Beispiel #1
//--tested, working--//
int8_t WiFiClass::scanNetworks()
    if (!_initialized) {

    const int WLAN_SCAN_COUNT = 20;
    int iRet;
    unsigned char ucpolicyOpt;
        unsigned char ucPolicy[4];
        unsigned int uiPolicyLen;
    // make sure the connection policy is not set (so no scan is run in the background)
    ucpolicyOpt = SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    iRet = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , ucpolicyOpt, NULL, 0);
    if(iRet != 0)
        sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1,1,0,0,0), 0, 0);
        return 0;

    // set the scan policy for ten seconds. This starts the scan.
    policyVal.uiPolicyLen = 10;
    iRet = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , SL_SCAN_POLICY(1), (unsigned char *)(policyVal.ucPolicy), sizeof(policyVal));
    if(iRet != 0)
        sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1,1,0,0,0), 0, 0);
        return 0;
    // get scan results - all 20 entries in one transaction
    // this array isn't actually used, but you have to do this to get the count
    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t found_networks[WLAN_SCAN_COUNT];
    network_count = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, (unsigned char)WLAN_SCAN_COUNT, found_networks);
    // disable scan
    ucpolicyOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(0);
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , ucpolicyOpt, NULL, 0);
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(1,1,0,0,0), 0, 0);
    return network_count;
Beispiel #2
int sj_wifi_scan(sj_wifi_scan_cb_t cb) {
  const char *ssids[21];
  Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t info[20];
  int i, n = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, 20, info);
  if (n < 0) return 0;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    ssids[i] = (char *) info[i].ssid;
  ssids[i] = NULL;
  return 1;
STATIC mp_obj_t wlan_scan(mp_obj_t self_in) {
    STATIC const qstr wlan_scan_info_fields[] = {
        MP_QSTR_ssid, MP_QSTR_bssid, MP_QSTR_sec, MP_QSTR_channel, MP_QSTR_rssi

    // check for correct wlan mode
    if (wlan_obj.mode == ROLE_AP) {

    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t wlanEntry;
    mp_obj_t nets = mp_obj_new_list(0, NULL);
    uint8_t _index = 0;

    // trigger a new network scan
    uint32_t scanSeconds = MODWLAN_SCAN_PERIOD_S;
    ASSERT_ON_ERROR(sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , MODWLAN_SL_SCAN_ENABLE, (_u8 *)&scanSeconds, sizeof(scanSeconds)));

    // wait for the scan to complete

    do {
        if (sl_WlanGetNetworkList(_index++, 1, &wlanEntry) <= 0) {

        // we must skip any duplicated results
        if (!wlan_scan_result_is_unique(nets, wlanEntry.bssid)) {

        mp_obj_t tuple[5];
        tuple[0] = mp_obj_new_str((const char *)wlanEntry.ssid, wlanEntry.ssid_len, false);
        tuple[1] = mp_obj_new_bytes((const byte *)wlanEntry.bssid, SL_BSSID_LENGTH);
        // 'normalize' the security type
        if (wlanEntry.sec_type > 2) {
            wlanEntry.sec_type = 2;
        tuple[2] = mp_obj_new_int(wlanEntry.sec_type);
        tuple[3] = mp_const_none;
        tuple[4] = mp_obj_new_int(wlanEntry.rssi);

        // add the network to the list
        mp_obj_list_append(nets, mp_obj_new_attrtuple(wlan_scan_info_fields, 5, tuple));

