Beispiel #1
 * Fetch a tuple from a tuple queue reader.
 * The return value is NULL if there are no remaining tuples or if
 * nowait = true and no tuple is ready to return.  *done, if not NULL,
 * is set to true when there are no remaining tuples and otherwise to false.
 * The returned tuple, if any, is allocated in CurrentMemoryContext.
 * Note that this routine must not leak memory!  (We used to allow that,
 * but not any more.)
 * Even when shm_mq_receive() returns SHM_MQ_WOULD_BLOCK, this can still
 * accumulate bytes from a partially-read message, so it's useful to call
 * this with nowait = true even if nothing is returned.
TupleQueueReaderNext(TupleQueueReader *reader, bool nowait, bool *done)
	HeapTupleData htup;
	shm_mq_result result;
	Size		nbytes;
	void	   *data;

	if (done != NULL)
		*done = false;

	/* Attempt to read a message. */
	result = shm_mq_receive(reader->queue, &nbytes, &data, nowait);

	/* If queue is detached, set *done and return NULL. */
	if (result == SHM_MQ_DETACHED)
		if (done != NULL)
			*done = true;
		return NULL;

	/* In non-blocking mode, bail out if no message ready yet. */
	if (result == SHM_MQ_WOULD_BLOCK)
		return NULL;
	Assert(result == SHM_MQ_SUCCESS);

	 * Set up a dummy HeapTupleData pointing to the data from the shm_mq
	 * (which had better be sufficiently aligned).
	htup.t_tableOid = InvalidOid;
	htup.t_len = nbytes;
	htup.t_data = data;

	return heap_copytuple(&htup);
Beispiel #2
 * Loop, receiving and sending messages, until the connection is broken.
 * This is the "real work" performed by this worker process.  Everything that
 * happens before this is initialization of one form or another, and everything
 * after this point is cleanup.
static void
copy_messages(shm_mq_handle *inqh, shm_mq_handle *outqh)
	Size		len;
	void	   *data;
	shm_mq_result res;

	for (;;)
		/* Notice any interrupts that have occurred. */

		/* Receive a message. */
		res = shm_mq_receive(inqh, &len, &data, false);
		if (res != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)

		/* Send it back out. */
		res = shm_mq_send(outqh, len, data, false);
		if (res != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
Beispiel #3
 * Simple test of the shared memory message queue infrastructure.
 * We set up a ring of message queues passing through 1 or more background
 * processes and eventually looping back to ourselves.  We then send a message
 * through the ring a number of times indicated by the loop count.  At the end,
 * we check whether the final message matches the one we started with.
	int64		queue_size = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text	   *message = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
	char	   *message_contents = VARDATA_ANY(message);
	int			message_size = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(message);
	int32		loop_count = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
	int32		nworkers = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
	dsm_segment *seg;
	shm_mq_handle *outqh;
	shm_mq_handle *inqh;
	shm_mq_result res;
	Size		len;
	void	   *data;

	/* A negative loopcount is nonsensical. */
	if (loop_count < 0)
				 errmsg("repeat count size must be a non-negative integer")));

	 * Since this test sends data using the blocking interfaces, it cannot
	 * send data to itself.  Therefore, a minimum of 1 worker is required. Of
	 * course, a negative worker count is nonsensical.
	if (nworkers < 1)
				 errmsg("number of workers must be a positive integer")));

	/* Set up dynamic shared memory segment and background workers. */
	test_shm_mq_setup(queue_size, nworkers, &seg, &outqh, &inqh);

	/* Send the initial message. */
	res = shm_mq_send(outqh, message_size, message_contents, false);
	if (res != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
				 errmsg("could not send message")));

	 * Receive a message and send it back out again.  Do this a number of
	 * times equal to the loop count.
	for (;;)
		/* Receive a message. */
		res = shm_mq_receive(inqh, &len, &data, false);
		if (res != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
					 errmsg("could not receive message")));

		/* If this is supposed to be the last iteration, stop here. */
		if (--loop_count <= 0)

		/* Send it back out. */
		res = shm_mq_send(outqh, len, data, false);
		if (res != SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
					 errmsg("could not send message")));

	 * Finally, check that we got back the same message from the last
	 * iteration that we originally sent.
	verify_message(message_size, message_contents, len, data);

	/* Clean up. */

Beispiel #4
 * Pipelined test of the shared memory message queue infrastructure.
 * As in the basic test, we set up a ring of message queues passing through
 * 1 or more background processes and eventually looping back to ourselves.
 * Then, we send N copies of the user-specified message through the ring and
 * receive them all back.  Since this might fill up all message queues in the
 * ring and then stall, we must be prepared to begin receiving the messages
 * back before we've finished sending them.
	int64		queue_size = PG_GETARG_INT64(0);
	text	   *message = PG_GETARG_TEXT_PP(1);
	char	   *message_contents = VARDATA_ANY(message);
	int			message_size = VARSIZE_ANY_EXHDR(message);
	int32		loop_count = PG_GETARG_INT32(2);
	int32		nworkers = PG_GETARG_INT32(3);
	bool		verify = PG_GETARG_BOOL(4);
	int32		send_count = 0;
	int32		receive_count = 0;
	dsm_segment *seg;
	shm_mq_handle *outqh;
	shm_mq_handle *inqh;
	shm_mq_result res;
	Size		len;
	void	   *data;

	/* A negative loopcount is nonsensical. */
	if (loop_count < 0)
				 errmsg("repeat count size must be a non-negative integer")));

	 * Using the nonblocking interfaces, we can even send data to ourselves,
	 * so the minimum number of workers for this test is zero.
	if (nworkers < 0)
				 errmsg("number of workers must be a non-negative integer")));

	/* Set up dynamic shared memory segment and background workers. */
	test_shm_mq_setup(queue_size, nworkers, &seg, &outqh, &inqh);

	/* Main loop. */
	for (;;)
		bool		wait = true;

		 * If we haven't yet sent the message the requisite number of times,
		 * try again to send it now.  Note that when shm_mq_send() returns
		 * SHM_MQ_WOULD_BLOCK, the next call to that function must pass the
		 * same message size and contents; that's not an issue here because
		 * we're sending the same message every time.
		if (send_count < loop_count)
			res = shm_mq_send(outqh, message_size, message_contents, true);
			if (res == SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
				wait = false;
			else if (res == SHM_MQ_DETACHED)
						 errmsg("could not send message")));

		 * If we haven't yet received the message the requisite number of
		 * times, try to receive it again now.
		if (receive_count < loop_count)
			res = shm_mq_receive(inqh, &len, &data, true);
			if (res == SHM_MQ_SUCCESS)
				/* Verifying every time is slow, so it's optional. */
				if (verify)
					verify_message(message_size, message_contents, len, data);
				wait = false;
			else if (res == SHM_MQ_DETACHED)
						 errmsg("could not receive message")));
			 * Otherwise, we've received the message enough times.  This
			 * shouldn't happen unless we've also sent it enough times.
			if (send_count != receive_count)
					   errmsg("message sent %d times, but received %d times",
							  send_count, receive_count)));

		if (wait)
			 * If we made no progress, wait for one of the other processes to
			 * which we are connected to set our latch, indicating that they
			 * have read or written data and therefore there may now be work
			 * for us to do.
			WaitLatch(MyLatch, WL_LATCH_SET, 0, PG_WAIT_EXTENSION);

	/* Clean up. */
