Simulation::Simulation(QObject* parent) :
	scoreCalculator_(gripper_, info_),
	// Load a shape
	QFile shapeFile(":/shapes/triangle.shape"); | QIODevice::Text);
	object_.polygon() = ObjectIO::readPolygon(&shapeFile);

    connect(&gripper_, &Gripper::geometryChanged, this, &Simulation::check);

	connect(&xChanger, &LinearValueChanger::valueChanged,
			[this](double newValue) { gripper_.setXOffset(newValue); });
	connect(&yChanger, &LinearValueChanger::valueChanged,
			[this](double newValue) { gripper_.setYOffset(newValue); });
	connect(&openChanger, &LinearValueChanger::valueChanged,
			[this](double newValue) { gripper_.setOpenDistance(newValue); });
	connect(&angleChanger, &LinearValueChanger::valueChanged,
			[this](double newValue) { gripper_.setAngle(newValue); });
	connect(&advancedRotator, &AdvancedRotator::newPosition,
		[this](const QPointF& newPosition) {
		gripper_.setXOffset(newPosition.x()); gripper_.setYOffset(newPosition.y());

	connect(&gripper_, &Gripper::geometryChanged, &scoreCalculator_,
	connect(&scoreCalculator_, &ScoreCalculator::scoreChanged, this,

	advancedRotator.setCenter(QPointF(0, 0));
void TSLastDetail::update( bool forceUpdate )
   // This should never be called on a dedicated server or
   // anywhere else where we don't have a GFX device!
   AssertFatal( GFXDevice::devicePresent(), "TSLastDetail::update() - Cannot update without a GFX device!" );

   // Clear the materialfirst.
   SAFE_DELETE( mMatInstance );
   if ( mMaterial )
      mMaterial = NULL;

   // Make sure imposter textures have been flushed (and not just queued for deletion)

   // Get the real path to the source shape for doing modified time
   // comparisons... this might be different if the DAEs have been 
   // deleted from the install.
   String shapeFile( mCachePath );
   if ( !Platform::isFile( shapeFile ) )
      Torque::Path path(shapeFile);
      shapeFile = path.getFullPath();
      if ( !Platform::isFile( shapeFile ) )  
         Con::errorf( "TSLastDetail::update - '%s' could not be found!", mCachePath.c_str() );

   // Do we need to update the imposter?
   const String diffuseMapPath = _getDiffuseMapPath();
   if (  forceUpdate || 
         Platform::compareModifiedTimes( diffuseMapPath, shapeFile ) <= 0 )

   // If the time check fails now then the update must have not worked.
   if ( Platform::compareModifiedTimes( diffuseMapPath, shapeFile ) < 0 )
      Con::errorf( "TSLastDetail::update - Failed to create imposters for '%s'!", mCachePath.c_str() );

   // Figure out what our vertex format will be.
   // If we're on SM 3.0 we can do multiple vertex streams
   // and the performance win is big as we send 3x less data
   // on each imposter instance.
   // The problem is SM 2.0 won't do this, so we need to
   // support fallback to regular single stream imposters.
   //mImposterVertDecl.copy( *getGFXVertexFormat<ImposterCorner>() );
   //mImposterVertDecl.append( *getGFXVertexFormat<ImposterState>(), 1 );
   mImposterVertDecl.copy( *getGFXVertexFormat<ImposterState>() );

   // Setup the material for this imposter.
   mMaterial = MATMGR->allocateAndRegister( String::EmptyString );
   mMaterial->mAutoGenerated = true;
   mMaterial->mDiffuseMapFilename[0] = diffuseMapPath;
   mMaterial->mNormalMapFilename[0] = _getNormalMapPath();
   mMaterial->mImposterLimits.set( (mNumPolarSteps * 2) + 1, mNumEquatorSteps, mPolarAngle, mIncludePoles );
   mMaterial->mTranslucent = true;
   mMaterial->mTranslucentBlendOp = Material::None;
   mMaterial->mTranslucentZWrite = true;
   mMaterial->mDoubleSided = true;
   mMaterial->mAlphaTest = true;
   mMaterial->mAlphaRef = 84;

