Beispiel #1
void SimAeroDamage(tCar *car, sgVec3 poc, tdble F)
    tAero* aero = &car->aero;
    tdble dmg = F*0.0001;

    aero->rot_front[0] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_front[1] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_front[2] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    if (sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_front) > 1.0) {
        sgNormaliseVec3 (car->aero.rot_front);
    aero->rot_lateral[0] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_lateral[1] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_lateral[2] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    if (sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_lateral) > 1.0) {
        sgNormaliseVec3 (car->aero.rot_lateral);
    aero->rot_vertical[0] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_vertical[1] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    aero->rot_vertical[2] += dmg*(urandom()-.5);
    if (sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_vertical) > 1.0) {
        sgNormaliseVec3 (car->aero.rot_vertical);

    //printf ("aero damage:%f (->%f %f %f)\n", dmg, sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_front),
    //			sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_lateral), sgLengthVec3(car->aero.rot_vertical));

Beispiel #2
SimCarCollideXYScene(tCar *car)
    tTrackSeg   *seg = car->trkPos.seg;
    tTrkLocPos  trkpos;
    int         i;
    tDynPt      *corner;
    //t3Dd      normal;
    tdble       initDotProd;
    tdble       dotProd;
    tTrackBarrier *curBarrier;
    tdble       dmg;
    if (car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_NO_SIMU) {

    tdble energy_restitution = 0.999f;

    corner = &(car->corner[0]);
    for (i = 0; i < 4; i++, corner++) {
        seg = car->trkPos.seg;
        RtTrackGlobal2Local(seg, corner->, corner->pos.ay, &trkpos, TR_LPOS_TRACK);
        seg = trkpos.seg;
        tdble toSide;

        if (trkpos.toRight < 0.0) {
            // collision with right border.
            curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_RGT];
            toSide = trkpos.toRight;
        } else if (trkpos.toLeft < 0.0) {
            // collision with left border.
            curBarrier = seg->barrier[TR_SIDE_LFT];
            toSide = trkpos.toLeft;
        } else {

        const tdble& nx = curBarrier->normal.x;
        const tdble& ny = curBarrier->normal.y;
        t3Dd normal = {nx, ny, 0.0f};
        car->DynGCg.pos.x -= nx * toSide;
        car->DynGCg.pos.y -= ny * toSide;
        car->DynGC.pos.x = car->DynGCg.pos.x;
        car->DynGC.pos.y = car->DynGCg.pos.y;
        // Corner position relative to center of gravity.
        //tdble cx = corner-> - car->DynGCg.pos.x;
        //tdble cy = corner->pos.ay - car->DynGCg.pos.y;

        car->blocked = 1;
        car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION;

        // Impact speed perpendicular to barrier (of corner).
        initDotProd = nx * corner->vel.x + ny * corner->vel.y;
        //printf("%f = (%f %f)'(%f %f)\n", initDotProd, nx, ny, corner->vel.x, corner->vel.y);
        // Compute dmgDotProd (base value for later damage) with a heuristic.
        tdble absvel = (float)MAX(1.0, sqrt(car->DynGCg.vel.x*car->DynGCg.vel.x + car->DynGCg.vel.y*car->DynGCg.vel.y));
        tdble GCgnormvel = car->DynGCg.vel.x*nx + car->DynGCg.vel.y*ny;
        tdble cosa = GCgnormvel/absvel;
        tdble dmgDotProd = GCgnormvel*cosa;

        // veolcity projected to normal
        tdble vPx = nx * corner->vel.x;
        tdble vPy = ny * corner->vel.y;
        //tdble vP = sqrt(vPx*vPx + vPy*vPy);

        // veolcity projected to tangent plane
        tdble vQx = corner->vel.x - vPx;
        tdble vQy = corner->vel.y - vPy;
        tdble vQ = sqrt(vQx*vQx + vQy*vQy);

        // Fix this to be applied only perpendicular to the normal
        dotProd = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction;

        // calculate projection of velocity to perpendicular

            // this is only used for propagating response to other layers
            sgVec3 normal_l; 
            tdble d2 = dotProd;
            t2sg3(normal, normal_l);
            sgRotateVecQuat (normal_l, car->posQuat);
            car->DynGC.acc.x -= normal_l[SG_X] * d2;
            car->DynGC.acc.y -= normal_l[SG_Y] * d2;
            car->carElt->_accel_x -= normal_l[SG_X] * d2;
            car->carElt->_accel_y -= normal_l[SG_Y] * d2;          

