//T &vlaue,Args &...args ---> 可以修改原来的数据 //T value , Args ...args --->只可以修改副本的数据 //const T value , const Args ...args --->不可以修改副本,不可以修改原数据 //const T &value,const Args &...args ---> 引用数据不可以修改 int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { int num1 = 10, num2 = 9, num3 = 11; double db1 = 10.8, db2 = 10.9; char str[40] = "linux"; showall(num1); std::cout << "\n\n\n"; showall(num1, db1, str); return 0; }
static int showall(struct buffer *bp, KEYMAP *map, char *prefix) { KEYMAP *newmap; char buf[80], keybuf[16]; PF fun; int c; if (addline(bp, "") == FALSE) return (FALSE); /* XXX - 256 ? */ for (c = 0; c < 256; c++) { fun = doscan(map, c, &newmap); if (fun == rescan || fun == selfinsert) continue; getkeyname(buf, sizeof(buf), c); (void)snprintf(keybuf, sizeof(keybuf), "%s%s ", prefix, buf); if (fun == NULL) { if (showall(bp, newmap, keybuf) == FALSE) return (FALSE); } else { if (addlinef(bp, "%-16s%s", keybuf, function_name(fun)) == FALSE) return (FALSE); } } return (TRUE); }
/* ARGSUSED */ int wallchart(int f, int n) { int m; struct buffer *bp; bp = bfind("*help*", TRUE); if (bclear(bp) != TRUE) /* clear it out */ return (FALSE); bp->b_flag |= BFREADONLY; for (m = curbp->b_nmodes; m > 0; m--) { if ((addlinef(bp, "Local keybindings for mode %s:", curbp->b_modes[m]->p_name) == FALSE) || (showall(bp, curbp->b_modes[m]->p_map, "") == FALSE) || (addline(bp, "") == FALSE)) return (FALSE); } if ((addline(bp, "Global bindings:") == FALSE) || (showall(bp, fundamental_map, "") == FALSE)) return (FALSE); return (popbuftop(bp, WNONE)); }
main() { strcpy(sys.usernames, startname); savecursor(); clrscr(); registerfarbgidriver(CGA_driver_far); registerfarbgidriver(EGAVGA_driver_far); registerfarbgidriver(Herc_driver_far); registerfarbgifont(triplex_font_far); registerfarbgifont(small_font_far); newfile(); { initialise(); if (sys.dateget == TRUE) systemdate(); window(1,1,80,25); clrscr(); hidecursor(); initdates(); calcdays(); initsizepay(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = MONTH; sys.screen = SCREEN1; page = PAGEUP; status.stockprice = 4.0; totals(); if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0); sortstatus(); genscreen(); copyright(); demo(); loadfile("DEMO"); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); movement();} retcursor(); }
static void interp( double *z, int mm1, int mm2, int mm3, double *u, int n1, int n2, int n3, int k ) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c interp adds the trilinear interpolation of the correction c from the coarser grid to the current approximation: u = u + Quprime c c Observe that this implementation costs 16A + 4M, where c A and M denote the costs of Addition and Multiplication. c Note that this vectorizes, and is also fine for cache c based machines. Vector machines may get slightly better c performance however, with 8 separate "do i1" loops, rather than 4. c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i3, i2, i1, d1, d2, d3, t1, t2, t3; /* c note that m = 1037 in globals.h but for this only need to be c 535 to handle up to 1024^3 c integer m c parameter( m=535 ) */ double z1[M], z2[M], z3[M]; int mm12 = mm1*mm2; int n12 = n1*n2; int i123, j123; if ( n1 != 3 && n2 != 3 && n3 != 3 ) { #pragma omp for #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) private(z1,z2,z3) \ present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],z[0:mm1*mm2*mm3]) for (i3 = 0; i3 < mm3-1; i3++) { for (i2 = 0; i2 < mm2-1; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; z1[i1] = z[i123+mm1] + z[i123]; z2[i1] = z[i123+mm12] + z[i123]; z3[i1] = z[i123+mm1+mm12] + z[i123+mm12] + z1[i1]; } #pragma acc loop independent // needed for cce/ for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = 2*i1 + n1*(2*i2 + n2 * 2*i3); u[j123] += z[i123]; u[j123+1] += 0.5*(z[i123+1]+z[i123]); } #pragma acc loop independent // needed for cce/ for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm1-1; i1++) { j123 = 2*i1 + n1*(2*i2 + n2 * 2*i3); u[j123+n1] += 0.5 * z1[i1]; u[j123+1+n1] += 0.25*( z1[i1] + z1[i1+1] ); } #pragma acc loop independent // needed for cce/ for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm1-1; i1++) { j123 = 2*i1 + n1*(2*i2 + n2 * 2*i3); u[j123+n12] += 0.5 * z2[i1]; u[j123+n12+1] += 0.25*( z2[i1] + z2[i1+1] ); } #pragma acc loop independent // needed for cce/ for (i1 = 0; i1 < mm1-1; i1++) { j123 = 2*i1 + n1*(2*i2 + n2 * 2*i3); u[j123+n1+n12] += 0.25* z3[i1]; u[j123+n1+n12+1] += 0.125*( z3[i1] + z3[i1+1] ); } } } } else { if (n1 == 3) { d1 = 2; t1 = 1; } else { d1 = 1; t1 = 0; } if (n2 == 3) { d2 = 2; t2 = 1; } else { d2 = 1; t2 = 0; } if (n3 == 3) { d3 = 2; t3 = 1; } else { d3 = 1; t3 = 0; } #pragma omp for #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) \ present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],z[0:mm1*mm2*mm3]) for ( i3 = d3; i3 <= mm3-1; i3++) { for ( i2 = d2; i2 <= mm2-1; i2++) { for ( i1 = d1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-d3-1)+n1*(2*i2-d2-1)+(2*i1-d1-1); u[j123] += z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]; } for ( i1 = 1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-d3-1)+n1*(2*i2-d2-1)+(2*i1-t1-1); u[j123] += 0.5*(z[i123-mm1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } } for ( i2 = 1; i2 <= mm2-1; i2++) { for ( i1 = d1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-d3-1)+n1*(2*i2-t2-1)+(2*i1-d1-1); u[j123] += 0.5*(z[i123-1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } for ( i1 = 1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-d3-1)+n1*(2*i2-t2-1)+(2*i1-t1-1); u[j123] += 0.25*(z[i123-mm12]+z[i123-mm1-mm12] +z[i123-1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } } } #pragma omp for #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) \ present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],z[0:mm1*mm2*mm3]) for ( i3 = 1; i3 <= mm3-1; i3++) { for ( i2 = d2; i2 <= mm2-1; i2++) { for ( i1 = d1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-t3-1)+n1*(2*i2-d2-1)+(2*i1-d1-1); u[j123] += 0.5*(z[i123-1-mm1]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } for ( i1 = 1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-t3-1)+n1*(2*i2-d2-1)+(2*i1-t1-1); u[j123] += 0.25*(z[i123-mm1]+z[i123-1-mm1] +z[i123-mm1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } } for ( i2 = 1; i2 <= mm2-1; i2++) { for ( i1 = d1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123 = n12*(2*i3-t3-1)+n1*(2*i2-t2-1)+(2*i1-d1-1); u[j123] += 0.25*(z[i123-1]+z[i123-1-mm1] +z[i123-1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } for ( i1 = 1; i1 <= mm1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + mm1*i2 + mm12*i3; j123=n12*(2*i3-t3-1)+n1*(2*i2-t2-1)+(2*i1-t1-1); u[j123] += 0.125*(z[i123]+z[i123-mm1] +z[i123-1]+z[i123-1-mm1] +z[i123-mm12]+z[i123-mm1-mm12] +z[i123-1-mm12]+z[i123-1-mm1-mm12]); } } } } #pragma omp single { if (debug_vec[0] >= 1 ) { rep_nrm(z,mm1,mm2,mm3,"z: inter",k-1); rep_nrm(u,n1,n2,n3,"u: inter",k); } if ( debug_vec[5] >= k ) { showall(z,mm1,mm2,mm3); showall(u,n1,n2,n3); } } /* pragma omp single */ }
static void rprj3( double *r, int m1k, int m2k, int m3k, double *s, int m1j, int m2j, int m3j, int k ) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c rprj3 projects onto the next coarser grid, c using a trilinear Finite Element projection: s = rprime = P r c c This implementation costs 20A + 4M per result, where c A and M denote the costs of Addition and Multiplication. c Note that this vectorizes, and is also fine for cache c based machines. c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int j3, j2, j1, i3, i2, i1, d1, d2, d3; double x1[M], y1[M], x2, y2; int m12k = m1k*m2k; int m12j = m1j*m2j; int i123, j123; if (m1k == 3) { d1 = 2; } else { d1 = 1; } if (m2k == 3) { d2 = 2; } else { d2 = 1; } if (m3k == 3) { d3 = 2; } else { d3 = 1; } #pragma omp for #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) private(x1,y1) \ present(s[0:m1j*m2j*m3j],r[0:m1k*m2k*m3k]) for (j3 = 1; j3 < m3j-1; j3++) { i3 = 2*j3-d3; /*C i3 = 2*j3-1*/ for (j2 = 1; j2 < m2j-1; j2++) { i2 = 2*j2-d2; /*C i2 = 2*j2-1*/ for (j1 = 1; j1 < m1j; j1++) { i1 = 2*j1-d1; /*C i1 = 2*j1-1*/ i123 = i1 + m1k*i2 + m12k*i3; x1[i1] = r[i123+m12k] + r[i123+2*m1k+m12k] + r[i123+m1k] + r[i123+m1k+2*m12k]; y1[i1] = r[i123] + r[i123+2*m12k] + r[i123+2*m1k] + r[i123+2*m1k+2*m12k]; } for (j1 = 1; j1 < m1j-1; j1++) { i1 = 2*j1-d1; /*C i1 = 2*j1-1*/ i123 = i1 + m1k*i2 + m12k*i3; j123 = j1 + m1j*j2 + m12j*j3; y2 = r[i123+1] + r[i123+1+2*m12k] + r[i123+2*m1k+1] + r[i123+1+2*m1k+2*m12k]; x2 = r[i123+1+m12k] + r[i123+1+2*m1k+m12k] + r[i123+1+m1k] + r[i123+1+m1k+2*m12k]; s[j123] = 0.5 * r[i123+1+m1k+m12k] + 0.25 * ( r[i123+m1k+m12k] + r[i123+2+m1k+m12k] + x2) + 0.125 * ( x1[i1] + x1[i1+2] + y2) + 0.0625 * ( y1[i1] + y1[i1+2] ); } } } comm3(s,m1j,m2j,m3j,k-1); if (debug_vec[0] >= 1 ) { #pragma omp single rep_nrm(s,m1j,m2j,m3j," rprj3",k-1); } if (debug_vec[4] >= k ) { #pragma omp single showall(s,m1j,m2j,m3j); } }
static void resid( double *u, double *v, double *r, int n1, int n2, int n3, double a[4], int k ) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c resid computes the residual: r = v - Au c c This implementation costs 15A + 4M per result, where c A and M denote the costs of Addition (or Subtraction) and c Multiplication, respectively. c Presuming coefficient a(1) is zero (the NPB assumes this, c but it is thus not a general case), 3A + 1M may be eliminated, c resulting in 12A + 3M. c Note that this vectorizes, and is also fine for cache c based machines. c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i3, i2, i1; double u1[M], u2[M]; int n12 = n1*n2; int i123; #ifdef USE_CUDA #ifdef _OPENACC #pragma acc data present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],v[0:n1*n2*n3],a[0:4],r[0:n1*n2*n3]) { #pragma acc host_data use_device(u,v,r,a) { resid_cuda(u,v,r,&n1,&n2,&n3,a); } } #else /* _OPENACC */ #error "Unsupported option combination 'ACC=no CUDA=yes'" #endif /*_OPENACC */ #else /* USE_CUDA */ #pragma omp for private(i123) #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) private(u1,u2) \ present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],v[0:n1*n2*n3],a[0:4],r[0:n1*n2*n3]) for (i3 = 1; i3 < n3-1; i3++) { for (i2 = 1; i2 < n2-1; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + n1*i2 + n12*i3; u1[i1] = u[i123-n1] + u[i123+n1] + u[i123-n12] + u[i123+n12]; u2[i1] = u[i123-n1-n12] + u[i123+n1-n12] + u[i123-n1+n12] + u[i123+n1+n12]; } for (i1 = 1; i1 < n1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + n1*i2 + n12*i3; r[i123] = v[i123] - a[0] * u[i123] /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c Assume a(1) = 0 (Enable 2 lines below if a(1) not= 0) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c > - a(1) * ( u(i1-1,i2,i3) + u(i1+1,i2,i3) c > + u1(i1) ) c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ - a[2] * ( u2[i1] + u1[i1-1] + u1[i1+1] ) - a[3] * ( u2[i1-1] + u2[i1+1] ); } } } #endif /* USE_CUDA */ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c exchange boundary data c--------------------------------------------------------------------*/ comm3(r,n1,n2,n3,k); if (debug_vec[0] >= 1 ) { #pragma omp single rep_nrm(r,n1,n2,n3," resid",k); } if ( debug_vec[2] >= k ) { #pragma omp single showall(r,n1,n2,n3); } }
