static exception_t register_skyeye_module(char* module_name, char* filename, void* handler){ exception_t ret; skyeye_module_t* node; skyeye_module_t* list; list = get_module_list(); //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "module_name = %s\n", module_name); if(module_name == NULL|| filename == NULL) return Invarg_exp; node = malloc(sizeof(skyeye_module_t)); if(node == NULL){ skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, get_exp_str(Malloc_exp)); return Malloc_exp; } node->module_name = strdup(module_name); if(node->module_name == NULL){ free(node); return Malloc_exp; } node->filename = strdup(filename); if(node->filename == NULL){ free(node->module_name); free(node); return Malloc_exp; } node->handler = handler; node->next = list; set_module_list(node); return No_exp; }
static bool arm_cpu_init() { skyeye_config_t* config = get_current_config(); machine_config_t *mach = config->mach; ARM_CPU_State* cpu = (ARM_CPU_State*)skyeye_mm_zero(sizeof(ARM_CPU_State)); if(!cpu){ skyeye_log(Critical_log, __FUNCTION__, "Can not allocate the enough memory for cpu.\n"); skyeye_exit(-1); } mach->cpu_data = get_conf_obj_by_cast(cpu, "ARM_CPU_State"); cpu->core_num = 1; if(!cpu->core_num){ skyeye_log(Critical_log, __FUNCTION__, "Can not get the core number or set wrong mach name?\n"); skyeye_exit(-1); } else cpu->core = (arm_core_t*)skyeye_mm(sizeof(arm_core_t) * cpu->core_num); /* TODO: zero the memory by malloc */ if(!cpu->core){ skyeye_log(Critical_log, __FUNCTION__, "Can not allocate memory for ppc core.\n"); skyeye_exit(-1); } else skyeye_log(Info_log, __FUNCTION__, "Initilization for %d core\n", cpu->core_num); int i; for(i = 0; i < cpu->core_num; i++){ arm_core_t* core = &cpu->core[i]; arm_core_init(core, i); arm_dyncom_init(core); skyeye_exec_t* exec = create_exec(); //exec->priv_data = get_conf_obj_by_cast(core, "arm_core_t"); exec->priv_data = (conf_object_t*)core; exec->run = (void (*)(conf_object_t*))per_cpu_step; exec->stop = (void (*)(conf_object_t*))per_cpu_stop; add_to_default_cell(exec); } cpu->boot_core_id = 0; return true; }
//#define Check_Failed_Module 0 exception_t SKY_load_module(const char* module_filename){ exception_t ret; char **module_name; lt_dlhandle * handler; const char* err_str = NULL; //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "module_filename = %s\n", module_filename); #ifndef Check_Failed_Module handler = lt_dlopenext(module_filename); #else //handler = dlopen(module_filename, RTLD_LAZY); handler = dlopen(module_filename, RTLD_NOW); if(handler == NULL){ err_str = dlerror(); skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, "dll error: %s\n", err_str); } return Dll_open_exp; #endif if (handler == NULL) { err_str = dlerrordup(err_str); skyeye_log(Warnning_log, __FUNCTION__, "%s\n", err_str); return Dll_open_exp; } module_name = lt_dlsym(handler, "skyeye_module"); if((err_str = dlerrordup(err_str)) != NULL){ skyeye_log(Warnning_log, __FUNCTION__, "dll error %s\n", err_str); skyeye_log(Warnning_log, __FUNCTION__, "Invalid module in file %s\n", module_filename); lt_dlclose(handler); return Invmod_exp; } //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "Load module %s\n", *module_name); ret = register_skyeye_module(*module_name, module_filename, handler); if(ret != No_exp){ lt_dlclose(handler); return ret; } return No_exp; }
/** * @brief get the default architecture supported by skyeye * * @return */ generic_arch_t* get_default_arch(){ int i; for (i = 0; i < MAX_SUPP_ARCH; i++) { if (skyeye_archs[i] == NULL) continue; if (!strncmp (default_arch_name, skyeye_archs[i]->arch_name, MAX_PARAM_NAME)) { return skyeye_archs[i]; } } skyeye_log(Warning_log, __FUNCTION__, "No default arch is found.\n"); return NULL; }