   // Create the material instance.
   FeatureSet features = MATMGR->getDefaultFeatures();
   features.addFeature( MFT_ImposterVert );
   mMatInstance = mMaterial->createMatInstance();
   if ( !mMatInstance->init( features, &mImposterVertDecl ) )
      delete mMatInstance;
      mMatInstance = NULL;

   // Get the diffuse texture and from its size and
   // the imposter dimensions we can generate the UVs.
   GFXTexHandle diffuseTex( diffuseMapPath, &GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile, String::EmptyString );
   Point2I texSize( diffuseTex->getWidth(), diffuseTex->getHeight() );


   S32 downscaledDim = mDim >> GFXTextureManager::getTextureDownscalePower(&GFXDefaultStaticDiffuseProfile);

   // Ok... pack in bitmaps till we run out.
   Vector<RectF> imposterUVs;
   for ( S32 y=0; y+downscaledDim <= texSize.y; )
      for ( S32 x=0; x+downscaledDim <= texSize.x; )
         // Store the uv for later lookup.
         RectF info;
         info.point.set( (F32)x / (F32)texSize.x, (F32)y / (F32)texSize.y );
         info.extent.set( (F32)downscaledDim / (F32)texSize.x, (F32)downscaledDim / (F32)texSize.y );
         imposterUVs.push_back( info );
         x += downscaledDim;

      y += downscaledDim;

   AssertFatal( imposterUVs.size() != 0, "hey" );

   mMaterial->mImposterUVs = imposterUVs;
void MainWindow::downloadFinished(QNetworkReply *reply)
    QScrollBar *sb = ui->textBrowser->verticalScrollBar();
    QUrl url = reply->url();

    if (reply->error()) {
      if ( !url.toString().contains("") ) {
        ui->textBrowser->append("Download of " + QString(url.toEncoded().constData()) + " failed: " + QString(reply->errorString()));
        sb->setValue(sb->maximum()); // get the info shown

        QString fileUrl = url.toEncoded().constData();
    } else {
        QString path = url.path();
        QString fileName = QFileInfo(path).fileName();
        if (fileName.isEmpty()) fileName = "download";

        QDir dir(dataDirectory);
        QFile file(dataDirectory+"/"+fileName);

        if (fileName.contains("dl")) {
            // obtain url
            QFile file(dataDirectory+"/"+fileName);
        } else if (fileName.contains("hgt")) {
            // obtain elevation files
            GUILog( url.toString() + "\n", "download" );

        if ( {

        // download actual shapefile package
        if (fileName.contains("dl")) {
            QFile dlFile(dataDirectory+"/"+fileName);
            if (! | QIODevice::Text))
            QTextStream textStream( &dlFile);
            QString dlUrl = textStream.readAll();
            dlUrl.remove("<p>The document has moved <a href=\"");
            QNetworkReply *r = _manager->get(QNetworkRequest(""+dlUrl));
            connect(r, SIGNAL(downloadProgress(qint64, qint64)), this, SLOT(downloadShapefilesProgressBar(qint64, qint64)));

        ui->textBrowser->append("Download of "+QString(url.toEncoded().constData())+" succeded saved to: "+QString(fileName));
        sb->setValue(sb->maximum()); // get the info shown

        // unzip shapefile package
        if (fileName.contains("-")) {
            // unpack zip
            QString arguments;
#ifdef Q_OS_WIN
            arguments += "7z.exe x \""+dataDirectory+"/"+fileName+"\" -o\""+dataDirectory+"\" -aoa";
#ifdef Q_OS_UNIX
            arguments += "unzip -o "+dataDirectory+"/"+fileName+" -d "+dataDirectory;
            GUILog( arguments + "\n", "download" );
            QProcess proc;
            proc.start(arguments, QIODevice::ReadWrite);

            // delete temporary files
            QFile shapeFile(dataDirectory+"/"+fileName);
            QFile dlshpFile(dataDirectory+"/dlshp");