static void psinv( double *r, double *u, int n1, int n2, int n3, double c[4], int k) { /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c psinv applies an approximate inverse as smoother: u = u + Cr c c This implementation costs 15A + 4M per result, where c A and M denote the costs of Addition and Multiplication. c Presuming coefficient c(3) is zero (the NPB assumes this, c but it is thus not a general case), 2A + 1M may be eliminated, c resulting in 13A + 3M. c Note that this vectorizes, and is also fine for cache c based machines. c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ int i3, i2, i1; double r1[M], r2[M]; int n12 = n1*n2; int i123; #pragma omp for #pragma acc parallel loop vector_length(NTHREADS) private(r1,r2) \ present(u[0:n1*n2*n3],r[0:n1*n2*n3],c[0:4]) for (i3 = 1; i3 < n3-1; i3++) { for (i2 = 1; i2 < n2-1; i2++) { for (i1 = 0; i1 < n1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + n1*i2 + n12*i3; r1[i1] = r[i123-n1] + r[i123+n1] + r[i123-n12] + r[i123+n12]; r2[i1] = r[i123-n1-n12] + r[i123+n1-n12] + r[i123-n1+n12] + r[i123+n1+n12]; } for (i1 = 1; i1 < n1-1; i1++) { i123 = i1 + n1*i2 + n12*i3; u[i123] = u[i123] + c[0] * r[i123] + c[1] * ( r[i123-1] + r[i123+1] + r1[i1] ) + c[2] * ( r2[i1] + r1[i1-1] + r1[i1+1] ); /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c Assume c(3) = 0 (Enable line below if c(3) not= 0) c--------------------------------------------------------------------- c > + c(3) * ( r2(i1-1) + r2(i1+1) ) c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ } } } /*-------------------------------------------------------------------- c exchange boundary points c-------------------------------------------------------------------*/ comm3(u,n1,n2,n3,k); if (debug_vec[0] >= 1 ) { #pragma omp single rep_nrm(u,n1,n2,n3," psinv",k); } if ( debug_vec[3] >= k ) { #pragma omp single showall(u,n1,n2,n3); } }
void showall(const T &value, const Args &...args) { std::cout << value << std::endl; showall(args...); }
int main(int argc,char *argv[]) { int a=0; char buf[1024]; int cmdno; int quit=0; char name[20]; char id[20]; int rt; int age; char sex; struct student *pstu; struct student stu; struct listhead phead; phead.next = phead.pre = &phead; // readfromfile(&phead,STUFILE); //struct allstudent allstu; //rt=init_allstu(&allstu); printf("****************************************************************\n"); printf("please input cmd:"); if(rt==-1) { return -1; } while(0==quit) { fgets(buf,1024,stdin); buf[strlen(buf)-1] = '\0'; cmdno=getCmdno(buf); switch(cmdno) { case HELP: help(); break; case ADD: printf("add\n"); printf("please input student info\n"); printf("please input student id\n"); scanf("%s",id); printf("please input student name\n"); scanf("%s",name); printf("please input student age\n"); scanf("%d",&age); printf("please input student sex\n"); fgets(buf,1024,stdin); scanf("%c",&sex); // strcpy(stu.id,id); // strcpy(stu.name,name); // stu.age=(char)age; // stu.sex = sex; // addbyorder(&allstu,&stu); pstu = malloc(sizeof(struct student)); if(NULL==pstu) { printf("no\n"); break; } strcpy(pstu->id,id); strcpy(pstu->name,name); pstu->age=(char)age; pstu->sex=sex; addstu(&phead,pstu); break; case DEL: printf("please input student id\n"); scanf("%s",id); // pstu=findbyid(&phead,id); if(NULL==pstu) { printf("%s can not exit\n",id); break; } delstu(pstu); free(pstu); pstu=NULL; break; /* case FIND: printf("please input student id\n"); scanf("%s",id); pstu=findbyid(&phead,id); if(NULL==pstu) { printf("no this student\n"); break; } showone(pstu); break; case FNAME: printf("please input name:"); scanf("%s",name); pstu=NULL; do { pstu=findbyname(&phead,name,pstu); if(NULL!=pstu) { showone(pstu); } }while(NULL!=pstu); break;*/ case SHOW: showall(&phead); printf("please input cmd:"); break; /* case RSHOW: rshowall(&phead); printf("please input cmd:"); break; case REVER: reverse(&phead); printf("please input cmd:"); break;*/ case QUIT: quit=1; break; /* case SAVE: savefile(&phead,STUFILE); printf("please input cmd:"); break; case MODIFY: break; */ default: printf("please input cmd:"); break; } } destroyall(&phead); return 0; }