void skyeye_stepi(int steps){ /* FIXME, that is not true for variable length of ISA, so get_next_pc should implemented for every core */ generic_arch_t* arch_instance = get_arch_instance(""); /* we do not have valid arch_instance now */ if(arch_instance == NULL){ return; } if(arch_instance->get_step == NULL){ printf(Warnning_log, __FUNCTION__, "The arch have not implemented get_step.\n"); return; } stopped_step = arch_instance->get_step() + steps; skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "stopped_step=%d\n", stopped_step); SIM_continue(arch_instance); }
void SKY_load_all_modules(char* lib_dir, char* suffix){ /* we assume the length of dirname + filename does not over 1024 */ char full_filename[1024]; char* lib_suffix; /* Find all the module under lib_dir */ DIR *module_dir = opendir(lib_dir); exception_t exp; /*FIXME we should throw some exception. */ if(module_dir == NULL) return; if(suffix == NULL) lib_suffix = Default_libsuffix; else lib_suffix = suffix; struct dirent* dir_ent; while((dir_ent = readdir(module_dir)) != NULL){ char* mod_name = dir_ent->d_name; /* exclude the library not end with lib_suffix */ char* suffix = strrchr(mod_name, '.'); if(suffix == NULL) continue; else{ //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "file suffix=%s\n", suffix); if(strcmp(suffix, lib_suffix)) continue; } /* exclude the reserved library */ if(!strncmp(mod_name, Reserved_libprefix, strlen(Reserved_libprefix))) continue; /* contruct the full filename for module */ int lib_dir_len = strlen(lib_dir); memset(&full_filename[0], '\0', 1024); strncpy(&full_filename[0], lib_dir, lib_dir_len); full_filename[lib_dir_len] = Dir_splitter; full_filename[lib_dir_len + 1] = '\0'; //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "1 full_filename=%s\n", full_filename); strncat(full_filename, mod_name, strlen(mod_name) + 1); //skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "full_filename=%s\n", full_filename); /* Try to load a module */ exp = SKY_load_module(full_filename); if(exp != No_exp) skyeye_log(Info_log, __FUNCTION__, "Can not load module from file %s.\n", dir_ent->d_name); //} } closedir(module_dir); }
int do_mach_option (skyeye_option_t * this_option, int num_params, const char *params[]) { int ret; machine_config_t *mach = get_mach(params[0]); skyeye_config_t* config = get_current_config(); if(mach != NULL){ config->mach = mach; skyeye_log(Info_log,__FUNCTION__,"mach info: name %s, mach_init addr %p\n", config->mach->machine_name, config->mach->mach_init); ret = 0; } else{ SKYEYE_ERR ("Error: Unkonw mach name \"%s\"\n", params[0]); ret = -1; } return ret; }
/** * @brief initialization of a symbol table * * @param filename * @param arch_name */ void init_symbol_table(char* filename, char* arch_name) { long i,j, digit; ENTRY newentry, *oldentry; SYM_FUNC *symp; asymbol *symptr; int key; bfd *abfd; if(!filename){ skyeye_info("Can not get correct kernel filename!Maybe your skyeye.conf have something wrong!\n"); return; } abfd = bfd_openr (filename, get_bfd_target(arch_name)); if (!bfd_check_format(abfd, bfd_object)) { bfd_close(abfd); skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "wrong bfd format\n"); return; //exit(0); } storage_needed = bfd_get_symtab_upper_bound(abfd); if (storage_needed < 0){ printf("FAIL\n"); exit(0); } symbol_table = (asymbol **) skyeye_mm_zero (storage_needed); if(symbol_table == NULL){ fprintf(stderr, "Can not alloc memory for symbol table.