Beispiel #1
void NewGameState::_changeCharacter()
    auto dude =;
    std::stringstream ss;
    auto msg = ResourceManager::msgFileType("text/english/game/stat.msg");
    ss << msg->message(100)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(0) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(0) << "\n"
       << msg->message(101)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(1) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(1) << "\n"
       << msg->message(102)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(2) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(2) << "\n"
       << msg->message(103)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(3) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(3) << "\n"
       << msg->message(104)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(4) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(4) << "\n"
       << msg->message(105)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(5) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(5) << "\n"
       << msg->message(106)->text() << " " << (dude->stat(6) < 10 ? "0" : "") << dude->stat(6) << "\n";

    ss << _statToString(dude->stat(0)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(1)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(2)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(3)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(4)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(5)) << "\n"
       << _statToString(dude->stat(6)) << "\n";


    auto msgMisc = ResourceManager::msgFileType("text/english/game/misc.msg");

    std::string stats3 = msgMisc->message(16)->text() +  "\n"    // Hit Points
                       + msg->message(109)->text()    + "\n"     // Armor Class
                       + msgMisc->message(15)->text() + "\n"     // Action Points
                       + msg->message(111)->text()    + "\n";    // Melee Damage

    std::string stats3_values = std::to_string(dude->hitPointsMax()) + "/" + std::to_string(dude->hitPointsMax()) + "\n"
                              + std::to_string(dude->armorClass())   + "\n"
                              + std::to_string(dude->actionPoints()) + "\n"
                              + std::to_string(dude->meleeDamage())  + "\n";

    for (unsigned int i=0; i != 17; ++i) if (dude->skill(i))
        stats3 += "\n" + ResourceManager::msgFileType("text/english/game/skill.msg")->message(100 + i)->text();
        stats3_values += "\n" + std::to_string(dude->skillValue(i)) + "%";
    for (unsigned int i=0; i != 16; ++i) if (dude->trait(i))
        stats3 += "\n" + ResourceManager::msgFileType("text/english/game/trait.msg")->message(100 + i)->text();
Beispiel #2
void cPlayer::talk( const QString& message, UI16 color, quint8 type, bool autospam, cUOSocket* socket )
	Q_UNUSED( autospam );
	if ( color == 0xFFFF )
		color = saycolor_;

	QByteArray lang;

	if ( socket_ )
		lang = socket_->lang();

	cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::eSpeechType speechType;

	// Lets try the Range of Speech
	unsigned int speechrange = Config::instance()->SpeechNormalRange();

	switch ( type )
	case 0x01:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Broadcast; break;
	case 0x06:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::System; break;
	case 0x09:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Yell; speechrange = Config::instance()->SpeechYellRange();; break;
	case 0x02:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Emote; break;
	case 0x08:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Whisper; speechrange = Config::instance()->SpeechWhisperRange();; break;
	case 0x0A:
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Spell; break;
		speechType = cUOTxUnicodeSpeech::Regular; break;

	cUOTxUnicodeSpeech textSpeech;
	textSpeech.setSource( serial() );
	textSpeech.setModel( body_ );
	textSpeech.setFont( 3 ); // Default Font
	textSpeech.setType( speechType );
	textSpeech.setLanguage( lang );
	textSpeech.setName( name() );
	textSpeech.setColor( color );
	textSpeech.setText( message );

	QString ghostSpeech;
	bool gmSpiritSpeak = skillValue( SPIRITSPEAK ) >= 1000;

	// Generate the ghost-speech *ONCE*
	if ( isDead() && !gmSpiritSpeak )
		for ( qint32 gI = 0; gI < message.length(); ++gI )
			if ( message[gI].isSpace() )
				ghostSpeech.append( message[gI] );
				ghostSpeech.append( ( RandomNum( 0, 1 ) == 0 ) ? "o" : "O" );

	if ( socket )
		// Take the dead-status into account
		if ( isDead() && !gmSpiritSpeak )
			if ( !socket->player()->isDead() && !socket->player()->isGMorCounselor() && socket->player()->skillValue( SPIRITSPEAK ) < 1000 )
				textSpeech.setText( ghostSpeech );
				textSpeech.setText( message );

