int main(void) { fprintf(stdout, "Type math expession:\n"); Lexer *exp = (Lexer *) malloc(sizeof(Lexer)); initMathExpression(exp); MathResult result = calcExpression(exp); if (result.err != NOTHING) { // show place of error showErr(result.err, experrorPointer, stderr); clearMathExpression(exp); return 1; } printf("Result = %g\n", result.value); clearMathExpression(exp); free(exp); return 0; }
bool QDictWidget::ensureDictFile() { if(dictFile.exists()) { return true; } QDir baseDir("/media/card"); if(!baseDir.exists()) { baseDir = QDir::home(); } QDir dictDir(baseDir.path() + "/.qgcide"); if(!dictDir.exists()) { if(!baseDir.mkdir(".qgcide")) { showErr(tr("Unable to create dictionary dir ") + dictDir.absolutePath()); return false; } } dictFile.setFileName(dictDir.absolutePath() + "/gcide-entries.xml"); if(dictFile.exists()) { return true; } if(QMessageBox::question(this, tr("English dictionary"), tr("Dictionary must be downloaded. Please make sure you have internet connection and press yes to confirm download (14MB)."), QMessageBox::Yes, QMessageBox::No) == QMessageBox::No) { return false; } progress->setVisible(true); QString gzFile = dictFile.fileName() + ".gz"; if(!download("", gzFile, "gcide-entries.xml.gz")) { return false; } if(!ungzip(gzFile)) { return false; } progress->setVisible(false); return true; }
bool QDictWidget::ungzip(QString file) { browser->setText(tr("Unpacking") + " " + file); progress->setMaximum(640); progress->setValue(0); QProcess gzip; gzip.start("gzip", QStringList() << "-d" << file); if(!gzip.waitForStarted()) { showErr(tr("Unable to start gzip")); return false; } while(gzip.state() == QProcess::Running) { progress->setValue((progress->value() + 1) % 640); QApplication::processEvents(); gzip.waitForFinished(100); } return true; }
UINT8 main(void) { volatile UINT8 errflag = 0; volatile UINT32 nFlashID = 0; volatile UINT8 nRetLoadSts = 0; //Disable the L1D and L1P cache before loading the sections #ifdef DEBUG printf("L1D and L1P cache disabled\n"); #endif CACHE_setL1pSize(CACHE_L1_0KCACHE); CACHE_setL1dSize(CACHE_L1_0KCACHE); //Initialize the swPLL Controller Loader_InitPLL(); Gpo_Init(&oBootGreenLED, BOOT_GREEN_LED); Gpo_Init(&oBootRedLED, BOOT_RED_LED); Gpo_Clear(&oBootRedLED); Gpo_Clear(&oBootGreenLED); #ifdef DEBUG printf("Boot Loader program running...\n"); #endif //Initialize the DDR2 #ifdef DEBUG printf("Initializing the DDR2...\n"); #endif Loader_InitDDR2(); //Init the 16 Mbyte Flash SpiFlash_Init(&oFlash, NUMONYX_16MB); //FlashImage_check(); nFlashID = SpiFlash_GetFlashID( &oFlash ); while(nFlashID != FLASH_ID ) { volatile UINT32 nCounter = 0; while((nCounter++) <= 0x1000 ); nFlashID = SpiFlash_GetFlashID( &oFlash ); nFlashReadCount++; if(nFlashReadCount > 10 ) break; } if(nFlashID != FLASH_ID ) { volatile UINT32 nCounter = 0; while(1) { while((nCounter++) <= 0xCC0000 ); Gpo_Toggle(&oBootRedLED); nCounter = 0; } } #ifdef FILE_USAGE if(errflag = Loader_GetImage((UINT8 *)"AppC2.hex",APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE2 ,APP_SIZE_CORE2)) { showErr(errflag); } if(errflag = Loader_GetImage((UINT8 *)"AppC1.hex",APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE1,APP_SIZE_CORE1)) { showErr(errflag); } if(errflag = Loader_GetImage((UINT8 *)"AppC0.hex",APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE0,APP_SIZE_CORE0)) { showErr(errflag); return 0; } //Write the Downloaded Images to Flash Loader_WriteImagesToFlash(); #endif #ifdef ETHERNET_USAGE #ifdef DEBUG printf("sizeof BootPkt -> %d\n", sizeof(BootPkt)); #endif //Init the Mac interface bInEthernetScope = TRUE; EVM_init(); if(TRUE == Ethernet_Init()) { //Download the Images to DDR if(TRUE == BootPkt_Download()) { //Write the Downloaded Images to Flash Loader_WriteImagesToFlash(); } } bInEthernetScope = FALSE; Gpo_Clear(&oBootGreenLED); #endif #ifdef FLASH_BOOT #ifdef DEBUG printf("Reading the images from flash\n"); #endif