Beispiel #1
void silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP(
    silk_float                      B[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ],      /* I/O  (Un-)quantized LTP gains                    */
    opus_int8                       cbk_index[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],          /* O    Codebook index                              */
    opus_int8                       *periodicity_index,                 /* O    Periodicity index                           */
    opus_int32                      *sum_log_gain_Q7,                   /* I/O  Cumulative max prediction gain  */
    const silk_float                W[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ], /* I    Error weights                        */
    const opus_int                  mu_Q10,                             /* I    Mu value (R/D tradeoff)                     */
    const opus_int                  lowComplexity,                      /* I    Flag for low complexity                     */
    const opus_int                  nb_subfr                            /* I    number of subframes                         */
    opus_int   i;
    opus_int16 B_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ];
    opus_int32 W_Q18[ MAX_NB_SUBFR*LTP_ORDER*LTP_ORDER ];

    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        B_Q14[ i ] = (opus_int16)silk_float2int( B[ i ] * 16384.0f );
    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        W_Q18[ i ] = (opus_int32)silk_float2int( W[ i ] * 262144.0f );

    silk_quant_LTP_gains( B_Q14, cbk_index, periodicity_index, sum_log_gain_Q7, W_Q18, mu_Q10, lowComplexity, nb_subfr );

    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        B[ i ] = (silk_float)B_Q14[ i ] * ( 1.0f / 16384.0f );
Beispiel #2
void silk_quant_LTP_gains_FLP(
    silk_float                      B[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ],      /* O    Quantized LTP gains                            */
    opus_int8                       cbk_index[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ],          /* O    Codebook index                              */
    opus_int8                       *periodicity_index,                 /* O    Periodicity index                           */
    opus_int32                      *sum_log_gain_Q7,                   /* I/O  Cumulative max prediction gain  */
    silk_float                      *pred_gain_dB,                        /* O    LTP prediction gain                            */
    const silk_float                XX[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ], /* I    Correlation matrix                    */
    const silk_float                xX[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ],        /* I    Correlation vector                            */
    const opus_int                    subfr_len,                            /* I    Number of samples per subframe                */
    const opus_int                    nb_subfr,                           /* I    Number of subframes                            */
    int                             arch                                /* I    Run-time architecture                       */
    opus_int   i, pred_gain_dB_Q7;
    opus_int16 B_Q14[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ];
    opus_int32 XX_Q17[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ];
    opus_int32 xX_Q17[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER ];

    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        XX_Q17[ i ] = (opus_int32)silk_float2int( XX[ i ] * 131072.0f );
    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        xX_Q17[ i ] = (opus_int32)silk_float2int( xX[ i ] * 131072.0f );

    silk_quant_LTP_gains( B_Q14, cbk_index, periodicity_index, sum_log_gain_Q7, &pred_gain_dB_Q7, XX_Q17, xX_Q17, subfr_len, nb_subfr, arch );

    for( i = 0; i < nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER; i++ ) {
        B[ i ] = (silk_float)B_Q14[ i ] * ( 1.0f / 16384.0f );

    *pred_gain_dB = (silk_float)pred_gain_dB_Q7 * ( 1.0f / 128.0f );
void silk_find_pred_coefs_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  encoder control                                                             */
    const opus_int16                res_pitch[],                            /* I    Residual from pitch analysis                                                */
    const opus_int16                x[],                                    /* I    Speech signal                                                               */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_int32       invGains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], local_gains[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], Wght_Q15[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    opus_int16       NLSF_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    const opus_int16 *x_ptr;
    opus_int16       *x_pre_ptr;
    VARDECL( opus_int16, LPC_in_pre );
    opus_int32       tmp, min_gain_Q16, minInvGain_Q30;
    opus_int         LTP_corrs_rshift[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];

    /* weighting for weighted least squares */
    min_gain_Q16 = silk_int32_MAX >> 6;
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        min_gain_Q16 = silk_min( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] );
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        /* Divide to Q16 */
        silk_assert( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] > 0 );
        /* Invert and normalize gains, and ensure that maximum invGains_Q16 is within range of a 16 bit int */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_DIV32_varQ( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ], 16 - 2 );

        /* Ensure Wght_Q15 a minimum value 1 */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_max( invGains_Q16[ i ], 363 );