		socket->send( &textSpeech );
		// Send to all clients in range
		QList<cUOSocket*> sockets = Network::instance()->sockets();
		foreach ( cUOSocket* mSock, sockets )
			if ( mSock->player() && ( mSock->player()->dist( this ) < speechrange ) )
				// Take the dead-status into account
				if ( isDead() && !gmSpiritSpeak )
					if ( !mSock->player()->isDead() && !mSock->player()->isGMorCounselor() && mSock->player()->skillValue( SPIRITSPEAK ) < 1000 )
						textSpeech.setText( ghostSpeech );
						textSpeech.setText( message );

				mSock->send( &textSpeech );
void PlayerCreateState::think()
    auto player = Game::getInstance()->player();
    auto msgEditor = ResourceManager::msgFileType("text/english/game/editor.msg");"name")->setText(player->name());"age")->setText(msgEditor->message(104))->appendText(" ")->appendText(std::to_string(player->age()));"gender")->setText(msgEditor->message(player->gender() == 0 ? 107 : 108)); // 0 - male   1 - female"statsPoints")->setNumber(player->statsPoints());"skillsPoints")->setNumber(player->skillsPoints());"health_1")->setText(msgEditor->message(300))->appendText("  ")->appendText(std::to_string(player->hitPointsMax()))->appendText("/")->appendText(std::to_string(player->hitPointsMax()));"params_1_value")->setText(player->armorClass());"params_2_value")->setText(player->actionPoints());"params_3_value")->setText(player->carryWeightMax());"params_4_value")->setText(player->meleeDamage());"params_5_value")->setText(player->damageResistance())->appendText("%");"params_6_value")->setText(player->poisonResistance())->appendText("%");"params_7_value")->setText(player->radiationResistance())->appendText("%");"params_8_value")->setText(player->sequence());"params_9_value")->setText(player->healingRate());"params_10_value")->setText(player->criticalChance())->appendText("%");

    // Stats counters and labels
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i < 7; i++)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "stats_" << (i+1);
        unsigned int val = player->statTotal(i);>setNumber(val);>setColor(BigCounter::COLOR_WHITE);
        if (val > 10)
            val = 10;
        }>setText(msgEditor->message(199 + (val < 1 ? 1 : val)));

    // Skills values
    for (unsigned int i = 0; i != 18; ++i)
        std::stringstream ss;
        ss << "skills_" << (i + 1) << "_value";>setText(player->skillValue(i))->appendText("%");

    // Default labels colors
    for(auto it = _labels.begin(); it != _labels.end(); ++it)
        std::string name = it->first;

        auto font1_3ff800ff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0x3ff800ff);
        auto font1_a0a0a0ff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0xa0a0a0ff);
        auto font1_183018ff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0x183018ff);

        if (name.find("stats_") == 0 || name.find("params_") == 0)

        if (name.find("traits_") == 0)
            unsigned int number = atoi(name.substr(7).c_str());
            it->second->setFont(player->trait(number - 1) ? font1_a0a0a0ff : font1_3ff800ff);

        if (name.find("skills_") == 0)
            unsigned int number = atoi(name.substr(7).c_str());
            it->second->setFont(player->skill(number - 1) ? font1_a0a0a0ff : font1_3ff800ff);

        if (name.find("health_") == 0)
            it->second->setFont("health_1") == 0 ? font1_3ff800ff : font1_183018ff);

    // Selected labels colors
    for(auto it = _labels.begin(); it != _labels.end(); ++it)
        if (_selectedLabel != it->second) continue;

        std::string name = it->first;


        auto font1_ffff7fff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0xffff7fff);
        auto font1_ffffffff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0xffffffff);
        auto font1_707820ff = ResourceManager::font("font1.aaf", 0x707820ff);

        if (name.find("stats_") == 0)

        if (name.find("params_") == 0)

        if (name.find("traits_") == 0)
            unsigned int number = atoi(name.substr(7).c_str());
            it->second->setFont(player->trait(number - 1) ? font1_ffffffff : font1_ffff7fff);

        if (name.find("skills_") == 0)
            unsigned int number = atoi(name.substr(7).c_str());
            it->second->setFont(player->skill(number - 1) ? font1_ffffffff : font1_ffff7fff);
  "_value")->setFont(player->skill(number - 1) ? font1_ffffffff : font1_ffff7fff);

        if (name.find("health_") == 0)
            it->second->setFont("health_1") == 0 ? font1_ffff7fff : font1_707820ff);