\n"); exit(0); } number_of_symbols = bfd_canonicalize_symtab (abfd, symbol_table); kernel_number = number_of_symbols; /* <tktan> BUG200106022219 */ if (number_of_symbols < 0){ printf("FAIL\n"); exit(0); } if (!hcreate(number_of_symbols << 1)) { printf("Not enough memory for hash table\n"); exit(0); } for (i = 0; i < number_of_symbols; i++) { symptr = symbol_table[i] ; key = symptr->value + symptr->section->vma; // adjust for section address if (((i<kernel_number) && (symbol_table[i]->flags == 0x01)) || // <tktan> BUG200105172154, BUG200106022219 ((i<kernel_number) && (symbol_table[i]->flags == 0x02)) || // <tktan> BUG200204051654 (symbol_table[i]->flags & 0x10)) { // Is a function symbol // printf("%x %8x %s\n", symbol_table[i]->flags, key, symbol_table[i]->name); // *********************************************************** // This is converting the function symbol value to char string // and use it as a key in the GNU hash table // ******************************************************** newentry.key = (char *) skyeye_mm_zero(9); for (j=0;j<8;j++) { newentry.key[j] = itoa_tab[((key) >> (j << 2)) & 0xf] ; } newentry.key[8] = 0 ; // ************************************************* // This is allocating memory for a struct funcsym // ************************************************* symp = (SYM_FUNC *) skyeye_mm_zero(sizeof(SYM_FUNC)); = (char *) symp; symp->name = (char *) symbol_table[i]->name ; symp->total_cycle = 0; symp->total_energy = 0; symp->instances = 0; // *********************************************** // Insert into hash table // ******************************************* /* <tktan> BUG200106022219 */ oldentry = hsearch(newentry, FIND) ; if (oldentry) { // was entered // printf("Duplicate Symbol: %x %s\n", key, symp->name); oldentry->data = (char *) symp ; } else if (!hsearch(newentry, ENTER)) { printf("Insufficient memory\n"); exit(0) ; } } }
exception_t skyeye_read_config (char* skyeye_conf_filename) { FILE *config_fd; char *ret; char line[MAX_STR]; //chy 2005-07-30 //char *config_file = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; /*if (skyeye_config_filename == NULL) skyeye_config_filename = DEFAULT_CONFIG_FILE; */ //char *skyeye_config_filename = get_conf_filename(); /* FIXME, maybe we should reset memmap in another place */ reset_global_memmap(); if (config_fd = fopen (skyeye_conf_filename, "r")) { int retval = 0; int len = 0; do { ret = fgets (line, sizeof (line) - 1, config_fd); line[sizeof (line) - 1] = '\0'; len = strlen (line); if (len > 0) line[len - 1] = '\0'; if ((ret != NULL) && strlen (line)) { if (parse_line_unformatted (line) < 0) { retval = -1; //break; // quit parsing after first error } } } while (!feof (config_fd)); #if 0 /* 2007-01-18 added by Anthony Lee: for new uart device frame */ if(skyeye_config.uart.count == 0) { #ifndef SKYEYE4ECLIPSE char tmp[] = "uart: mod=stdio"; #else char tmp[1024]; snprintf(tmp, sizeof(tmp), "uart: mod=pipe, desc=%s", inferior_io_terminal, inferior_io_terminal); #endif if(parse_line_unformatted(tmp) < 0) retval = -1; } #endif if (retval < 0) { /* fprintf (stderr, "skyeye_read_config: config file %s have errors!\n", skyeye_config.config_file); */ skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, "Config format is wrong.\n "); return Conf_format_exp; } } else { /* fprintf (stderr, "Failed to open skyeye config file %s in the same directory\n", skyeye_config.config_file); */ skyeye_log(Debug_log, __FUNCTION__, "filename=%s\n", skyeye_conf_filename); return File_open_exp; /* perror ("error"); usage (); display_all_support(); return -1; */ } /* compatiable with the old config file that is no arch option available. */ skyeye_config_t* config = get_current_config(); if(config->arch == NULL){ config->arch = get_default_arch(); } return No_exp; }
