GIF_RETVAL readExtension(JNIEnv *env, GifDecoder *decoder, jobject currBlock) { unsigned char extensionSize = *(decoder->inputPtr+2); unsigned char extensionType; if(decoder->bytesInBuffer < extensionSize + 3) { // Stop, we need more data return STATUS_BUFFER_EMPTY; } decoder->inputPtr++; // Skip extension introducer extensionType = *(decoder->inputPtr); decoder->inputPtr += 2; // Skip size, already got it decoder->bytesInBuffer -= 3; // Decrease buffer size as we advanced switch(extensionType) { case GRAPHIC_CONTROL_EXTENSION: readGraphicControl(env, decoder, currBlock); break; case COMMENT_EXTENSION: { decoder->inputPtr -= 1; // No extension size, usual sub-blocks, go back decoder->bytesInBuffer += 1; decoder->state = STATE_READING_COMMENT; return readComment(env, decoder); } case APPLICATION_EXTENSION: if(extensionSize == SIZE_NETSCAPE_EXT && !strncmp(decoder->inputPtr, "NETSCAPE2.0", SIZE_NETSCAPE_EXT)) { if(*(decoder->inputPtr + extensionSize) == 3) { // Magic size of the sub-block in netscape ext unsigned short loopCount; decoder->inputPtr += extensionSize; decoder->bytesInBuffer -= extensionSize; loopCount = *((unsigned short *) (decoder->inputPtr+2)); (*env)->SetIntField(env, decoder->jDataStream, img_GIF_ds_loopCountID, loopCount); return skipData(decoder); } // If the extension is invalid proceed to default } case PLAIN_TEXT_EXTENSION: default: decoder->inputPtr += extensionSize; decoder->bytesInBuffer -= extensionSize; if(!(*(decoder->inputPtr))) { // No additional data decoder->inputPtr++; decoder->bytesInBuffer--; decoder->state = STATE_BLOCK_BEGINNING; } else { decoder->state = STATE_SKIPPING_BLOCKS; return skipData(decoder); } } return STATUS_OK; }
//------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ std::string readString( char * & data ) { int strCount = readData<int>( data ); boost::shared_ptr<char> p( new char[strCount+1] ); memset( p.get(), 0, strCount+1 ); memcpy( p.get(), data, strCount ); std::string str = p.get(); skipData( data, strCount ); return str; }
/** This method creates outputworkspace excluding monitors *@param file :: -pointer to file *@param period :: period number *@param monitorList :: a list containing the spectrum numbers for monitors *@param ws_sptr :: shared pointer to workspace */ void LoadRaw3::excludeMonitors(FILE *file, const int &period, const std::vector<specnum_t> &monitorList, DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr) { int64_t histCurrent = -1; int64_t wsIndex = 0; double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods); // loop through the spectra for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) { specnum_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1); if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) || (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) != m_spec_list.end())) { progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data..."); // skip monitor spectrum if (isMonitor(monitorList, i)) { skipData(file, histToRead); continue; } // read spectrum if (!readData(file, histToRead)) { throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file"); } // set the workspace data setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1); // increment workspace index ++wsIndex; if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) { if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) { setProg(static_cast<double>(histCurrent) / histTotal); } interruption_point(); } } // end of if loop for spec min,max check else { skipData(file, histToRead); } } // end of for loop }
void skipUselessChucks( WavFileHeader& header, QFile& file ) { // We only care about the 'data' chuck while ( memcmp( header.dataChuckID, "data", 4 ) != 0 ) { int skipByteCount = header.dataSize; std::vector<char> skipData( skipByteCount );, skipByteCount ); (char*)&header.dataChuckID, 4 ); (char*)&header.dataSize, 4 ); } }
void LoadRaw3::separateMonitors(FILE *file, const int64_t &period, const std::vector<specnum_t> &monitorList, DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr, DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr mws_sptr) { int64_t histCurrent = -1; int64_t wsIndex = 0; int64_t mwsIndex = 0; double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods); // loop through spectra for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) { int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1); if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) || (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) != m_spec_list.end())) { progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data..."); // read spectrum from raw file if (!readData(file, histToRead)) { throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file"); } // if this a monitor store that spectrum to monitor workspace if (isMonitor(monitorList, i)) { setWorkspaceData(mws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, mwsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1); ++mwsIndex; } else { // not a monitor,store the spectrum to normal output workspace setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1); ++wsIndex; } if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) { if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) { setProg(static_cast<double>(histCurrent) / histTotal); } interruption_point(); } } else { skipData(file, histToRead); } } }
