void FileBrowser::loadCartridge(CartridgeMode mode, signed filterIndex) { cartridgeMode = mode; onChange = { &FileBrowser::onChangeCartridge, this }; onActivate = { &FileBrowser::onAcceptCartridge, this }; onAccept = { &FileBrowser::onAcceptCartridge, this }; string defaultPath = config().path.rom == "" ? config().path.current.cartridge : config().path.rom; if(config().diskBrowser.useCommonDialogs == true) { audio.clear(); QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, windowTitle(), defaultPath, string( "SNES cartridges (*.sfc *.bs *.st *.gb *.sgb *.gbc", reader.extensionList, reader.compressionList, ");;", "All files (*)" ) ); string filename = qfilename.toUtf8().constData(); if(filename != "") onAccept(filename); config().path.current.cartridge = nall::dir(filename); return; } setPath(defaultPath); setNameFilters(string() << "SNES cartridges (*.sfc" << reader.extensionList << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "BS-X cartridges (*.bs" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "Sufami Turbo cartridges (*.st" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "Game Boy cartridges (*.gb *.sgb *.gbc" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "All files (*)" ); previewFrame->show(); filterBox->setCurrentIndex(filterIndex == -1 ? config().path.current.filter : filterIndex); showLoad(); }
MainWindow::MainWindow(QWidget *parent) : QMainWindow(parent), ui(new Ui::MainWindow) { ui->setupUi(this); setWindowTitle(trUtf8("Chess")); setWindowIcon(QIcon("://images/black_king.png")); moveToCenter(); mkDir(); scene = new QGraphicsScene(this); ui->graphicsView->setScene(scene); scene->setBackgroundBrush(Qt::lightGray); ellipse = scene->addEllipse(0,0,150,150,QPen(Qt::gray),QBrush(Qt::white)); saver = scene->addPixmap(QPixmap("://images/black_king.png")); saver->setPos(25, 25); connect(ui->loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(showLoad())); //показываем окно загрузки сохраненной игры connect(ui->loadButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(hide())); //делаем невидимым главное окно connect(ui->newButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(showNew())); connect(ui->newButton, SIGNAL(clicked()),SLOT(hide())); }
void FileBrowser::chooseFile() { if(config().diskBrowser.useCommonDialogs == true) { audio.clear(); QString qfilename = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(0, windowTitle(), fileSystemModel->rootPath(), "All Files (*)" ); string filename = qfilename.toUtf8().constData(); if(filename != "") onAccept(filename); return; } showLoad(); }
void FileBrowser::loadCartridge(CartridgeMode mode, signed filterIndex) { cartridgeMode = mode; onChange = { &FileBrowser::onChangeCartridge, this }; onActivate = { &FileBrowser::onAcceptCartridge, this }; onAccept = { &FileBrowser::onAcceptCartridge, this }; setPath(config().path.rom == "" ? config().path.current.cartridge : config().path.rom); setNameFilters(string() << "SNES cartridges (*.sfc" << reader.extensionList << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "BS-X cartridges (*.bs" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "Sufami Turbo cartridges (*.st" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "Game Boy cartridges (*.gb *.sgb *.gbc" << reader.compressionList << ")\n" << "All files (*)" ); previewFrame->show(); filterBox->setCurrentIndex(filterIndex == -1 ? config().path.current.filter : filterIndex); showLoad(); }
int main() { char loading = 0; char wrongCommand = 0; char win = 0; bool inGame = true; char AttsServers = 20; char VerizonServers = 20; int VerizonAttack = 0; int DeadServers = 0; int ServerLose = 0; char password[] = "atts"; char givenPassword[10]; char ID[50]; char IDAdmin[] = "root"; char Continue[] = "CONTINUE"; char Manual[] = "MANUAL"; char Restart[] = "RESTART"; char Ranking[] = "RANKING"; char Mitm[] = "MITM"; char OverCPU[] = "OVERCPU"; char Fix[] = "FIX"; char givenCommand[20]; char Exit[] = "EXIT"; char Name[50]; char lineManual[TAILLE_MAX] = ""; srand(time(NULL)); FILE* manual = NULL; FILE* ranking = NULL; printf("Connection to ATTS' servers"); sleepFor(1000); loading = 0; while (loading < 10) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\nConnection established\n"); sleepFor(500); printf("Please enter your ID\n"); printf("ID : "); scanf("%s", ID); sleepFor(500); if (strcmp(ID, IDAdmin) == 0) { printf("Hi Admin, please enter your password"); } else { printf("\nWrong