    } while (_index < MODWLAN_SL_MAX_NETWORKS);

    return nets;
Beispiel #4
void miot_wifi_scan(miot_wifi_scan_cb_t cb, void *arg) {
  const char *ssids[21];
  const char **res = NULL;
  int i, n;
  Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t info[20];

  if (!ensure_role_sta()) goto out;

  n = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, 20, info);
  if (n < 0) goto out;
  for (i = 0; i < n; i++) {
    ssids[i] = (char *) info[i].ssid;
  ssids[i] = NULL;
  res = ssids;
  cb(res, arg);
static void wlan_scan()
    unsigned char ucpolicyOpt;
    union {
        unsigned char ucPolicy[4];
        unsigned int uiPolicyLen;
    } policyVal;

    ucpolicyOpt = SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0, 0, 0, 0,0);
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , ucpolicyOpt, NULL, 0);
    ucpolicyOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(1);
    policyVal.uiPolicyLen = 10;
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , ucpolicyOpt, (unsigned char*)(policyVal.ucPolicy), sizeof(policyVal));

    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netEntries[10];
    _i16 resultsCount = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0,10,&netEntries[0]);
    for (int i=0; i< resultsCount; i++)
        UART_PRINT("ssid: %s\trssi: %d\tsec-t: %u\r\n",netEntries[i].ssid, netEntries[i].rssi, netEntries[i].sec_type);
Beispiel #6
//--tested, working--//
int32_t WiFiClass::RSSI(uint8_t networkItem)
    if (!_initialized) {
    //get the network list and pull out the security type of the requested item
    if (networkItem >= network_count) {
        return 0;
    //fetch all 20 items. For some reason, fetching a single item doesn't work
    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netInfo[network_count];
    memset(&netInfo, 0, sizeof(netInfo));
    sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, network_count, (Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t*)&netInfo);
    return (int32_t)netInfo[networkItem].rssi;
Beispiel #7
//--tested, working--//
uint8_t WiFiClass::encryptionType(uint8_t networkItem)
    if (!_initialized) {
    //get the network list and pull out the security type of the requested item
    if (networkItem >= network_count) {
        return 0;

    //fetch all 20 items. For some reason, fetching a signle item doesn't work
    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netInfo[network_count];
    memset(&netInfo, 0, sizeof(netInfo));
    sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, network_count, (Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t*)&netInfo);
    uint8_t security = netInfo[networkItem].sec_type;
    //the security type returned by simplelink has to be matched
    //to the security type that would be returned by arduino
    //TKIP (WPA) = 2, WEP = 5, NONE = 7, AUTO = 8
    if (security == SL_SEC_TYPE_WPA) {
        return 2;
    } else if (security == SL_SEC_TYPE_WEP) {
        return 5;
    } else if (security == SL_SEC_TYPE_OPEN) {
        return 7;
    } else if (security == SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PBC){
        return 2;
    } else if (security == SL_SEC_TYPE_WPS_PIN){
        return 2;
    } else {
        return 8;
Beispiel #8
//--tested, working--//
char* WiFiClass::SSID(uint8_t networkItem)
    if (!_initialized) {
    //get the network list and return the ssid of the requested index
    if (networkItem >= network_count) {
        return NULL;
    //fetch all 20 items. For some reason, fetching a single item doesn't work
    Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netInfo[network_count];
    memset(&netInfo, 0, sizeof(netInfo));
    sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, network_count, (Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t*)&netInfo);

    strcpy(string_output_buffer, (const char*)netInfo[networkItem].ssid);
    return  string_output_buffer;
Beispiel #9
//! \brief This function Get the Scan Result
//! \param[in]      none
//! \return         Size of Scan Result Array
//! \note
int GetScanResult(Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t* netEntries )
    UINT8   policyOpt;
    UINT32  IntervalVal = 60;
    int retVal;

    policyOpt = SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION , policyOpt, NULL, 0);
    if(retVal < 0)
        /* Error */

    // enable scan
    policyOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(1);

    // set scan policy - this starts the scan
    retVal = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , policyOpt,
                            (UINT8 *)(IntervalVal), sizeof(IntervalVal));

    // delay 1 second to verify scan is started

    // retVal indicates the valid number of entries
    // The scan results are occupied in netEntries[]
    retVal = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0, SCAN_TABLE_SIZE, netEntries);