bool PlaylistImporter::parsePlaylist_wpl(QFile &data, QStringList &fileList, const QDir &baseDir, const QDir &rootDir) { bool foundAtLeastOneFile = false; QRegExp skipData("<!--(.+)-->", Qt::CaseInsensitive); QRegExp wplEntry("<(media|ref)[^<>]*(src|href)=\"([^\"]+)\"[^<>]*>", Qt::CaseInsensitive); skipData.setMinimal(true); QByteArray buffer = data.readAll(); QString line = QString::fromUtf8(buffer.constData(), buffer.size()).simplified(); buffer.clear(); int index = 0; while((index = skipData.indexIn(line)) >= 0) { line.remove(index, skipData.matchedLength()); } int offset = 0; while((offset = wplEntry.indexIn(line, offset) + 1) > 0) { QFileInfo filename(QDir::fromNativeSeparators(unescapeXml(wplEntry.cap(3)).trimmed())); filename.setCaching(false); fixFilePath(filename, baseDir, rootDir); if(filename.exists() && filename.isFile()) { if(isPlaylist(filename.canonicalFilePath()) == notPlaylist) { fileList << filename.canonicalFilePath(); foundAtLeastOneFile = true; } } } return foundAtLeastOneFile; }
/**This method creates outputworkspace including monitors *@param file :: -pointer to file *@param period :: period number *@param ws_sptr :: shared pointer to workspace */ void LoadRaw3::includeMonitors(FILE *file, const int64_t &period, DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr ws_sptr) { int64_t histCurrent = -1; int64_t wsIndex = 0; double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods); // loop through spectra for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) { int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1); if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) || (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) != m_spec_list.end())) { progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data..."); // read spectrum from raw file if (!readData(file, histToRead)) { throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file"); } // set workspace data setWorkspaceData(ws_sptr, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes, m_lengthIn, 1); ++wsIndex; if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) { if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) { setProg(double(histCurrent) / histTotal); } interruption_point(); } } else { skipData(file, histToRead); } } // loadSpectra(file,period,m_total_specs,ws_sptr,m_timeChannelsVec); }
/** * Skip all spectra in a period. * @param file :: -pointer to file * @param period :: period number */ void LoadRaw3::skipPeriod(FILE *file, const int64_t &period) { for (specnum_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) { int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1); skipData(file, histToRead); } }
/** Executes the algorithm. Reading in the file and creating and populating * the output workspace * * @throw Exception::FileError If the RAW file cannot be found/opened * @throw std::invalid_argument If the optional properties are set to invalid values */ void LoadRawBin0::exec() { // Retrieve the filename from the properties m_filename = getPropertyValue("Filename"); bool bLoadlogFiles = getProperty("LoadLogFiles"); //open the raw file FILE* file=openRawFile(m_filename); // Need to check that the file is not a text file as the ISISRAW routines don't deal with these very well, i.e // reading continues until a bad_alloc is encountered. if( isAscii(file) ) { g_log.error() << "File \"" << m_filename << "\" is not a valid RAW file.\n"; throw std::invalid_argument("Incorrect file type encountered."); } std::string title; readTitle(file,title); readworkspaceParameters(m_numberOfSpectra,m_numberOfPeriods,m_lengthIn,m_noTimeRegimes); /// setOptionalProperties(); // to validate the optional parameters, if set checkOptionalProperties(); // Calculate the size of a workspace, given its number of periods & spectra to read m_total_specs = calculateWorkspaceSize(); //no real X values for bin 0,so initialize this to zero boost::shared_ptr<MantidVec> channelsVec(new MantidVec(1,0)); m_timeChannelsVec.push_back(channelsVec); double histTotal = static_cast<double>(m_total_specs * m_numberOfPeriods); int64_t histCurrent = -1; // Create the 2D workspace for the output xlength and ylength is one DataObjects::Workspace2D_sptr localWorkspace = createWorkspace(m_total_specs, 1,1,title); Run& run = localWorkspace->mutableRun(); if (bLoadlogFiles) { runLoadLog(m_filename,localWorkspace, 0.0, 0.0); const int period_number = 1; createPeriodLogs(period_number, localWorkspace); } // Set the total proton