        // Dammage.
        dotProd = initDotProd;
        dmg = 0.0f;

        if (curBarrier->surface->kRebound > 1.0) {
            printf("warning: rebound constant %f > 1\n", curBarrier->surface->kRebound);
        } else {
            dotProd *=  curBarrier->surface->kRebound;
        // If the car moves toward the barrier, rebound.
        tdble normal_impulse_x = - nx * dotProd;
        tdble normal_impulse_y = - ny * dotProd;
        tdble dP3 = initDotProd * curBarrier->surface->kFriction / vQ;// could divide by vQ, but it's better (I think) to have it proportional to speed.
        tdble friction_impulse_x = vQx * dP3;
        tdble friction_impulse_y = vQy * dP3;
        if (dotProd < 0.0f) {
            //printf ("CollideXY\n");

            tdble E_prev = SimCarDynamicEnergy(car);

            // propagate damages
            if ((car->carElt->_state & RM_CAR_STATE_FINISH) == 0) {
                dmgDotProd = (float)(dmgDotProd*dmgDotProd*0.5
                    + friction_impulse_x*friction_impulse_x
                    + friction_impulse_y*friction_impulse_y);
                dmg = curBarrier->surface->kDammage * dmgDotProd * simDammageFactor[car->carElt->_skillLevel];
                car->dammage += (int)dmg;
            car->collision |= SEM_COLLISION_XYSCENE;
            car->normal.x = nx * dmg;
            car->normal.y = ny * dmg;
            car->collpos.x = corner->;
            car->collpos.y = corner->pos.ay;

            //printf ("ColXY: (%f %f) + (%f %f)\n",
            //normal_impulse_x, normal_impulse_y,
            //friction_impulse_x, friction_impulse_y);

            // Calculate change in rotational momentum.
            // ----------------------------------------
            // Put the impulse in a 3d vector
            sgVec3 impulse = {normal_impulse_x + friction_impulse_x,
                              normal_impulse_y + friction_impulse_y,
            // rotate it to the target frame
            sgRotateVecQuat (impulse, car->posQuat);
            car->DynGC.vel.x += impulse[SG_X];
            car->DynGC.vel.y += impulse[SG_Y];
            car->DynGC.vel.z += impulse[SG_Z];

            // Put the point of impact in a 3d vector
            sgVec3 v = {car->statGC.x + corner->pos.x,
                        car->statGC.y + corner->pos.y,

            // Calculate moments
            tdble Mx = + impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_Y] - impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_Z];
            tdble My = - impulse[SG_Z] * v[SG_X] + impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Z];
            tdble Mz = - impulse[SG_X] * v[SG_Y] + impulse[SG_Y] * v[SG_X];
            // Add moments to rotational inertia
            tdble rot_mom_scale = 0.25f*car->mass;// * SimDeltaTime;
            car->rot_mom[SG_X] -= rot_mom_scale * Mx;// * car->Iinv.x;
            car->rot_mom[SG_Y] -= rot_mom_scale * My;// * car->Iinv.y;
            car->rot_mom[SG_Z] -= rot_mom_scale * Mz; //* car->Iinv.z;
            //printf ("M_w:%f J:%f M_c:%g\n", car->rot_acc[SG_Z], car->rot_mom[SG_Z], rot_mom_scale * Mz);
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
                if (fabs(car->rot_mom[i]) > 2000.0) {
                    //printf ("rot_mom: %f\n", (car->rot_mom[i]));
                    car->rot_mom[i] = (float)(2000*SIGN(car->rot_mom[i]));
            // transform velocity to global frame
            if (1) {
                t3Dd original;
                t3Dd updated;
                original.x = car->DynGC.vel.x;
                original.y = car->DynGC.vel.y;
                original.z = car->DynGC.vel.z;
                QuatRotate(original, car->posQuat, updated);
                car->DynGCg.vel.x = updated.x;
                car->DynGCg.vel.y = updated.y;
                car->DynGCg.vel.z = updated.z;
            SimCarLimitDynamicEnergy(car, energy_restitution*E_prev); 
#if 0
        static tdble DEFORMATION_THRESHOLD = 0.01f;
        if (car->options->aero_damage
            || sgLengthVec3(force) > DEFORMATION_THRESHOLD) {
            sgVec3 poc;
            poc[0] = corner->pos.x;
            poc[1] = corner->pos.y;
            poc[2] = (urandom()-0.5)*2.0;
            sgRotateVecQuat (force, car->posQuat);
            for (int i=0; i<3; i++) {
            // just compute values, gr does deformation later.
            // must average position and add up force.
            SimCarCollideAddDeformation(car, poc, force);

            // add aero damage if applicable
            if (car->options->aero_damage) {
                SimAeroDamage (car, poc, sgLengthVec3(force));