            // re-enable download button
            ui->downloadShapefilesButton->setText("Download shapefiles");

        if (fileName.contains("")){
            // adjust progress bar
    // re-enable download button
    if (ui->downloadElevationProgressBar->value() == ui->downloadElevationProgressBar->maximum()) {
Beispiel #4
// read a shape file and convert to ShapeDefn
ShapeDefn* ChunkWorld::readShape(
  const char* fileName)
  const void* value;
  if (m_shapes.lookup(fileName, value))
    return (ShapeDefn*) value;

  ShapeFile shapeFile(fileName);

  // convert into a shape defn
  ShapeDefn* shape = new ShapeDefn();
  m_shapes.setAt(fileName, shape);

  // get count of vertexes
  int vertexCount = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < shapeFile.m_triangles.length(); i++)
    TrianglesTag* tag = (TrianglesTag*) shapeFile.m_triangles[i];
    int inputCount = tag->m_ambientID.isEmpty() ? 3 : 4;
    vertexCount += tag->m_len/inputCount;   // indexes per triangle

  // allocate vertex array for shape
  shape->m_len = vertexCount;
  shape->m_vertexes = new ShapePoint[shape->m_len];

  // copy the vertexes
  int posn = 0;
  for (int i = 0; i < shapeFile.m_triangles.length(); i++)
    TrianglesTag* tag = (TrianglesTag*) shapeFile.m_triangles[i];
    int inputCount = tag->m_ambientID.isEmpty() ? 3 : 4;

    // find the arrays
    if (!shapeFile.m_arrays.lookup(tag->m_positionsID, value))
    FloatArrayTag* positions = (FloatArrayTag*) value;

    if (!shapeFile.m_arrays.lookup(tag->m_normalsID, value))
    FloatArrayTag* normals = (FloatArrayTag*) value;

    if (!shapeFile.m_arrays.lookup(tag->m_texcoordsID, value))
    FloatArrayTag* texcoords = (FloatArrayTag*) value;

    FloatArrayTag* ambient = NULL;
    if (shapeFile.m_arrays.lookup(tag->m_ambientID, value))
      ambient = (FloatArrayTag*) value;

    // scale to 1 unit cube
    double xsize = 1.0/(shapeFile.m_xmax - shapeFile.m_xmin);
    double ysize = 1.0/(shapeFile.m_ymax - shapeFile.m_ymin);
    double zsize = 1.0/(shapeFile.m_zmax - shapeFile.m_zmin);

    for (int j = 0; j < tag->m_len; j+= inputCount)
      int positionIndex = 3*tag->m_values[j];
      int normalIndex = 3*tag->m_values[j+1];
      int texcoordIndex = 2*tag->m_values[j+2];
      int ambientIndex = -1;
      if (inputCount == 4)
        ambientIndex = tag->m_values[j+3];

      ShapePoint* point = &shape->m_vertexes[posn];
      point->m_pt.x = positions->m_values[positionIndex];
      point->m_pt.y = positions->m_values[positionIndex+1];
      point->m_pt.z = positions->m_values[positionIndex+2];

      // adjust position and scale to place shape in unit cube
      point->m_pt.x = (point->m_pt.x - shapeFile.m_xmin) * xsize;
      point->m_pt.y = (point->m_pt.y - shapeFile.m_ymin) * ysize;
      point->m_pt.z = (point->m_pt.z - shapeFile.m_zmin) * zsize;

      point->m_normal.x = normals->m_values[normalIndex];
      point->m_normal.y = normals->m_values[normalIndex+1];
      point->m_normal.z = normals->m_values[normalIndex+2];

      point->m_texcoord.x = texcoords->m_values[texcoordIndex];
      point->m_texcoord.y = texcoords->m_values[texcoordIndex+1];
      point->m_texcoord.z = tag->m_material;

      if (ambientIndex != -1)
        point->m_ambient = ambient->m_values[ambientIndex];
      else point->m_ambient = 1.0;

      posn++;  // next vertex

  return shape;
// Print shifted shape parameters. Given that the data read in at the
// outset were scaled, data will need to be read in again and appropriately
// shifted. This can be done on-the-fly given that the shifts have been
// computed and stored in the matrix S.
void shapeAlign::printShiftedProfiles(void){

