Beispiel #1
int ss_Free()
	SGS_CTX = g_C;
	/* clean the application */
	if( SGS_FAILED( sgs_GlobalCall( C, "cleanup", 0, 0 ) ) )
		sgs_Msg( C, SGS_ERROR, "Failed to clean the application." );
		return -1;
	sgs_membuf_destroy( &g_tmpbuf, C );
	if( GEnabledProfiler )
		sgs_ProfDump( C, &P );
		sgs_ProfClose( C, &P );
	if( GEnabledDebugging )
		sgs_CloseIDbg( C, &D );
	sgs_DestroyEngine( C );
	ss_FreeGraphics( C );
	return 0;
Beispiel #2
int main( int argc, char** argv )
	printf( "\n//\n/// SGScript / CPPBC test\n//\n" );
	SGS_CTX = sgs_CreateEngine();
	printf( "\n> push Vec3(1,2,3)" );
	pushVec3( C, 1, 2, 3 );
	printf( "\n> print object: " );
	sgs_PushItem( C, -1 );
	sgs_GlobalCall( C, "print", 1, 0 );
	printf( "\n> print property 'Vec3.length': " );
	sgs_PushProperty( C, -1, "length" );
	sgs_GlobalCall( C, "print", 1, 0 );
	printf( "\n> print result of method 'Vec3.getLength()': " );
	sgs_PushItem( C, -1 );
	sgs_PushProperty( C, -1, "getLength" );
	sgs_ThisCall( C, 0, 1 );
	sgs_GlobalCall( C, "print", 1, 0 );
	printf( "\n> print object after method 'Vec3.setLength(4.5)': " );
	sgs_PushItem( C, -1 );
	sgs_PushReal( C, 4.5 );
	sgs_PushProperty( C, -2, "setLength" );
	sgs_ThisCall( C, 1, 0 );
	sgs_GlobalCall( C, "print", 1, 0 );
	printf( "\n" );
	sgs_DestroyEngine( C );
	return 0;
Beispiel #3
char* runsgs( const char* script )
	if( !outbuf )
		outbuf = malloc( MAX_OUTPUT_SIZE );
	SGS_CTX = sgs_CreateEngine();
	outbuf_at = outbuf;
	sgs_SetOutputFunc( C, output_to_buffer, NULL );
	sgs_SetErrOutputFunc( C, output_to_buffer, NULL );
	sgs_LoadLib_Fmt( C );
	/* no need for I/O - can't use it from the browser */
	sgs_LoadLib_Math( C );
	sgs_LoadLib_OS( C );
	sgs_LoadLib_RE( C );
	sgs_LoadLib_String( C );
	xgm_module_entry_point( C );
	sgs_ExecString( C, script );
	sgs_DestroyEngine( C );
	*outbuf_at = 0;
	return outbuf;
Beispiel #4
int main( int argc, char* argv[] )
	int i;
	BYTE buf[ 4096 ], *path, *data;
	DWORD read, written, scriptsize = 0;
	path = buf;
	/* open EXE file */
	read = GetModuleFileName( NULL, (CHAR*) buf, sizeof( buf ) );
	if( read >= sizeof( buf ) )
		path = malloc( read + 1 );
		GetModuleFileName( NULL, (CHAR*) buf, sizeof( buf ) );
	fh = CreateFileFast( (CHAR*) buf, FILE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING );
	if( path != buf )
		free( path );
		return E_FAIL;
	SetFilePointer( fh, -4, NULL, FILE_END );
	ReadFile( fh, &scriptsize, sizeof( scriptsize ), &read, NULL );
	/* read the following data */
	if( scriptsize == 0 )
		if( argc == 3 )
			HANDLE hsgs, hout = CreateFileFast( argv[ 1 ], FILE_WRITE, CREATE_ALWAYS );
			if( !hout )
				MessageBox( 0, "Could not open executable file for writing", APPNAME, MB_ICONERROR );
				CloseHandle( fh );
				return E_FAIL;
			hsgs = CreateFileFast( argv[ 2 ], FILE_READ, OPEN_EXISTING );
			if( !hsgs )
				MessageBox( 0, "Could not open script file for reading", APPNAME, MB_ICONERROR );
				CloseHandle( hout );
				CloseHandle( fh );
				return E_FAIL;
			SetFilePointer( fh, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN );
			while( ReadFile( fh, buf, sizeof( buf ), &read, NULL ) && read )
				WriteFile( hout, buf, read, &written, NULL );
			while( ReadFile( hsgs, buf, sizeof( buf ), &read, NULL ) && read )
				WriteFile( hout, buf, read, &written, NULL );
			scriptsize = GetFileSize( hsgs, NULL );
			WriteFile( hout, &scriptsize, 4, &written, NULL );
			CloseHandle( fh );
			CloseHandle( hsgs );
			CloseHandle( hout );
			MessageBox( 0, "File saved!", APPNAME, MB_ICONINFORMATION );
			return S_OK;
			const char* info = "To create an executable from .sgs"
				", run sgsexe <output-file.exe> <script-file.sgs>."
				"\n\nglobal 'argv' will be the array of arguments";
			MessageBox( 0, info, APPNAME, MB_ICONINFORMATION );
			CloseHandle( fh );
			return E_ABORT;
	data = malloc( scriptsize );
	SetFilePointer( fh, -4-(LONG)scriptsize, NULL, FILE_END );
	ReadFile( fh, data, scriptsize, &read, NULL );
	CloseHandle( fh );
		SGS_CTX = sgs_CreateEngine();
		for( i = 0; i < argc; ++i )
			sgs_PushString( C, argv[ i ] );
		sgs_CreateArray( C, NULL, argc );
		sgs_SetGlobalByName( C, "argv", sgs_StackItem( C, -1 ) );
		sgs_Pop( C, 1 );
		sgs_SetGlobalByName( C, "argc", sgs_MakeInt( argc ) );
		sgs_ExecBuffer( C, (char*) data, scriptsize );
		sgs_DestroyEngine( C );
	free( data );
	return 0;