charge for this run setProtonCharge(run); WorkspaceGroup_sptr ws_grp = createGroupWorkspace(); setWorkspaceProperty("OutputWorkspace", title, ws_grp, localWorkspace,m_numberOfPeriods, false); // Loop over the number of periods in the raw file, putting each period in a separate workspace for (int period = 0; period < m_numberOfPeriods; ++period) { if (period > 0) { localWorkspace=createWorkspace(localWorkspace); if (bLoadlogFiles) { //remove previous period data std::stringstream prevPeriod; prevPeriod << "PERIOD " << (period); Run& runObj = localWorkspace->mutableRun(); runObj.removeLogData(prevPeriod.str()); runObj.removeLogData("current_period"); //add current period data const int period_number = period + 1; createPeriodLogs(period_number, localWorkspace); } } skipData(file, period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1)); int64_t wsIndex = 0; for (specid_t i = 1; i <= m_numberOfSpectra; ++i) { int64_t histToRead = i + period * (m_numberOfSpectra + 1); if ((i >= m_spec_min && i < m_spec_max) || (m_list && find(m_spec_list.begin(), m_spec_list.end(), i) != m_spec_list.end())) { progress(m_prog, "Reading raw file data..."); //readData(file, histToRead); //read spectrum if (!readData(file, histToRead)) { throw std::runtime_error("Error reading raw file"); } int64_t binStart=0; setWorkspaceData(localWorkspace, m_timeChannelsVec, wsIndex, i, m_noTimeRegimes,1,binStart); ++wsIndex; if (m_numberOfPeriods == 1) { if (++histCurrent % 100 == 0) { m_prog = double(histCurrent) / histTotal; } interruption_point(); } } else { skipData(file, histToRead); } } if(m_numberOfPeriods>1) { setWorkspaceProperty(localWorkspace, ws_grp, period, false); // progress for workspace groups m_prog = static_cast<double>(period) / static_cast<double>(m_numberOfPeriods - 1); } } // loop over periods // Clean up isisRaw.reset(); fclose(file); }
/* * Class: org_apache_harmony_awt_gl_image_GifDecoder * Method: decode * Signature: ([BIJLorg/apache/harmony/awt/gl/image/GifDecoder$GifDataStream;Lorg/apache/harmony/awt/gl/image/GifDecoder$GifGraphicBlock;)I */ JNIEXPORT jint JNICALL Java_org_apache_harmony_awt_gl_image_GifDecoder_decode (JNIEnv *env, jobject obj, jbyteArray jInput, jint bytesInBuffer, jlong hDecoder, jobject dataStream, jobject currBlock) { GIF_RETVAL retval = STATUS_OK; GifDecoder *decoder = getDecoder(env, obj, dataStream, (GifDecoder*) ((IDATA)hDecoder)); int scanlinesDecoded; decoder->input = decoder->inputPtr = (*env)->GetPrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jInput, 0); decoder->bytesInBuffer += bytesInBuffer; bytesInBuffer = decoder->bytesInBuffer; while(retval == STATUS_OK && decoder->bytesInBuffer > 0) { switch(decoder->state) { case STATE_INIT: { retval = readHeader(env, decoder); break; } case STATE_AT_GLOBAL_COLOR_TABLE: { retval = loadColorTable(env, decoder->jGlobalColorTable, decoder); break; } case STATE_AT_LOCAL_COLOR_TABLE: { retval = loadColorTable(env, NULL, decoder); break; } case STATE_BLOCK_BEGINNING: { unsigned char blockLabel = *(decoder->inputPtr); switch(blockLabel) { case EXTENSION_INTRODUCER: retval = readExtension(env, decoder, currBlock); break; case IMAGE_SEPARATOR: retval = readImageDescriptor(env, currBlock, decoder); break; case GIF_TRAILER: retval = STATUS_EOF; break; } break; } case STATE_STARTING_DECOMPRESSION: { retval = initDecompression(env, decoder, currBlock); break; } case STATE_DECOMPRESSING: { if(!decoder->interlace) retval = decompress(env, currBlock, decoder); else retval = decompressInterlaced(env, currBlock, decoder); break; } case STATE_READING_COMMENT: { retval = readComment(env, decoder); break; } case STATE_SKIPPING_BLOCKS: { retval = skipData(decoder); break; } default: // Should never execute this! break; } } // Copy unconsumed data to the start of the input buffer if(decoder->bytesInBuffer > 0) { memmove(decoder->input, decoder->inputPtr, decoder->bytesInBuffer); } (*env)->ReleasePrimitiveArrayCritical(env, jInput, decoder->input, 0); (*env)->SetIntField( env, obj, img_GIF_bytesConsumedID, bytesInBuffer - decoder->bytesInBuffer ); if(decoder->stateVars.imageDataStarted) { if(!decoder->interlace) { scanlinesDecoded = decoder->pixelsDecoded / decoder->currentWidth - decoder->oldPixelsDecoded / decoder->currentWidth; decoder->oldPixelsDecoded = decoder->pixelsDecoded; } else { if(retval == STATUS_LINE_COMPLETED && decoder->pass < MAX_PASS) { scanlinesDecoded = 1; if(decoder->currScanline >= 0) (*env)->SetIntField(env, currBlock, img_GIF_gb_currYID, decoder->currScanline); decoder->scanlineOffset = 0; } else { scanlinesDecoded = 0; } } } else { scanlinesDecoded = 0; } if(retval == STATUS_FRAME_COMPLETED) { decoder->oldPixelsDecoded = decoder->pixelsDecoded = 0; } // Free the decoder if decoding is finished if(retval == STATUS_EOF) { free(decoder); decoder = NULL; } (*env)->SetLongField(env, obj, img_GIF_hNativeDecoderID, (jlong) ((IDATA)decoder)); return scanlinesDecoded; }