	// Loop over all shape files
	for (size_t i = 0; i < m; i++){

		// Generate an output file name
		int lastidx = shapeFiles[i].find_last_of(".");
		string shapeOutFile = shapeFiles[i].substr(0,lastidx) + ".aligned" +

		ofstream shapeOut(shapeOutFile.c_str());

		if (shapeOut.is_open()){

			// Open the original shape data file
			ifstream shapeFile(shapeFiles[i].c_str());
			int idx = 0;
			string line;

			// Loop through all sites in the original shape data file
				stringstream linestream(line);
				string s;
				vector <string> temp;
				string name;
				int ctr = 0;	// Column counter
				while(linestream >> s){
					// Clip the first three columns
					if (ctr==0) name = s;
					if (ctr >2) temp.push_back(s);

				// Get rid of the last two columns

				// Get the optimal shift stored in S
				int shift = gsl_matrix_get(S,idx,cIdx);

				// If the shape data need to be reversed w.r.t. centroid,
				// do this now
				if (gsl_matrix_get(R,idx,cIdx))

				// Output data -- again, the first three columns and the
				// last two columns need to be trimmed because these
				// contain non-numeric information. There are two cases
				// depending on whether the columns were reversed or not

				shapeOut << name << "\t";

				for (size_t j = 0; j < temp.size(); j++){
					if (j > 0) shapeOut << "\t";

					if (j + shift >= 0 && j + shift < temp.size()){
						shapeOut << temp[j+shift];
					} else {
						shapeOut << "NA";
				shapeOut << endl;



		}  else {
// Constructor
shapeAlign::shapeAlign(const string& nameList, const vector<string> &files,
	const int &minS, const int &maxS, const bool &win, const int &wS,
	const int &wE, const bool &ign, const int &iS, const int &iE, const int &E):
	nameFile(nameList), shapeFiles(files), shiftMin(minS), shiftMax(maxS),
	window(win), winStart(wS), winEnd(wE), ignore(ign), ignStart(iS), ignEnd(iE),

	// Get number of shape parameters -- one file for each parameter,
	// so this is effectively the number of files
	m = files.size();

	// Get site names by reading the single-column file containing
	// names of sites
	ifstream file(nameFile.c_str());
	string line;


	// Get number of sites
	nSites = names.size();

	cerr << "Read " << nSites << " site names." << endl;

	// Initialize matrices for tracking pairwise comparison info
	D = gsl_matrix_calloc(nSites,nSites);
	S = gsl_matrix_calloc(nSites,nSites);
	R = gsl_matrix_calloc(nSites,nSites);

	cerr << "Reading shape files." << endl;

	matrices.resize(nSites);	// Initialize an empty list of matrix references

	// create matrices containing the shape information. Add data
	// to these matrices on the fly.
	for (size_t f = 0; f < files.size(); f++){

		cerr << "\t" << files[f] << endl;

		ifstream shapeFile(files[f].c_str());
		int idx = 0;	// line/site counter
		while(getline(shapeFile,line)){		// Each line in the shape files represent a single site
			stringstream linestream(line);
			string s;
			vector <string> temp;
			while(linestream >> s)	// Split on spaces and store data from each position in site

			int n = temp.size();	// Get number of positions

			// there are five columns that need to be trimmed off:
			// The first three columns (identifier and NAs) and the
			// last two columns (NAs)

			// Initialize the matrix if the matrix has not previously been
			// initialized
			if (f == 0)	matrices[idx] = gsl_matrix_alloc(m,n-5);

			for (size_t i = 0; i < matrices[idx]->size2; i++){
				double d;
				stringstream stod(temp[i+3]);
				stod >> d;
			// Increment the line counter

	cerr << "\tDone reading shape files." << endl;