ID. You will be rejected by the server in 5 seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } printf("\nPassword : "******"%s", givenPassword); loading = 0; while (loading < 5) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); if (strcmp(givenPassword, password) == 0) { printf("Access Granted\n"); loading = 0; while (loading < 5) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); } else { printf("Wrong password. You will be rejected by the server in 5 seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } while (wrongCommand != 1) { printf("You are now connected, to see the manual type MANUAL, to see the ranking type\nRANKING else type CONTINUE\n"); printf("command : "); scanf("%s", givenCommand); loading = 0; while (loading < 5) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); if (strcmp(givenCommand, Manual) == 0) { manual = fopen("manual.txt", "r"); if (manual != NULL) { while (fgets(lineManual, TAILLE_MAX, manual) != NULL) { printf("%s", lineManual); sleepFor(500); } printf("\ncommand :"); scanf("%s", givenCommand); if (strcmp(givenCommand, Restart) == 0) { wrongCommand = 0; } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Exit) == 0) { printf("The program will stop in few seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } else { printf("Wrong command"); } } else { printf("Unknown error detected during the manual opening, the program will restart automatically in few seconds\n"); sleepFor(5000); } } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Ranking) == 0) { ranking = fopen("ranking.txt", "r"); if (ranking != NULL) { while (fgets(lineManual, TAILLE_MAX, ranking) != NULL) { printf("%s", lineManual); sleepFor(500); } printf("\nWhen you have read everything you can type RESTART or EXIT"); printf("\ncommand :"); scanf("%s", givenCommand); if (strcmp(givenCommand, Restart) == 0) { wrongCommand = 0; } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Exit) == 0) { printf("The program will stop in few seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } else { printf("Wrong command"); } } else { printf("Unknown error detected during the ranking file opening, the program will restart automatically in few seconds\n"); sleepFor(5000); } } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Continue) == 0) { printf("Welcome in the Servers Administration Center SAC\nComponents are loading"); loading = 0; while (loading < 10) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); printf("\nComponents are ready to use\nVerizon is trying to hack your servers but you knew that was planned today!\nIt is your turn!"); while (inGame != false) { printf("\ncommand : "); scanf("%s", givenCommand); loading = 0; while (loading < 2) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); if (strcmp(givenCommand, Mitm) == 0) { printf("\nVerizon's servers hacked, they lost one server!"); VerizonServers --; loading = 0; while (loading < 2) { showLoad(); loading ++; } printf("\b"); VerizonAttack = rand() % 3; if (VerizonAttack == 0) { printf("\nVerizon uses the MITM method, you lose 1 server"); AttsServers --; } else if (VerizonAttack == 1) { printf("\nVerizon allocates a server to overheat your CPU"); DeadServers = rand() % 5; sleepFor(500); if (DeadServers == 0) { printf("\nVerizon wastes his attack, you keep all of your servers"); } else if (DeadServers == 1) { printf("\nVerizon kills 1 of your servers"); AttsServers --; } else if (DeadServers == 2) { printf("\nVerizon kills 2 of your servers"); AttsServers -= 2; } else if (DeadServers == 3) { printf("\nVerizon kills 3 of your servers"); AttsServers -= 3; } else { printf("\nVerizon kills 4 of your servers"); AttsServers -= 4; } sleepFor(500); ServerLose = rand() % 2; if (ServerLose == 0) { printf("\nBy using one of his servers, Verizon lose one of his servers"); VerizonServers --; } else { printf("\nVerizon hacks you with his server but don't broke it"); } } else { printf("\nVerizon fixes a server"); VerizonServers ++; } printf("\nYou have %d servers and Verizon has %d servers...", AttsServers, VerizonServers); } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, OverCPU) == 0) { printf("\nYou allocate a server to overheat their CPU"); DeadServers = rand() % 5; sleepFor(500); if (DeadServers == 0) { printf("\nYou waste your attack, they keep all of their servers"); } else if (DeadServers == 1) { printf("\nYou kill 1 of their servers"); VerizonServers --; } else if (DeadServers == 2) { printf("\nYou kill 2 of their servers"); VerizonServers -= 2; } else if (DeadServers == 3) { printf("\nYou kill 3 of their servers"); VerizonServers -= 3; } else { printf("\nYou kill 4 of their servers"); VerizonServers -= 4; } sleepFor(500); ServerLose = rand() % 2; if (ServerLose == 0) { printf("\nBy using one of his servers, you lose one of your servers"); AttsServers --; } else { printf("\nYou hack Verizon with your server but don't broke it"); } VerizonAttack = rand() % 3; if (VerizonAttack == 0) { printf("\nVerizon uses the MITM method, you lose 1 server"); AttsServers --; } else if (VerizonAttack == 1) { printf("\nVerizon allocates a server to overheat your CPU"); DeadServers = rand() % 5; sleepFor(500); if (DeadServers == 0) { printf("\nVerizon wastes his attack, you keep all of your servers"); } else if (DeadServers == 1) { printf("\nVerizon kills 1 of your servers"); AttsServers --; } else if (DeadServers == 2) { printf("\nVerizon kills 2 of your servers"); AttsServers -=2; } else if (DeadServers == 3) { printf("\nVerizon kills 3 of your servers"); AttsServers -=3; } else { printf("\nVerizon kills 4 of your servers"); AttsServers -=4; } sleepFor(500); ServerLose = rand() % 2; if (ServerLose == 0) { printf("\nBy using one of his servers, Verizon lose one of his servers"); VerizonServers --; } else { printf("\nVerizon hacks you with his server but don't broke it"); } } else { printf("\nVerizon fixes a server"); VerizonServers ++; } printf("\nYou have %d servers and Verizon has %d servers...", AttsServers, VerizonServers); } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Fix) == 0) { printf("\nYou fix 1 of your servers"); AttsServers ++; VerizonAttack = rand() % 3; if (VerizonAttack == 0) { printf("\nVerizon uses the MITM method, you lose 1 server"); AttsServers --; } else if (VerizonAttack == 1) { printf("\nVerizon allocates a server to overheat your CPU"); DeadServers = rand() % 5; sleepFor(500); if (DeadServers == 0) { printf("\nVerizon wastes his attack, you keep all of your servers"); } else if (DeadServers == 1) { printf("\nVerizon kills 1 of your servers"); AttsServers --; } else if (DeadServers == 2) { printf("\nVerizon kills 2 of your servers"); AttsServers --; AttsServers --; } else if (DeadServers == 3) { printf("\nVerizon kills 3 of your servers"); AttsServers --; AttsServers --; AttsServers --; } else { printf("\nVerizon kills 4 of your servers"); AttsServers --; AttsServers --; AttsServers --; AttsServers --; } sleepFor(500); ServerLose = rand() % 2; if (ServerLose == 0) { printf("\nBy using one of his servers, Verizon lose one of his servers"); VerizonServers --; } else { printf("\nVerizon hacks you with his server but don't broke it"); } } else { printf("\nVerizon fixes a server"); VerizonServers ++; } printf("\nYou have %d servers and Verizon has %d servers...", AttsServers, VerizonServers); } else { printf("Wrong command! Retry"); } if (AttsServers <= 0) { printf("\nYou lose"); printf("\nVerizon hits you and kept %d servers", VerizonServers); AttsServers = 20; VerizonServers = 20; inGame = false; } else if (VerizonServers <= 0) { printf("\nYou win!"); printf("\nYou hit Verizon, you kept %d servers and ATTS became\nthe biggest company because of you!\n", AttsServers); printf("\nPlease enter your name : "); scanf("%s", Name); printf("%s's Bank Account : 2450$", Name); sleepFor(250); printf("\b\b"); sleepFor(250); printf("\b"); sleepFor(250); printf("\b"); sleepFor(250); printf("\b"); sleepFor(250); loading = 0; while(loading <= 15){ printf("9"); sleepFor(250); loading++; } printf("$"); sleepFor(500); printf("\nDear %s,\nTo thank you, we send you a bit of money\nand we promote you Security Team CHIEF!\nCongratulations,\nATTS Inc CEO, Hugues KADI", Name); ranking = fopen("ranking.txt", "a"); fprintf(ranking, "\n%s hit Verizon and kept %d servers!", Name, AttsServers); AttsServers = 20; VerizonServers = 20; inGame = false; } } printf("\ncommand RESTART or EXIT : "); scanf("%s", givenCommand); if (strcmp(givenCommand, Restart) == 0) { wrongCommand = 0; } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Exit) == 0) { printf("The program will stop in few seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } else { printf("Wrong command"); } } else if (strcmp(givenCommand, Exit) == 0) { printf("The program will stop in few seconds"); sleepFor(5000); return 0; } else { printf("Wrong command\n"); } } return 0; }