fperiod = -fperiod;
    amp =    *p->amp;
    grsize = CS_ESR * *p->grsize;
    if (UNLIKELY(grsize<1)) goto err1;
    if (grsize > hdataframes) grsize = hdataframes;
    envincr = envtablesize/grsize;
    prate = *p->prate;

    if (UNLIKELY(offset)) memset(output, '\0', offset*sizeof(MYFLT));
    if (UNLIKELY(early)) {
      vecsize -= early;
      memset(&output[vecsize], '\0', early*sizeof(MYFLT));
    for (vecpos = offset; vecpos < vecsize; vecpos++) {
      /* sig = (MYFLT) 0; */
      /* if a grain has finished, clean up */
      if (UNLIKELY((!streamon[firststream]) && (numstreams) )) {
        numstreams--; /* decrease the no of streams */
        firststream=(firststream+1)%olaps; /* first stream is the next */
      /* if a fund period has elapsed */
      /* start a new grain */
      period = fperiod - frac;
      if (count ==0  || count >= period) {
        if (count) frac = count - period;
        newstream =(firststream+numstreams)%olaps;
        streamon[newstream] = 1;
        envindex[newstream] = 0.0;
        index[newstream] = start;
        count = 0;
        incr = prate*grsize;
        start += (incr);
        trigger += (incr);
        jump = grsize*(pitch > 0 ? pitch : -pitch);
        if (incr >= 0) {
          if (trigger >= (dataframes - jump)) {

            trigger -= (dataframes);

            if (!read1) {
              pos += hdataframes;

              items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap,hdatasize);
              if (items < hdatasize) {
                sf_seek(p->sf, 0, 0);
                sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+items, hdatasize-items);
              for (n=0; n < chans; n++)
                datap[hdatasize+n] = datap[hdatasize-chans+n];

              read1 = 1;
              read2 = 0;
          else if (trigger >= (hdataframes - jump)) {

            if (!read2) {

              pos += hdataframes;

              items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+hdatasize, hdatasize);
              if (items < hdatasize) {
                  sf_seek(p->sf, 0, SEEK_SET);
                  sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+items+hdatasize, hdatasize-items);
              for (n=0; n < chans; n++)
                datap[datasize+n] = datap[datasize-chans+n];
              read2 = 1;
              read1 = 0;
        else {
          if (trigger < jump) {
            trigger += (dataframes);
            if (!read1) {

              /*this roundabout code is to
                allow us to use an unsigned long
                to hold the file position
                whilst allowing for pos to go negative

              negpos = pos;
              negpos -= hdataframes;
              if (negpos < 0) {
                while(negpos < 0) negpos += flen;
                pos = negpos;
              else pos -= hdataframes;

                pos -= hdataframes;
                if (pos < 0)  pos += flen;

              items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+hdatasize,hdatasize);
              if (items < hdatasize) {
                items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+hdatasize+items,

              for (n=0; n < chans; n++)
                datap[datasize+n] = datap[datasize-chans+n];
              read1 = 1;
              read2 = 0;
          else if (trigger <= (hdataframes + jump)) {
            if (!read2) {

              negpos = pos;
              negpos -= hdataframes;
              if (negpos < 0) {
                while(negpos < 0) negpos += flen;
                pos = negpos;
              else pos -= hdataframes;
                pos -= hdataframes;
                if (pos < 0)  pos += flen;
              items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap,hdatasize);
              if (items < hdatasize) {
                items = sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,datap+items,hdatasize-items);
              for (n=0; n < chans; n++)
                datap[hdatasize+n] = datap[hdatasize-chans+n];

              read2 = 1;
              read1 = 0;

        if (start >= dataframes) start -= dataframes;
        if (start < 0) start += dataframes;

      for (i=numstreams,
             j=firststream; i; i--, j=(j+1)%olaps) {

        /* modulus */
        if (index[j] >= dataframes)
          index[j] -= dataframes;
        if (index[j]  < 0)
          index[j] += dataframes;

        /* sum all the grain streams */
        tndx = (int)index[j]*chans;
        endx = (int) envindex[j];
        /* sig[0] = sig[1] = sig[2] = sig[3] = 0.0; */
        for (n=0; n < chans; n++) {

          sig[n] += ((datap[tndx+n] +
                      (index[j] - (int)index[j])*
                      (datap[tndx+n+chans] - datap[tndx+n])
                      ) *
                     (ftable[endx] +
                      (envindex[j] - endx)*
                      (ftable[endx+1] - ftable[endx])