void docommand(char ch) { int count; char dateb[7]; switch (ch) { case ARROWR : if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0);goright(); break; case ARROWL : if (status.stockprice != 5 - 1) exit(0);goleft(); break; case ARROWU : if (status.stockprice != 2 + 2) exit(0);goup(); break; case ARROWD : if (status.stockprice != 3 + 1) exit(0);godown(); break; case HOME : leavecell(sys.cell); if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { sys.cell.row = 23; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } else if (sys.screen == SCREEN2) { sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = SHARESPER; } else { sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } entercell(sys.cell); break; case END : leavecell(sys.cell); if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { sys.cell.row = 37; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } else if (sys.screen == SCREEN2) { sys.cell.row = 22; sys.cell.col = SHARESPER; } else { sys.cell.row = 22; sys.cell.col = MONTH; } entercell(sys.cell); break; case PGUP : if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEDOWN) { page = PAGEUP; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.row -= 15; disppage(); } showall(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case PGDN : if ((sys.screen == SCREEN1 || sys.screen == SCREEN3) && page == PAGEUP) { page = PAGEDOWN; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.row += 15; disppage(); } showall(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F01 : help();break; case F02 : demo(); break; case F03 : demo(); break; case F04 : sortstatus(); genscreen(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F05 : { if (drawgraph(choice(6,graphchoice)) < 0) errormessage("Graphics initialisation error"); genscreen(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell); } break; case F06 : leavecell(sys.cell); switch (choice(3,screenchoice)) { case 1 : if (tosavesys) savesys(); sys.screen = SCREEN1; page = PAGEUP; sys.cell.col = MONTH; sys.cell.row = 8; sys.display = HELDS; genscreen(); break; case 2 : sys.screen = SCREEN2; sys.display = HELDS; page = PAGEUP; sys.cell.row = 8; sys.cell.col = EXPIRYDAY; genscreen(); break; case 3 : if (tosavesys) savesys(); sys.cell.col = MONTH; page = PAGEUP; sys.screen = SCREEN3; sys.display = INVVOL; sys.cell.row = 8; wait(); if (recalcvolvalues) calcallvol(); ready(); genscreen(); break; } showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case F07 : switch(choice(3,clearchoice)) { case 1 : if (sys.cell.row < 8 || sys.screen == SCREEN2) break; wait(); clearrow(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); entercell(sys.cell); break; case 2 : wait(); switch( sys.cell.col) { case VOLC : case VALUEC : case VOLP : case DELTAC : case VALUEP : case DELTAP: case SHAREPRICE :break; case STOCKHELD : status.stockheld = 0; break; case VOLATILITY : status.volatility = 0.0;break; case INTEREST : status.interest = 0.0; break; case DATE : case YEARMONTH : case SHARESPER : for (count =0;count <24; count++) status.sizepay[count].sharesper = 1000; break; case EXPIRYDAY : case DAYSLEFT : case MONTH : break; case STRIKE : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) { status.data[count].strike = 0.0; status.data[count].volc = 0.0; status.data[count].volp = 0.0; } break; case MARKETC : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) { status.data[count].marketc = 0.0; status.data[count].volc = 0.0; } break; case HELDC : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) status.data[count].heldc = 0; break; case MARKETP : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) { status.data[count].marketp = 0.0; status.data[count].volp = 0.0; } break; case HELDP : for (count = 0;count < 30; count++) status.data[count].heldp = 0; break; case DIVIDENDDAY : for (count = 0;count < 24; count++) status.sizepay[count].dday = 0; break; case DIVIDENDCENTS : for (count = 0;count < 24; count++) status.sizepay[count].payout = 0; break; } wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); break; case 3: clearall();wait(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals();break; /* clear all set shares per con */ } showtotals(); ready(); entercell(sys.cell); /* inverse