void CToolsHelper::AppendToolsToToolbar(const CUserToolArray& aTools, CToolBar& toolbar, UINT nCmdAfter) { // remove tools first RemoveToolsFromToolbar(toolbar, nCmdAfter); // then re-add if (aTools.GetSize()) { // figure out if we want the large or small images CSize sizeBtn(toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().GetButtonSize()); sizeBtn -= CSize(7, 7); // btn borders from BarTool.cpp CSysImageList sil((sizeBtn.cx > 16)); VERIFY(sil.Initialize()); // start adding after the pref button int nStartPos = toolbar.CommandToIndex(nCmdAfter) + 1; int nAdded = 0; for (int nTool = 0; nTool < aTools.GetSize(); nTool++) { const USERTOOL& tool = aTools[nTool]; HICON hIcon = GetToolIcon(sil, tool); if (hIcon) { CImageList* pIL = toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().GetImageList(); int nImage = pIL->Add(hIcon); TBBUTTON tbb = { nImage, nTool + m_nStartID, 0, TBSTYLE_BUTTON, 0, 0, (UINT)-1 }; if (toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().InsertButton(nStartPos + nAdded, &tbb)) nAdded++; else // remove image pIL->Remove(nImage); // cleanup ::DestroyIcon(hIcon); } } // add a separator if any buttons added if (nAdded) { TBBUTTON tbb = { -1, 0, 0, TBSTYLE_SEP, 0, 0, (UINT)-1 }; toolbar.GetToolBarCtrl().InsertButton(nStartPos, &tbb); } } }
float Taylor(x) { int i=2,z=1, k=1; float e=0, cos1, cos; cos1=0; cos=0; while (e>=0.0001 || i<=10) { e=cos-cos1; cos1=cos; cos=pow(x,i)/sil(); e=cos-cos1; printf("cos%d=%f\n", z,cos); z+=1; i+=2; } printf("cos=%0.1f\n", cos); return cos; }
main() { struct rehber kisi[30]; int i; char karar; for(i=0;i<30;i++) { kisi[i].doluMu='H'; } while(1==1) { karar=menu(); switch(karar) { case '1': ekle(kisi); break; case '2': liste(kisi); break; case '3': sil(kisi); break; case '4': ara(kisi); break; } } }
int main(void) { scanf("%d", &te); for(t = 0; t < te; ++ t) { scanf("%d", &si); if(!si)continue; if(!re[si - 1]) { re[si - 1] = (char*)malloc((1 + 11 * sil(si)) * sizeof(char)); do { for(d = 0; d < si; ++ d) re[si - 1][r[si - 1] ++] = da[d]; re[si - 1][r[si - 1] ++] = '\n'; } while(nP(da, da + si - 1)); } puts(re[si - 1]); } return 0; }
void main() { system("color 3b"); char sec,menu; while(true) { printf("\t\t\t*******************\n\t\t\t* 1-> Kisi ekle *\n\t\t\t*-----------------* \n\t\t\t* 2-> Goruntule *\n\t\t\t*-----------------* \n\t\t\t* 3-> Guncelle *\n\t\t\t*-----------------* \n\t\t\t* 4-> Sil *\n\t\t\t*-----------------* \n\t\t\t* 5-> Arama *\n\t\t\t*-----------------* \n\t\t\t* 6-> Cikis *\n\t\t\t*******************"); sec=getch(); switch (sec) { case '1': islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); kisiekle(); islemyapiliyor(); break; case '2': islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); goruntule(); printf("\n\nMenuye Donmek Icin => M "); menu=getch(); fonksiyonmenu(menu); islemyapiliyor(); break; case '3': islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); guncelle(); system("cls"); islemyapiliyor(); break; case '4': islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); sil(); printf("\n\nMenuye Donmek Icin => M "); menu=getch(); fonksiyonmenu(menu); islemyapiliyor(); break; case '5': islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); arama(); printf("\n\nMenuye Donmek Icin => M "); menu=getch(); fonksiyonmenu(menu); islemyapiliyor(); break; case '6': islemyapiliyor(); exit(cikis()); break; default: islemyapiliyor(); system("cls"); system("color 3A"); printf("YANLIS SECIM YAPTINIZ!! LUTFEN TEKRAR DENEYINIZ "); Sleep(750); system("color 3B"); break; } system("cls"); } }
void VisItDataServerPrivate::ReadData(const std::string &var) { // Set some defaults. MaterialAttributes mAtts; ExpressionList combinedExprList(exprList); MeshManagementAttributes meshAtts; bool treatAllDbsAsTimeVarying = false; bool ignoreExtents = true; std::string selectionName; int windowID = 0; // // Tickle the engine to create a vis window. Works around a bug in engine! // if(!createdVisWin) { createdVisWin = true; // Set some defaults. WindowAttributes windowAtts; windowAtts.SetColorTables(*avtColorTables::Instance()->GetColorTables()); AnnotationAttributes annotationAtts; AnnotationObjectList annotationObjectList; std::string extStr("?"); VisualCueList visCues; int frameAndState[] = {0,0,0,0,0,0,0}; double viewExtents[] = {0., 1., 0., 1., 0., 1.}; std::string ctName("hot"); engine.GetEngineMethods()->SetWinAnnotAtts(&windowAtts, &annotationAtts, &annotationObjectList, extStr, &visCues, frameAndState, viewExtents, ctName, windowID); } // // Determine the name of the mesh for this variable. // const avtDatabaseMetaData *md = GetMetaData(openFile); if(md == NULL) { EXCEPTION1(VisItException, "Can't get the metadata."); } std::string mesh = md->MeshForVar(var); // Add the metadata expressions to the known expressions. for(int i = 0; i < md->GetNumberOfExpressions(); ++i) combinedExprList.AddExpressions(*md->GetExpression(i)); // // Get the SIL so we can make a SIL restriction. // const SILAttributes *silAtts = mdserver.GetMDServerMethods()->GetSIL(openFile, openTimeState, treatAllDbsAsTimeVarying); if(silAtts == NULL) { EXCEPTION1(VisItException, "Can't get the SIL."); } avtSIL sil(*silAtts); avtSILRestriction_p silr = new avtSILRestriction(&sil); silr->SetTopSet(mesh.c_str()); // // Start a new network // engine.GetEngineMethods()->ReadDataObject(openFileFormat, openFile, var, openTimeState, silr, mAtts, // lots of junk! combinedExprList, meshAtts, treatAllDbsAsTimeVarying, ignoreExtents, selectionName, windowID); }
int sil(int a){return !a?1:sil(a-1)*a;}