SpiFlash_Read(&oFlash, (UINT8 *)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE2, APP_FLASH_START_ADDR_CORE2, APP_SIZE_CORE2); SpiFlash_Read(&oFlash, (UINT8 *)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE1, APP_FLASH_START_ADDR_CORE1, APP_SIZE_CORE1); SpiFlash_Read(&oFlash, (UINT8 *)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE0, APP_FLASH_START_ADDR_CORE0, APP_SIZE_CORE0); #endif nRetLoadSts = Loader_LoadApp((UINT32)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE2, APP_SIZE_CORE2); if(nRetLoadSts) { Gpo_Set(&oBootRedLED); while(1); } nRetLoadSts = Loader_LoadApp((UINT32)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE1, APP_SIZE_CORE1); if(nRetLoadSts) { Gpo_Set(&oBootRedLED); while(1); } //it should be last .... nRetLoadSts = Loader_LoadApp((UINT32)APP_DDR_START_ADDR_CORE0, APP_SIZE_CORE0); if(nRetLoadSts) { Gpo_Set(&oBootRedLED); while(1); } Gpo_Set(&oBootGreenLED); { volatile UINT32 nCounter = 0; while(nCounter++ < (0xCC0000*4)); } if(errflag = Loader_SetAppLoadCompleteFlag((UINT32 *)APPC1_LOAD_COMPLETE_FLAG_ADDR)) { showErr(errflag); } if(errflag = Loader_SetAppLoadCompleteFlag((UINT32 *)APPC2_LOAD_COMPLETE_FLAG_ADDR)) { showErr(errflag); } #ifdef DEBUG printf("Starting Application program ...\n"); #endif Loader_ExecuteAppC0(); return 0; }
bool QDictWidget::download(QString url, QString destPath, QString filename) { browser->setText(tr("Downloading") + " " + filename); QString host = url; QString reqPath; int port = 80; if(url.startsWith("http://")) { host.remove(0, 7); } int colonIndex = host.indexOf(':'); int slashIndex = host.indexOf('/'); if(slashIndex < 0) { return false; } reqPath = host.right(host.length() - slashIndex).replace(" ", "%20"); host = host.left(slashIndex); if(colonIndex > 0) { QString portStr = host.right(host.length() - colonIndex - 1); host = host.left(colonIndex); port = portStr.toInt(0, 10); } connect: QTcpSocket sock(this); sock.setReadBufferSize(65535); sock.connectToHost(host, port); if(!sock.waitForConnected(5000)) { showErr(sock.errorString()); return false; } QByteArray req("GET "); req.append(reqPath); req.append(" HTTP/1.1\r\nHost: "); req.append(host); req.append(':'); req.append(QByteArray::number(port)); req.append("\r\n\r\n"); sock.write(req); sock.flush(); sock.waitForBytesWritten(); int contentLen = 0; bool html = false; QByteArray line; for(;;) { line = sock.readLine(); if(line.isEmpty()) { if(sock.waitForReadyRead(5000)) { continue; } break; } if(line.trimmed().isEmpty()) { break; } html = html | (line.indexOf("Content-Type: text/html") == 0); if(line.indexOf("Content-Length: ") == 0) { contentLen = line.remove(0, 16).trimmed().toInt(0, 10); } } if(html) { QByteArray text = sock.readAll(); sock.close(); if(text.length() == 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("English dictionary"), tr("No response from ") + host); return false; } text.replace("</br>", "\n"); if(QMessageBox::information(this, tr("English dictionary"), text, QMessageBox::Ok | QMessageBox::Retry) == QMessageBox::Retry) { goto connect; } return false; } QFile f(destPath); if(! { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("English dictionary"), tr("Unable to save file:\r\n\r\n") + f.errorString()); sock.close(); return false; } #ifdef QTOPIA QtopiaApplication::setPowerConstraint(QtopiaApplication::DisableSuspend); #endif if(contentLen <= 0) { QMessageBox::critical(this, tr("English dictionary"), tr("Couldnt read content length")); contentLen = 0x7fffffff; } progress->setMaximum(contentLen); progress->setValue(0); int remains = contentLen; char buf[65535]; int count; for(;;) { QApplication::processEvents(); count =, 65535); if(count < 0) { break; } f.write(buf, count); f.flush(); remains -= count; if(remains <= 0) { break; } progress->setValue(contentLen - remains); } f.close(); sock.close(); #ifdef QTOPIA QtopiaApplication::setPowerConstraint(QtopiaApplication::Enable); #endif return true; }