    // Disable scan
    policyOpt = SL_SCAN_POLICY(0);

    // set scan policy - this stops the scan
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN , policyOpt,
                            (UINT8 *)(IntervalVal), sizeof(IntervalVal));

    return retVal;

Beispiel #10
void Task_WifiScan(void* params)
    (void)params; //avoid unused error
    long retval;
    unsigned char policy;
    unsigned int policy_len;

    LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "Starting WiFi network scan...");


    if(WifiDefaultSettings() == RET_FAILURE) {
        goto error;

    retval = sl_Start(0,0,0);
    if(retval<0)  {
        goto error;

    //first, delete current connection policy
    policy = SL_CONNECTION_POLICY(0,0,0,0,0);
    retval = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_CONNECTION, policy, NULL, 0);
    if(retval<0)  {
        goto error;

    //make scan policy
    policy = SL_SCAN_POLICY(1);
    policy_len = WIFI_SCAN_TIME_S;
    retval = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN, policy, (unsigned char*)&policy_len, sizeof(policy_len));
    if(retval<0)  {
        goto error;

    //wait for the scan to complete
    const TickType_t delay = (1100*WIFI_SCAN_TIME_S) / portTICK_PERIOD_MS;

    //get the results back
    unsigned char index = 0;
    retval = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(index, (unsigned char)WIFI_NUM_NETWORKS, &(wifi_state.networks[index]));

    //retval holds the number of networks now, and they are saved in the state.

    //disable the scan
    policy = SL_SCAN_POLICY(0);
    retval = sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN, policy, NULL, 0);
    if(retval<0)  {
        goto error;

    //disable SimpleLink altogether
    retval = sl_Stop(SL_STOP_TIMEOUT);
    if(retval<0)  {
        goto error;

    LOG(LOG_VERBOSE, "WiFi network scan complete.");


    wifi_state.stack_watermark = uxTaskGetStackHighWaterMark(NULL);

    //exit (delete this task)


//!	\brief Opening a TCP server side socket and receiving data
//!	This function opens a TCP socket in Listen mode and waits for an incoming
//!	TCP connection.
//! If a socket connection is established then the function will try to read
//!	1000 TCP packets from the connected client.
//! \param[in] 		 port number on which the server will be listening on
//! \return	         0 on success, -1 on error.
//!	\note            This function will wait for an incoming connection till
//!					 one is established
int BsdTcpServer(unsigned short usPort)
    SlSockAddrIn_t  sAddr;
    SlSockAddrIn_t  sLocalAddr;
    int             iCounter;
    int             iAddrSize;
    int             iSockID;
    int             iStatus;
    int             iNewSockID;
    unsigned long            lLoopCount = 0;
    long            lBytesSent = 0;
    long            lNonBlocking = 1;
    int             iTestBufLen;

    // filling the buffer
    for (iCounter=0 ; iCounter<BUF_SIZE ; iCounter++)
        g_cBsdBuf[iCounter] = (char)(iCounter % 10) + '0';

    iTestBufLen  = BUF_SIZE;

    //filling the TCP server socket address
    sLocalAddr.sin_family = SL_AF_INET;
   sLocalAddr.sin_port = sl_Htons((unsigned short)usPort);
   sLocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = 0;
//	sLocalAddr.sin_port = usPort;
//	sLocalAddr.sin_addr.s_addr = SL_IPV4_VAL(192,168,1,101);

    // creating a TCP socket
    iSockID = sl_Socket(SL_AF_INET,SL_SOCK_STREAM, 0);
    if( iSockID < 0 )
       UART_PRINT("error at creating a TCP socket ! \n\r"); 
        // error
        return -1;
    UART_PRINT("iSockID :"); 
    Z_NumDispaly(iSockID, 2);

    iAddrSize = sizeof(SlSockAddrIn_t);