        /* increment the indexes */
        /* for each grain */
        index[j] += (pitch);
        envindex[j] += envincr;

        /* if the envelope is finished */
        /* the grain is also finished */
        if (envindex[j] > envtablesize)
          streamon[j] = 0;

      /* increment the period counter */
      /* scale the output */
      for (n=0; n < chans; n++) {
        output[n][vecpos] = sig[n]*amp;
        sig[n] = 0;

    p->firststream = firststream;
    p->numstreams = numstreams;
    p->count = count;
    p->start = start;
    p->frac = frac;
    p->trigger = trigger;
    p->read1 = read1;
    p->read2 = read2;
    p->pos = pos;
    return OK;
    return csound->PerfError(csound, p->h.insdshead,
                             Str("grain size smaller than 1 sample\n"));
Beispiel #4
static int filegrain_init(CSOUND *csound, filegrain *p)
    int size;
    void *fd;
    MYFLT *buffer;
    SF_INFO sfinfo;
    char *fname = p->fname->data;

    p->nChannels = (int) (p->OUTOCOUNT);
    if (UNLIKELY(p->nChannels < 1 || p->nChannels > DGRAIN_MAXCHAN)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound,
                               Str("diskgrain: invalid number of channels"));
    p->efunc = csound->FTnp2Find(csound, p->ifn2);
    if (UNLIKELY(p->efunc == NULL))
      return NOTOK;

    p->olaps = (int) *p->ols + 1;
    p->dataframes = (int)(*p->max*CS_ESR*4);
    if (p->dataframes < MINFBUFSIZE)
      p->dataframes =  MINFBUFSIZE;
    if (UNLIKELY(p->olaps < 2))
      p->olaps = 2;

    size =  (p->olaps) * sizeof(double);
    if (p->index.auxp == NULL || p->index.size < (unsigned int)size)
      csound->AuxAlloc(csound, size, &p->index);
    if (p->envindex.auxp == NULL || p->envindex.size < (unsigned int)size)
      csound->AuxAlloc(csound, size, &p->envindex);
    size = (p->olaps) * sizeof(int);
    if (p->streamon.auxp == NULL || p->streamon.size < (unsigned int)size)
      csound->AuxAlloc(csound, size, &p->streamon);
    if (p->buffer.auxp == NULL ||
        p->buffer.size < (p->dataframes+1)*sizeof(MYFLT)*p->nChannels)
                       (p->dataframes+1)*sizeof(MYFLT)*p->nChannels, &p->buffer);

    buffer = (MYFLT *) p->buffer.auxp;
    /* open file and read the first block using *p->ioff */
    fd = csound->FileOpen2(csound, &(p->sf), CSFILE_SND_R, fname, &sfinfo,
                            "SFDIR;SSDIR", CSFTYPE_UNKNOWN_AUDIO, 0);
    memset(buffer, 0,p->buffer.size);
    if (UNLIKELY(fd == NULL)) {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("diskgrain: could not open file\n"));
    if (UNLIKELY(sfinfo.channels != p->nChannels)) {
        csound->InitError(csound, Str("diskgrain: soundfile channel numbers "
                                      "do not match the number of outputs \n"));

    if (*p->ioff >= 0)
      sf_seek(p->sf,*p->ioff * CS_ESR, SEEK_SET);

    if (LIKELY(sf_read_MYFLT(p->sf,buffer,p->dataframes*p->nChannels/2) != 0)) {
      p->read1 = 1;
      p->read2 = 0;
    else {
      return csound->InitError(csound, Str("diskgrain: could not read file \n"));

   /* -===-  */
    p->count =  0;                      /* sampling period counter */
    p->numstreams = 0;                  /* curr num of streams */
    p->firststream = 0;                 /* streams index (first stream)  */
    p->envtablesize = p->efunc->flen;   /* size of envtable */

    p->start = 0.0f;
    p->frac = 0.0f;
    p->pos = *p->ioff*CS_ESR;
    p->trigger = 0.0f;
    p->flen = sfinfo.frames;

    return OK;