vol now invalid */ break; case F08 : leavecell(sys.cell); switch( choice(7, utilchoice)) { case 1 : getdir(); break; case 2 : bonusissue(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); ready(); break; case 3 : cashissue(); wait(); calcall(); showall(); totals(); showtotals(); ready(); break; case 4: switch( choice(3,resolutionchoice)) { case 1: numpts = 10; break; case 2: numpts = 15; break; case 3: numpts = 30; break; } break; case 5:switch (choice(3,printchoice)) { case 1: printdetails(); break; case 2: demo1();break; case 3: demo1(); break; } break; case 6: filedelete(); break; case 7 : reinstall(); } entercell(sys.cell); break; case F09 : switch (sys.screen) { case SCREEN1 : leavecell(sys.cell); if (sys.display == HELDS) sys.display = DELTAS; else sys.display = HELDS; if (sys.cell.row >= 8) sys.cell.col = MONTH; textcolor(sys.graphics.colors.heading); textbackground(sys.graphics.colors.databack); drawheadings(); showall(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell);break; case SCREEN2 : break; case SCREEN3 : leavecell(sys.cell); if (sys.display == INVVOL) sys.display = OVERVALUED; else sys.display = INVVOL; textcolor(sys.graphics.colors.heading); textbackground(sys.graphics.colors.databack); drawheadings(); showall(); showtotals(); entercell(sys.cell);break; } break; case F10 : switch (choice(3,quitchoice)) { case 0 : break; case 1 : wait(); textcolor(LIGHTGRAY); textbackground(BLACK); savesys(); clrscr(); gotoxy(2,2); cprintf(" The Option Analyst is a product of"); gotoxy(2,3); cprintf(" EFAM RESOURCES Pty. Ltd.\n"); retcursor(); exit(0); break; case 2 : demo(); break; case 3 : break; } break; } }
char editcell(celltype cell) { int x,y; long z; char ch; char sharestring[12]; int pageint; if (page == PAGEUP || sys.screen == SCREEN2 || cell.row < 8) pageint = 0; else pageint = 15; x = endcell(cell.col)-1; y = cell.row - pageint ; switch (cell.col) {case MONTH : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.data[cell.row-8].month == -1 && cell.row != 8 ) status.data[cell.row-8].month = inputmonth(x-2,y,(status.data[cell.row-9].month)-1); else status.data[cell.row-8].month = inputmonth(x-2,y,status.data[cell.row-8].month); wait(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcvolrow(cell.row); calcrow(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); if ( cell.row != 22 && cell.row != 37) { cell.row += 1; showcell(cell); cell.row = cell.row -1; } /* show date of line below if it had been hidden by showall suppression */ break; case STRIKE : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); status.data[cell.row-8].strike = inputreal(x,y,status.data[cell.row-8].strike,8,sys.decimal); wait(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcvolrow(cell.row); calcrow(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; case VALUEC : getch();break; case VALUEP : getch();break; case HELDC : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); status.data[cell.row-8].heldc = inputinteger(x,y,status.data[cell.row-8].heldc,4); wait(); showcell(sys.cell); break; case HELDP : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); status.data[cell.row-8].heldp = inputinteger(x,y,status.data[cell.row-8].heldp,4); wait(); showcell(sys.cell); break; case STOCKHELD : entercell(sys.cell); z = status.stockheld; z = inputlint(x,y,&z,8); wait(); break; case SHAREPRICE : entercell(sys.cell); status.stockprice = 4.0; getch(); demo(); getch(); break; case VOLATILITY : entercell(sys.cell); status.volatility = inputreal(x,y,status.volatility,5,2); wait(); calcall(); calcalloverval(); showall(); break; case INTEREST : entercell(sys.cell); status.interest= inputreal(x,y,status.interest,5,2); wait(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcallvol(); else recalcvolvalues = TRUE; showall(); break; case DATE : entercell(sys.cell); inputdate(x,y,sys.date); wait(); initdates(); initsizepay(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); if (sys.screen == SCREEN3) calcallvol(); else recalcvolvalues = TRUE; showall(); break; case SHARESPER : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].sharesper= inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].sharesper,4); if (status.sizepay[y].sharesper < 1) status.sizepay[y].sharesper = 1; wait(); break; case EXPIRYDAY : entercell(sys.cell); sys.expiry[y].eday =inputinteger(x,y,sys.expiry[y].eday,2); if (sys.expiry[y].eday < 1) sys.expiry[y].eday = 1; else if (sys.expiry[y].eday > 31) sys.expiry[y].eday = 28; wait(); initdates(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); tosavesys = TRUE; showall(); break; case DIVIDENDDAY : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].dday=inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].dday,2); if (status.sizepay[y].dday < 0) status.sizepay[y].dday = 0; else if (status.sizepay[y].dday > 31) status.sizepay[y].dday = 28; wait(); calcdays(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); showrow(cell.row); break; case DIVIDENDCENTS : entercell(sys.cell); status.sizepay[y].payout = inputinteger(x,y,status.sizepay[y].payout,3); if (status.sizepay[y].payout < 0) status.sizepay[y].payout = 0; wait(); initdivmtx(0); calcall(); showrow(cell.row); break; case VOLC : getch(); break; case VOLP : getch(); break; case MARKETC : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); status.data[cell.row-8].marketc = inputreal(x,y,status.data[cell.row-8].marketc,8,sys.decimal); if (status.data[cell.row-8].marketc < 0) status.data[cell.row-8].marketc = 0; wait(); status.data[cell.row-8].volc = invertvolc(cell.row); calcoverval(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; case MARKETP : entercell(sys.cell); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); status.data[cell.row-8].marketp = inputreal(x,y,status.data[cell.row-8].marketp,8,sys.decimal); if (status.data[cell.row-8].marketp < 0) status.data[cell.row-8].marketp = 0; wait(); status.data[cell.row-8].volp = invertvolp(cell.row); calcoverval(cell.row); showrow(cell.row); break; } entercell(cell); totals(); showtotals(); if (status.stockprice != 4.0) exit(0); ready(); ch = getch(); return(ch); }
int main(int argc, char **argv) { char mib[32]; char *buf; size_t len; int ch, error, fd; int count, first, last, cpuid; while ((ch = getopt(argc, argv, "df:")) != -1) { switch(ch) { case 'd': /* dump */ fl_dump = 1; break; case 'f': if (file) free(file); /* XXX complain! */ file = strdup(optarg); break; default: usage(); } } argc -= optind; argv += optind; if (file == NULL || fl_dump) { len = sizeof(count); if (sysctlbyname(hw_mca_count, &count, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, hw_mca_count); if (count == 0) errx(0, "no error records found"); len = sizeof(first); if (sysctlbyname(hw_mca_first, &first, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, hw_mca_first); len = sizeof(last); if (sysctlbyname(hw_mca_last, &last, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, hw_mca_last); cpuid = 0; error = 0; while (count && first <= last) { do { sprintf(mib, hw_mca_recid, first, cpuid); len = 0; ch = sysctlbyname(mib, NULL, &len, NULL, 0); error = (ch == -1) ? errno : 0; if (error != ENOENT) break; cpuid++; } while (cpuid <= HW_MCA_MAX_CPUID); if (error == ENOENT && cpuid > HW_MCA_MAX_CPUID) { first++; cpuid = 0; continue; } if (error) errc(1, error, "%s(1)", mib); buf = malloc(len); if (buf == NULL) err(1, "buffer"); if (sysctlbyname(mib, buf, &len, NULL, 0) == -1) err(1, "%s(2)", mib); if (fl_dump) dump(buf); else show(buf, mib); free(buf); count--; if (cpuid == HW_MCA_MAX_CPUID) { first++; cpuid = 0; } else cpuid++; } } else { fd = open(file, O_RDONLY); if (fd == -1) err(1, "open(%s)", file); len = lseek(fd, 0LL, SEEK_END); buf = mmap(NULL, len, PROT_READ, 0U, fd, 0LL); if (buf == MAP_FAILED) err(1, "mmap(%s)", file); showall(buf, len); munmap(buf, len); close(fd); } return (0); }