// Maps tablet data to a next action summation data structure.
// worker - The worker.
// tablet - The tablet to work against.
// ret    - A pointer to where the summation data structure should be returned.
// Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns -1.
int sky_lua_map_reduce_message_worker_map(sky_worker *worker, sky_tablet *tablet,
                                          void **ret)
    int rc;
    lua_State *L = NULL;
    bstring msgpack_ret = NULL;
    sky_data_descriptor *descriptor = NULL;
    assert(worker != NULL);
    assert(tablet != NULL);
    assert(ret != NULL);

    sky_lua_map_reduce_message *message = (sky_lua_map_reduce_message*)worker->data;
    // Initialize the path iterator.
    sky_path_iterator iterator;
    rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, tablet->data_file);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialize path iterator");

    // Compile Lua script.
    descriptor = sky_data_descriptor_create(); check_mem(descriptor);
    rc = sky_lua_initscript_with_table(message->source, tablet->table, descriptor, &L);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialize script");
    // Execute function.
    lua_getglobal(L, "map");
    lua_pushlightuserdata(L, NULL);
    rc = lua_pcall(L, 1, 1, 0);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to execute Lua script: %s", lua_tostring(L, -1));

    // Execute the script and return a msgpack variable.
    rc = sky_lua_to_msgpack(L, &msgpack_ret);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to execute Lua script");

    // Close Lua.
    // Return msgpack encoded response.
    *ret = (void*)msgpack_ret;
    return 0;

    *ret = NULL;
    if(L) lua_close(L);
    return -1;
Beispiel #2
// Executes the benchmark to count the number of times an action occurred
// using the QIP language.
// options - A list of options to use.
void benchmark_count_with_qip(Options *options)
    int rc;
    uint32_t path_count = 0;
    // Initialize the query.
    qip_ast_node *type_ref, *var_decl;
    uint32_t arg_count = 2;
    qip_ast_node *args[arg_count];
    // Path arg.
    struct tagbstring path_str = bsStatic("path");
    type_ref = qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Path");
    var_decl = qip_ast_var_decl_create(type_ref, &path_str, NULL);
    args[0] = qip_ast_farg_create(var_decl);
    // Map arg.
    struct tagbstring data_str = bsStatic("data");
    type_ref = qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Map");
    qip_ast_type_ref_add_subtype(type_ref, qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Int"));
    qip_ast_type_ref_add_subtype(type_ref, qip_ast_type_ref_create_cstr("Result"));
    var_decl = qip_ast_var_decl_create(type_ref, &data_str, NULL);
    args[1] = qip_ast_farg_create(var_decl);

    // Initialize query.
    struct tagbstring query = bsStatic(
        "class Result {\n"
        "  public Int id;\n"
        "  public Int count;\n"
        "Cursor cursor = path.events();\n"
        "for each (Event event in cursor) {\n"
        "  Result item = data.get(event.actionId);\n"
        "  item.count = item.count + 1;\n"
    struct tagbstring module_name = bsStatic("qip");
    struct tagbstring core_class_path = bsStatic("lib/core");
    struct tagbstring sky_class_path = bsStatic("lib/sky");
    qip_compiler *compiler = qip_compiler_create();
    qip_compiler_add_class_path(compiler, &core_class_path);
    qip_compiler_add_class_path(compiler, &sky_class_path);
    qip_module *module = qip_module_create(&module_name, compiler);
    rc = qip_compiler_compile(compiler, module, &query, args, arg_count);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to compile");
    if(module->error_count > 0) fprintf(stderr, "Parse error [line %d] %s\n", module->errors[0]->line_no, bdata(module->errors[0]->message));
    check(module->error_count == 0, "Compile error");

    // Retrieve pointer to function.
    sky_qip_path_map_func process_path = NULL;
    rc = qip_module_get_main_function(module, (void*)(&process_path));
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve main function");

    // Initialize table.
    sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); check_mem(table);
    rc = sky_table_set_path(table, options->path);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to set path on table");
    // Open table
    rc = sky_table_open(table);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to open table");

    // Loop for desired number of iterations.
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<options->iterations; i++) {
        sky_path_iterator iterator;

        // Attach data file.
        rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, table->data_file);
        check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialze path iterator");

        // Initialize QIP args.
        sky_qip_path *path = sky_qip_path_create();
        qip_map *map = qip_map_create();
        // Iterate over each path.
        while(!iterator.eof) {
            // Retrieve the path pointer.
            rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(&iterator, &path->path_ptr);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve the path iterator pointer");
            // Execute query.
            process_path(path, map);

            // Move to next path.
            rc = sky_path_iterator_next(&iterator);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next path");

        // Clean up iteration.
    // Clean up
    rc = sky_table_close(table);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to close table");

    // Show stats.
    printf("Total paths processed: %d\n", path_count);
Beispiel #3
// Executes the benchmark over the database to compute step counts in order to
// generate a directed acyclic graph (DAG).
// options - A list of options to use.
void benchmark_dag(Options *options)
    int rc;
    sky_event *event = NULL;
    uint32_t event_count = 0;
    int32_t action_count = 100;     // TODO: Retrieve action count from actions file.
    // Initialize table.
    sky_table *table = sky_table_create(); check_mem(table);
    rc = sky_table_set_path(table, options->path);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to set path on table");
    // Open table
    rc = sky_table_open(table);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to open table");

    // Loop for desired number of iterations.
    int i;
    for(i=0; i<options->iterations; i++) {
        sky_path_iterator iterator;
        // Attach data file.
        rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, table->data_file);
        check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialze path iterator");
        // Create a square matrix of structs.
        Step *steps = calloc(action_count*action_count, sizeof(Step));