exception_t load_file(const char* filename, generic_address_t load_addr){ FILE* f; uint8 data; int nread = 0; generic_address_t addr = load_addr; f = fopen(filename, "rb"); if(f == NULL){ skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, "Can not open file %s.\n", filename); return File_open_exp; } /* read a char and write it to the memory */ while(nread = fread(&data, 1, 1, f)){ if(bus_write(8, addr, data) != 0){ /* error handler for address error */ fclose(f); return Excess_range_exp; } addr++; } skyeye_log(Info_log, __FUNCTION__, "Load the file %s to the memory 0x%x\n", filename, load_addr); fclose(f); #if 0 if (mb[bank].filename && (f = fopen (mb[bank].filename, "rb"))) { if (fread (global_memory.rom[bank], 1, mb[bank].len, f) <= 0) { perror ("fread"); fprintf (stderr, "Failed to load '%s'\n", mb[bank].filename); skyeye_exit (-1); } fclose (f); p = (char *) global_memory.rom[bank]; s = 0; while (s < global_memory.rom_size[bank]) { generic_arch_t* arch_instance = get_arch_instance(NULL); if (arch_instance->endianess == Big_endian) /*big enddian? */ swap = ((uint32_t) p[3]) | (((uint32_t) p[2]) << 8) | (((uint32_t) p[1]) << 16) | (((uint32_t) p[0]) << 24); else swap = ((uint32_t) p[0]) | (((uint32_t) p[1]) << 8) | (((uint32_t) p[2]) << 16) | (((uint32_t) p[3]) << 24); *(uint32_t *) p = swap; p += 4; s += 4; } /*ywc 2004-03-30 */ //printf("Loaded ROM %s\n", mb[bank].filename); if (mb[bank].type == MEMTYPE_FLASH) { printf ("Loaded FLASH %s\n", mb[bank].filename); } else if (mb[bank].type == MEMTYPE_RAM) { printf ("Loaded RAM %s\n", mb[bank].filename); } else if (mb[bank].type == MEMTYPE_ROM) { printf ("Loaded ROM %s\n", mb[bank].filename); } } else if (mb[bank].filename[0] != '\0') { perror (mb[bank].filename); fprintf (stderr, "bank %d, Couldn't open boot ROM %s - execution will " "commence with the debuger.\n", bank, mb[bank].filename); } #endif return No_exp; }
int do_deprecated_option (skyeye_option_t * this_option, int num_params, const char *params[]) { skyeye_log(Warnning_log, __FUNCTION__, "Deprecated option. Do not use any more.\n"); }
void SIM_start(void){ sky_pref_t *pref; /* get the current preference for simulator */ pref = get_skyeye_pref(); skyeye_config_t* config = get_current_config(); if(pref->conf_filename) skyeye_read_config(pref->conf_filename); if(config->arch == NULL){ skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, "Should provide valid arch option in your config file.\n"); return; } generic_arch_t *arch_instance = get_arch_instance(config->arch->arch_name); if(config->mach == NULL){ skyeye_log(Error_log, __FUNCTION__, "Should provide valid mach option in your config file.\n"); return; } arch_instance->init(); /* reset all the memory */ mem_reset(); config->mach->mach_init(arch_instance, config->mach); /* reset current arch_instanc */ arch_instance->reset(); /* reset all the values of mach */ io_reset(arch_instance); if(pref->exec_file){ exception_t ret; /* * If no relocation is indicated, we will load elf file by * virtual address */ if((((~pref->exec_load_mask) & pref->exec_load_base) == 0x0) && (arch_instance->mmu_write != NULL)) ret = load_elf(pref->exec_file, Virt_addr); else ret = load_elf(pref->exec_file, Phys_addr); } /* set pc from config */ generic_address_t pc = (config->start_address & pref->exec_load_mask)|pref->exec_load_base; skyeye_log(Info_log, __FUNCTION__, "Set PC to the address 0x%x\n", pc); arch_instance->set_pc(pc); /* Call bootmach callback */ exec_callback(Bootmach_callback, arch_instance); pthread_t id; create_thread(skyeye_loop, arch_instance, &id); /* * At this time, if we set conf file, then we parse it * Or do it later. */ /* if(pref->conf_filename) skyeye_read_config(pref->conf_filename); */ #if 0 else{ /* try to run in batch mode */ if(skyeye_read_config(pref->conf_filename) == No_exp){