SceneHandler::SceneHandler(std::shared_ptr<sf::RenderWindow> window) : m_window(window) , m_isPathActive(false) , m_isObstacleActive(false) , m_leader(nullptr) { m_unitTexture.loadFromFile("unit.png"); sf::RectangleShape shape1(sf::Vector2f(300.0f, 150.0f)); shape1.setPosition(150.0f, 400.0f); shape1.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); m_obstacles.push_back(shape1); /*sf::RectangleShape shape2(sf::Vector2f(120.0f, 200.0f)); shape2.setPosition(500.0f, 70.0f); shape2.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); m_obstacles.push_back(shape2);*/ sf::RectangleShape shape3(sf::Vector2f(340.0f, 70.0f)); shape3.setPosition(800.0f, 500.0f); shape3.setFillColor(sf::Color::Black); m_obstacles.push_back(shape3); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-10.f, 30.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(0.f, 50.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-50.f, 50.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-70.f, 30.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-70.f, 0.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-70.f, -30.0f))); m_ankers.push_back(createAnger(Vec2(-50.f, -50.0f))); }
void ScalarFiniteElement<D> :: CalcDShape (const IntegrationPoint & ip, FlatMatrixFixWidth<D> dshape) const { static bool firsttime = true; if (firsttime) { cout << "WARNING: CalcDShape not overloaded for class, using numerical differentiation " << typeid(this).name() << ", ndof = " << ndof << endl; firsttime = false; } int nd = GetNDof(); int sdim = D; double eps = 2e-5; ArrayMem<double, 100> hm1(nd), hm2(nd), hm3(nd), hm4(nd); FlatVector<> shape1(nd, &hm1[0]), shape2(nd, &hm2[0]), shape3(nd, &hm3[0]), shape4(nd, &hm4[0]); for (int i = 0; i < sdim; i++) { IntegrationPoint ip1 = ip; IntegrationPoint ip2 = ip; ip1(i) -= eps; ip2(i) += eps; CalcShape (ip1, shape1); CalcShape (ip2, shape2); ip1(i) -= eps; ip2(i) += eps; CalcShape (ip1, shape3); CalcShape (ip2, shape4); for (int j = 0; j < nd; j++) dshape(j, i) = 2/(3*eps) * (shape2(j) - shape1(j)) -1/(12*eps) * (shape4(j) - shape3(j)); } }
void Resum::drawBorder(const sf::Vector2f &pos) { sf::RectangleShape shape(sf::Vector2f(1000, 500)); sf::RectangleShape shape2(sf::Vector2f(1000, 10)); sf::RectangleShape shape3(sf::Vector2f(1000, 3)); shape.setPosition(pos.x - 500, pos.y + 300); shape2.setPosition(pos.x - 500, pos.y + 300); shape.setFillColor(sf::Color(20, 121, 17)); shape2.setFillColor(sf::Color(8, 57, 6)); _window->draw(shape); _window->draw(shape2); shape3.setFillColor(sf::Color(8, 57, 6)); shape3.setPosition(pos.x - 500, pos.y + 360); _window->draw(shape3); }
tensor3 upsampling2d(const tensor3& in_vol) const { tensor3 out_vol(shape3( in_vol.shape().depth_, in_vol.shape().height_ * scale_factor_.height_, in_vol.shape().width_ * scale_factor_.width_), 0); for (std::size_t z = 0; z < in_vol.shape().depth_; ++z) { for (std::size_t y = 0; y < out_vol.shape().height_; ++y) { std::size_t y_in = y / scale_factor_.height_; for (std::size_t x = 0; x < out_vol.shape().width_; ++x) { std::size_t x_in = x / scale_factor_.width_; out_vol.set(z, y, x, in_vol.get(z, y_in, x_in)); } } } return out_vol; }
int main(int ac, char **av) { SocketTCPClient client; sf::RenderWindow window(sf::VideoMode(800, 800), "SFML color game"); sf::CircleShape shape(400.f); sf::CircleShape shape2(300.f); sf::CircleShape shape3(200.f); sf::Color color; sf::Color color2; sf::Color color3; FDSet fdSet; char buff[1024]; std::string entry; int nbRead; sf::Event event; struct timeval tv; if (ac != 4) { std::cout << "./client host port name" << std::endl; return (0); } client.start(); client.connectToServer(av[1], atoi(av[2])); color = sf::Color::Red; color2 = sf::Color::Yellow; color3 = sf::Color::Green; shape.setFillColor(color); shape2.setFillColor(color2); shape3.setFillColor(color3); while (window.isOpen()) {; fdSet.set(&client); fdSet.set(0); tv.tv_sec = 1; tv.tv_usec = 0; if (!Select::call(&fdSet, NULL, &tv)) { std::cout << "Client : Socket managment failed" << std::endl; return (-1); } if (fdSet.isset(&client)) { memset(buff, 0, 1024); if ((nbRead = client.receive(buff, 1024)) == 0) { client.close(); std::cout << "Server left" << std::endl; return 0; } buff[nbRead] = 0; if (std::string(buff) == "BIENVENU") { client.send(("player|" + std::string(av[3])).c_str(), 7 + std::string(av[3]).length()); } else if (std::string(buff) == "kick") { std::cout << "You are kicked by server" << std::endl; return (0); } else if (std::string(buff) == "1") { color = sf::Color::Blue; color2 = sf::Color::Red; color3 = sf::Color::Yellow; shape.setFillColor(color); shape2.setFillColor(color2); shape3.setFillColor(color3); } else if (std::string(buff) == "2") { color = sf::Color::Black; color2 = sf::Color::White; color3 = sf::Color::Blue; shape.setFillColor(color); shape2.setFillColor(color2); shape3.setFillColor(color3); } else if (std::string(buff) == "3") { color = sf::Color::Red; color2 = sf::Color::Yellow; color3 = sf::Color::Green; shape.setFillColor(color); shape2.setFillColor(color2); shape3.setFillColor(color3); } std::cout << "msg : " << buff << std::endl; } if (fdSet.isset(0)) { std::getline(std::cin, entry); client.send(entry.c_str(), entry.length()); } while (window.pollEvent(event)) { if (event.type == sf::Event::Closed) window.close(); } window.clear(); window.draw(shape); window.draw(shape2); window.draw(shape3); window.display(); } }
void TestShapePainting::testPaintOrder() { // the stacking order determines the painting order so things on top // get their paint called last. // Each shape has a zIndex and within the children a container has // it determines the stacking order. Its important to realize that // the zIndex is thus local to a container, if you have layer1 and layer2 // with both various child shapes the stacking order of the layer shapes // is most important, then within this the child shape index is used. class OrderedMockShape : public MockShape { public: OrderedMockShape(QList<MockShape*> &list) : order(list) {} void paint(QPainter &painter, const KViewConverter &converter) { order.append(this); MockShape::paint(painter, converter); } QList<MockShape*> ℴ }; QList<MockShape*> order; MockContainer top; top.setZIndex(2); OrderedMockShape shape1(order); shape1.setZIndex(5); OrderedMockShape shape2(order); shape2.setZIndex(0); top.addShape(&shape1); top.addShape(&shape2); MockContainer bottom; bottom.setZIndex(1); OrderedMockShape shape3(order); shape3.setZIndex(-1); OrderedMockShape shape4(order); shape4.setZIndex(9); bottom.addShape(&shape3); bottom.addShape(&shape4); MockCanvas canvas; KShapeManager manager(&canvas); manager.addShape(&top); manager.addShape(&bottom); QCOMPARE(manager.shapes().count(), 6); QImage image(100, 100, QImage::Format_Mono); QPainter painter(&image); KViewConverter vc; manager.paint(painter, vc, false); QCOMPARE(top.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(bottom.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(shape1.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(shape2.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(shape3.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(shape4.paintedCount, 1); QCOMPARE(order.count(), 4); QVERIFY(order[0] == &shape3); // lowest first QVERIFY(order[1] == &shape4); QVERIFY(order[2] == &shape2); QVERIFY(order[3] == &shape1); // again, with clipping. order.clear(); painter.setClipRect(0, 0, 100, 100); manager.paint(painter, vc, false); QCOMPARE(top.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(bottom.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(shape1.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(shape2.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(shape3.