        // Iterate over each path.
        while(!iterator.eof) {
            sky_action_id_t action_id, prev_action_id;

            // Retrieve the path pointer.
            void *path_ptr;
            rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(&iterator, &path_ptr);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve the path iterator pointer");
            // Initialize the cursor.
            sky_cursor cursor;
            rc = sky_cursor_set_path(&cursor, path_ptr);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to set cursor path");

            // Increment total event count.
            // Initialize the previous action.
            rc = sky_cursor_get_action_id(&cursor, &prev_action_id);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve first action");

            // Find next event.
            rc = sky_cursor_next(&cursor);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next event");

            // Loop over each event in the path.
            while(!cursor.eof) {
                // Increment total event count.

                // Retrieve action.
                rc = sky_cursor_get_action_id(&cursor, &action_id);
                check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve first action");

                // Aggregate step information.
                int32_t index = ((prev_action_id-1)*action_count) + (action_id-1);

                // Assign current action as previous action.
                prev_action_id = action_id;

                // Find next event.
                rc = sky_cursor_next(&cursor);
                check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next event");
            rc = sky_path_iterator_next(&iterator);
            check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next path");
        // Show DAG data.
        //int x;
        //int total=0;
        //for(x=0; x<action_count*action_count; x++) {
        //    printf("%06d %d\n", x, steps[x].count);
        //    total += steps[x].count;
        //printf("total: %d\n", total);
    // Clean up
    rc = sky_table_close(table);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to close table");

    // Show stats.
    printf("Total events processed: %d\n", event_count);
Beispiel #4
int test_sky_path_iterator_data_file_next() {
    int rc;
    void *ptr;
    sky_data_file *data_file = sky_data_file_create();
    data_file->path = bfromcstr("tmp/data");
    data_file->header_path = bfromcstr("tmp/header");

    sky_path_iterator *iterator = sky_path_iterator_create();
    sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(iterator, data_file);
    mu_assert(iterator->block == NULL, "");
    mu_assert(iterator->data_file == data_file, "");
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->block_index, 0);

    // Path 1
    rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(iterator, &ptr);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_long_equals(ptr-data_file->data, 0L);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->current_object_id, 2);

    // Path 2
    rc = sky_path_iterator_next(iterator);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->byte_index, 19);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->current_object_id, 3);
    rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(iterator, &ptr);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_long_equals(ptr-data_file->data, 19L);
    // Path 3 (Spanned)
    rc = sky_path_iterator_next(iterator);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->byte_index, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->current_object_id, 4);
    rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(iterator, &ptr);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_long_equals(ptr-data_file->data, 64L);
    // Path 4
    rc = sky_path_iterator_next(iterator);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->byte_index, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->current_object_id, 5);
    rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(iterator, &ptr);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_long_equals(ptr-data_file->data, 128L);
    // EOF
    rc = sky_path_iterator_next(iterator);
    mu_assert_int_equals(rc, 0);
    mu_assert_int_equals(iterator->byte_index, 0);

    return 0;
Beispiel #5
// Runs a PEACH query against a table.
// message - The message.
// table   - The table to run the query against.
// output  - The output stream to write to.
// Returns 0 if successful, otherwise returns -1.
int sky_peach_message_process(sky_peach_message *message, sky_table *table,
                              FILE *output)
    int rc;
    check(message != NULL, "Message required");
    check(table != NULL, "Table required");
    check(output != NULL, "Output stream required");

    // Compile.
    sky_qip_module *module = sky_qip_module_create(); check_mem(module);
    module->table = table;
    rc = sky_qip_module_compile(module, message->query);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to compile query");
    sky_qip_path_map_func main_function = (sky_qip_path_map_func)module->main_function;

    // Initialize the path iterator.
    sky_path_iterator iterator;
    rc = sky_path_iterator_set_data_file(&iterator, table->data_file);
    check(rc == 0, "Unable to initialze path iterator");

    // Initialize QIP args.
    sky_qip_path *path = sky_qip_path_create();
    qip_map *map = qip_map_create();
    // Iterate over each path.
    uint32_t path_count = 0;
    while(!iterator.eof) {
        // Retrieve the path pointer.
        rc = sky_path_iterator_get_ptr(&iterator, &path->path_ptr);
        check(rc == 0, "Unable to retrieve the path iterator pointer");
        // Execute query.
        main_function(path, map);

        // Move to next path.
        rc = sky_path_iterator_next(&iterator);
        check(rc == 0, "Unable to find next path");
    //debug("Paths processed: %d", path_count);

    // Retrieve Result serialization function.
    struct tagbstring result_str = bsStatic("Result");
    struct tagbstring serialize_str = bsStatic("serialize");
    sky_qip_result_serialize_func result_serialize = NULL;
    rc = qip_module_get_class_method(module->_qip_module, &result_str, &serialize_str, (void*)(&result_serialize));
    check(rc == 0 && result_serialize != NULL, "Unable to find serialize() method on class 'Result'");

    // Serialize.
    qip_serializer *serializer = qip_serializer_create();
    qip_serializer_pack_map(module->_qip_module, serializer, map->count);
    int64_t i;
    for(i=0; i<map->count; i++) {
        result_serialize(map->elements[i], serializer);

    // Send response to output stream.
    rc = fwrite(serializer->data, serializer->length, 1, output);
    check(rc == 1, "Unable to write serialized data to stream");
    return 0;

    return -1;