	// Scale each matrix such that values to go from 1->2
	cerr << "Scaling matrices." << endl;

	for (size_t i = 0; i < nSites; i++)

	cerr << "\tDone scaling matrices." << endl;

	// Loop over the sites and compute all pairwise distances -- note that
	// distances are symmetric: D[a,b] = D[b,a]. But, the shifts computed
	// are not symmetric: S[a,b] = -S[b,a].
	for (size_t i = 0; i < nSites; i++){

		if ((i+1) % 100 == 0)
			cerr << "\tProcessing " << i+1 << " of " << nSites << endl;

		// Parallelize this portion: data races shouldn't be a concern
		// since no threads should be writing to the same block of
		// memory

		#pragma omp parallel
			#pragma omp master
			if (i==0)
				cerr << "Beginning all-by-all distance calculation using "
					 << omp_get_num_threads() << " threads." << endl;

			#pragma omp for
			for (size_t j = i; j < nSites; j++){

				// Get optimal shift and distances for the simple comparison
				alignData results = getOptimalShift(matrices[i],matrices[j]);

				// Get the matrix representing the reverse of the matrices[j]
				gsl_matrix* rev = gsl_matrix_alloc(matrices[j]->size1,matrices[j]->size2);

				// Get the optimal shift and distance for the reverse matrix
				alignData resultsRev = getOptimalShift(matrices[i],rev);

				if (results.score >= resultsRev.score){
					results.rev = 0;
				} else {
					results.score = resultsRev.score;
					results.shift = resultsRev.shift;
					results.rev = 1;

				// Store the data in the matrices used for tracking
				// pairwise comparisons


				// Clean up -- free memory associated with rev

	cerr << "\tDone with distance calculation." << endl;

	cerr << "Finding centroid." << endl;
	pair<int,double> C = getCentroid();
	cIdx = C.first;		// Index (w.r.t. names vector) of centroid
	cDist = C.second;	// Distance of centroid to other sequences
	cerr << "\tCentroid: Site \"" << names[C.first] << "\"" << endl;
	cerr << "\tDistance: "  << C.second << endl;

// 	cerr << "Printing matrices to files." << endl;
// 	printShiftMatrix();
	// printDistanceMatrix();
// 	printRevMatrix();
// 	cerr << "\tDone." << endl;

	cerr << "Printing aligned data." << endl;
	cerr << "\tDone." << endl;

	cerr << "Job successfully completed." << endl;

void ShapesBufferReader::loadShapesBuffer(bool isGT, std::string& shapePath,
    std::string& shapeFormat, int startFrame, int numTrackingFrames)
    int numPnts = m_nHeight * m_nWidth;
    int uselessPntsNum = 0;

    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    CoordinateType* pTrackingResults;
    double* pCenter;

        pTrackingResults = m_pTrackingResultsBufferGT;
        pCenter = centerGT;
        pTrackingResults = m_pTrackingResultsBuffer;
        pCenter = centerEST;

    for(int i = startFrame; i <=  numTrackingFrames; i = i + nFrameStep)
        std::stringstream shapeFilePath;
        sprintf(buffer, shapeFormat.c_str(), i);
        shapeFilePath << shapePath << buffer;
        //memset(&buffer[0], 0, sizeof(buffer));

        std::cout << shapeFilePath.str() << std::endl;

            cout << shapeFilePath.str() << " does not exist" << endl;


        std::ifstream shapeFile(shapeFilePath.str().c_str());

        // int frame = i - startFrame;
        int bufferPos = (i - startFrame) / nFrameStep;
        int pntsInd = 0;
        int saveInd = 0;

        int width = m_nWidth;
        int height = m_nHeight;
            width = m_nHeight;
            height = m_nWidth;

        for(unsigned int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
            for(unsigned int k = 0; k < width; ++k)

                saveInd = j + k * m_nWidth;  // In this case, k is row number really
                saveInd = k + j * m_nWidth;  // In this case, j is row number