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(shape4.paintedCount, 2); QCOMPARE(order.count(), 4); QVERIFY(order[0] == &shape3); // lowest first QVERIFY(order[1] == &shape4); QVERIFY(order[2] == &shape2); QVERIFY(order[3] == &shape1); order.clear(); MockContainer root; root.setZIndex(0); MockContainer branch1; branch1.setZIndex(1); OrderedMockShape child1_1(order); child1_1.setZIndex(1); OrderedMockShape child1_2(order); child1_2.setZIndex(2); branch1.addShape(&child1_1); branch1.addShape(&child1_2); MockContainer branch2; branch2.setZIndex(2); OrderedMockShape child2_1(order); child2_1.setZIndex(1); OrderedMockShape child2_2(order); child2_2.setZIndex(2); branch2.addShape(&child2_1); branch2.addShape(&child2_2); root.addShape(&branch1); root.addShape(&branch2); QList<KShape*> sortedShapes; sortedShapes.append(&root); sortedShapes.append(&branch1); sortedShapes.append(&branch2); sortedShapes.append(branch1.shapes()); sortedShapes.append(branch2.shapes()); qSort(sortedShapes.begin(), sortedShapes.end(), KShape::compareShapeZIndex); QCOMPARE(sortedShapes.count(), 7); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[0] == &root); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[1] == &branch1); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[2] == &child1_1); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[3] == &child1_2); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[4] == &branch2); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[5] == &child2_1); QVERIFY(sortedShapes[6] == &child2_2); }
TEST(SAVE, SaveGraph) { std::string expect_pbfile = testdir + "/graph.pb"; std::string got_pbfile = "got_graph.pb"; cortenn::Graph graph; std::vector<ade::TensptrT> roots; pbm::PathedMapT labels; // subtree one ade::Shape shape({3, 7}); ade::TensptrT osrc(new MockTensor(shape)); ade::Shape shape2({7, 3}); ade::TensptrT osrc2(new MockTensor(shape2)); labels[osrc] = {"global", "osrc"}; labels[osrc2] = {"global", "osrc2"}; { ade::TensptrT src(new MockTensor(shape)); ade::Shape shape3({3, 1, 7}); ade::TensptrT src2(new MockTensor(shape3)); ade::TensptrT dest(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"-", 0}, { {src2, ade::identity}, {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"@", 1}, { {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"/", 2}, { {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"neg", 3}, { {osrc, ade::identity}, })), ade::identity}, {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"+", 4}, { {ade::TensptrT( ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"sin", 5}, { {src, ade::identity}})), ade::identity}, {src, ade::identity}, })), ade::identity} })), ade::permute({1, 0})}, {osrc2, ade::identity} })), ade::permute({1, 2, 0})}, })); roots.push_back(dest); labels[src] = {"subtree", "src"}; labels[src2] = {"subtree", "src2"}; labels[dest] = {"subtree", "dest"}; } // subtree two { ade::Shape mshape({3, 3}); ade::TensptrT src(new MockTensor(mshape)); ade::TensptrT src2(new MockTensor(mshape)); ade::TensptrT src3(new MockTensor(mshape)); ade::TensptrT dest(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"-", 0}, { {src, ade::identity}, {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"*", 6}, { {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"abs", 7}, { {src, ade::identity}, })), ade::identity}, {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"exp", 8}, { {src2, ade::identity}, })), ade::identity}, {ade::TensptrT(ade::Functor::get(ade::Opcode{"neg", 3}, { {src3, ade::identity}, })), ade::identity}, })), ade::identity}, })); roots.push_back(dest); labels[src] = {"subtree2", "src"}; labels[src2] = {"subtree2", "src2"}; labels[src3] = {"subtree2", "src3"}; labels[dest] = {"subtree2", "dest"}; } pbm::GraphSaver<TestSaver> saver; for (auto& root : roots) { root->accept(saver); }, labels); { std::fstream gotstr(got_pbfile, std::ios::out | std::ios::trunc | std::ios::binary); ASSERT_TRUE(gotstr.is_open()); ASSERT_TRUE(graph.SerializeToOstream(&gotstr)); } std::fstream expect_ifs(expect_pbfile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); std::fstream got_ifs(got_pbfile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); ASSERT_TRUE(expect_ifs.is_open()); ASSERT_TRUE(got_ifs.is_open()); std::string expect; std::string got; // skip the first line (it contains timestamp) expect_ifs >> expect; got_ifs >> got; for (size_t lineno = 1; expect_ifs && got_ifs; ++lineno) { expect_ifs >> expect; got_ifs >> got; EXPECT_STREQ(expect.c_str(), got.c_str()) << "line number " << lineno; } }