    // binding the TCP socket to the TCP server address
    iStatus = sl_Bind(iSockID, (SlSockAddr_t *)&sLocalAddr, iAddrSize);
    if( iStatus < 0 )
    UART_PRINT("error at binding the TCP socket to the TCP server address ! \n\r"); 
      // error
    	return -1;
	UART_PRINT("binding the TCP socket to the TCP server address ok! \n\r"); 

    // putting the socket for listening to the incoming TCP connection
    iStatus = sl_Listen(iSockID, 0);
    if( iStatus < 0 )
      UART_PRINT("error at putting the socket for listening to the incoming TCP connection ! \n\r"); 
    	return -1;

	UART_PRINT("listen end! \n\r"); 

    // setting socket option to make the socket as non blocking
    iStatus = sl_SetSockOpt(iSockID, SL_SOL_SOCKET, SL_SO_NONBLOCKING, &lNonBlocking, sizeof(lNonBlocking));
    iNewSockID = SL_EAGAIN;

UART_PRINT(" waiting for an incoming TCP connection! \n\r"); 

    // waiting for an incoming TCP connection
    while( iNewSockID < 0 )
    	// accepts a connection form a TCP client, if there is any
    	// otherwise returns SL_EAGAIN
       iNewSockID = sl_Accept(iSockID, ( struct SlSockAddr_t *)&sAddr, (SlSocklen_t*)&iAddrSize);
       if( iNewSockID == SL_EAGAIN )
//	  UART_PRINT(" iNewSockID == SL_EAGAIN! \n\r"); 
       else if( iNewSockID < 0 )
    	  // error
    	   UART_PRINT(" iNewSockID < 0! \n\r"); 
    	   return -1;

	    UART_PRINT("connect succeed the new iSockID :"); 
    		Z_NumDispaly(iSockID, 5);

	unsigned long the_client_ip = sl_BIGtoLITTLE_l( (unsigned long)sAddr.sin_addr.s_addr );

	UART_PRINT("the client ip is :"); 

	unsigned short the_client_port = sl_BIGtoLITTLE_S( (unsigned short)sAddr.sin_port );

	UART_PRINT("the client port is :"); 
	Z_NumDispaly( (unsigned long)the_client_port,5);

UART_PRINT(" waits for 1000 packets from the connected TCP client! \n\r"); 

    // waits for 1000 packets from the connected TCP client
    while (lLoopCount < 1000)
        iStatus = sl_Recv(iNewSockID, g_cBsdBuf, iTestBufLen, 0);
        if( iStatus <= 0 )
			// error
        	return -1;

		lBytesSent += iStatus;

    // sending 3 packets to the TCP server
    while (lLoopCount < 3)
    	// sending packet
 //       iStatus = sl_Send(iNewSockID, g_cBsdBuf, iTestBufLen, 0 );

	char *send_buffer = "hellow i am cc3200 , welcome to wifi world !\n\r";

	 iStatus = sl_Send(iNewSockID, send_buffer, strlen(send_buffer), 0 );
        if( iStatus <= 0 )
        	UART_PRINT("error at sending packet\n\r"); 
            // error
        	return -1;

        lBytesSent += iStatus;


Sl_WlanNetworkEntry_t netEntries[20];
 char message[80];
     unsigned long intervalInSeconds = 10;
    sl_WlanPolicySet(SL_POLICY_SCAN,SL_SCAN_POLICY_EN(1), (unsigned char *)&intervalInSeconds,sizeof(intervalInSeconds));

    //Get Scan Result
   UINT8 Index = sl_WlanGetNetworkList(0,20,&netEntries[0]);

    for(UINT8 i=0; i< Index; i++)
         snprintf(message, 60, "%d) SSID %s  RSSI %d \n\r",i,netEntries[i].ssid,netEntries[i].rssi);
        sl_Send(iNewSockID, message, strlen(message), 0 );


    // close the connected socket after receiving from connected TCP client

    // close the listening socket

    return 0;