                    if(maskImage[saveInd] > 0)
                        shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd ];
                        shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 1 ];
                        shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 2 ];
                        if(bufferPos == 0)
                    shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd ];
                    shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 1 ];
                    shapeFile >> pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 2 ];
                    // if(    pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd ] == 0
                    //     && pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 1 ] == 0
                    //     && pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 2 ] == 0)
                    if(pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 2 ] == 0)
                        maskImage[saveInd] = 0;
                        if(bufferPos == 0)
                if(bufferPos == 0)
                    pCenter[0] = pCenter[0] + pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd ];
                    pCenter[1] = pCenter[1] + pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 1 ];
                    pCenter[2] = pCenter[2] + pTrackingResults[ bufferPos*3*numPnts + 3*saveInd + 2 ];
int main(int argc, char *args[])
	char *file = '\0';
	char *sep = '\0';
	int skip = 0;
	int rows = -1;
	int indexX = -1;
	int indexY = -1;
	char *lastArg = "";
	for (int index = 0; index < argc; index++)
		if (0 == strcmp("-f", lastArg))
			file = args[index];
		else if (0 == strcmp("-sep", lastArg))
			sep = args[index];
			if (0 == strcmp("\\t", sep))
				sep = "\t";
		else if (0 == strcmp("-skip", lastArg))
			skip = atoi(args[index]);
			if (skip < 0)
				skip = 0;
		else if (0 == strcmp("-rows", lastArg))
			rows = atoi(args[index]);
		else if (0 == strcmp("-idxx", lastArg))
			indexX = atoi(args[index]);
		else if (0 == strcmp("-idxy", lastArg))
			indexY = atoi(args[index]);
		std::cout << args[index] << " ";
		lastArg = args[index];
	std::cout << std::endl;

	if ('\0' == file || '\0' == sep || -1 == indexX || -1 == indexY)
		std::cout << "Usage: -f /temp/points.csv -sep \\t -idxx 4 -idxy 3 [optional: -skip 1 -rows 100]" << std::endl;
		return -1;

	std::unique_ptr<const char> wkbFile(convertCsvFileToWkb(file, sep, skip, rows, indexX, indexY));
	if (nullptr == wkbFile)
		return -1;

	std::unique_ptr<const char> wktFile(convertWkbFileToWkt(wkbFile.get()));
	if (nullptr == wktFile)
		return -1;

	std::unique_ptr<const char> shapeFile(convertWkbFileToShape(wkbFile.get()));
	if (nullptr == shapeFile)
		return -1;

    return 0;
bool ShapeSequenceReader::loadShape(bool isGT, std::string& shapePath,
    std::string& shapeFormat, int curFrame)
    int numPnts = m_nHeight * m_nWidth;
    int uselessPntsNum = 0;

    char buffer[BUFFER_SIZE];

    CoordinateType* pCurTrackingResult;
    double* pCenter;

        pCurTrackingResult = m_pCurTrackingResultGT;
        pCenter = centerGT;
        pCurTrackingResult = m_pCurTrackingResult;
        pCenter = centerEST;

    std::stringstream shapeFilePath;
    sprintf(buffer, shapeFormat.c_str(), curFrame);
    shapeFilePath << shapePath << buffer;
    //memset(&buffer[0], 0, sizeof(buffer));

        cout << shapeFilePath.str() << " does not exist" << endl;
        return false;

    std::ifstream shapeFile(shapeFilePath.str().c_str());

    int frame = curFrame - startFrameNo;
    int pntsInd = 0;
    int saveInd = 0;

    int width = m_nWidth;
    int height = m_nHeight;
        width = m_nHeight;
        height = m_nWidth;

    for(unsigned int j = 0; j < height; ++j)
        for(unsigned int k = 0; k < width; ++k)

            saveInd = j + k * m_nWidth;
            saveInd = k + j * m_nWidth;

                if(maskImage[saveInd] > 0)
                    shapeFile >> pCurTrackingResult[ 3*saveInd ];
                    shapeFile >> pCurTrackingResult[ 3*saveInd + 1];
                    shapeFile >> pCurTrackingResult[ 3*saveInd + 2];
                    if(frame == 0)