        /* Square the inverted gains */
        silk_assert( invGains_Q16[ i ] == silk_SAT16( invGains_Q16[ i ] ) );
        tmp = silk_SMULWB( invGains_Q16[ i ], invGains_Q16[ i ] );
        Wght_Q15[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( tmp, 1 );

        /* Invert the inverted and normalized gains */
        local_gains[ i ] = silk_DIV32( ( (opus_int32)1 << 16 ), invGains_Q16[ i ] );

    ALLOC( LPC_in_pre,
           psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder
               + psEnc->sCmn.frame_length, opus_int16 );
    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        VARDECL( opus_int32, WLTP );

        /* VOICED */
        silk_assert( psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder >= psEncCtrl->pitchL[ 0 ] + LTP_ORDER / 2 );

        ALLOC( WLTP, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER, opus_int32 );

        /* LTP analysis */
        silk_find_LTP_FIX( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, WLTP, &psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7,
            res_pitch, psEncCtrl->pitchL, Wght_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length,
            psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length, LTP_corrs_rshift );

        /* Quantize LTP gain parameters */
        silk_quant_LTP_gains( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTPIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.PERIndex,
            &psEnc->sCmn.sum_log_gain_Q7, WLTP, psEnc->sCmn.mu_LTP_Q9, psEnc->sCmn.LTPQuantLowComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr);

        /* Control LTP scaling */
        silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FIX( psEnc, psEncCtrl, condCoding );

        /* Create LTP residual */
        silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FIX( LPC_in_pre, x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder, psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14,
            psEncCtrl->pitchL, invGains_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    } else {
        /* UNVOICED */
        /* Create signal with prepended subframes, scaled by inverse gains */
        x_ptr     = x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
        x_pre_ptr = LPC_in_pre;
        for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
            silk_scale_copy_vector16( x_pre_ptr, x_ptr, invGains_Q16[ i ],
                psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );
            x_pre_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
            x_ptr     += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length;

        silk_memset( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, 0, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
        psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 = 0;
		psEnc->sCmn.sum_log_gain_Q7 = 0;

    /* Limit on total predictive coding gain */
    if( psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset ) {
    } else {        
        minInvGain_Q30 = silk_log2lin( silk_SMLAWB( 16 << 7, (opus_int32)psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7, SILK_FIX_CONST( 1.0 / 3, 16 ) ) );      /* Q16 */
        minInvGain_Q30 = silk_DIV32_varQ( minInvGain_Q30, 
                silk_SMLAWB( SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.25, 18 ), SILK_FIX_CONST( 0.75, 18 ), psEncCtrl->coding_quality_Q14 ) ), 14 );

    /* LPC_in_pre contains the LTP-filtered input for voiced, and the unfiltered input for unvoiced */
    silk_find_LPC_FIX( &psEnc->sCmn, NLSF_Q15, LPC_in_pre, minInvGain_Q30 );

    /* Quantize LSFs */
    silk_process_NLSFs( &psEnc->sCmn, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, NLSF_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 );

    /* Calculate residual energy using quantized LPC coefficients */
    silk_residual_energy_FIX( psEncCtrl->ResNrg, psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ, LPC_in_pre, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, local_gains,
        psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    /* Copy to prediction struct for use in next frame for interpolation */
    silk_memcpy( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15, NLSF_Q15, sizeof( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 ) );
void silk_find_pred_coefs_FIX(
    silk_encoder_state_FIX          *psEnc,                                 /* I/O  encoder state                                                               */
    silk_encoder_control_FIX        *psEncCtrl,                             /* I/O  encoder control                                                             */
    const opus_int16                res_pitch[],                            /* I    Residual from pitch analysis                                                */
    const opus_int16                x[],                                    /* I    Speech signal                                                               */
    opus_int                        condCoding                              /* I    The type of conditional coding to use                                       */
    opus_int         i;
    opus_int32       WLTP[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * LTP_ORDER * LTP_ORDER ];
    opus_int32       invGains_Q16[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], local_gains[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ], Wght_Q15[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];
    opus_int16       NLSF_Q15[ MAX_LPC_ORDER ];
    const opus_int16 *x_ptr;
    opus_int16       *x_pre_ptr, LPC_in_pre[ MAX_NB_SUBFR * MAX_LPC_ORDER + MAX_FRAME_LENGTH ];
    opus_int32       tmp, min_gain_Q16;
    opus_int         LTP_corrs_rshift[ MAX_NB_SUBFR ];

    /* weighting for weighted least squares */
    min_gain_Q16 = silk_int32_MAX >> 6;
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        min_gain_Q16 = silk_min( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] );
    for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
        /* Divide to Q16 */
        silk_assert( psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ] > 0 );
        /* Invert and normalize gains, and ensure that maximum invGains_Q16 is within range of a 16 bit int */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_DIV32_varQ( min_gain_Q16, psEncCtrl->Gains_Q16[ i ], 16 - 2 );

        /* Ensure Wght_Q15 a minimum value 1 */
        invGains_Q16[ i ] = silk_max( invGains_Q16[ i ], 363 );

        /* Square the inverted gains */
        silk_assert( invGains_Q16[ i ] == silk_SAT16( invGains_Q16[ i ] ) );
        tmp = silk_SMULWB( invGains_Q16[ i ], invGains_Q16[ i ] );
        Wght_Q15[ i ] = silk_RSHIFT( tmp, 1 );

        /* Invert the inverted and normalized gains */
        local_gains[ i ] = silk_DIV32( ( 1 << 16 ), invGains_Q16[ i ] );

    if( psEnc->sCmn.indices.signalType == TYPE_VOICED ) {
        /* VOICED */
        silk_assert( psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder >= psEncCtrl->pitchL[ 0 ] + LTP_ORDER / 2 );

        /* LTP analysis */
        silk_find_LTP_FIX( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, WLTP, &psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7,
            res_pitch, psEncCtrl->pitchL, Wght_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length,
            psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.ltp_mem_length, LTP_corrs_rshift );

        /* Quantize LTP gain parameters */
        silk_quant_LTP_gains( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, psEnc->sCmn.indices.LTPIndex, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.PERIndex,
            WLTP, psEnc->sCmn.mu_LTP_Q9, psEnc->sCmn.LTPQuantLowComplexity, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr);

        /* Control LTP scaling */
        silk_LTP_scale_ctrl_FIX( psEnc, psEncCtrl, condCoding );

        /* Create LTP residual */
        silk_LTP_analysis_filter_FIX( LPC_in_pre, x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder, psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14,
            psEncCtrl->pitchL, invGains_Q16, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    } else {
        /* UNVOICED */
        /* Create signal with prepended subframes, scaled by inverse gains */
        x_ptr     = x - psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
        x_pre_ptr = LPC_in_pre;
        for( i = 0; i < psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr; i++ ) {
            silk_scale_copy_vector16( x_pre_ptr, x_ptr, invGains_Q16[ i ],
                psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );
            x_pre_ptr += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder;
            x_ptr     += psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length;

        silk_memset( psEncCtrl->LTPCoef_Q14, 0, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr * LTP_ORDER * sizeof( opus_int16 ) );
        psEncCtrl->LTPredCodGain_Q7 = 0;

    /* LPC_in_pre contains the LTP-filtered input for voiced, and the unfiltered input for unvoiced */
    silk_find_LPC_FIX( NLSF_Q15, &psEnc->sCmn.indices.NLSFInterpCoef_Q2, psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15,
        psEnc->sCmn.useInterpolatedNLSFs, psEnc->sCmn.first_frame_after_reset, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder,
        LPC_in_pre, psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length + psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr );

    /* Quantize LSFs */
    silk_process_NLSFs( &psEnc->sCmn, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, NLSF_Q15, psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 );

    /* Calculate residual energy using quantized LPC coefficients */
    silk_residual_energy_FIX( psEncCtrl->ResNrg, psEncCtrl->ResNrgQ, LPC_in_pre, psEncCtrl->PredCoef_Q12, local_gains,
        psEnc->sCmn.subfr_length, psEnc->sCmn.nb_subfr, psEnc->sCmn.predictLPCOrder );

    /* Copy to prediction struct for use in next frame for interpolation */
    silk_memcpy( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15, NLSF_Q15, sizeof( psEnc->sCmn.prev_NLSFq_Q15 ) );